TER General Board

Pepper spray
vantheman666 10 Reviews 553 reads

That shit will stop bears, not to mention a man who's fucked up enough in the head to harm a woman.  My ATF got robbed doing an outcall recently, I wanted her to take me to the place so I could put the fear of satan into the asshole.  Of course, she just wanted to forget the incident and avoid any further drama.  Jesus fucking christ, it pisses me off that providers have to worry about "outing" themselves in the event of reporting a crime.

She's a passable TS, quite beautiful, and recently got attacked and robbed by a client- she was stabbed from what I heard, but will recover. She managed to record part of the attack, if you go on her twitter you can see what the assjacker looks like.

It's because of bs like this that screening is so important, wether it's verifying a hobbyist through a screening site or a board, or regular references or name&number-

Still, one day a person might be safe, the next, they may be jacked on bathsalts after a 3 day run. Just saying. This type of thing scares the holy heck out of me. Wish there was a self defense course aimed towards providers.

Anyhow, from what I read this happened I believe in LA and the guy claimed to be from Vegas.

Either way, stay safe out there ladies.

AnonymousHo721 reads

She admitted she always has a 'Nest Cam' recording at her incall. While in this situation I'm glad she did so police can view the attacker in the video, but what about all her other clients she's been secretly recording during sessions without their permission?! To me, this is extremely disturbing for all who expect discretion.

With that said - I do hope Athena recovers quickly, and her attacker is caught.

Posted By: LadyCazzKaria
She's a passable TS, quite beautiful, and recently got attacked and robbed by a client- she was stabbed from what I heard, but will recover. She managed to record part of the attack, if you go on her twitter you can see what the assjacker looks like.  
 It's because of bs like this that screening is so important, wether it's verifying a hobbyist through a screening site or a board, or regular references or name&number-  
 Still, one day a person might be safe, the next, they may be jacked on bathsalts after a 3 day run. Just saying. This type of thing scares the holy heck out of me. Wish there was a self defense course aimed towards providers.  
 Anyhow, from what I read this happened I believe in LA and the guy claimed to be from Vegas.  
 Either way, stay safe out there ladies.

whoah- didn't know she recorded on the regular. Damn. Hope that's just for security and get's erased after every session

Okay. It will be awesome if she can go to the cops...but don't they ask way too many questions?
Like how come you have so much cash in you apartment?
What were you doing with that guy?

Posted By: LadyCazzKaria
whoah- didn't know she recorded on the regular. Damn. Hope that's just for security and get's erased after every session
I'm pretty sure that she had it just for her security and that after sessions she either deleted the recordings entirely or would have the recording device set on a loop so that once whatever increment of data she was allotted was used up, the device would automatically start recording over the old "material", and so on.

AnonymousHo546 reads

If you look at the photos from the video cam Athena posted on her twitter account, the guy is looking directly up at the camera and looks freaked out. Did he notice he was being secretly recorded, went ballistic and attacked her because of it?  

Mind you, there is NO reason to ever harm another human being!!! But when you're having illegal sex with a prostitute and suddenly find out she's secretly recording it without your permission - the guy may get mad enough to mentally snap and attack her.

NO prostitute has any excuse whatsoever to film a session without prior consent - Not even for security reason that she may erase after every session. A client always expects discretion, and deserves it!

Posted By: LadyCazzKaria
whoah- didn't know she recorded on the regular. Damn. Hope that's just for security and get's erased after every session

He is fully clothed when he is facing her computer (he isn't looking into the lens, nor does he appear "freaked out"). The video of the actual attack starts with him sitting on her bed naked (except for his socks) while she is in the bathroom. He then gets up and attempts to shut her in the bathroom. She asks him what he's doing, at which point he enters the bathroom, shoves her to the ground, struggles with her, then grabs something off of her vanity counter before coming into physical contact with her again (I'm assuming that this is the point where he stabs her, but it's hard to tell). He then tells her to stay on the floor or he will "fuck her up" as he hastily gets dressed. It's at this point when she apparently realizes that she is stabbed. He soon scurries out the door, shirtless, carrying his shoes (he apparently left his shirt, hat and underwear in her apartment).  

It's hard to say for certain, but since he is fully clothed in the still frames and is completely nude when the attack takes place, it seems as though the session had already taken place at the point when he attempts to lock her in the bathroom (clearly to prevent her from thwarting the robbery). It is only when he fails to barricade her in the bathroom that he becomes physically violent with her. Furthermore, as he is throwing her money into his backpack, she says to him "you're on camera right now," to which he responds "I don't give a fuck." My guess is he most likely didn't believe her that he was being recorded, or at that point, realized that he was in too deep for it to matter.  

While I agree that discretion is a right in this business, it's hard to be upset about the recording since it did exactly what it was intended for: the attacker has since been identified, thanks to TONS of retweets (including one by Dave Navarro). TS sex workers are statistically at a far greater risk of violence than anyone else in the industry. In fact, when this guy's Facebook profile was tracked down, he had dozens of homophobic and transphobic posts, including one right after his attack on Athena, stating he would "punch a man in a dress." Clearly this dude was not motivated to act violently based on the camera, but rather by internalized homophobia/transphobia and robbery.

Posted By: AnonymousHo
If you look at the photos from the video cam Athena posted on her twitter account, the guy is looking directly up at the camera and looks freaked out. Did he notice he was being secretly recorded, went ballistic and attacked her because of it?  
 Mind you, there is NO reason to ever harm another human being!!! But when you're having illegal sex with a prostitute and suddenly find out she's secretly recording it without your permission - the guy may get mad enough to mentally snap and attack her.  
 NO prostitute has any excuse whatsoever to film a session without prior consent - Not even for security reason that she may erase after every session. A client always expects discretion, and deserves it!
Posted By: LadyCazzKaria
whoah- didn't know she recorded on the regular. Damn. Hope that's just for security and get's erased after every session

Posted By: Tobi Telford
It's hard to say for certain, but since he is fully clothed in the still frames and is completely nude when the attack takes place, it seems as though the session had already taken place at the point when he attempts to lock her in the bathroom (clearly to prevent her from thwarting the robbery). It is only when he fails to barricade her in the bathroom that he becomes physically violent with her. Furthermore, as he is throwing her money into his backpack, she says to him "you're on camera right now," to which he responds "I don't give a fuck." My guess is he most likely didn't believe her that he was being recorded, or at that point, realized that he was in too deep for it to matter.
I haven't seen the video but from the descriptions here ... Here is a guy who has no qualms about robbing, stabbing, and, if the facebook and related stuff is true, wile malice aforethought. If he was ticked off by video or afraid of it as evidence, the laptop would have gone out the door with him. I am assuming, of course, some sort of rational thinking. Comments here paint a picture of a crazed, violent thug so complete rationality goes out the window.  

I just hope they catch the perp. And I hope that anyone who is victimized by thugs or robbers will find the courage (and maybe a support system) to report it to the authorities.

That is quite unnerving, and I wonder if the reason she did that is due to having been attacked before.  Either way, the most important thing is your safety.  I hate to think that her safety measure is what led to her attack, but the video stills seem to infer that it might have been.

Just watched the full video.  Fucking CHILLING!  Seems like he did this prior to realizing he was on camera.  I hope he gets every minute of prison that attempted murder allows.

Posted By: LikeTearsInRain
...to go to the police?
Huh? Last time I checked, assault & Battery and attempted murder is a crime .. even if it's against a provider..  I never heard that somehow it's OK to do that sort of thing to anyone..

In a perfect world that is the case but in the world we live in it gets messier. There's going to be some prejudice against a TS even today and probably a greater % in LE than the general population - though that probably also depends on where you are.

More risk of exposure of the activities leading up to the attack that would result is as much damage to someone's life as the physical harm already suffered.

But, yes, if the victim is in a position to do so they should report and have the guy charge and hopefully get a fairly long stay in a state B&B.

I tweet to her that I hoped she can go to the police but I didn't hear back....sure she is busy being in the hospital and everything

Of course she can go to the police. Do you think that violent crime isn't illegal if it's committed against a sex worker? She's entitled to handle the situation however she deems appropriate, and you're probably not helping things by tweeting dumb questions like that at her. Jesus, man.

Posted By: LikeTearsInRain
...to go to the police?

-- Modified on 2/17/2017 8:48:13 PM

There have been some incidents in the news and I think I even read some on TER about Providers reporting crimes to LE. At least in Boston (NY stories, too, but I can't recall specifics), LE does realize that it is more important to go after violent thugs than to harass, humiliate or do worse to the victim.  

The Boston Craigslist Killer ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Markoff ) robbed, then killed, then robbed again. Wikipedia doesn't say whether the first victim went to the police.  

And this is another reason why decriminalization is a good idea. Victims of violent crime would be much more willing to go to LE if there was no threat of self-incrimination in some other petty but reportable (in the press) misdemeanor.  

I hope that catch the perp in the Addams case and take him off the streets for a loooong time.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Of course she can go to the police. Do you think that violent crime isn't illegal if it's committed against a sex worker? She's entitled to handle the situation however she deems appropriate, and you're probably not helping things by tweeting dumb questions like that at her. Jesus, man.
Posted By: LikeTearsInRain
...to go to the police?
-- Modified on 2/17/2017 8:48:13 PM

that's why we need to screen with real information. My life and my safety isn't worth it one or two hour session.  
I did share the picture of that asshole on my twitter.

Krav Maga is very oriented to simple, effective fighting techniques and I suspect most could be implemented by any provider. Never studied that but a couple of people I've met have and it sounds interesting.

Hop Ki Do - a Korean martial art is often presented and taught with the idea of providing defense techniques for a small, weaker person to effectively control and subdue (and so escape or seriously injure/kill) a stronger/larger attacker.

While you probably already know (but might not have them handy) those high heels are very dangerous weapons. So is a pen or even your cell phone. As a last resort those nice finger nails are very useful too. Just make a fist with your thumb sticking out over you forefinger, make it all really tight and jab the tip of your thumb into the guys adam apple and he will forget all about you for a bit -- do it too well and he'll forget about everything forever so ....

They are all good at getting into and staying is shape too ;-)

All that said, the more important element is your mental state -- are you willing to fight and think about such attacks? If you're not mentally prepared to fight and mean to fight and hurt someone you're much better off working on the how to defuse, how to read people and how to screen really well.

Also keep in mind, on any given day anyone can get beat so even with training, year of it even, you might still loose.

I LOVE Krav Maga, it's such a good work out, after my sessions I can barely do another work out the next day haha

Posted By: Jensen36363
Krav Maga is very oriented to simple, effective fighting techniques and I suspect most could be implemented by any provider. Never studied that but a couple of people I've met have and it sounds interesting.  
 Hop Ki Do - a Korean martial art is often presented and taught with the idea of providing defense techniques for a small, weaker person to effectively control and subdue (and so escape or seriously injure/kill) a stronger/larger attacker.  
 While you probably already know (but might not have them handy) those high heels are very dangerous weapons. So is a pen or even your cell phone. As a last resort those nice finger nails are very useful too. Just make a fist with your thumb sticking out over you forefinger, make it all really tight and jab the tip of your thumb into the guys adam apple and he will forget all about you for a bit -- do it too well and he'll forget about everything forever so ....  
 They are all good at getting into and staying is shape too ;-)  
 All that said, the more important element is your mental state -- are you willing to fight and think about such attacks? If you're not mentally prepared to fight and mean to fight and hurt someone you're much better off working on the how to defuse, how to read people and how to screen really well.  
 Also keep in mind, on any given day anyone can get beat so even with training, year of it even, you might still loose.

This is so terrible :(  :(  In the service we practiced both Krav Maga and Gracie's.  My best advice for anyone that's not trained in either very well is to go for the balls, twist, and pull. Do it as hard and fast as you can. It is the #1 way of subduing a male attacker.  I highly recommend anyone out there in this industry to take at least a 7 week course in either of these disciplines and practice regularly.  Stay safe out there, everyone.

If you have the gun and are within arms reach it's a wash on who wins. In fact the guy with the knife will generally have the advantage as the one with the gun thinks they have the advantage. Reaction times are simply not that great for most people.

One of the basic rule I remember for combat training in the military was if someone is trying to get within 10 feet of you, shoot. You don't take the prisoner at that point.

However, if you actually read the whole post I was pretty clear that it's not advice for everyone and it's not good advise for some so developing the skills to defuse situations and identifying and avoiding them is probably a better approach for those not mentally suited to fighting.

I concur. Some people self defense works great. And how many women have been told if you don't fight back, I won't hurt you? And then lose their life!  

Some women, & men, are not able to fight back. Some are. Some, fighting back will save their life. I was always taught to fight so they don't come back for more. And it has worked for me.  

Side note: nostrils. Very overlooked. Jamming fingers up there.  

Survival is whats most important, and wether that is groveling so they don't hurt you, or pretending to so you have better access to their neck, do whatever you have to do.

Going for the balls and the eyes are the most effective.  Also a swift strike to the throat using your hand shaped like an L and going in fast like you were going to choke them with one hand works incredibly well, too.  Once during sparring a partner accidentally did this to me with only moderate force and I was immediately on the ground feeling like I was going to die.

...my stupid tweet. and it says she did call 911 and there are pictures up on her twitter for everybody to see to keep a lookout.
And information to donate to her go fund me page.
I will do so.

An attacked "hooker" and you're tweeting her and going to "go fund her"?  Is it just me, or does this just sound fucking stupid?  You think it's anonymous and untraceable?  What a fucking dipshit!

Posted By: LikeTearsInRain
...my stupid tweet. and it says she did call 911 and there are pictures up on her twitter for everybody to see to keep a lookout.  
 And information to donate to her go fund me page.  
 I will do so.

Nothing is anonymous or untraceable nowadays, nothing.

But feeling a solidarity from people in common situations can work wonders to elevate both persons mood and creating meaning in fucked situations, and contribute to the best situations. There is risk, just like being a provider is a risk. And wether or not I agree with the things LikeTearsInRain has said, she has every right to say it, and if she doesn't ask the questions she's asked, she won't learn-

Side note- in certain environs, unfortunately, it is not a perfect world, and many providers are unable to go to the police, or if they do, DA or police choose not to pursue it (every state has different rules- some will prosecute automatically, some decide for you if you are a credible witness, and if they assume not, they don't want to fuck with a conviction record and don't pursue charges, and even worse, I've heard tell of providers getting charged.)

Each place is different, each officer is different- you can always go to the police, but what they may do is not up to you.

It is easier to criticize others than criticize ourselves- we have all done it. And just like we have all done it, statistically, we will all (or have been) in vulnerable/or a violent situation at some point. None of us are untouchable. And forums like this are great tools to learn. I, for one would like to check out Krav Maga, as I have heard they teach you to use anything as a weapon.

I have been putting it off, but after this reality check, and it being reminded of self defense options from respondents on this board, I will definitely pursue it.

Stay safe.

Call me overly PC or whatever you want, but the use of the word "hooker" in the way you said it is such a demeaning and diminishing expression.  To me it resonated as if because she's a SW she is less entitled to the same safety and considerations as any other human being.  We all know that the SW profession is the oldest standing of humanity.  We all use it, in one form or another, advertently or inadvertently through our lives.  Obviously because of draconian laws SW's are less likely to seek protection from those they are trying to avoid attention from, but comments like this aren't helpful to bringing the practice out of the dark or advocating for the same fair protection of SW's as the rest of us non-SW's enjoy.

-- Modified on 2/17/2017 11:43:47 PM

I am terribly sorry if I have caused stress about this situation.
I never used the word "hooker" however. I don't use that word.
I am an extreme advocate for SW rights.
I am not tweeting to go fund her...she is.
Also, I wondered about the police because I was just with a woman that said she had been assaulted in the past and did not go to the police. She did not think that she could. Did not feel safe doing that.  
I think that worry needs to change. Anyone, no matter who they are and what they are doing, should be able to go to the police in a situation like this.
Also, I realize how stupid my immediate worry was, because she had no choice but to call 911 because she was stabbed and needed an ambulance.

Posted By: LikeTearsInRain
I am terribly sorry if I have caused stress about this situation.  
 I never used the word "hooker" however. I don't use that word.  
 I am an extreme advocate for SW rights.  
 I am not tweeting to go fund her...she is.  
 Also, I wondered about the police because I was just with a woman that said she had been assaulted in the past and did not go to the police. She did not think that she could. Did not feel safe doing that.  
 I think that worry needs to change. Anyone, no matter who they are and what they are doing, should be able to go to the police in a situation like this.  
 Also, I realize how stupid my immediate worry was, because she had no choice but to call 911 because she was stabbed and needed an ambulance.
Don't worry sugar. Nothing to apologize about. You were coming from a genuine place & belief, and nothing is wrong with that. These forums exist for a reason.

My comment was in reply to SnarkyBitch, not to you.  No worries.  

Last I heard wanting to help someone was not illegal even if the person you're helping recover from some harm has committed a crime. It's not like they are trying to do a "fund me" effort to setup a new appartment/condo for her to work from (and then collect a bit of the returns).

AnonymousHo592 reads

Being donated to the Go Fund Me account Athena set up to pay her rent? I know there's a law about confiscating property during illegal incall prostitution - just not sure what it entails.

It's usually pretty rare that police go after the victims of crime, even if their "crime" was related to that which was perpetuated upon them.  Still, they'd have to prove that she did something illegal.

That shit will stop bears, not to mention a man who's fucked up enough in the head to harm a woman.  My ATF got robbed doing an outcall recently, I wanted her to take me to the place so I could put the fear of satan into the asshole.  Of course, she just wanted to forget the incident and avoid any further drama.  Jesus fucking christ, it pisses me off that providers have to worry about "outing" themselves in the event of reporting a crime.

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