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or coming out from anesthesia?
scb19 10 Reviews 283 reads

This happened to me after I had a colonoscopy and gi scope.  I vaguely remember responding to so things the nurses were talking about as I was coming out of it.  My wife-standing at the bedside-said I said some things, but thank god nothing about the hobby.  

Posted By: Pangloss
Apparently, I go on diatribes that can sometimes go on for more than 30 minutes, sometimes they are political actual political speeches. I don't know what I am practicing for, that ship sailed long ago when I gave way to my hedonistic pursuits.   Lol!   Fortunately, my W says that sometimes I garble and sometimes they are in other languages.  However, sometimes, I get this question:  "so, who were you fucking last night?"    Funny thing is that I cannot remember my dreams, and therefore, I can always honestly say "no idea."    I am just waiting for the day I am asked "so, who is this so and so?"  Curious if it happens to others or whether it is even on your radar screens.  
 I have come to accept that my W knows that I fuck around, the latest playful jab occurring this last week, but I am certain it has not occurred to her that I pay for it, I think that would really set her thrifty Scottish ass on fire.   Shame on me for deluding myself into thinking that my wonderful smart W would not know, I just hope in one of my talking dreams I don't get caught saying "see you in Vegas in a few months, and BTW, how much for the entire night?"   he, he, he.

Apparently, I go on diatribes that can sometimes go on for more than 30 minutes, sometimes they are political actual political speeches. I don't know what I am practicing for, that ship sailed long ago when I gave way to my hedonistic pursuits.   Lol!   Fortunately, my W says that sometimes I garble and sometimes they are in other languages.  However, sometimes, I get this question:  "so, who were you fucking last night?"    Funny thing is that I cannot remember my dreams, and therefore, I can always honestly say "no idea."    I am just waiting for the day I am asked "so, who is this so and so?"  Curious if it happens to others or whether it is even on your radar screens.

I have come to accept that my W knows that I fuck around, the latest playful jab occurring this last week, but I am certain it has not occurred to her that I pay for it, I think that would really set her thrifty Scottish ass on fire.   Shame on me for deluding myself into thinking that my wonderful smart W would not know, I just hope in one of my talking dreams I don't get caught saying "see you in Vegas in a few months, and BTW, how much for the entire night?"   he, he, he.

Get rid of your SO.

Easy fix.

I know, I know, people will say it is a fear of being alone but I really do enjoy sharing my life with my W.

For some, it is about sharing your life and loving them for who they are. Sometimes the sex isn't enough, or doesn't exist. Not everyone can fill every void or want in our lives.

Women are more in touch with things, overall. I would assume that many wives know and accept it if it is not thrown in their faces... and if it doesn't result in the loss of whatever you had prior to being with someone else.

Anything said in your sleep, pass it off on porn or something you watched on tv. She may already know but likely doesn't want confirmation of it.

If she would really want to know, she'd go snooping or outright ask you.

Posted By: Pangloss
I know, I know, people will say it is a fear of being alone but I really do enjoy sharing my life with my W.  

I was just curious if there were other guys who are aware that they are blabbermouths when they sleep.

As for me, at this point it is more about not being in her face about it or having her find out that I am paying for it - while I have gotten really close a couple of times with civvies, that is a line that I am not ever willing to cross.   Anyway, in the last six months, she has made at least three comments that have to mean that she knows.    When I came back from a 5 day trip from Asia late last year, I was happily pumping away and she said "honey, you know what I really hope?  I hope that you did not bring me the gift that keeps on giving."      Then a couple of months ago, we were sitting with friends and the topic of men who cheat came up and my W commented that she did not find it surprising that men with a number of qualities cheat.   However, it was not the fact that some of those qualities applied to me that was interesting, it was the smile and look she gave me when she finished her statement.   Then last week, I returned from another little trip abroad, and once again, in the middle of the act she said that she hoped she was as good as the beauties from the city in which I had been.  Oh boy!

The final nail in the coffin is that I am social and I do not exactly refrain from flirting.  Actually, my W makes it a point of showing me attractive women or provocatively dressed women when we are out and about and she thinks I have missed them.  Duh!   I am a pretty dumb specimen!    If I am right, which I think I am, it just makes me love  her more because she has not really called me on it.

-- Modified on 5/21/2015 4:12:02 PM

You have just not taken the bait.  (An it's smart not to, IMHO.)

I was happily pumping away and she said "honey, you know what I really hope?  I hope that you did not bring me the gift that keeps on giving."  

It's no wonder you see escorts. I suppose I could see her saying that before the act, but to bring it up at that point when you are happily pumping away, if you did get a STD she's already got it.

You know why divorce is so expensive, right? Because it's worth it.

You're a better man than me, I absolutely adore women, I just can't live with one. Honestly, I suck at relationships.

women are more "in touch with things".  I've not seen any statistics on this topic, but from my own personal experience I have to agree with that as well.   I have known a lot of women in my life because of my situation,  and I think that is very true.

But, there are some men who are very much in touch with things as well.    

Again, those are all great points you made.   I'd just like to add that ALL of us have thoughts and desires in our "sleep" that are, in reality, not part of what we would ever consider in our "awake" life.    

So you could always explain it off as that

expertiamator313 reads

then who would cook my dinner just the way I like, throw it on the grill, make sure the housekeepers work rather than eat all day, baby the adult kids, and make my life as exciting?
It isn't cheating unless you have someone to cheat upon!
Oh I'm too much of a pussy to hurt her feelings and part with every penny too.
If they forensically go back 30 years I owe more than I'm worth

Posted By: russbbj
Get rid of your SO.  
 Easy fix.

So if she asks you, you'll be consistant.

of people who just were just waking up in the ICU after being put to sleep for some type of operation.    

Since they were "put into a deep sleep" and are not yet fully conscience or aware when they begin to awake, they sometimes will speak about things that they would NEVER talk about otherwise.    

I am not going to relate any of these stories, but yes, they are fairly common.   And, occasionally a guy will talk about a girl that he has recently been with.  Let's just hope that the HIPPA laws are followed, and the ICU nurses are ethical, and they keep those things to themselves.  

I just hope that I never am sleeping deeply enough to do the same

That is all, lol! Anyone who knows me knows how I'm giggling right now!

This happened to me after I had a colonoscopy and gi scope.  I vaguely remember responding to so things the nurses were talking about as I was coming out of it.  My wife-standing at the bedside-said I said some things, but thank god nothing about the hobby.  

Posted By: Pangloss
Apparently, I go on diatribes that can sometimes go on for more than 30 minutes, sometimes they are political actual political speeches. I don't know what I am practicing for, that ship sailed long ago when I gave way to my hedonistic pursuits.   Lol!   Fortunately, my W says that sometimes I garble and sometimes they are in other languages.  However, sometimes, I get this question:  "so, who were you fucking last night?"    Funny thing is that I cannot remember my dreams, and therefore, I can always honestly say "no idea."    I am just waiting for the day I am asked "so, who is this so and so?"  Curious if it happens to others or whether it is even on your radar screens.  
 I have come to accept that my W knows that I fuck around, the latest playful jab occurring this last week, but I am certain it has not occurred to her that I pay for it, I think that would really set her thrifty Scottish ass on fire.   Shame on me for deluding myself into thinking that my wonderful smart W would not know, I just hope in one of my talking dreams I don't get caught saying "see you in Vegas in a few months, and BTW, how much for the entire night?"   he, he, he.

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