TER General Board

One page format?
AnastasiaKane See my TER Reviews 555 reads

I've seen ladies with websites like this and I have wondered how clients like it. Is it info overload? Everything flows together nicely but is it hard to glean the info you'd like? Just curious.

I know there are some elements you guys are not fond of, concerning our little spaces on the web (unreadable types faces, obnoxious colors, loud auto-player etc.). However, I've been wondering makes you go "Wow, I love her website!". Is it the simplicity of the layout, a responsive platform, perhaps a plethora of pictures all over, or even a blog you can peruse

Simplicity, easy navigation, photos, contact info., and such.  

No neon colours, and a warning if there is going to be an auto-play video.  (some people still like to live dangerously and surf this site from work)

I've seen ladies with websites like this and I have wondered how clients like it. Is it info overload? Everything flows together nicely but is it hard to glean the info you'd like? Just curious.

skarphedin695 reads

I can't find it but my favorite as to design was one where the escort had a full screen picture of herself and then the three horizontal line Firefox Menu Icon floating on the right of the screen. No other text. It was one page and the icon revealed a drop down of: Gallery, Rates, FAQ and Contact/Screening. And each of the sections was as direct and simple as possible. It was so great.

I prefer 4 to 6 pages appropriately segmented.  Having ALL of the info, images, rates, reviews, data, FAQ, and more all on 1 long page is too much, at least for me.  This is because when I go back in later to confirm or remind myself of something I read previously, I never seem to be able to find it.  Likewise, I have seen some lades with 10 or 12 main pages, and I think that is too many -- as this makes it similarly difficult to locate what I'm looking for.  I actually enjoy reading the words on a ladies site, as I think it gives great insight into who she is (or at least who she hopes to portray), and in my experience if the email exchanges seem comparable to the website, I am pretty sure of her being smart before we meet.  (And I like smart!)

When I can, I might enjoy the spiffier, fancier sites, but it's rare that I have the time.  You've mentioned some of things that I complain about all the time.  Autoplay, load annoying music, some ad hosting sites are incorporating pop-ups that can't be blocked.  

But, I do always suggest that the websites have a Home or Welcome page with something like:

1. Click [here] for the super-deluxe mega-bandwidth glitzy version that shows off my extensive, if incomprehensible, writing style and the subject headers that you can't figure out because I don't use the words "Rates" or "Gallery"; the scripts that hog bandwidth and CPU but would look really great if this was a Broadway show; the gigantic, super high res HD image files.

2. Click [here] for plain HTML, designed for speed, clarity and your surfing safety without using Flash, Javescripts or huge image files that take forever to download and can freeze or crash your computer.

3. Click [here] for the mobile version.

You can get a lot of low-tech style using plain HTML and simple design elements.  If that tempts us, we might want to take a look at the fancy option or, better and faster yet, try to connect (according to your clearly stated preferences: voice, text, email; forget about using Forms) to see the lady behind the ad!

KISS: Keep it simple, sh...  
I mean, KISE: Keep it Simple, Erin :-

Very witty. I like the wit of number 1  

Posted By: impposter
When I can, I might enjoy the spiffier, fancier sites, but it's rare that I have the time.  You've mentioned some of things that I complain about all the time.  Autoplay, load annoying music, some ad hosting sites are incorporating pop-ups that can't be blocked.    
 But, I do always suggest that the websites have a Home or Welcome page with something like:  
 1. Click [here] for the super-deluxe mega-bandwidth glitzy version that shows off my extensive, if incomprehensible, writing style and the subject headers that you can't figure out because I don't use the words "Rates" or "Gallery"; the scripts that hog bandwidth and CPU but would look really great if this was a Broadway show; the gigantic, super high res HD image files.  
 2. Click [here] for plain HTML, designed for speed, clarity and your surfing safety without using Flash, Javescripts or huge image files that take forever to download and can freeze or crash your computer.  
 3. Click [here] for the mobile version.  
 You can get a lot of low-tech style using plain HTML and simple design elements.  If that tempts us, we might want to take a look at the fancy option or, better and faster yet, try to connect (according to your clearly stated preferences: voice, text, email; forget about using Forms) to see the lady behind the ad!  
 KISS: Keep it simple, sh...  
 I mean, KISE: Keep it Simple, Erin :-)  

...so that I know what to expect in terms of who she will or won't see, her preferred business hours, how she likes her donation left, etc. That stuff is very important to me, and it can save me having to email her to ask about stuff isn't listed anywhere else on her site.  

In general the site should also be easy to navigate, but not too simplistic or cookie-cutter like. You can always tell when a provider truly puts an effort into her website. I am always intrigued with a well crafted and personalized site, and it's a bonus when it is also well written with vivid descriptions as well as good grammar and spelling

that part on my site because it seems they all say the same: be clean, leave the gift, don't be rude, etc. Which feels condescending to state, especially to the people I'm interested in attracting.

Your site is very nicely laid out and very clean & direct. But do you see women? Or couples? Do you do doubles? Will you accommodate an outfit request? Those are the types of things that I hope to see addressed in a FAQ section. As a female hobbyist, knowing that a provider will entertain us ladies based on her FAQ info is not only a thoughtful bit of info to include, but it saves us both a couple of emails for me to find out.

Good questions that have come up in conversation on dates but never occured to me to address. Working on it. Thanks!


I agree. Business is business, the more we know how its going to work the less we have to talk about it.

Hi Erin:

It looks great and is very professional. I love it.

Stay Amazing,


You've got a great looking FAQ section :)

may save you a few unnecessary inquiries.

That'll get people to click around in hopes that there is a picture on every page that they can glance at while they read the details.


I suppose a woman's website will be a determining factor as to whether a certain type would be interested in meeting.

Mine tends to attract a few multi hour and extended dates per month, which is the goal. But someone looking for an hour long date isn't going to want to explore my mind and creativity on a website. They'll go to the pictures and the rates. Someone interested in building a hot, whimsical love affair with someone who knows how to laugh at themselves may enjoy mine.

Accuracy is important too... a website can be gorgeous, but the follow through is important. Be the girl in the pictures, (or even surprisingly more gracefully gorgeous in person,) and you will have people seeing you, then returning to your website looking for little updates just because they have a crush on you.


bigguy30573 reads

Posted By: erinbradford
I know there are some elements you guys are not fond of, concerning our little spaces on the web (unreadable types faces, obnoxious colors, loud auto-player etc.). However, I've been wondering makes you go "Wow, I love her website!". Is it the simplicity of the layout, a responsive platform, perhaps a plethora of pictures all over, or even a blog you can peruse?  

At the moment I have a freebie site. I used to do design my own, right down to the buttons...who do you host with? I would like more versatility than a "one size fits all" Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day :)

I like a website to have the necessary information, but not too much. There shouldn't be any misspellings. Misspelling does not denote a lack of intelligence, it denotes laziness.  

It should be easy to navigate, without a plethora of choices. And the choices should be easily understood. For example, rates is a good word to use when one is searching for rates. I sometimes get confused by ladies who use other words. I suppose they’re trying to convey their sophistication, or intelligence, but if I’m confused, I’ll click outta there.  

It should have simplistic pricing, without being overstated. One need not list every price range for every activity. Most guys want an hour, maybe two for the first meeting, then if we like each other, we can talk privately from there. Also, please include the rate. 'Contact me for rates' sends me packing. I recently saw an website that said POA in the rates section. I didn't take the time to look up the acronym. I simply exited.  

It shouldn’t have too few pics, nor too many. I’ve seen websites that have only three or four pics, and others that have thousands. Oh, and there shouldn’t be a fee to access sexy pics, nor should they be locked out. One more thing. Please don’t blur out your face. There are many ways to discreetly protect your identity, but to me blur can make a lady look monstrous. Lastly, nudity is good thing. It can be discreet, but nudity is why we’re aboard this ship.  

I like a lady to introduce herself, but not say too much. But in the introduction, include her personal hobby philosophy. That's where she can express her intelligence.  

I like a website to contain a variety of contact methods. We all have different comfort zones when it comes to contact, and hopefully my one and only method is covered. (That’s the first thing I look for in an ad/website. No point in looking further if I can’t contact her.)

The website need not contain a blog if the lady participates in these forums. A lady’s writing in these forums either attracts me, or eliminates them. Your writing here, might lead me to your website/blog. But it’s unlikely I’d visit your website directly via your ad.  

I like to see what a lady really looks like, so please include a few non touched, non glossed, non professional pics. And not all pics need be lingerie pics, nor evening attire. Jeans will tell me exactly what I need to know. Thank you Jaydalee

nobody305451 reads

I agree with you.

Who took one look at your fabulous website and said, "Huh, I think I've got a few changes to make..." Lol.

Beautifully done! Sleek, elegant, visually appealing. I love the one page format, too. Easy to navigate and readers are less likely to miss anything.

I think it's safe to say you've got it nailed ;)

Alan_Nimm764 reads

That includes tablets. One problem I've seen with some provider websites is there's issues using them with tablets like iPads.  Not everyone uses a PC all the time in this day and age. If it's not possible to use a format that's compatible with tablets, then have dual formats, equally useful.  

That gets back to the point made by others re simplicity. I'll take substance & simplicity over style any day for provider websites. The most important thing is to communicate, not demonstrate how clever your website developer is.

clear and sensical rates and screening requirements and last but not least, tell us what city and state you live in.  (You'd be amazed at how many gals leave off that tiny detail.)

Your site is very nice, except it took an awfully long time for it to load on my computer, but that could be my computer and/or using the TOR browser

I browse a lot of ladies' sites (I like to call it research, but really I just like looking at boobs...haha) and I find A LOT that don't load correctly because of TOR. Specifically Wix, but others too. I know TOR browser is a very small minority but I do wonder how many others have those types of issues.

That is great insight!   Thank You for reminding me. I use a VPN- as well everyone should :D

Thank you for your compliment! I also noticed that TOR is just slow in general, but I haven't used it recently because it's pretty much infiltrated now. I've switched to different methods since then.

Another one of my rants: This is not Yahoo!  This is not Amazon!  This is stuff that we want to be able to keep minimalized as far as safety and security threats are concerned, including cookie trails and histories and someone peeping over our shoulder or coming into the room or office unexpectedly.  

You should all check your website designs using the safest, most limiting configurations that you can.  Such as TOR.  If your pictures don't show up using TOR, use a different format.  If it's slow using TOR, consider removing some elements or streamlining the content.  

And back to another of my many suggestions:  With 3 choices:
   Welcome to my website!
   Click [here] for the fancy version.
   Click [here] for the safe, fast vanilla version.
   Click [here] for the mobile version.

... you can still express your creativity and still cover all the bases.

Erin: TOR is infiltrated? What do you mean? PM, if you prefer. Thanks!

I've noticed quite a few of you who prefer straightforward words such as "gallery", "rates" etc.  
While naming the sections of my website, I decided to use a more creative approach without being too "esoteric". Hopefully my intentions where conveyed properly; but in case one still doesn't understand, all he/she has to do is to keeping scrolling. :-)

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