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People take showers and have sex.
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 36 reads

Let them be jealous.

I was wondering how other hobbyists handle leaving an incall and walking back to the car or cab or train?  

I know if I walk out dripping in sweat with messy hair that the desk clerk or others in the elevator or hallor lobby probably realize what’s up.  It could be a little awkward for me and blow the provider’s cover.  For this reason I try to take a comb.  

One of the most awkward exits for me was one night in Cincinnati.  The incall was at a house on a residential street.  She was worried about the neighbors when I got there.  When I walked out of the house to leave the session, two neighbors were standing by my vehicle parked along the street.  I avoided eye contact, but I know their eyes were shooting daggers at me.

First of all, I do CAR SERVICE & I usually get  a room or let the customer get a room.

If you have the mindset that you belong, that you are an invited guest and that you don't care one whit what others think of you - you can walk anywhere with no more than a nod, smile and occasionally perhaps, a wink.

I came very close to walking out after a session with my shirt inside out. Thankfully my lady friend notice before I walked out the door!

PinkPentouse2344 reads

No need to avoid eye contact.   Make up for yourself some profession, where you would visit residences ( architect, contractor, attorney, family estate attorney, insurance broker and etc.  

And why are your hair messy? Put yourself together before you show up in the public.

You are correct, if you act as if you BELONG there, whether it's a hotel, apartment complex or a SFR neighborhood, no one will remember you.  I was going to an apartment one time, and an old lady with a 25 pound bag of dog food got into the elevator with me, so when we got to her floor, I offered to carry it for her to her apartment.  She thanked me profusely and I went on to my appointment afterward.  Any other resident that saw me do that will also think I live there.  This protects me a little in the future going back to that same incall.  

TheOldMuffDiver33 reads

CDL gave me a great idea!

I am going to buy a gas company uniform, and carry a tool bag for my next visit

No one will take a second look!


a fake pair of glasses and an empty brief case in the trunk of his car, so he looks like a salesman walking up to the door of an incall.   People smile and nod, but they don't say anything because they don't want to hear a sales pitch for insurance or anything else.

The briefcase might spook the provider. I saw a lady that told me a client showed up with a bag. Turns out he had a hammer and zip ties. He attacked her and she jumped off the second story balcony to escape. After she left I looked it up on Google and her story was true.

Especially in a residential neighborhood. I'd avoid those. Problem solved.
As for the "Walk of Shame," that's what we used to call a tour around the lobby of the old Hotel Del Rey in San Jose, Costa Rica. It was basically a huge bordello, all legal and out in the open. Fucking HOT!

-- Modified on 10/29/2023 12:10:14 PM


ugh, da fuck. You don't shower and get cleaned up after a session?

RespectfulRobert36 reads

They are not detectives, just hotel employees for one. And whom are they going tell if they suspected you had sex? Last time I checked, sex is legal. :)

For all they know you could be having an affair and not PFP.  

"Our Lips are Sealed":

Just look right through them.


That's the ticket.

And do straighten up a bit after a session.   If she won't let you shower up a bit, at least wash yourself down with a wash cloth and the comb is a good idea also.

I had a funny interaction with some neighbors while leaving a gal's AirBNB recently.   They were in the hallway as I waked by them.   They smiled knowingly at me and said:   "You're sure dressed smartly."   I smiled and thanked them for the compliment, so dress for success.

Posted By: roofbolter100

When I walked out of the house to leave the session, two neighbors were standing by my vehicle parked along the street.  I avoided eye contact, but I know their eyes were shooting daggers at me.
I would have smiled at them and said, "Howzit going?".

What if you pissed off the neighbors so much with your wise-ass remark that they called the cops on the girl you just saw?
Maybe she'll call you to post bail.

Well, that's exactly the thing.  I don't want to be the one to blow anyone's cover.

First, a little tidying up and grooming is never a bad idea before you depart. Wipe off her lipstick, straighten your shirt, and make sure your fly is zippered.  

After that, walk out like you own the place. Later for the haters.

I understand where you're coming from BUT a lot of that could be "projection".  The vast majority of my appts are incalls, so I'm frequently walking in some place and walking out.  Of course, people see me walking here and there.  The thing is, they really don't know where I'm going or what I'm actually doing.  Sure, someone could see me walk into a private residence and then walk out a hour or few later.  So what?  They don't know if I was fucking, talking, or taking a nap.  lol

So, I suggest just relax and don't worry about it.  Even if someone suspects you were having sex, what's the big deal?

I remember the first times I purchased condoms.  I was sooo embarrassed of people seeing me purchase condoms because I didn't want them "to know".   One time (at band camp :D), I was waiting in line and the guy behind me said, "Lifestyles for your lifestyle". I looked at him and we both chuckled.   After that, I stopped "trippin" about that kind of stuff.  If someone sees me purchasing condoms, that's awesome...I'm about to get laid. lol   If someone thinks I just had sex (even if I didn't lol), bully for them!

During one of my most recent incalls at a residence, the companion actually gave me the WRONG address.  Fortunately, no one was home at the residence where I knocked on the door a few times. lol   Once we sorted out I was at the wrong place, everything else went fine.

brownjack32 reads

That's the attitude you have to project.  Mostly, people are so consumed with their own shit, they're not thinking about what you're up to.  It's only a walk of shame, if you seem ashamed.  And, if the staff suspects, who gives a shit, like was said before, its not illegal to have sex in a hotel room.

And, if she's hosting incalls at her residence, she's chosen to deal with the curious eyes of her neighbors.  You don't have to deal with them.  You're leaving.  Give 'em a confident nod, wry smile and "Wassup?".

Put your phone on silent and put it up to your ear like you are on the phone if you are uncomfortable walking in or out of any location.

exactly what I do and take the stairs out, If I don't, I walk out like a guest.

As long as you in a classy joint they wouldn’t dare say anything to anyone.  

No one wants to be known as the front desk person who got so and so divorced plus cost them half lmao I’d would complaint to management even after the divorce and write a yelp

See some of my posts about being unobtrusive and anonymous. Although I usually go with plumber rather than meter reader.
and others.

Posted By: roofbolter100

I was wondering how other hobbyists handle leaving an incall and walking back to the car or cab or train?    
 I know if I walk out dripping in sweat with messy hair that the desk clerk or others in the elevator or hallor lobby probably realize what’s up.  It could be a little awkward for me and blow the provider’s cover.  For this reason I try to take a comb.    
 One of the most awkward exits for me was one night in Cincinnati.  The incall was at a house on a residential street.  She was worried about the neighbors when I got there.  When I walked out of the house to leave the session, two neighbors were standing by my vehicle parked along the street.  I avoided eye contact, but I know their eyes were shooting daggers at me.

...but not worrying about being viewed as a "John" is definitely one of them! ;)

So you're saying those that have big concerns here should consider a switch to drag clothes for their exit? LOL

I'm barely passable as a male. In drag, I'd probably look like I just staggered out of an auto accident. Next thing you know someone's calling an ambulance for "that poor disfigured woman". 😆

Steve_Trevor33 reads

and, at least in Louisiana, being convicted of same-sex solicitation carried some terrible consequences.

At first, I thought that Jane Wyman's character in the movie was Johnny Belinda McDonald. ("A girl named Johnny? Maybe it's a Canadian thing or a nickname ...") Actually, she names her baby boy Johnny Belinda.

Posted By: lopaw
Re: There aren't a ton of advantages being a female monger...
...but not worrying about being viewed as a "John" is definitely one of them! ;)
A Girl Called Johnny

leave it to you to find some weird obscure reference! I love it 😂

Wasn't the actress who played the mom in The Waltons named Michael? She's about the only actress I could think of that had a typically male name that wasn't just a nickname (like "Jo" or "Eddy")

Miss Michael Learned !

Posted By: lopaw
Re: There aren't a ton of advantages being a female monger...
leave it to you to find some weird obscure reference! I love it 😂  
 Wasn't the actress who played the mom in The Waltons named Michael? She's about the only actress I could think of that had a typically male name that wasn't just a nickname (like "Jo" or "Eddy")

What is the big deal? You go in like you belong there, you come back out the same way. Be the “grey man”, that nobody notices. It’s not hard, people are generally pretty into their own stuff, they barely register you at all.
No matter where I am, I always dress to blend in. People worry about being”made” needlessly. It’s like walking into some place you are not supposed to be, or carrying concealed. Nobody notices  anything like you think they do. Do what everyone else is doing and seem like you ignore everything else. Not worrying that people are gonna pay attention to you is great. I have gone some places, where I would have been most unwelcome, without a problem.

Exactly. I've been to plenty of hotels and just blend in. Look like you belong and you won't be noticed.  

Even during covid when hotels were pretty empty I never had an issue.

If its in a hotel then it is expected. Most hotels make the bulk of their money from SW'ers. The hotels that are problems are the ones where you have to be announced before they let you go up.

Sex workers are the major source of income for most hotels? Really?
Hilton and Holiday Inn ought to be giving discounts on room rates.

When I did In-call....I use to allow the client to shower before they left. So that it minimized any attention on either one of us.

I always make sure every clients looks like they were NOT fucked.  That goes for keys, wallets, phone, bags etc.  

No shame coming from my discreet safe location,

xena77747 reads

So, given Las Vegas has a lot of Casinos and those casinos employ facial recognition software, my first thought to your problem was to use makeup designed to fool facial recognition software. That should resolve any issues in the most subtle way possible. :-)

And if that doesn't work, one of those masks from Mission Impossible should do it. Heck, if it works for Tom Cruise ... :-)

if you act like you've been there before, and you probably have, you'll be ok.

but I think in this day and age of smart phones, primarily iPhones, and the like, if you're working a cheap burner pay as you go flip phone for your hobby, you are conspicuous, and  you might want to be discreet about that.  I've been called out about that once when charging my burner at work in my cubicle, and co-worker called me out on that - "what's up with that?" - "oh, it's just a back-up,"    and that was it, but he knew, wink and a nod.

My brother-in-law got busted by the Mrs. in an  affair when his wife found the burner in their car.   They salvaged it.  I don't know if that was in his best interest, but that's another matter.

Get some, but stay safe out there.

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