TER General Board

omg let me speak reallllyyy slow for you I am ChiTownHeaux aka A ho from Chicago...
DaIncredibleHulk 34 Reviews 2834 reads
1 / 74

I saw a few posts about it a while back. I thought that ANY discussion of money was kind of a major faux pas. If it's on the provider's site, don't you just follow instructions and put that shit in an unmarked envelope and not mention it upon arrival?

I know that more experienced and sensible hobbyists more than likely don't do this, but yeah.

hbyist+truth=;( 1134 reads
2 / 74

Personally I have no issue with hagglers. I have some fun with them. I do not get upset, I smile and then renegotiate.

JackDunphy 1019 reads
3 / 74

We just had a lengthy discussion about this. Not really sure how giving a woman tons of cash but less than she puts on her website on a night she may have made nothing is "trashy" but you go on with your naïveté.  

The women here can make big girl decisions bcd, and do everyday, as to what they will or will not accept. Virtually every business negotiates so why would p4p be any different? It would be odd if it DIDNT occur.

If my offer is good enough for her, how is that any of your concern?

!_! 1014 reads
4 / 74

I generally don't negotiate often with a 1 hr standard rate but when it comes to multihour dates and I become a repeat, it's in the girls' best interest to keep me as her repeat client by either grandfathering me at her previous rate or giving me a couple hunnit off her new rate. There are no shortage of HOs in this business and we can usually find another Ho who is cheaper, younger, and hotter. When a ho's phone stops ringing and her inquiries dry up after she realizes that her rate hikes or current rates are not bringing in good business, she no doubt will reconsider her "I don't negotiate" policy. LOL The golden pussy syndrome is an epidemic among many ho's and the only cure is a dose of reality. They learn their price point the hard way and often end up giving good deals. It's like any other fuckin bidness transaction, mon!

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1174 reads
5 / 74

Note that that logic only applies to seeing women who you know ahead of time that once isn't enough. For a one night thing, who cares? Go ahead. If it's worth a couple of hours of emails back and forth to save a hundred bucks, and if you don't care if she flat out turns your offer down, give it try if you've got nothing better to do.

But if she's someone you really want to experience, I'd suggest not tainting it with wooing for a cheap meeting.

Of course, if you're old enough to qualify for the usual Wednesday night senior discounts, that is a different story.

bigguy30 746 reads
6 / 74

The providers can set and ask for a certain rate. We as hobbyist can also say yes or no to the fees.
Also it's true that in major cities like NYC, Las vegas and Chicago etc.  
The living cost are very over priced and more expensive, but two things come into play.
Most people don't make $300 and up a hour and rich people usually don't like to pay a lot money either, unless they get a return on their money.
We like fair prices and don't like feeling we are getting over charged, when spending our hard earn money.  So this is coming from a person who can afford the higher end fees.

This is why for example a lot of the stores like Target, Walmart makes more money in the long run and high end stores like Blomingdales for example due well too, but I don't think they are doing business like Walmart. It's all about the deals and people usually spend more, when they feel the prices are reasonable.

We have choices in this hobby and don't have to spend crazy amounts of money, unless we want too

DT_lover 188 Reviews 1115 reads
7 / 74

Plenty of great girls for 300.  

Don't waste your time haggling.  Doing so will affect the girls attitude toward you, which is always a factor.  Hagglers get trashy service more than others I have no doubt.

bigguy30 902 reads
8 / 74

Just keep it simple and fun!  
Why worry about haggling and price?  
So go with the providers, that fit your pockets

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 1013 reads
9 / 74

I am a professional in a service industry and people usually want to haggle.   In my younger days, in the few instances I gave in, I can say that 100% of the time the client turned out to be a pain in the ass.   Yes, I did my job professionally but I could not wait to get rid of the client, because not only was I making less money, I was dealing with more bullshit for less money.  

These ladies work in the ultimate service industry, the last thing I would want to do is put them in the same position I have been.   It is such a personal service that if a lady has set a certain rate, it should be respected.    There are ladies in every price range, if someone is out of your price range, or if you feel she is "not worth it," move on.

cocktail-party 1108 reads
10 / 74

In negotiation, you're trying to come to a mutually agreeable solution. With haggling (and it's ugly compatriot, "lowballing"), you're just trying to get one over on the other party. As much as we try to establish rules of engagement, you're free to try things differently - just don't lose your shit if it doesn't go your way

ChiTownHeaux 909 reads
11 / 74

the heaux will play along more power to all you hagglers. Ads saying "no negotiating rates" but actually negotiating with the hagglers is their prerogative, and your luck. I personally stop all communication if even the hint of negotiating is given. Some dudes then send an apology email and I still will see him. If I get a nasty email for ignoring, or again asking if I will accept his offer I simply add his email to my ignore list. Voila! I have not had to deal with a haggler in person, ever.  

I will say this, from what I heard, if you heauxs negotiate with dudes, word does and will get around so expect more negotiations

Dr Who revived 837 reads
12 / 74

Sorry my dear Heaux....but negotiating is a major component in this game "we" play.

Lying is also a major component in this game.  I'm sure you also don't lie any more than you don't negotiate  ;)

Word does indeed get around.  But between Heaux's it's a competitive environment and it seems most gladly lie to each other about a myriad of issues.  Johns also tell tall tales about similar topics.

I am only interested in discussing my interests and options with someone that I am interested in.  Anything someone else does is of little to no interest on my part.
Posted By: ChiTownHeaux
the heaux will play along more power to all you hagglers. Ads saying "no negotiating rates" but actually negotiating with the hagglers is their prerogative, and your luck. I personally stop all communication if even the hint of negotiating is given. Some dudes then send an apology email and I still will see him. If I get a nasty email for ignoring, or again asking if I will accept his offer I simply add his email to my ignore list. Voila! I have not had to deal with a haggler in person, ever.  
 I will say this, from what I heard, if you heauxs negotiate with dudes, word does and will get around so expect more negotiations.  

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1144 reads
13 / 74

at the outset I don't believe in haggling -   if the sticker price does not seem justified I move on - there is no shortage last I checked of qualified lovelies in a price range that makes sense....

OTOH if I have an established relationship with someone and they would like to travel with me for example or do some other extended activity together,  I am not going to pay for OTC time...  so it usually comes down to an open discussion.  We might plan to travel together for a few days (on me) and a reasonable amount of sex would be in trade for the accommodations and opportunity.  

"haggling" is disputing over the prices of something -

negotiating is a discussion aimed at discovering common ground for something of mutual interest....

hbyist+truth=;( 579 reads
14 / 74

How do you not see that what we do and with whom can come under that "hard earned money" slogan tricks love to bandy about. And some times it really is hard earned so, you tricks are not the only ones who work hard for their money, so do some hookers.

The mantra for tricks, "more bang for the buck" mantra for hookers, "work smart, not hard". Both sides have their angles.

hbyist+truth=;( 873 reads
15 / 74

One haggler trick can be passed over for a non haggler trick who is cleaner, more respectful and less trouble. Although I have no issue if a trick starts to haggle, I just haggle back, it usually has the desired effect.

Still would love to spend an hour working on you, from top to bottom, rinse and repeat.

hbyist+truth=;( 1075 reads
16 / 74

Let their names get around, the hagglers will gravitate towards them and leave the rest alone. Maybe there should be a list by district of who allows haggling. Make it easier for the tricks who play that way and since these ladies don't seem to mind, I would think it  is a good pairing.

Dr Who revived 1435 reads
17 / 74

Just own it Markus!

Bottom line is YOU won't pay someone's posted rates for whatever your reasons.  That's fine, as neither will many here.

But to try and pretend that negotiating isn't haggling isn't dickering is just bullshit.

Plenty of articles discussing the differences as you're trying to establish...yet all roads still "lead to Rome".
Posted By: MarkusKetterman
at the outset I don't believe in haggling -   if the sticker price does not seem justified I move on - there is no shortage last I checked of qualified lovelies in a price range that makes sense....  
 OTOH if I have an established relationship with someone and they would like to travel with me for example or do some other extended activity together,  I am not going to pay for OTC time...  so it usually comes down to an open discussion.  We might plan to travel together for a few days (on me) and a reasonable amount of sex would be in trade for the accommodations and opportunity.    
 "haggling" is disputing over the prices of something -  
 negotiating is a discussion aimed at discovering common ground for something of mutual interest....

JackDunphy 1211 reads
18 / 74

Why in the world would you think it would take a "couple of hours of emails back and forth" when sometimes it takes one email out, one email in?

Just so funny how guys that say they don't negotiate have all this knowledge of how the process works. lol.

And I am not picking on you WB as many know it all johns here believe women cant hold up to their end of the negotiation and therefore will "tank" a session. That logic is just as faulty.  

If you or anybody here doesn't want to participate in negotiations, no problem, don't do it then. But to make up all these silly, illogical straw men arguments that are non factual, just makes you look foolish.

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 11:38:50 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 1087 reads
19 / 74

You are right..all leads to lowering her price for the same services...call it what one will, as you said, the results are to close.

Dr Who revived 796 reads
20 / 74

And even YOU haggle...you've publicly admitted that  ;)

It's the American way...and Central American...and European...and Russian...and, well...you get the picture  LOL

Why you Heaux's get so publicly defensive on this is hysterical....yet most dudes who've been playing here for more than an hour know that negotiation, haggling and dickering is all part of the dance.  And most gals play the game as well.  

So to spread those names around...just add all of them to the pot.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Let their names get around, the hagglers will gravitate towards them and leave the rest alone. Maybe there should be a list by district of who allows haggling. Make it easier for the tricks who play that way and since these ladies don't seem to mind, I would think it  is a good pairing.

JackDunphy 904 reads
21 / 74

How many times have you negotiated with a p4p girl? I am going to go out on a limb here and guess the number is less than one, right?

So how would YOU know it would affect the girls attitude? You don't think these girls can act professional? Why not? Why do you have such little faith in them?

Enlighten me please.

hbyist+truth=;( 1057 reads
22 / 74

I see no reason to do the same work for less money. Hagglers, more often than not, turn out to be way more work and a PITA. They rarely are decent clients, always looking to get more for less. I have no issue with this type of trick, I just don't want to deal with them and by coming back with a counter offer that reduces time, well, they soon get the hint and move on.  

No defensiveness here, with this hooker. I actually love a good haggler. I have no intention of seeing him but like to play for a bit.

Dr Who revived 948 reads
23 / 74

It would seem that he would have to go through that exercise with quite a few to babble that nonsense and make it believable.  It's tools like WB that will watch a sporting event and comment that they can do it better than the pro athlete...yet they've never attempted anything of the sort.

I agree with you Jack...if a guy is afraid to ask for something then it's much easier to bloviate like Wicked.  I feel for those folks as being afraid of ones shadow is a curse for many.

I'll bet he isn't a buyer of anything in this world...simply a consumer.

I'd love to see tools like this at public auctions....they'd want to pay the ask price every time  ;)
Posted By: JackDunphy
Why in the world would you think it would take a "couple of hours of emails back and forth" when sometimes it takes one email out, one email in?  
 Just so funny how guys that say they don't negotiate have all this knowledge of how the process works. lol.  
 And I am not picking on you WB as many know it all johns here believe women cant hold up to their end of the negotiation and therefore will "tank" a session. That logic is just as faulty.  
 If you or anybody here doesn't want to participate in negotiations, no problem, don't do it then. But to make up all these silly, illogical straw men arguments that are non factual, just makes you look foolish.

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 11:38:50 AM

Sooo...YouWanna 1070 reads
24 / 74

Some guys swear by it, but 80% of what they say to us is bullshit, so I pay them no mind. What actually happens is they ask 10 girls, 9 don't respond and two blacklist him but then that one is feeling desperate enough/is unaware it's an LE trick and take it. A pattern or good practice that does not make. Yes it's a numbers game but you will quickly run out of girls to email if you take the unverifiable bragging here as a good first approach.  

I'll be called a bitch bitch bitch for this but ever notice the low, low number of "successful hagglers" without any specific advice, just bragging, vs the number of "what an asshole" posts on PO/NBL/VH/here? For some it's always an ego trip, with little need for reality to boost it. Remember that when reading a male post on here. The ladies have learned and so should you, dear reader ;-)

In all these years, I can think of every single guy that ever tried to haggle with me. There really weren't that many, and each was met with a resounding "fuck off", worded as offensively as he asked for. If a girl wastes her time and energy on shit stains like this, she isn't going to have it for the gentlemen that don't feel the need to degrade her to get their rocks off. (face it. Ladies, you make enough not to deal with assholes and to treat the ones who aren't well). She gets fed up, her regular clientele pay the price, and then we have a bunch of ripped off guys, and a girl going "BSC" wanting to be delisted.  

Or posting in general. Seems that's enough to be labeled "BSC" by the gems here.  


Now obviously, regulars on long trips have wiggle room. Frequent regulars may have some wiggle room. Even guys caught between rate changes may have a little wiggle room with grandfathering. You, random new guy asking for an hour appointment, do not. Second time one hour client from three months ago? No, you do not. Guys from a year and a half ago she saw once? Several seats please.

Dr Who revived 973 reads
25 / 74

But you've frequented these boards (and in particular the Newbie board) long enough to see how some of the gals like to throw out the "we don't negotiate" to intimidate the newer johns.

I also see no reason to do the same work for less money...however as many others who are self-employed there are times that the "mirror test" is simply part of life.

And it's simply good sense to make something rather than nothing.  And in spite of prior comments that folks babble about their deals....most take that nonsense with a grain of salt.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I see no reason to do the same work for less money. Hagglers, more often than not, turn out to be way more work and a PITA. They rarely are decent clients, always looking to get more for less. I have no issue with this type of trick, I just don't want to deal with them and by coming back with a counter offer that reduces time, well, they soon get the hint and move on.  
 No defensiveness here, with this hooker. I actually love a good haggler. I have no intention of seeing him but like to play for a bit.

JackDunphy 1040 reads
26 / 74

negotiate. Nothing to do with the "time" it takes (as they spend countless hours on the boards, lol) or the girl will give a half assed effort (how would they know?) but more about they don't want to get shot down.

Now that's a legitimate reason but why is it so difficult to admit that? And the jealousy they show to those of us that do is funny too.  

Why do they care so much? lol. If it works for me and the girl, who cares?

hbyist+truth=;( 962 reads
27 / 74

If some guy wants to see me and get all that there is to offer and then asks to reduce the price, I immediately know what the session could end up like and it shuts down the need to be on my "A" game.  

Me acting professional is not seeing a haggler because I would not be a happy camper and it would show

JackDunphy 858 reads
28 / 74

You admit to negotiating and you realize it can be in your best interests as well to do so. Too many gals here will say they NEVER negotiate publically, but we know that is very likely just bullshit to keep the inquires down.

hbyist+truth=;( 1073 reads
29 / 74

Is relative to each hooker and what they can and will deal with. For me, some guys are just not worth the money and I hope I never get into a situation where I have to see some jerk for the money and be at his mercy because I am desperate.  

Some ladies have been there and I can't imagine what that must be like gritting teeth just to get through a session with a trick they would not see if circumstances were different.

Dr Who revived 1127 reads
30 / 74

"I won't negotiate" are comical in their defense of this.

Rejection is a hard thing for most people...so why put themselves in any position to experience it.

I get it...and for many purveyors they also get it.  And count on it.
Posted By: JackDunphy
negotiate. Nothing to do with the "time" it takes (as they spend countless hours on the boards, lol) or the girl will give a half assed effort (how would they know?) but more about they don't want to get shot down.  
 Now that's a legitimate reason but why is it so difficult to admit that? And the jealousy they show to those of us that do is funny too.  
 Why do they care so much? lol. If it works for me and the girl, who cares?  

JackDunphy 1424 reads
31 / 74

I have negotiated on dozens and dozens of occasions and I have NEVER felt the girl wasn't going all out. Some sessions were better than others, but that is true in non negotiated sessions as well.

Overall, I sense no difference. Its in the gals best interests to not tank a session.

!_! 976 reads
32 / 74

There's a shelf life for prostitutes and it's 10 years tops before a ho needs to put on a thicker layer of makeup and start to cater to the MILF or GILF clientele. She will then start managing her own reviews and blackmail a few morons so that no one posts the truth about how old and fat she really is. If ya wanna get together with me, pay my rate. I charge extra for your fetishes.  Might not be me who shows up though,  I have learned to pull bait and switches jus like how ho's do. Make sure you leave the donation as soon as you get in though. ;)

Dr Who revived 1206 reads
33 / 74

It's just part of life's little games.

To throw up (pun intended) that some asswipe is paying YOU hundreds of dollars to spend some time with him is offensive....that's just pathetic.

And not just "some ladies" have been there...ALL have been there.  Most go there quite often as well.  It's a horrible situation when some tool wants to pay her (you) hundreds of dollars an hour to fuck...horrible I tell you  LOL

And once the tool leaves many heaux's go and piss that money on shit...hence the circle of "frustration" continues.

Yep...life's a bitch  ;)
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Is relative to each hooker and what they can and will deal with. For me, some guys are just not worth the money and I hope I never get into a situation where I have to see some jerk for the money and be at his mercy because I am desperate.  
 Some ladies have been there and I can't imagine what that must be like gritting teeth just to get through a session with a trick they would not see if circumstances were different.

hbyist+truth=;( 1102 reads
34 / 74

Because it is in her best interest NOT to tank a session. Sort of caught between a rock and a hard place if reviews are involved.

I won't tank a session, I don't see hagglers so the guys I see get the "A" game.

hbyist+truth=;( 1155 reads
35 / 74

And your use of a sweeping statement ALL have been there, is not true.  

And where did I say it was offensive that some asswipe is paying me hundreds of dollars to be with him? Twist away Mr. Pretzel, I said nothing of the sort. What I did say is that I don't see hagglers and some tricks are not worth those hundreds of dollars.  

Do you realize how many assholes a hooker can turn away every month? Yep their money is not good enough!

And now you're back to the low life hooker spending all her money on dumb shit. Sure some do but so do a lot of other people in other jobs...bean counters are not exempt from making bad financial choices either.

What's.next, you going to trot out the fat hooker, old hooker pablum too?

Yeah life's a bitch and then one turns up at your door with his money in wad asking for a discount. LO

JackDunphy 1039 reads
36 / 74

The need for the money and possibly getting a repeat client out of a guy as well as just being "professional" and enjoying the time out of the house to boot.  

Many, many reasons why girls don't tank HT. Not just one.

JackDunphy 1057 reads
37 / 74

to draw you conclusions? Sounds like you have tons of experience.

Dr Who revived 1277 reads
38 / 74

And everything I've posted here is quite the truth.

ALL gals have negotiated...err haggled...err dickered.  That's not a guess!

Yes...I do know how often a gal will turn some dude away...rarely (if ever) is it for haggling. YOU know that.  Green is green...you also know that.  Dudes get turned away for the most common of reasons...they are pathetic in their email/PM/text contact and gals can't screen them efficiently.  However even in this case many will bend over backwards to accommodate the johns attempts.

So get off that high horse and either put up an interesting argument or accept that you are just spewing nonsense.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And your use of a sweeping statement ALL have been there, is not true.  
 And where did I say it was offensive that some asswipe is paying me hundreds of dollars to be with him? Twist away Mr. Pretzel, I said nothing of the sort. What I did say is that I don't see hagglers and some tricks are not worth those hundreds of dollars.  
 Do you realize how many assholes a hooker can turn away every month? Yep their money is not good enough!  
 And now you're back to the low life hooker spending all her money on dumb shit. Sure some do but so do a lot of other people in other jobs...bean counters are not exempt from making bad financial choices either.  
 What's.next, you going to trot out the fat hooker, old hooker pablum too?  
 Yeah life's a bitch and then one turns up at your door with his money in wad asking for a discount. LOL  

hbyist+truth=;( 985 reads
39 / 74

If she is getting paid, the jokes on you

Sooo...YouWanna 1247 reads
40 / 74

It's not bullshit. Guys that right off the bat ask for a discount have a very low success rate. Engaging in haggling is what most say they will never participate in, and it's true. There is a HUGE difference between a regular who has already given you thousands of dollars saying "can we do 5k instead of 6k?" When you know he just had to replace his engine, and a guy who emails and says "hey so I'll be a regular but I want to make sure it's worth it first, can I get $100 off?" THAT is the bullshit. Not girls letting you know how repulsive they find that kind of email.  

That you don't understand the difference and feel the need to be all smarmy giving me "credit" for something ladies have clarified a thousand times on the board speaks volumes. Not surprising volumes, but volumes indeed.

hbyist+truth=;( 775 reads
41 / 74

Get off your high "I know how every hooker runs her business" horse before you get a nose bleed.

You have no idea how I run my business and who I turn away. You have assumptions based on the few hookers you have spoken with.  

I am not speaking for all hookers. I have no idea what they do or what they see.  

I know how I do it and I turn away hagglers by haggling down the time they spend. Not something they like so they walk away. Very rare but the trouble I might incur seeing one of these types is not worth the money. Not all green will get you in  
 my door.  

And it is not a high horse view it is a  choice I made along with many others that have served me well

!_! 1108 reads
42 / 74

I can still see a 20 year old prostitute when I'm 80. An 80 year old ho can't. That's why hoes look for sugar daddies otherwise they can't do shit after they retire. No degree or some worthless liberal arts degree lol. No job skills. Maybe if they spent all their hooking money selling pussy on schooling instead of shoes things would be different.

Dr Who revived 1151 reads
43 / 74

Why should they?  No upside in doing so.

And as we've seen here there is no shortage of scared little johns who are afraid of rejection.  Hence the diatribe by Sooooo.

But so many dudes chat elsewhere and some actually demonstrate a possible backbone.  Whether they really cut that deal is irrelevant.....the fact that they at least concur that ALL gals will negotiate is pertinent to this discussion.

Funny thing is that with the number of gals I've known here (and those well before TER existed) they tend to factor in the price they are actually seeking.  Those who espouse they get sticker are simply either bold faced liars or delusional gals who don't understand how to really calculate their values.  I've seen both examples  ;)
Posted By: JackDunphy
You admit to negotiating and you realize it can be in your best interests as well to do so. Too many gals here will say they NEVER negotiate publically, but we know that is very likely just bullshit to keep the inquires down.

hbyist+truth=;( 787 reads
44 / 74

It's just not how I play the game. I don't want to be with anyone that I can not be on my "A" game with.  

So  if I know going in that he is not my speed or he haggles or any number of reasons, I prefer not to engage and move on.  

Therefore there is no need to tank any of my sessions and if I get that "feeling" about a trick, he is not someone I would want as a regular or to spend any OTC time with.  

There are just some thing about this business that are black and white with me. It has to be in order for me to keep a level head and not get burned out.

Dr Who revived 826 reads
45 / 74

I have a really good idea how YOU run this gig.  It's a rather finite set of options.

As for only a "few"....again your assumptions are quite erroneous.  YOU know I speak with a rather vast knowledge on this subject.

You are more than welcome to espouse that you have some "uniqueness" to this genre....I've seen many others try and create that illusion as well.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Get off your high "I know how every hooker runs her business" horse before you get a nose bleed.  
 You have no idea how I run my business and who I turn away. You have assumptions based on the few hookers you have spoken with.  
 I am not speaking for all hookers. I have no idea what they do or what they see.  
 I know how I do it and I turn away hagglers by haggling down the time they spend. Not something they like so they walk away. Very rare but the trouble I might incur seeing one of these types is not worth the money. Not all green will get you in  
  my door.  
 And it is not a high horse view it is a  choice I made along with many others that have served me well.  

JackDunphy 884 reads
46 / 74

MANY MANY MANY girls here claim to NEVER negotiate under ANY circumstances. lol. They don't differentiate the way you do between "haggling" and "negotiating" publically, but privately, something quite different occurs. You really don't know this?  

Yes, SOME ladies have made the clarification you state, most have NOT. They try and feed into the utter bullshit that "one never negotiates with a lady." Go look on the girls on the NB if you don't believe me. They indoctrinate this crap all the time.

Almost every girl, bcd, negotiates to one extent or the other. Yes I give you credit because you are one of the few that admits it. Not smarmy at all. Its factual sweetie.

CubaGoodingJRsMama 1182 reads
47 / 74
JackDunphy 1132 reads
49 / 74

Put him on "ignore." That will help the softer side of you deal with mega dicks like the Doctor more easily.

hbyist+truth=;( 1144 reads
50 / 74

I am not one of them and what I have shared on here is as much as you know. You do not know how I operate.  

I have not mentioned that I am unique, I have a set of rules/boundaries that I do not alter, not for anyone. If you want to play within those then fine. Try and negotiate those rules/boundaries, boom, down goes the heavy metal steel door on any chance you had. And NEVER have I altered my menu.  

AS for an illusion, that is what this business is founded on for the most part. No-one believes for a second that miss hottie sexy pants is remotely turned on by Mr. Dunlap(belly done lapped over his pants) with a sagging scrotal sack, liver spots, more hair in his ears than on his head and old enough to be her grand daddy, but she will show him a good time for the cash....there's your illusion.

hbyist+truth=;( 971 reads
51 / 74

How old are you, 16? You have been at this a few months or is it this incarnation of an old handle (NEG maybe)?

Either way, you have added yet another IQ lowering handle and persona to the dick pool.

ChiTownHeaux 1033 reads
52 / 74

Because I come on here for entertainment and the shit he says is seriously funny!  
You are pretty comical too by the way. Thank you :)  

Oh, and I am "soft" but only because I have not been jaded by the major little dickies.  
Try to cross me in real life and then you will get my hard side, here nah no thank you

Sooo...YouWanna 1018 reads
53 / 74
JackDunphy 1231 reads
54 / 74

You know your place. Good boy. One less idiot john I need to set straight.

ChiTownHeaux 1063 reads
55 / 74
Sooo...YouWanna 987 reads
56 / 74

Whether they really cut that deal is irrelevant? I disagree. You are perfectly welcome to waste your time mass emailing and getting yourself on blacklists (and I mean that honestly, go for it if you want. No skin off my nose), but that is not an effective way of getting a date. It's not that other guys are scared of rejection, they would just rather have their possibly one day a month to play go as smoothly as possible. Maybe you enjoy emailing multiple girls and taking whichever bites, but most guys don't feel the need to get one over on someone to have a good time and have a specific person in mind when they get the itch to email. Thank god, and not for the money, that most people really do just want to have an old fashioned good time.  

Unless you've emailed and seen and negotiated with every woman here, you are just as delusional as you claim the girls are. The truth is that even though we are in the same business, not everyone does what I do and vice versa. And as a guy, you don't even have the perspective to know even that. That's not a knock on you, that is an honest fact. There is a world of difference between your experience and the stories you hear, and what actually happens. If you would like to go through TERs entire database and back up your claims though, I would love to see the charts on that. (Really, it would be an interesting break down)

I personally get sticker price all the time. But then again, anything over the typical 1-4 hour date, where any negotiating might actually occur (for me), I am pretty fair about to begin with, so to actually negotiate there's got to be a pretty good reason or I don't need to go. Beware the hooker who isn't the boards favorite stereotype, cause she won't behave like the boys promised ;-p

hbyist+truth=;( 1222 reads
57 / 74
JackDunphy 1163 reads
58 / 74

Wtf are you talking about with "mass emailing?" I have NEVER sent out a "mass email" in this biz as there is never any need. Is that the way you REALLY think it goes down?  

Listen up honey. I make offers to women I want to see. Sometimes they are accepted outright. Sometimes they counter. VERY rarely are they ignored and sorry to disappoint, never placed on a BL and if I am somewhere, it doesn't stop me from seeing who I want.  

And many intelligent women know that BL's are bullshit for experienced johns with great refs. The money always outweighs some grumpy hooker who may bitch about getting offered lots of money for a session. lol. MANY girls would love to be so "offended" at an offer of 2k on a 3k tab when they would be home watching reruns of "Friends" otherwise. lol

And you REALLY seemed to be confused about "sticker". You start off saying you get sticker "all the time" and in the VERY next sentence you admit to negotiating. Wtf?? You have to have ZERO short term memory to pull that off. lol.

At this point I really have to ask you. Are you really a hooker or do you just play one on the internet? roflmao

JohnyComeAlready 1157 reads
59 / 74
ChiTownHeaux 1118 reads
62 / 74

Like I said you boys really do crack me up. I am a provider, escort, who goes by the alias ChiTownHeaux.

Have a great day, you made me crack up.

JackDunphy 1077 reads
63 / 74

Get back to me when you know what "sticker" and "negotiating" means.  

Hint: they mean vastly different things.

bigguy30 1207 reads
64 / 74
talknboutTSic;) 795 reads
65 / 74
Sooo...YouWanna 900 reads
66 / 74

Because based on your flip flopping and frequently contradictory posts, I would have to say it's really just about disagreeing with the ladies, rather than the greater good nonsense you think we'll all buy.

Dr Who revived 1105 reads
67 / 74

When you decide to try and engage here...better up your game.

I kind of now agree with Jack.  I also now think that you're just another pitiful john using this alias for kicks.

But we'll give it some more time and see if you give yourself away....it's inevitable  ;)

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 983 reads
68 / 74

it is very simple -   but you completely failed to understand it -

I pay the advertised rate a couple of times a week on average - if I choose the lady then I am agreeing to the rate she quotes.  This does not even get discussed - it goes in the envelope, the envelope gets dropped and that's the end of it -

but if a provider knows me personally and wants to travel with me or enjoy some adventures with me or do anything off the clock,  I'm not paying for the privilege -   and if I am paying for travel and accommodations I consider a reasonable bit of sex to be appropriate in appreciation....

why you feel the need to tell me what I do or to grotesquely interpret my post suggests to me that you have a problem with me -   why I don't really care -   but I am not going to let it stand without comment.  Now go away.

hotplants 990 reads
69 / 74

He's pretty sure the word 'Heaux' is GAY.  

And, this, has been a genuine rflmao moment from you jack, to a GAY......lol....

Dr Who revived 977 reads
70 / 74

Again...pretending that haggling isn't negotiating is pure folly.  And falls into the dickering bucket.

Got it?
Posted By: MarkusKetterman
it is very simple -   but you completely failed to understand it -  
 I pay the advertised rate a couple of times a week on average - if I choose the lady then I am agreeing to the rate she quotes.  This does not even get discussed - it goes in the envelope, the envelope gets dropped and that's the end of it -  
 but if a provider knows me personally and wants to travel with me or enjoy some adventures with me or do anything off the clock,  I'm not paying for the privilege -   and if I am paying for travel and accommodations I consider a reasonable bit of sex to be appropriate in appreciation....  
 why you feel the need to tell me what I do or to grotesquely interpret my post suggests to me that you have a problem with me -   why I don't really care -   but I am not going to let it stand without comment.  Now go away.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 841 reads
72 / 74

Lots of ugly attitude here.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1013 reads
73 / 74

last dollar off on the already $2 item at the flea market.
When purchasing houses and automobiles, one negotiates, one does NOT haggle.
With the mostly $300 per hour and up rates, escorts are more like luxury items (yes, please excuse the inappropriateness of comparing women to things, but I do think this helps make the point).
I dare say, how many ladies here pay $300 per hour for ANY service in their life?  And if they had negotiated this service (perhaps a spa treatment of the Gods) from a $400 rate, would that be considered "haggling"?

This world really does warp perceptions.

And the psychological warfare of labeling guys as "cheap" or "hagglers" who inquire about perhaps having a $800 date instead of a $1,000 date, I'm sure has been effective in keeping guys "in-line" and holding down the number of such inquiries.  That, and lets face it, the biggest thing that many guys in this hobby have going for them is their wallet, so it can  be a badge of honor for guys to not blink at rates.  It's kind of a humble brag masked as being part of the "gentleman hobbiest" ethos.  I'll admit, knowing how strongly some ladies feel on this topic, I largely don't waste my time contacting ladies above my usual budget, because I know so many are not flexible with rates and I don't want to offend. It certainly doesn't tempt me to go beyond what I am comfortable paying for this service though.  However, the few times that I HAVE made respectful inquiries about a lower rate, I've recieved respectful replies, with about 50% accepting my still very generous offers.  

Mind you, I really believe in the market place, and don't judge - if a lady can get $1,000,000 an hour then good for her.  But I do think it would be a little silly if this lady scoffed at the guy who only offered her half a million $ as being a cheap haggler

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