TER General Board

OK sounds like you want a guy to stay and get you pregnant?
Blowing Chunks 2937 reads
1 / 45

POSTING while SHIT FACED INTOXICATED!!  :D  What was it that you posted while you were shit faced drunk? Did you regret posting that after you sobered up or did you let it stay up? (Share the link!!)

We're not talking about 1 or 2 cans of beer, we're talking BAC level far above legal limit that you can't really walk the white line. I'm usually sober. My red glowing face doesn't agree with me but I'm still sober. I kinda let go when I'm out at parties but it's been a long long time since I've ever blown any chunks. Maybe 20 hours ago?  ROFL  Seriously, I haven't blown chunks in a long long time. I'm a very responsible drunk.

Who else do you suspect are SDP (serial drunk posters) on this board just by looking the crazy stuff they post?  

-- Modified on 4/5/2014 9:39:08 PM

GaGambler 1178 reads
2 / 45

Pimpathy, AnnoyingFungus and several others certainly appear to be PUI, but I think they are just stupid and not drunk.

I know for a fact that Inicky regularly PUI's, but like myself he does it so often that it's really tough to tell the difference, and like me he makes more sense drunk than those other two do when stone cold sober.

89Springer 1058 reads
3 / 45

I enjoy writing. I also enjoyed beer. Enjoyed it too much.  

I'd stay up until 2 or 3 am writing stories on various forums. Some were very good, even if I say so myself. I got a lot of laughs and compliments.  

My ex didn't enjoy my clicking away on the keyboard, and would often interrupt my train of thought by telling me to to go bed.  

In the morning I'd go over the stories to weed out the parts obviously written by a drunk, and then post them.

floyd1039 10 Reviews 1179 reads
6 / 45

If you didn't like the parts written by a drunk, why not keep her off the computer?

bonordonor 873 reads
7 / 45

www.TERadmin.com/moderators/bonordonor.  lmao

inicky46 61 Reviews 1127 reads
8 / 45

In not too much longer I'll be fully inside it.  Sometimes I wake up the next morning, read the shit I put up the night before and think, "What asshole posted that shit?"
Hell, it took me five tries to find a picture that would post.  But my grammar is perfect.

-- Modified on 4/5/2014 10:47:14 PM

-- Modified on 4/5/2014 10:47:38 PM

-- Modified on 4/5/2014 10:48:11 PM

-- Modified on 4/5/2014 10:50:22 PM

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 883 reads
9 / 45
Arovet 62 Reviews 998 reads
10 / 45

My drinking is WAY toned down from my scotch and martini days but I'm definitely guilty of some wine-soaked postage from time to time

Fridays117 27 Reviews 913 reads
11 / 45

5 beers in and barely a buzz.  G'night all.  I gotta work in the morning.

Oh, this is a sex discussion board, so for that reason alone, I'll tell you that I'm going to jack off before sleep.  TMI, I know, but who hasn't among us, I ask...  No, don't tell me.

Cosette 1353 reads
14 / 45

I really liked the person and he touched me. And when I got home I posted a thread something like "to the men who stay for the kids, I commend you" or some variation. It's one of the longest threads ever. I'm not even sure if I replied to the responses because I may have gone to sleep right afterwards. The conversation kept getting longer and branches pulled left and right through the next day. Good times.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 933 reads
15 / 45
Blowing Chunks 1050 reads
17 / 45

or did you mean you want your man to stick around and take care of your kids?  

(DA is intentionally acting dumb here,  ha ha)

OSP 26 Reviews 832 reads
18 / 45
inicky46 61 Reviews 812 reads
20 / 45

I never would drink before sex, afraid it would make me sluggish and unable to perform.  But during my recent sojourn in Costa Rica, the pussy being only $100/hr, I decided to experiment.  Turned out I could still FWD, though I don't plan to keep doing it.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 901 reads
21 / 45

but if I did, I seriously doubt I'd even be able to log on, let alone compose an incoherent thought.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1217 reads
22 / 45
MasterZen 33 Reviews 936 reads
23 / 45

and it surprised me. Angry threads? I'm usually a happy drunk!

Blowing Chunks 994 reads
24 / 45

I doubt you'll ever post anything incoherent or mean,  unlike the two posters gag was referring to.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1105 reads
25 / 45

If not taken to extremes, it can be awesomely uninhibited and fun! Best if both are a bit on the "happy" side, though.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1056 reads
26 / 45

You are refreshing  in my book , drunk or sober .

Posted By: Cosette
I really liked the person and he touched me. And when I got home I posted a thread something like "to the men who stay for the kids, I commend you" or some variation. It's one of the longest threads ever. I'm not even sure if I replied to the responses because I may have gone to sleep right afterwards. The conversation kept getting longer and branches pulled left and right through the next day. Good times.

0603450onThe 949 reads
27 / 45

crazy about lol. Posting while buzzed...fun. Fucking while buzzed...even more fun. Hence, why my dates typically 'begin' with a simple lil cocktail. Allows gentlemen to 'loosen' up and release their inhibitions allowing for a fun, relaxed time...as it should be. There's enough anxiousness going into a date most times and sometimes one lil drink won't hurt anyone, I find it does the opposite. It certainly doesn't inhibit what you think it would, that's for sure. ;)

But 'buzzed' and 'drunk' are two totally different things. Getting 'drunk' or 'shit-faced' anymore, is not in my vocabulary and hasn't been for years, hell since college. Too many days to 'recoop' from drunken stupidity in my book.  

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 6:48:42 AM

Blowing Chunks 991 reads
28 / 45
Fridays117 27 Reviews 953 reads
29 / 45

Happy drunk yes.  Lots of fun.  Room spinning, about to puke drunk, not so much.  FWD should read as FWT (fucking while tipsy).

Blowing Chunks 1122 reads
30 / 45

But it's OK though,  a girl who can relax and be cool can be a good trait.

0603450onThe 906 reads
31 / 45

Sometimes I forget where I am LOL. Just to be clear on this topic, let's begin with my definitions first...

Buzzed = a relaxed state of mind (my definition)
Drunk  = a completely incoherent state of mind as to one's surroundings and everything inbetween  - incapacitated essentially (my definition)

Better DA? ;)

Buzzed is not even remotely in the same category as drunk. There's a very fat line there, clearly. Buzzed for me = one glass of wine being the lightweight I am LOL. Downing an entire bottle of something which clearly 'intoxicates' and 'destroys' the mind and the bod aka 'drunk', that concept is pointless to me personally being the health freak I am. But to each his own. Although I will say studies have proven that one glass of red wine (and my 'Italian' grandmother is proof) that it's not such a bad thing afterall.

Why? you're not drunk reading my previous post are you? I thought it was pretty clearly stated.  


-- Modified on 4/6/2014 8:56:18 AM

GaGambler 1259 reads
32 / 45

I've been FWD since my teen years, I don't see any reason to stop. I will allow that fucking drunk women who can't handle their boozes has it's hazards, a woman puking her guts out is no longer sexy no matter how drunk I am  myself.

I will further admit that sometimes I have stumbled upstairs with a hottie after a long night of drinking, only to one or both of us pass out before even getting undressed, that's when it's a good thing that I like morning sex as well.

Blowing Chunks 1042 reads
33 / 45

not yet you don't but with in 24 hours you're bound to get a PM.  How do I know?  MP told me you have a PM.  MP PM MP PM I'm getting dyslexic.  :D

Blowing Chunks 837 reads
34 / 45
GaGambler 917 reads
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as a bottle or two a day has got to be "Great" for you, and I average a bit over a bottle a day I would guess.

As for buzzed, drunk, etc

A bottle of beer has zero effect on me, a bottle of wine gets me "buzzed" a bottle of booze gets me "drunk".

I am "buzzed" more evenings than not, I am somewhere between "buzzed and drunk" quite often, I am "Drunk" very, very rarely.

Like you, these are MY definitions, I am sure I don't speak for anyone else except maybe a few of the other drunks on the board, although Inicky is not much of a wine drinker. I bet his definitions wouldn't be much different than mine.

89Springer 1036 reads
37 / 45

I've often heard the "one cigarette takes 3 minutes off your life" stat. I sat down one day and estimated how many cigarettes I'd smoked, and the calculations showed that I should have died about eleven years before I was born.

As for drinking, in the last several years of my drinking, I was doing a twelve-pack or better each night. I think that qualifies as "drunk". ;)

My ex would get home from work at 5:40, and by 7:00 she usually had polished off her first quart bottle of wine. Sometimes she'd do two a night.  

I don't know why, but I've always thought women were lousy drunks. Too emotional.

VOO-doo 1212 reads
38 / 45

I write posts when I am bored, waiting, busy, procrastinating...anytime.

But with my personal writing...alcohol can be a good 'stimulant' altho definitely not a good measuring tool for a finished product...

Nerd points to you (or anybody) who can correctly identify the author who described alcohol as a stimulant...and, free session to anybody who can name his poison :)

russbbj 89 Reviews 695 reads
39 / 45

One of them was a post to you which you misinterpreted (actually I could see why the next day). It was in response to a racial motivated post in which I asked you what I should do since I had just killed my existing bottle of Makers, and I was going to open a new Ba-Ba. I made the assumption (since you are a self proclaimed drunk) that you know the old wives tale that if you pay for the last shot of a bottle in a bar you get the first shot of the newly opened bottle "on the house". Oh well, it made sense in my head, and in fact I somehow thought it was funny, because I was buzzed.  

And I am a fucking, fucker, lmao, that's funny.

I'm not computer savvy enough to know how to post the link, I guess it's a good thing that I'm good at what I do for a living because I'm pretty much a computer idiot, I still type with 3 fingers.

Cosette 998 reads
40 / 45
russbbj 89 Reviews 793 reads
42 / 45

I had to take typing in Junior High (that's Middle School to you youngsters) and to pass the class you had to type 18 words a minute without a mistake (this was on a type writer, no computers back then). I learned how to type 18 words a minute without that qwerty bullshit, and when my typing teacher gave me grief about it I said "Look I'm never going to be a Secretary, I'm not going to need to know how to do this". Oh, I can't tell you how many times I've eaten those words. My Administrative Assistant makes fun of me all the time, she says she can hear me responding to email, because not only do I not know how to type, but I'm somehow convinced that I have to hit the keys pretty hard to get the letters to take. what an idiot huh, oh well I could take that online typing tutorial, but at this point I've found a way to make it work.

russbbj 89 Reviews 1053 reads
43 / 45

I prefer to be by myself

pineknot 850 reads
44 / 45
VOO-doo 1014 reads
45 / 45

It is not confirmed that he actually ever said it.

Someone else described alcohol as a stimulant...Hemingway is a good guess but as far as I know, he never did.
Posted By: pineknot
Especially his "Mojitos"  
-- Modified on 4/7/2014 6:06:05 AM

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