TER General Board

Over the course of the week, year, career
MikeAndIke 613 reads

An escort is going to be with hundreds, probably thousands of guys over the course of her escorting career.

She can't possibly make the session unique for every guy, or even a fraction there of for that matter. She's going to have to recycle her favorite moves, lines, activities, etc..

the same response from a provider that you read about?  It sure bothers me.   Here's what I mean.

I read a review and the reviewer says "she moaned and said "you're hitting the right spot" and/or "you are the best!"   And then she "cums and moans and writhes out of my grasp."    

Then you are with her and she says and does almost the exact same thing!  This has happened to me and it's like seeing a movie and knowing the lines of the actor.  Bummer experience.  I lost my woodie as this was going on as the "magic" was gone...it was all a programmed response that she had to make the client feel good and also help her - in my opinion - get through the engagement.  I'll be the first to admit I'm no super stud in bed and I can't remember ever (unfortunately) make a woman scream "I'm cumming, oh baby, you're the best!"  Damn it.  :-(

Anybody else have that happen and what was your experience?

JD706593 reads

I wonder about this as well. Havent experienced it yet though since I am a virgin hobbyist. I am questioning if reading all these reviews beforehand may actually take away from the experience? Maybe Id be better off just knowing what is and isnt on the menu, and the overall rating of the experience.

Sophomoric Humorist996 reads

Honestly, when anything like that happens in the way of vocalization, I just tend to laugh and keep on with whatever was occupying me.

When it's blatantly phony and repetative, i always counter with, "I bet you say that to all the boys."  Delivery is crucial here -- you want to sell the line but not in an accusatory or offensive manner.  Really, if you do repeats, try this on a provider who you've know awhile and consider yourself to be on good terms with.  And, if she's got a sense of humor, so much the better.

Remember, for most of us, in most of these experiences, it's like sexual Kabuki Theatre.  And "...all the world's a stage, and we are but merely players..." or something along the lines of that Shakespeare line [not sure it's the exact quote, but the sense is clear enough].

Turkana1031 reads

One provider I see regularly has a very distinctive set of responses to stimulation.  

Imagine my surprise when, seeing another lady for the first time, she displays exactly the same set of responses to the corresponding stimuli.  Freaked me.

Sophomoric Humorist1549 reads

Pat yourself on the back, and think of it as a testament to your skill, prowess, and charm.

Let's face it -- the response set doesn't vary greatly, especially the verbalizations.  Who hadsn't heard some variation of "ooh/aahh/omigod/gasp/babbee/honey/sugar/sweetiee/you're the best/greatest/biggest/strongest/hardest..."?

Maybe the two ladies are acquainted?  Was the response verbal, physical or both?

Yes, it's paradoxical, but the utter predictability of some of the total surprises never ceases to amaze me.  And much more importantly, to amuse me.

Turkana606 reads

was "distinctive."  Let's just say that the lady's verbalization was almost the sound of geese honking as they fly south on a crisp autumn day...no, not "your the best" or "Ooohh, ahhh," or "Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod..."  I've heard those before.  

But a goose honking?  A sound that comes from somewhere behind the nose, way up in the head, that requires such immense involvuntary effort that it sounds voluntary?  

Hard to duplicate.  I'd thought I'd heard everything...

Sophomoric Humorist654 reads

Honking geese?

Were either of the two ladies in question of French ancestry?

But still, I think it takes an especially talented man to elicit such a unique response.  Enjoy the humor of the situation if you are so inclined [I sure am, second-hand], and give yourself a few additional pats on the back.

If you hang out with hobbyists in your everyday life, this story no doubt is one you will regale them with, if you haven't already.

If you are not into the session enough to not be bothered by this stuff then you are either with the wrong lady or need to focus! Who cares what was written? Once you are there it's just you and the lady. If all you can think about is what you read about her I'd say there is a serious lack of "heat" and spontaneity between the two of you.

not when I'm still stuck on "Oh God, oh God..."
ad nauseaum.

Maybe I should think of hiring a writer.

What's Larry David up to these days?

Sophomoric Humorist373 reads

Once, during a particularly skillful demonstration of DATY technique, the young lady was heard to moan, several times and quite effusively "oh, oh my God."  I mean, she really did not have to sell the line at all, this was totally real.

So later we're holding each other, and she tells me how great it was.  I'm pleased and i tell her that her pleasure was obvious.  Then i add, you know, good thing you're not an agnostic:  moaning "oh, oh my God...maybe?" just wouldn't have the same ring to it.

I guess I would have said:  "Oh my Baals."


(For you biblical types.)

Sophomoric Humorist359 reads

ESPESCIALLY if she went into an unexpected and intense sneezing fit while working the nut sack and the perineum.  [Ouch!  On 2 levels].

I had the a similar experience but it wasn't so much the vocalization but the script of the acts.  This was from a well reviewed provider in the Dallas area.

I guess I should have known from her reviews but I was disappointed to get the "scripted" act.  I booked a two hour appointment but let her go after a little more than an hour.

In a way, I can understand the routine that ladies have to go through.  However, some are good at not making it seem like a routine while others seem like a fake.

CarolinaLayla491 reads

Every situation is different . I do not think every fella does the same things to every lady . Yet there are some ladies who go through the same routine with each fella . :(
Not all do but some do .

I go to one provider who has a set routine in terms of her services, but not her responses.  Only in that sense can I deal with a routine.  

A provider who moans and cums "on cue" is someone I want to avoid.  I don't pay to be with robots.

Sophomoric Humorist475 reads

A provider who did not respond at all?

Are you a shitty lover or is she just non-responsive?  Do you really want to have to mull that ego-corroside, spirit-murdering one over in your idle moments?

Like so many other things, there's a balance to be struck somewhere. It's going to be different in many cases. My gut feeling is the longer she holds off with the phony responses, and the more "strategically" she responds [for example, an especially deep thrust eliciting a moan of pleasure is believable, the first time I stroke her hand is not, etc..] the more you'd be "sold" on her dramatic skills.

While we're all acting, I think we need to consider it more along the lines of improv rather than scripted.  Not for nothing, but there are many reasons why I've spent a lifetime trying to cultivate a sense of humor, a sense of perspective, and to develop an appreciative eye for the absurd.  My participation in this activity is one of them.  Large chunks of my early life is another, far more important reason. Truth be told, the humor I find in this activity, and the small and occassional insights I gain into human nature, are as valuable to me as the physical pleasure and emotional satisfaction I get.  With lousy providers, sometimes greater.

And in fact, this leads inevitably to my next post tomorrow.  TY for the inspiration.

Almost all actors depend on the audience's ability to comply with this lest their performances fall on deaf ears.

We pay big bucks to engage in this with a Broadway play, why not for a smaller venue with audience participation?

Sophomoric Humorist767 reads

You see, mrfisher, this example of blazing comomn sense is why I want to be like you  -- if/when i ever grow up.

I think, perhaps, some may not be willing to understand that, not only is she required to play a role, but he also.  And within a very loose structure, it's all improv, each player critically dependent upon the ability of the other to respond and to anticipate lines yet unwritten, let alone spoken.  And no directorial input either.

Ever see Carnal Knowledge? Rita Moreno has a precise routine down to the word that she uses with Jack Nicholson every time she visits him. Nicholson gets all pissed off when she fucks up one line. I'll bet there are some hobbyists in the real world with the same MO.

Sophomoric Humorist640 reads

Oh, yes.  i saw that when I was 15, and I was both horrified and fascinated.  i thought, please don't let me wind up like that! What's the next step downward?  Inflatable women? Odd, many of us crave GFE providers, but in civvie life, ain't spontaneity a prime value?  Well, it's not my libido and it's not my session and it's not my dime.

I've yet to stumble across a review of just such an encounter, and i suspect it would require a lot of readng between the lines, but now I'll start to look. My instinct tells me this "scripting" would be most readily found among the bondage devotees.  But I've frequently been wrong about a lot of things here, so...

MikeAndIke614 reads

An escort is going to be with hundreds, probably thousands of guys over the course of her escorting career.

She can't possibly make the session unique for every guy, or even a fraction there of for that matter. She's going to have to recycle her favorite moves, lines, activities, etc..

Sophomoric Humorist525 reads

For the folks who really paid attention at the lectures dealing with Social Science Research Methodology in college/grad school, would that phenomena  -- predictable provider responses, fall under the review question "delivered as promised"?

And if the predictabilty is a turn off, is it noted with prejudice in the "juicy details"?

I agree with BostonGuy about you overthinking it. When you're with a woman, I'll bet you like it the same way each time (your favorite position, or even the same type of lady, old or young, BBW or small, large tits or small) and I'll bet you make the same grunts and noises when you're doing it!
Why should the ladies be any different ??

Very good! I agree with  sattv4u2 who agrees with Bostonguy! So we are in total agreement - we all have our standard lines etc! Now - picture this - what if the providers could write reviews about the hobbyists - what would they be saying about you? Just put the shoe on the other foot once in a while!

The reviews I don't get is where one reviewer says - she just laid there and another says it was a hot time - Go figure this one out!

Hey - its difficult to come up with new material when you just fucked 10 guys in the last 24 hours!!

Very Good! I agree and what if the shoe were on the other foot? How would providers rate the guys?

From what I've heard, there'd be very few 10-10's.  Of course, I'd be one of those few (OK, who's not laughing????)

I was once on the reverse end of this topic.  I read a review of someone that I'd previously seen, and it was like someone had written down my thoughts.  It kinda sucked to read.

come up with a review... read the review and thought to myself "wow, that sounds so familiar" only to realize I wrote the thing!!!!  seems that a phone # can be for several ladies - especially B&S operations....  and for me?  A bit red flag... warning me to stay away.... especially if I gave below a 7!

Whenever I see a provider for the first time I tell her my rules.. Its all about me and I am here to pop as many times as possible in a hour.I am not here for a GF expereince since I already have a GF. I tell her if she makes any noises I am not coming back to see her again..If I see  her biting a hole in her lip trying to stifle herself then I tell her to go ahead and let loose and I will come back..Use this method and you never get a fake orgasm..

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