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P411 has been invaluable to me ..
lopaw 29 Reviews 77 reads

... especially in determining who will be a good fit for me. Their provider profile details are great. There will always be providers that will want more screening or who will ghost you, or who will otherwise make things more difficult than necessary, regardless of the platform.
Hate the player, not the game šŸ˜œ

Last 3 experiences:

1) after 1 hour and 40 minutes and 10 messages back and forth: "sorry, I can't meet - maybe next week"
2) woman says five "OKs" with the most recent 1 week old aren't enough or are too old - she needs old-fashioned references who will respond to her text or email
3) I'm trying to book a near-term appointment; woman says she "messaged" my six "OKs" and I will be cleared when they respond

Why should I bother with this bs???

P411 has never been that useful. I've just assumed it was me.

Lol. I think you and me have closer preferences than most who responded here.

Jessie from DS was waaaay better, and easier to meet, than anyone I met through p411.

It seems like it is just us...we happy few, we band of brothers!!!

None of the things you list have anything to do with P411, or the operators of P411.  
They all have to do with those particular women.  They probably all advertise in other places too (most do).  They all three behaved badly toward you.  
You have no cause in what you described to bad-mouth P411.  There may be reasons to do that, but you have not given any.  
If you think that P411 is some kind of escort agency or has some kind of control over its advertising customers, get over it.  It is an advertising site with some security practices attached -- only.  
Now please call out those bad hookers so that we can avoid their troubles -- Take Three For The Team -- if you want to be helpful.  
Bottom line:  Yes, it's just you misidentifying your enemies.

I had my worst session in the last 22 years with a P411 hooker, too!

So, for you I will ask: "Is it just me, or do most of  the hookers on P411 suck"? lol.

Yes, it's just you (your perceptions based on your experiences).  
And there is no such thing as a "P411 hooker".  P411 is only where you found her.  She almost certainly advertises in other places also.  

So let me make it clear - many of the hookers I've come across on p411 are way worse than those I come across elsewhere....so seems like p411 is a bad barrel to be bobbing for apples in!

The disparity between good providers and bad ones is much wider on the P411 platform than from other sources.  That doesn't mean there aren't some very good ones, but who wants to make a career out of sorting through the dregs to find them?  

TheOldMuffDiver76 reads


Providers should not be on P411 if they do not accept "OK."  The whole point of this paid service is to connect pre-screened clients and providers. Totally wrong for providers to then require you to jump through multiple hoops.

You can, and should, complain to P411 about this!

I don't think complaining to p411 will work, since p411 explicitly says that providers can use additional means of screening.

This is the answer!

p411 does not require us to take ok's.  

And many providers will not take ok's anymore due to issues with anonymous clients / been used for stings multiple times.

Many use it as an advertising venue only.  

They donā€™t just say you can, they say you should use additional means

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: P411
I don't think complaining to p411 will work, since p411 explicitly says that providers can use additional means of screening.

TheOldMuffDiver73 reads

True, but why bother with P411 then?

You shouldn't bother "with this bs".

I am in no way defending P411.

You really sound like an impatient arsehole who demands immediate attention from whomever you contact and then within just a short time frame the recipient of your "just rage" is totally at fault.

I can also take a wild guess that you thought it was some kind of magical key and that you did absolutely no research here,  or through whatever platforms someone as impatient and short tempered as you appear to be, to back up your decisions to see them.

So, in short, you sound like an impatient, entitled, ass.

Do your research!  ALWAYS!

And until you grow up a little and learn to act like an adult, go away.

lol, you sound like a real dipshit ass!

My research was doing the free trial, ffs

Well you do sound like a tool.

I mostly use p411 as a means of guaranteeing they aren't LE.  Although generally my okays have been sufficient screening for most, but not all, providers.  However because I a more in the sugar bowl these days my okays have gotten pretty old.  So I am not sure how much utility they have at the moment.

I have about 70 okays with many recent ones. I have never had an issue with any P411 provider and have found it very valuable in expediting the process of seeing someone new. I always ask for an okay update when I repeat seeing someone to keep okays current.  

While I know P411 encourages ladies to do additional screening as they see fit, and some ladies here do insist on additional screening, I can only think of two that I've contacted that did not accept my membership and okays alone.

I've even had non-P411 providers accept P411 alone after I send them an invite to view my profile.  

For me, it's been very valuable and simplifies seeing new ladies.

1) Maybe I'm missing something but how is this P411's fault?
2) Again see number 1.  I too have ran into this problem, one lady said I had too many "Okays" and one agency said my last "Okay" wasn't recent enough, it happens
3) P411 does have options where ladies can make themselves "available now " and sometimes it's a quick response from request to getting cleared for a date, but it's still at the providers discretion to look over your "Okays" and reach out to the ladies that have Okay'd you.  

I enjoy the option of just sending a request whether it's for a date or screening vs looking up the info of my past 2 or 3 dates to send as references.  Then there's the pain in the ass of actually reaching out to those providers you've seen to ask if you can use them as a reference in the first place.  All in all, the things you're mentioning happen, but I can say that for me P411 has been 99% effective in getting me the date that I want and some even offer slight discounts should you contact them through P411.  I'd suggest reaching out to ladies that you'd like to see via P411 in advance to give them time to do what they do as far as screening.  

Regardless of what I see on a lady's website (screening forms, etc), if they are a P411 member I always send a PM there first as an introduction and ask if P411 is enough for them. Inevitably they say yes.

The worst case (and it's rare) is that they will ask me to submit an official appointment request through P411.

TheOldMuffDiver62 reads

Well said!

I use P411 and am, more or less, happy with the service. If nothing else, the app allows you to communicate and set-up meetings all in one place.

I'm well aware that providers can request additional screening. Still, I thought the whole premise was to get OKed up-front, and then have your status continually updated after new provider interactions. All of this so you were not asked to fill-out and submit ridiculous forms or send selfies holding your driver's license.  

No thanks!

It works both ways. The types of clients who have contacted us through P411 have sucked too in recent years.

Gone are the days of good, reliable clients through P411. Sad but True.

Like others have said P-441 is not a magic bullet  but for me it is the best thing going. I do wish they could recruit more talent. Back a few years ago you could view the best top providers in any city in the country simply by scanning P-41. Maybe it still is true and I just haven't traveled enough lately.    

Best ones have been from p411 for me. I use this site to get an insight of what I might expect. Not to say I havenā€™t had below average experiences on p411 itā€™s not fool proof.

Being on P411 makes it easier for me to QUICKLY and EFFICIENTLY contact your references.   But - you need to stop and think from a providers point of view.   Ok so you have seen providers before.  You aren't a man in blue.   But most providers are also weeding out what TYPE of client you are.   So shes going to WAIT until she hears BACK from your vouches on P411.  I ask each and every lady - I will go back several years.   Because patterns emerge - he sends too many messages, he tries to book same day, he cancels frequently, he has bad hygiene, he has difficulties with his body that make things more work, his personality is unlikeable.    References respond in 3 ways.... shes made a note in her file that says you are ok but not desirable to see again (bad hygiene, too much work) or the vast majority of references come back "hes ok, cant remember anything special". or "hes great, he brought me a gift or tipped".  You wanna get in that third pile for best results.   A $5 candle will set you apart and you'll get a special note by your name.   But I check many references, and I weed out guy  with any issues, no matter how slight... I will wait and select the client that has the excellent references.  

Lol you sound fun to be around

... especially in determining who will be a good fit for me. Their provider profile details are great. There will always be providers that will want more screening or who will ghost you, or who will otherwise make things more difficult than necessary, regardless of the platform.
Hate the player, not the game šŸ˜œ

Great Providersā€¦true to their profile and word for the most part.  Sure there will be one or two bad apples here and there, but they do not spoil the whole bunch.  Most Providers have given me Great References, because
1.  I am a Gentleman
2.  I conduct my self within the parameters and I do not push boundaries.
3.  I do not overstay my welcome
4.  My sense of humor and zen has been disarming on the rare occaisions when the Provider was nervous.

So book confidently and have a great time!

This sit sounds useful to me, but I searched for p411 and nothing click worthy came up..

Is the problem. P411 clearly states on their site:

P411 is only intended to be used as one tool in the verification process. We encourage everyone to do as much additional screening and research as they feel is necessary, to stay safe!

We encourage everyone to do as much additional screening as they feel is necessary, to keep themselves safe.

It is primarily a way to search for and find available escorts. After that, its "OKs" are least a start on verification which is acceptable to some and not others. No one has complained that OKs should be enough for screening for every provider. So I think your comment is a major exaggeration.
An OK MAY be enough if it's from a provider you know and can contact for additional verification.
No one here disagrees with supporting "additional screening as they feel is necessary." All some here have said is, if that's the case, they will move on.

Haven't seen your p411 profile, assuming you have one.

If you do additional screening, do you put that in the space reserved for your "policies"? That sure would help prevent time wasting of all concerned.

I have on my profile vetted & deposit is required to book.

Why do some individuals feel entitled if they have no recent okays is whatā€™s baffling to me? How can I verify a question mark? Some of us care about our safety. Sorry not sorry.  

This year I paid for advertising on P411 no bookings & I only post here & there + Twitter. No bueno.

I use it to reverse screen Ive never had a single reason to say it sucks.
Its one of Several tools I use to find a good companion. If you dont like it cool keep moving.

"Many use it as an advertising venue only.  "

Ok, then. So it is a relatively useless site with a bunch of pros who advertise elsewhere....but here, I have to pay for their advertising.

No, itā€™s a useful site, and you donā€™t have to pay anything.   Donā€™t use it.

Youā€™re just an idiot.

It is exactly what it says it is.

You just seem to think it should be some magical key and that you shouldnā€™t do your due diligence just like with any other platform.

Your failure to do your research is no ones, or any agencies, fault.

Itā€™s all on you for being an impatient areshole.

No worries though, Iā€™m sure you find something else to complain about that is ā€œalways someone elseā€™sā€ fault.

Itā€™s what people like you do.

LOL, you are truly a dipshit! Big boy pants for the big boy shit you carry in your drawers?

"People like you". How about GO FUCK YOURSELF you ignorant fucking likely WOKE asshole. Who the fuck are you to make a mindreading judgment like that? People like you. Who the fuck talks like this who isn't an insufferable woke piece of shit or a religious piece of shit? Those are the two groups that seem to be the biggest judgmental assholes and after 2020 feel like they are the new sheriffs in town going around totalitarian-ing everyone like we are in the grocery store without a mask on. Duly noted, sir fuck head. Now go stick your head back up your own ass and leave the talking to the fucking adults.  

Some people think P411 is great. Some hate it. GO FUCKING FIGURE there is a binary where we are now judged as human beings by which "team" we're on. How original and nothing like overall society right now. SMH People on here seem to have a problem just giving their opinion without the finger snapping Yass queen bull shit. We get it. You think you're hot shit. But we don't give a fuck about your high opinion of yourself nor do we fucking ANSWER TO YOU. We do not NEED to justify why we feel the way we feel.  

Btw, it is NOT an attack on the P411 staff or whoever people are getting butthurt defending like it is their kin or something. If P411 has shitty providers AND shitty hobbyists on there as so many have stated, whether it is the fault of P411 is LITERALLY IRRELEVANT. It doesn't answer whether the site itself is worth it to use if the shit he listed is a pain to you or not. If you are fine with BS or haven't experienced it yet then great! Move the fuck on. You answered and we see it goes both ways and depends just like anything else. He's not filing a lawsuit. He didn't use inappropriate language. He dared to criticize a sacred cow and right on cue the better than thou-ists come out of the woodwork with their phony "well I NEVER!" BS. Get the fuck over yourselves! You like it and continue to use it? Great! Then why does his negative experience affect you in any way shape or form? Did he hold a gun to your head and force you to read his comment? Nope. You did that looking for a fucking fight. And here you are licking your chops. Pathetic.

I know many women don't consider it a "verification site" but in my experience a lady who is a member will accept your membership with "okays" as being sufficient for screening. I can only think of two ladies I have tried to see in the past 5 years who didn't immediately give me clearance to see them after looking at my P411 profile.

I have even had ladies who were not P411 members accept my P411 membership after I send them a link to view my profile.

So, for me, it has been far from useless. It has been a great time and effort saver and has allowed me to meet many amazing ladies with almost zero effort.

I recently had a chat with a lady while recovering about it. She had no idea the hoops clients had to go through to get on there. I also had no idea from her side of it. Itā€™s a tool as is this site.

I have a lifetime membership and have never had an issue.  As already stated, some ladies ask for additional information for their own safety, but the vast majority do not.  That said, like most things in life it pays to put in a little effort and do some additional research before charging in thinking that just because you have a P411 account you will be immediately accepted (or is it acceptable?).

We should be allowed to let administration know about guys cancelling last min. A fine fee to providers by a way of points when they cancel

That's what individual cancellation policies are all about.

I just noticed that there is no way to forward a P411 PM to a client email account.

When switching communication with a lady from P411 PM to email I would often times forward the PM to my email and then send it to her to continue the conversation ,for continuity purposes. We'll see if that comes back.

I am also not getting consistent notifications via email when I receive a PM either.

maybe i've notice a large influx of men from there have hit me up on other sites. I also know alot of girls who have been trying to get approved for years. So somewhere it clearly does lol Because i in one week have had more inquires from p4 men who lead with the fact that theyre on p4 in the past week then in my entire career even tho i'm not on there

It sounds like the women you've been contacting just aren't good at responding right away or overly cautious even when you have okays. I always respond promptly to date requests and was surprised to hear from gentlemen that a lot of women don't. I also only require one reference so I wouldn't have you waiting so long for a response on a date.

AllTheTimeBaby44 reads

I am a P411 "Admirer."

First, I will check for positive reviews on TER. If she lists P411.com in her TER profile, I will check her out there too.  
The point being I will never rely solely on P411!

I enjoy accumulating "Likes" on P411 and imagine they are helpful. It beats filling-out someone's form and re-listing references for versification. I'm done with that!

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