TER General Board

Soooo...what did you all do this last weekend? I proposed to my ATF...regular_smile
UmaykisstheBride 5334 reads

I want to stand atop a mountain and shout to the world that I am in Love!!

Thought with all of the BS here lately, we could use some inspirational news. Love is still alive ladies and gentleman. And it was sparked here on the boards.
Found her here over three years ago and yes it has been a challenge for both of us since, but worth the price paid. It isn’t about abbreviations, reviews or numbers, simply about two hearts and souls, finding each other...

I imagine MANY of you here won’t understand any of this, (“this“ being the difference between business, personal and how to tell the difference) or maybe “why the hell get married”. Almost feel like I am “casting pearls before swine...” I don’t mean to offend, I simply hold faith that a few of you will understand and have hope in love and the union of two people...I understand this doesn’t work for all.

All I can tell you is I have now known this woman for over three years now and feel I am the luckiest man on earth to be with her...she is truly an Angel from heaven and quite an exceptional woman.

I knew the first night I met her I was in trouble...:-)

BTW, she cried, she was shocked and she said YES!


Pearls before swine?  I assume you have concluded that you are no longer the little piglet from whence you last came, and have turned into a real boy, with real emotions; where apparently nobody else has experienced?  Just a tad condescending don't you think?  

Congratulations anyway.

One can never rid the thought of possibility completely.  It may seem unfeasible, but if it was meant to be it was meant to be.  Everything has to be right for it to work… the timing, the circumstances, the patience, the understanding, the willingness, the individuals involved all play a key role.  

You’re yet another romantic couple to prove that true relationships (and marriages) can evolve from this world… it just took time, effort, comforting of each other’s fears, and strengthening of each other’s faith.

Good luck to you both!


ode4723 reads

How many paid meetings did you have with her before she stopped charging you?

WebTerrorist2364 reads

Congratulations on finding love, may you and your betrothed have a long and happy life together filled with joys and sorrows but always being there for each other.

My best to both of you.

That is a wonderful, romantic story.  Congratulations and much happiness to both of you.


I'm with you !!

I wish you and your new bride all the success and joy possible. Clearly after 3-years two people have probably got it all together and know how to move foward to a life of happiness.

With her tears, it was clear she was waiting for you to pop (no pun) the question.

(If you get any cynical postings, ignore them.  Some people just can't bear to see other people finding happiness.)

Congratulations to you and your bride-to-be, may you have many, many years of health and happiness together :)

Carrie x

Congrats to you. May you always feel as blessed as you feel now !

MayEyeKisslilRed3097 reads

Aye wood luv four ewe two followme two thee alter.

Thank You

"BTW, she cried, she was shocked and she said YES!"
So, that's why her BBBJ later that night was the best I ever had--she was inspired!  Thanks man.  You're a lucky guy.  Keep treating her right, so I can keep seeing her.  The sex is incredible!!!

muldoon2217 reads

Aw, have a heart. Where's your sense of romance and *CDEPCRPP? It can work. After 3 years of doing nothing but having paid sessions, popping the question out of the blue, and then shouting it to the world under an alias on a Hobby board? I'd say it's a keeper.

(*caught, dumped, embarassed, panics, cover, rebound, proposes, payback)

I'm not cynical about it at all.  I could see since it was a three year "courtship" I imagine that you have already fought against it with all your might, and asked yourself the same questions again and again only to come up with the same answers.  Finally, despite all your precautions,  there was only one totally wonderful conclusion: a beginning of a new life together.  

I try to avoid it so much with trysters, because a relationship or even a friendship with one requires such special handling.  We're all so intimate with them, though, that sometimes it's easy to misplace your sanity and get both of you hurt.

But that's what might happen, not at all what has happened to you here.  Good luck to both of you for the rest of your good lives.  

Dont Call Me Surely2031 reads

That is probably one time I would not have used my alias if I were you. Its hard to care or celebrate your news when nobody knows who you are?

For As TER turns

More Drama than CBS daytime !


look up the definition of Grace. You will then have the secret to your marriage.

much love

I certainly understand it.  I fell for my ASP after just one date, but we had e-mailed almost daily for three months prior.  Funny think is that we live 1500 miles apart and have only met twice.  Next month we are spending a week together at a romantic tropical island paradise.  We are already talking like we'll live together within a few years.  When you meet the person who is right for you, it doesn't matter what they do.  In fact, the work an ASP does indicates that they may be better at relationships than others for a variety of reasons that are too lengthy to go into here.  I would die to know how many long term relationships and marriages have happened this way and how they fare over time.  Any other stories our there?

Emperor Palpatine1839 reads

"I want to stand atop a mountain and shout to the world that I am in Love!!"

Funny, but I'm sensing a woman here. Anyone else?


women are used to thinking more than a week in advance.   It's biology.

Let's see what he sez a couple years from now.   My bet is on the people who know how damned hard it is, and are smart enough to put effort into new perversions with each other.

no joy in Mudville1797 reads

"Let's see what he sez a couple years from now."

I don't think we need to wait that long. He struggles with her being an escort, yet while he got out of the game he was ok with letting her continue for 2 years just supporting her as he could? All the while loving her and feeling empty without her. All righty then....

Vermonster1827 reads

really happy for ya man. Congrats.  Now my next thought is:  are you okay with her continuing to provide or is she okay for you to keep hobbying?  Have you all been dating and have you gotten all freebies before you decided to propose?

Hmmm... let's see...

1. I got drunk
2. I took me Mrs. to the local strip club where...
3. She bought me two lap dances...the first one with the chick she wants to sleep with, and the 2nd with woman I want to sleep with.

Not as cool as your week-end, but fun none the less.

You coulda ended up back at home with both of 'em, pleasing everytone...

so consider yourself lucky you didn't have to suffer terribly as I did...at the hands (and other parts) of our beautiful visiting Canadian sisters...things really got out of hand, and for awhile actually came to blows! It was tense for everyone until the girls finally put their heads together...things certainly ended explosively!

-- Deep 'STILL smiling big' Heat

Drat! I wanted to do that...er...them. :(

...but between DCGirl and you bailing on them, SOMEONE had to make sure those two were properly taken care of and sent home with a smile!

-- Deep (consorting with Angels) Heat

-- Modified on 9/25/2005 4:47:38 PM

Tig Ole Bitties1883 reads

Has he been back to post on this or is he busy planning the wedding? I wanted to ask him if she will still provide and if so if he is cool with his wife coming home with the smell of another man's dick on her breath? I guess I will wait for my invitation in the mail. :)

Many here would welcome insights into the emotional back story, but maybe when you're ready...

UmaykisstheBride2702 reads

I apologize for the comment about “casting pearls before swine”, didn’t mean to sound so “condescending” as it were...you were right Oserrano, I came from this place, yet we both decided as we developed our relationship and it’s trials, not to bring it’s pain to this board.

To answer the skeptics as best I can, I feared I was in love from the first night she and I met. We had e-mailed for months before, yet the decision to stop accepting payments was hers, as it needed to be, almost two and a half years ago. Out of respect and with no nudging from her, I continued to help support were I could. After all, don’t we all support those we love in one way or another...?

For the romantics out there, I set aside the evening of the Harvest moon to propose...Lots of stars, owls talking at each other in the oak trees and the sound of the crickets was almost too much to handle. And of course a moon like no other, all set amongst the vineyards in Santa Barbara. They closed the gates at 6, and we snuck in with blankets and champagne after 10...it was perfect. Of course as the sprinklers progressed toward us, we instinctively new to be about our business. No review to follow, sorry.

Are things perfect?
I don’t know, are things perfect for you the reader? Do you have trials in your relationships? Why are you here if you don’t?
Yes she and I face our challenges; I struggle with her being an escort. She struggles with my pending divorce. Soon both will have reached a final resting point and we will both be able to move on with our lives together, moving in a different direction for each of us. We both want nothing more than to move from point A to point B...leaving much behind.
BTW, for those that asked, she was the first escort I ever saw. I played with a few afterward because that is what “hobbyist” do, but always felt a void and kept returning to her...have not been in the game since.

Also, aliases are required only for preservation of discretion at this point, as timing is everything for both of us. There will be a point were all is revealed, by both parties. Until then I was simply trying to bring a positive note to this board and its community of people :-)

Also, as a personal message to the woman I love, you are amazing. More than my dream come true since I had no idea I needed you so. Like I shared with you earlier today, there were no odds that we would meet. No “one in a million anything”. You simply were an undeserved gift in my life, a blessing given to me, which I will cherish forever....

A heartfelt thank you to all of you who wished us well...

Look forward to hearing more!


UmaykisstheBride:  OMG - What a message of REAL love on your second posting here!  Oh my heart - I wish you nothing but the best together!!! :) *smile*   Thanks for restoring my hope in romance and REAL love!  (Afterall.....whats the "Real deal?"....sounds like THIS IS!!!!)  Hugs and kisses to you both! xxxooo Lisa of Boston :)  

-- Modified on 9/25/2005 12:17:10 AM

Congratulations!  I have flirted with the idea of of marrying at least two of my atfs, but pulled back from the brink for a variety of reasons.  Life is short so live it the way you think best.  Marriage, though, is such a hard thing to do successfully.  Good luck!!

KayGraham1941 reads

I am also going to marry my ATF. We had a rocky 6 months, where he was not sure about marriage, so I told him to get lost. He did get lost, and we were both miserable, but I was not willing to make the first move; since he was the big chicken.

It ended well, all trespasses forgiven, and we are both very happy.

Congratulations to you both.

Kay Graham

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