TER General Board

OK, you're now officially served notice!
jrman66 42 Reviews 4376 reads
1 / 38

I find myself inclined to see a new provider over a provider I have already visited, given the choice.  I would say that except for girls I have seen in an AMP, I have only been with 2 providers more than one time.  Some of this has to do with the fact that I travel a lot and mostly see providers while I am traveling; or providers will come to my area only once or twice - so I do not have the opportunity to repeat.

However, I find myself shying away from repeat visits with the same person.  

I'm curious what others think.  Maybe I am analyzing things too much.  Maybe I'm afraid of falling in love with a provider (which is soooooo easy to do).

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 3861 reads
2 / 38

I would make a list of those I really wanted to see and categorize them in A, B, C order of how much I really wanted to see them.

Then, let's say my budget only allowed for once, maybe twice a month, and I listed 10 ladies. I would see all 10, and then go back to those I liked enough to repeat.

Then, I'd make out my harem list of 4-6 faves, and keep them in rotation.

It seems the happiest clients are those that juggle just a handful and keep it at that.

hrnyguy31 100 Reviews 3403 reads
3 / 38

who,If it were up to me alone, could develop into much more of a relationship with. I doubt that they know this, and I doubt that they would be inclined in the same direction, but I know I have to pace myself, and watch what I say and do to keep it in check. I once avoided a provider for many months, because I had feelings for her I shouldn't have. I expected her to ask me what happened, where ya been?, and I didn't know whether to tell her the reason. As it turned out, she was so nonchalant, it kinda deflated my ego. BTW, the vast majority of ladies I've seen, I would never see again, for a variety of reasons.

Bob71466 7 Reviews 2753 reads
4 / 38

I only get a chance to see a provider 4-6 times a year, and I also primarily hobby while travelling so I suffer from the same problem of the ATFs not being available in my area.

Most don't travel to Central NJ, and it is tough to get into the city (NYC) sometimes, but I'll make the trip for special visits (like Bebedoll back in Feb.)

I also tend not to repeat much...... Partly due to the travelling factor, partly due to the wanderlust that sees the incredible buffet of selections and has a tough time sticking to just one or a few....

BigPoppaPumplv 30 Reviews 2494 reads
5 / 38

Since my hobbying activties are limited to when  I go on vacation I try to see my favs and some new ladies. I have had times when I mainly seen one lady.  There are pluses and minus to both ways.  I think the main thing is what makes you happy, and what you are comfy with.

sparker 35 Reviews 3470 reads
6 / 38

Like many, I do keep a "top do" list of "potentials" based on reviews and posts as well as other's recommendations here. (Thank you, Gentlemen)! The list changes over time based on a few retirements as well as newer ones entering our collective radar.  

As a matter of thumb, when I am traveling out of town I prefer to see a new provider on each trip. I enjoy the opportunity of seeing someone completely new and different. It almost heightens the sensuality portion of it. But at home I am not adverse to seeing a few select favorites for a few times more! In those instances, I have found the repeat performance is usually better than the first time.

The duality between the newness and the familiarity is just as enjoyable to me. My only problem is that there is never enough time nor funds to cover all my erotic wishes!

beachbound 33 Reviews 4344 reads
7 / 38

compelling.  One girl, unfortunately now branded a ripoff, was so freaking hot and a cock mechanic like I've never met...well, I had to go back :)

The only other two I've repeated with had become friends, sorta, and we just had fun getting together sometime for hobbying and sometimes not...

-- Modified on 6/10/2004 11:42:38 AM

AZChewy 3224 reads
8 / 38

Yes, I tend to see the same person on a regular basis. I periodically sample the favors of others between my regular appointments or should my regular be unavailable. Haven't found anyone who can top the attitude and service she offers (although there is one other but her schedule is too erratic). I thoroughly enjoy her company and like her as a person. Those make for a very enjoyable encounter every time we meet. I guess I don't really understand the "falling in love" thing that a lot of guys raise here. In my case, I see my regular for 2 hours about every 3-4 weeks. Don't know how "standard" that is but I have to assume that it is not far from the norm. If one were to assume a 2 hour encounter monthly, after one full year, you would have spent the equivalent of only 24 hours or 1 day in that person's company. How can you "fall in love" with someone in that short a period of time?

-- Modified on 6/10/2004 12:10:55 PM

r_bear11 23 Reviews 3869 reads
9 / 38

I think I would be a repeater, but for several reasons I havent been. Either the lady has priced me out of her league, she has dissapeared, retired or she is constantly on a bus or a train somewhere.

I would love to find someone that I could have a set arangement with.

A muse.

Someone with whom I don't have to worry about a thing with.

Someone to help me be a better man.

piv 12 Reviews 3598 reads
10 / 38

It took me a long time to find someone that provided what I was looking for close to home. I'm more into the longer dates and dinner type thing as a rule. Someone you can be comfortable with in any circumstance both in and out of the bedroom. Right now there isn't anyone else that excites me enough to make a change, or even try for that matter.
The same goes when I travel, I feel very fortunate that I've hooked up with great ladies in L.A., Vegas and Boston. Although I don't see them as often as I would like, I know that when I do it's is a can't miss situation.

Variety may be the spice of life, but a few very select ladies provide all the spice I need and then some.

My .02

IsabellaManelli See my TER Reviews 3555 reads
11 / 38

That has to be the sweetest thing I have ever heard....
But, I don't blame hobbyists for sampling many....If I were a hobbyist, I would be tempted to have variety too!  There are so many beautiful girls out there.

followme 3382 reads
12 / 38

After eating my sister-in laws cooking!!!!
Thank You

Cogito Ergo DATY 4710 reads
13 / 38
Snowblind 10 Reviews 4631 reads
14 / 38
sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 3834 reads
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But, actually, there are a number of my clients who've said they like rotating a half dozen and stay there..

jim3543 18 Reviews 4422 reads
16 / 38
cutehunkie 70 Reviews 4151 reads
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I now have 2 ladies who give me two pops a visit, sweet DFKs, very relaxed meetings, BBBJTC ... and they are really nice to talk to.  34-24-34 and 34-24-36 figures .. blonde, blue eyes, pretty and sexy.  Yes, I feel very strongly about repeating, because once we meet again ... it's great GFE. I also feel that when I repeat, the providers are more comfortable with me and they shout more and have real "o"s and I could feel them warm and wet (as oppose to the first time).

VonRyan 15 Reviews 2579 reads
18 / 38

I had an "anniversary"Liasion with an out of town provider this past Monday and this time around it was a much more relaxed, comfortable,downright sexy experience that the both of us I believed enjoyed tremendously...more so the second time around.

We didn't plan on having lunch in the big apple afterwards but it turned out that way and I'd say we both wound up with a great appreciation for each others company.

Let me say thatthe first time around she had no clue who Von Ryan was but this time she was well aware. She would  pm over the past year and kidded how she easily pleasured herself over reading my first review.Funny thing is that her review gave me the most PM's I ever received after a review.

It's strange but even though it had been a year...it was like it was just yesterday.HOTTTTT!



Chi_Guy 2 Reviews 2590 reads
19 / 38

A few years ago I had the ideal situation, a lady that I liked that lived near me and well within my budget.  I saw her weekly.  Then she retired.  I'm now a new newbie with no local references.  Having a backup or two is a good idea.

salivate 3 Reviews 3394 reads
20 / 38

I enjoy the thrill of discovery that comes from a first meeting. But if the chemistry is right, each meeting thereafter gets better and better until it doesn't feel like a service or business. Plus I find that "discovery" can continue with the same person on many levels. And that's what I really like. Must say I have only repeated three times...the right chemistry can be elusive.

lvkevin 12 Reviews 3590 reads
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I was married twice , 12 & 24 years respectivly . I try to see at least one new provider a month . The ones I click with get my return visets , just a creature of habet I guess .

Guz 25 Reviews 3186 reads
22 / 38

I have gone back to providers for seconds and sometimes thirds. Matter of fact, I will be seeing one again for the third time very soon, total GFE. CAN NOT WAIT :-) !

Although meeting someone new is exhilarating, their is also the factor of it possibly being a bust and I hate busts so sometimes I'd rather pick a provider I have seen before then pick a new one.

And it is easy to fall in love with a provider, I've come close myself but Ya gotta fight those feelings. Put'em in a sack and dump'it!

Stempy 3285 reads
23 / 38

Just because she finally "got" a penis didn't automatically make it her's. It was still mine since she was unable to detach it from me (Lord knows how hard she tried too)! She did manage to dislodge my wallet!

bobb3950 8 Reviews 3971 reads
24 / 38

I have my ATF who I see once a month. Sometimes I do venture off and taste what else is out there, but I always come back to her.

I have developed a very nice relationship with her.
We are comfortable with each other. We both know the restrictions and limitations of this relationship and we both accept them.
Under different circumstances, we might very well pursue a different type of relationship, but for now, it is what it is.

We are not "jealous " of each other, her with her other clients, I with my SO. We just enjoy what we each have to offer the other. It works for us, it may not work for others.

Just my opinion...

Guz 25 Reviews 3106 reads
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Guz 25 Reviews 3687 reads
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In response to your question, AZChewy, its very easy to do so I believe. If the provider your seeing makes the time your together seem unreal and both of you connect on all points possible then Yes it is easy to fall in love even if the time you spend together is only an hour or 2hr long. If not only the sex is fantastic but also the conversation and as a whole person she is perfect in every way imaginable, then it is quite damn hard NOT to fall in love.

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 2938 reads
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it sure is sweet. Hell, there aint no ring on this finger, and I intend on staying a rolling stone. So what if my ass is stamped with more luggage stickers than I can count? I am aiming on every state and all the top cocksmen.

zinaval 7 Reviews 3305 reads
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I'd get to the third name before I'd have to go solo... then I'd be too tired to continue.  When I'd recover, I'd get to the 7th or 8th...

If I were 21, I'd maybe finish the list in a single night.  In middle age, this could take months, and be very debilitating in the meantime.


greatrush 3 Reviews 3811 reads
30 / 38

If you fear falling in love with in a provider after say 3 visits, then I suspect that what you have at home is next to awful. If this is case, cut your losses; if the providers "loves" you in the same way, perhaps you two have a shot. Then, again, I doubt it. If she takes a hit of my johnson, she might get addicted.

greatrush 3 Reviews 2458 reads
31 / 38

Quite honestly, I have been with 10 different providers and I am not good at picking them. I would say that two have the brains and personality for me to want to see them as 'civilians.' The rest were just to make money and while thats the game, I'd say fellas, be careful what you wish for. Providers are as human as the next person and not without their personal problems. What you will likely find is someone who while gorgeous, may be more screwed up than you will ever be.

greatrush 3 Reviews 4347 reads
32 / 38

Hey bud, it works because you provide her with a regular income. Go there for a "freebie" and come back and let us know whether you got your ticket punched. While I agree, you can have a nice and sometimes "affectionate" relationship with your provider, it is first a business to her, and if you forget that then you are a sad person, waiting for heartbreak.

bobb3950 8 Reviews 4480 reads
34 / 38

Been there, done that.
Freeby has been offered by her, not accepted by me.
Must keep this in proper perspective.
It doesn't work for everyone, but it does work for us.
We are and will continue to be, good friends.
There are other ladies I see that I don't have this type of relationship with, strictly business.
No sad person here, just working on getting along.

Just my opinion...

GotRhythm 3857 reads
35 / 38

Many treat you like gold at first.  You're a "regular" which is generally a positive experience for them for several reasons.  Repeat business translates to familiarity with each other’s wants, less LE risk, lower advertising costs and possibly even friendship.  I like this part.  Walmart calls repeaters "same store sales."

Next, though, many providers realize you're not Greek god-ish enough for them, just a big swingin' dick like so many others.  They begin to care more about the clock than about you.  Little things start disappearing from around the house.  The ladies show up quite late for a $600.00 "full service" appointment only to announce, when you're both fully undressed, that it's "that time of the month" again (“darn!”), so "how 'bout a nice hand job or maybe a little anal instead?  I’ve got some lube…."  Integrity would have required disclosure of the monthly curse up front while the gent still had some graceful way to address the issue.  

Finally, the "advance" you provided 3 months ago, which has never been liquidated, is long-forgotten (by her).  After another "advance" or two (if she can sucker you into it), she announces it's time for her to "move on" (in other words, you're no longer her ATF but THANKS so much for the spare change... "Bye!").

-- Modified on 6/11/2004 4:00:12 PM

GotRhythm 3433 reads
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That way, I don't get too hung up on just one girl.  As far as repeat visits, I think the girls appreciate them.  So many fewer unknowns (is he a cop?  A nut-case?, etc.)

Plus, if a girl genuinely wants to see me more than once, she'll drop a hint (like a nice "thank you hon'" e-mail about our sessions or $50 off future visits, etc.).  I usually throw the $50 back in at the end, but it's a nice gesture and lets me know she's interested in future visits...

-- Modified on 6/11/2004 4:03:23 PM

Learned a ThingorTwo 2347 reads
37 / 38

Semi-monogamy seems to work well for me at least in this forum. I tried an exclusive situation sometime back but the lady started to take me for granted. I returned to the wealth of variety offered in the hobby and now have several favorites which I rotate at my discretion. I just wish I had more discretionary income to rotate with.

-- Modified on 6/11/2004 7:47:00 AM

SirPrize 2835 reads
38 / 38

Most of the providers I have seen (over 100) aren't anything special to me.

When I find one that is, I tend to see her regularly.

I know what I like.

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