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Pay Bills Online & Eliminate Checkbook ...
cutehunkie 70 Reviews 2627 reads

My SO use to do the checkbook. I think told her that I could do it electronically ... fast and quick. I snatch the responsibility away from her.

If the S.O. handles the checkbook and pays credit cards, does anyone have any suggestions on how to generate the cash $ needed to fund my provider(s)?

skim cash out the ATM-  a few 20s here and there add up...

mufflover723710 reads

My suggestion: Re-possess the checkbook. Buy food on a debit card .....and take an extra $20 withdrawal each time from the

ReedMR3286 reads

Would take a hell of a long time to generate $2-3k every now and then with $20 withdrawals!  Best to have separate accounts.... You each should have some small, separate accounts anyway for many reasons......

Raoul Duke2451 reads

Do as I do...pick up cans, donate plasma and semen.
It adds up...:)

ReedMR3689 reads

Would take a hell of a long time to generate $2-3k every now and then with $20 withdrawals!  Best to have separate accounts.... You each should have some separate accounts anyway for many reasons......

Make your own banking account...at a different bank than the one you already share. Then put a little in at a time and eventually it'll add up.

You might want to consider setting up a separate account at the same bank you use now. If you use an ATM to remove funds, you do not want your SO to discover a different bank card in your wallet. When setting up the account, use a P.O. Box as your address so that the monthly statements do not get sent to the house and the SO opens the mail!...and set it up for on-line statements only.


Make sure the account is not interest bearing; therefore at tax time there will be no forms showing up from the bank indicating interest paid.

If you have an expense account at work and pay for some items out of pocket have your reimbursement go back to an account that she does not know of.

Or get your S.O. hooked on your providers along with you!
(I'm sorry, I'm no help to you at all)

My SO use to do the checkbook. I think told her that I could do it electronically ... fast and quick. I snatch the responsibility away from her.

could you please give some pointers. I am a newbie and would love to meet many of the beautiful ladies here. I am willing to hear any useful suggestions. Thanks in anticipation.

PeterPickle3145 reads

get a digital camera and take some close up pics of your penis. Woman love this. Get a nice big chubby and wrap your hand around it and take pics of this too.

You can post these pics on sites like Adult Friend Finder and advertise your services. There is a huge shortage of guys w/ penis pics on those sites so you should do fine.

Another idea is to advertise on sites like Craigslist. There is a shortage of horny guys looking to get paid for sex on this site. You can email your penis pics to the ladies too.


Stempy3122 reads

Easy, just set up your own "S" corporation for your business and pay them as independant consultants! Outsourcing takes on a whole new meaning!

johnjohn_302437 reads

I worked out an allowance deal.  I take $100 cash out of the ATM every Monday.  I work it out like this:

$3-5   AM coffee (starbucks)
$10-15 PM lunch
$3-5   PM soda and snack

You're looking at an expense of $20/day.  Now, if you drink a lot of water at work instead of coke/pepsi, and you go easy at the salad bar, you can get away with saving $75/week.  That's $300/month.  Which is $3600/year.

Add to that the excellent idea of paying with a debit card, losing the receipt (important), and getting cash back when buying things at the Drug Store, or Super Market, and you can easily increase that annual number by $1040/year (or $20/week).

So, you're looking at a modest budget of $4640/year.

I've also thought about the direct deposit idea, mentioned here, but decided it was too risky.  The account numbers are listed on my paystubs.  If my wife ever got hold of one, that would be the end of it all.

I've also found some creative financing options through friends.  I'll buy stuff for friends on a CreditCard, and have them pay me with cash.  I tell them it's for the bonus-points, or it's a 0 intrest cash advance, or whatever.  That can net you the price of their purchase in a day.

Doing odd jobs, working out trades for price considerations, and a host of other wheeler-dealer horse-trading can get you very far indeed.


Start wearing some bigger pants....

get her his and her check books for Christmas...or if her birthday comes sooner...get it then......

tell her.....your company has downsized....but you still have a job but less money....as a benny they pay you now in cash!


PeterPickle3734 reads

I never realized how lucky I am to be a single hobbyist!  I couldn't imagine having to go through all that BS in order ot hobby.  Hats off to you married guys.  I don't know how you cover your tracks with money trails, getting out of the house, not smelling like perfume, keeping stories straight, etc..  I couldn't fathom having to tuck away loose change to save up for a session.

A few suggestions:

1. Take up golf (or similar pricey hobby) -  A round at a nice course w/ a cart will run you a $50-$100 depending on where ou live. Skip the occasional round of golf and you've pocketed $50-$100 towards a provider session and you've also got an excuse to be out of the house for a while.

2. Direct Deposit - most companies let you have direct deposit into more than one account. Assuming your wife doesn't scrutinize your W2 and your pay stub you can divert a few bucks to a new (non interest bearing) checking account. If she notices the weekly paycheck is less than usual you can cover yer ass by saying you altered your 401K or stock deductions, tax withholdings were increased, healthcare plan went up, etc..

3. Divorce - freedom to spend your money as you see fit. This includes alimony of course :)

4. Barter services - if you have a skill or product to offer some ladies are open to barter. Legal advice, tax prep, carpentry, plumbing, web site design, etc..  Whatever your field is see if you can swap it for some loving!

5. Moonlight - check the Sunday paper each week and you'll see ads for medical research studies that pay for your participation. There are sometimes ones you can do in a day or less. Take some time off work and participate.

6. Sell stuff on ebay - you'd be surprised what people will buy on ebay.  Clothes, used sneakers, old telephones, etc.. I cleaned out a storage locker full of household stuff on ebay. Tickets to sporting events can often be sold for big profit. If your buddy is looking to unload his Yankees tickets for example, you can buy them at face value and if it's a sold out game against a worthy opponent you can upsell.  People were paying $100-$200 a seat on ebay for $6 face value spring training tickets to Yanks/Red Sox games!

OK im done :)

Hopefully one of these ideas will help your hobby budget!

johnjohn_303575 reads

Yes, it can be difficult, that is, if you don't pay attention to the details.

I have to make special requests to providers to get a non-smoking room, not wear perfume or makeup, not use oils or lotions that are scented, and do nothing that will leave a mark!  ;-)  I've also asked providers to do a once over on me after I was dressed to make sure there was no 'debris transfer'.  You know, long blond hairs, short curly blond hairs, etc...

Here, paranoia is your friend.

I'm constantly on the lookout for Private Investigators, cars tailing me, people I know who happen to see me someplace I'm not supposed to be.  The trick is to always have a cover story.  "Why were you in SC today, dear???"  "I went down to get five weeks worth of lottery numbers, sweetie.  I know it's a waste of money, but we can't win the $100M dollars without a ticket, right?  One chance in 100 million is still one chance!"  The trick here is to ACTUALLY HAVE THE LOTTERY TICKETS as proof!  To think ahead -- just like playing a game of chess.

The real trick here is consistency, developing good habits, and taking no big risks.

If your married and want to get to thinking about the details, watch forensic television shows like CSI.  They will get you thinking how to effectively cover your tracks and avoid making that one dumb mistake that gets you caught.  Learn from other's mistakes.

RE: VonRyan's comments regarding a larger pair of pants: please don't concern yourself over my balls, I've got two of them that hang low and swing to and fro.  I actually like my wife, kids, house, car, job, etc.  I live 'just within' my means on the books.  Which means I have little left over for anything extracurricular.  I view the 'choke' on the 'hobby-fundage' as a good thing, a very good thing -- If I didn't have a budget like I do, I'd spend every dollar I ever made on these amazing and fantastic girls that I've met here over the years.  I look at it as a failsafe, safeguard or control that keeps me from sliding down that slippery slope.


FifthElement3216 reads

Here are a couple of things that may or not help with the funding:

1.  Certain supermarkets will allow you to get cash back on credit card purchases ($50 around me).  Just become a more frequent shopper for the family.

2.  If you do happen to get checks, try to be the one to go to the bank and take cash against the deposit, or just cash the entire check!

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