TER General Board

Ok look….
UrMomsBox 769 reads

Do not ask why, but I know most midwest depts DO NOT allow sexual contact of any kind in UC operations.  However, there are still some that allow plenty of sexual act before they make a bust.  See the book "Bully" by Jim Schutze.  It lays out how many Florida agencies used to allow their UC officers to receive oral to bust hookers, so long as the the officer did not finish.  This practice IS still in play in a few agencies out there.  Again, I know this to be true, but cannot say how

Arkansas officer fired after learning police dept. allows sex acts with prostitutes before busting them
Not sure if anyone has read this article before (can't post the link apparently, so google it). I wonder if it works the other way too. If an undercover officer is allowed to perform sex acts on a john before arresting them. At least you go out with a bang!
On a serious note, I'm just posting this for the ladies to be careful out there. Who knows what other police departments go this far.

GaGambler667 reads

and yes, MANY PD's allow their officers to "go all the way" in order to make a bust. Some don't do so openly, and will publicly decry this practice, others don't even try to hide it.

As for female undercover offices actually having sex with a john, I have never heard of such a thing and doubt it ever happens, but that doesn't mean that an actual hooker who has been flipped and is cooperating with LE can't fuck you in the good way before fucking you in the "not so good" way. lol

I am a bit confused at to why the officer was fired, was he fired for publicly objecting to the practice?

lol I am a bit confused at to why the officer was fired, was he fired for publicly objecting to the practice?  

Good questio

To quote from the article a bit:

In all, the department said that (police offer) was fired for violating eight rules, including not being truthful, giving false testimony, revealing confidential information, releasing a confidential report and not respecting his superiors.
One officer was just whistle blowing on the undercover cop who went all the way with the prostitute. He thought it was police misconduct. He "...reported the conduct of the officer to his superiors, and turned over the photo of the affidavit to his lawyer." But then the police department "determined that (whistle blowing police officer) had violated department policy by allowing his lawyer to see the name of the undercover officer on the affidavit."
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
lol I am a bit confused at to why the officer was fired, was he fired for publicly objecting to the practice?  
 Good question  

I never planed on visiting Arkansas, this incident has not convinced me otherwise.

My first line is the title of the article. It should show up pretty quickly on google. I initially posted the link but that post got rejected. (On a side note: I honestly don't have a lot of luck getting my posts approved. Seems I am breaking some TER guideline each time, but I'm never told what exactly! So I keep breaking down my post until I either give up or it somehow magically gets accepted.) But he was fired for violating internal department policies (gave information to his lawyer that the PD considered to be against policy).

Anyways, to me that seems so wrong. So the police get to break the law in order to enforce the law so that they can get their bit of fun? And then the lady is charged with a misdemeanor? I know it varies from county to state and so on, but that is some messed up stuff because more likely than not the girl will be right back out there doing the same thing. It's like that South Park episode of the undercover male cop who dresses up as a female prostitute to catch men in the act. Except he literally busts the guy after the sex is done with! It's a rather funny episode (South Park: Butters' Bottom Bitch - Season 13 Episode 9) on prostitution, but I digress.

Posted By: GaGambler
and yes, MANY PD's allow their officers to "go all the way" in order to make a bust. Some don't do so openly, and will publicly decry this practice, others don't even try to hide it.

As for female undercover offices actually having sex with a john, I have never heard of such a thing and doubt it ever happens, but that doesn't mean that an actual hooker who has been flipped and is cooperating with LE can't fuck you in the good way before fucking you in the "not so good" way. lol

I am a bit confused at to why the officer was fired, was he fired for publicly objecting to the practice?

Don't vote for Mrs. Clinton.

GaGambler670 reads

and truth be told, even when I was a moderator and it was my call as to what was allowed and what was not, these were always the toughest to determine whether or not the "personal info" in the linked article should be aired or not.

Usually, if the person was already in the public eye, like an actor or sports personality, think Tiger Woods, the link would stand, unless the person was a member of TER in which case the post would be pulled. Confused yet? Yeah, so am I, and I as said many of these posts were my call once upon a time. So I can't really give Admin any grief for inconsistency on this matter. lol

Back to your post, yes I agree with you completely, and I love South Park. I must have seen every episode a dozen times or more.

whistle blowing and exposing the corrupt practice of his police department, there's no doubt in my mind that the police in this department have been getting their nut and then busting the prostitutes for a very long time, and this officer finally said something and exposing the whole department. The good ole boys don't like when you expose and disrupt their good gig, even if it is breaking the very laws that they've sworn to uphold.

I've lived in this hell hole called Arkansas for nearly two years and it's been like a prison sentence. These fucking people can kiss my ass next month.

Here is the real video ... sorta

Posted By: GaGambler
Posted By: and yes, MANY PD's allow their officers to "go all the way" in order to make a bust. Some don't do so openly, and will publicly decry this practice, others don't even try to hide it.

As for female undercover offices actually having sex with a john, I have never heard of such a thing and doubt it ever happens, but that doesn't mean that an actual hooker who has been flipped and is cooperating with LE can't fuck you in the good way before fucking you in the "not so good" way. lol

I am a bit confused at to why the officer was fired, was he fired for publicly objecting to the practice?

Couldn't the lady who was charged claim that the officer raped her, during the time he paid for her companionship? I doubt if there was any video evidence, I'm not sure about Arkansas law regarding the production of pornography. There doesn't seem to be away for the UC to prove that money was exchanged for sex. Unless the perpetrator were to make a full confession, it would be his word against hers.

this State is as corrupt as a third world country. It's as backwards of a place and people as I've ever experienced. Oh but in their mind, they're righteous because they go to Church twice on Sunday and every Wednesday. There is no such thing as tolerance in this hell hole, if you don't believe as they believe they all but crucify you.  

Imagine an entire state of Amish, but who allow electricity, automobiles and you can dress how you like.

I've lived in the South before, but nothing like this place.

For example, did you know that if a man and wife get divorced there, they are allowed to remain brother and sister?

(Just shoot me.)


Posted By: mrfisher
For example, did you know that if a man and wife get divorced there, they are allowed to remain brother and sister?

(Just shoot me.)

That didn't have anything to do with what I said. Corruption was not part of the equation.

Are all the lawyers in Arkansas backwards racist bible thumpers too?

Imagine a state of Amish, but who allow, electricity, automobiles and you can dress how you like.

I can, it's called Shrewsbury PA.

that Arkansas is a fucked up State. That is a city in the north west, and I'm not familiar with north west Arkansas. Racism is alive and well in Arkansas and they aren't convinced that the war is over, the civil war. And now to find out that they allow entrapment for a crime so petty, this comes as no surprise really, the police can break the law at will. Perhaps if it were a serious crime, I could understand breaking the rules. I can already see what happened, the vice officer wanted to get a nut and a collar, and his chief has probably been doing the same his entire career, corruption to the magnitude of a third world country. And since the vast majority of the public are ignorant bible thumpers who like to point their fingers at everyone else's sin to advert attention to their sins, the law breaking police get a pass. And yet this backwards ass, fucked up state has an out of control, excessively high per capita drug problem. There are bigger, more important fish to fry.

I'm looking forward to next month and seeing this State in my rear view mirror, never to return!

Skinny_Minnie:-)633 reads

In any agency/government that has power, there will be corruption.  Not that it's excusable, but it is far worse and more dangerous encountering it in other parts of the world.

twenty seven words in and it's an issue of racism. Talk like that just makes you look foolish, not that anyone here needed proof. When will people come to the conclusion, or make the observation that this is how LE operates. They operate on the notion that petty crime prostitution and drug use go hand in hand. Have you ever given into the thought that if people were to appease the "racist bible thumpers" by not committing the genocide of black and white race mixing. They wouldn't care so much about prostitution and drug use? It's just a thought, that is if you believe every LE policy is written with a racial undertone.

try reading it again. Nowhere did I say that the situation was a racist one. What I did say, in summary:

Arkansas is a fucked up state.

Why? Because racism is alive and well, because they aren't convinced that the Civil war is over and that the police are granted the right to break the law, the officer that busted the prostitute participated in prostitution, got his nut and then busted her. It's not surprising that this corruption is happening here if you spend a little time here. And funny isn't it that the whistle blower gets fired, I'm convinced that the police chief in question has done this his entire career. As long as said police chief goes to church twice on Sunday and every Wednesday and tithes, he can break the law to enforce it. I am at a loss as to how the officer can justify going through with the crime and then arresting her for doing so, as one person said, she should prosecute him for rape.

Get your facts straight buttercup, I never said the arrest was racially based, I simply pointed out that the police corruption isn't the only reason I feel the way I do about Arkansas, also the racism and the fact that they are still fighting the Civil War. I tell them every time they call me a Yankee "my family emigrated to this country in 1949, we had nothing to do with that dam war". As a whole these are the most two faced people I've ever met. There's no tolerance. If you don't believe exactly like they do then they all but crucify you.  

I will not miss anything about this place on the glorious day next month that I look at this backwards ass place in my rear view mirror. I did my time here, and it's felt like jail time. Now I'm out!

Your point was Arkansas is a fucked up state because racism is alive and well, and they aren't convinced the Civil war is over, and that is the reason this particular PD conducts business the way they do.  

That sounds like pure nonsense, the former can not be the cause of the latter. Certainly not with out a plausible explanation in which to back up your claim.

I'm not sure if the Sargent is a whistle blower, or actively works the internal affairs division. In which case he was fired for doing his job. I think the Sargent works IA provided they have an IA section, because how else would this matter have been brought to his attention?

I won't address your north versus south nonsense, because that's what it is, nonsense.

Posted By: russbbj
try reading it again. Nowhere did I say that the situation was a racist one. What I did say, in summary:  
 Arkansas is a fucked up state.  
 Why? Because racism is alive and well, because they aren't convinced that the Civil war is over and that the police are granted the right to break the law, the officer that busted the prostitute participated in prostitution, got his nut and then busted her. It's not surprising that this corruption is happening here if you spend a little time here. And funny isn't it that the whistle blower gets fired, I'm convinced that the police chief in question has done this his entire career. As long as said police chief goes to church twice on Sunday and every Wednesday and tithes, he can break the law to enforce it. I am at a loss as to how the officer can justify going through with the crime and then arresting her for doing so, as one person said, she should prosecute him for rape.  
 Get your facts straight buttercup, I never said the arrest was racially based, I simply pointed out that the police corruption isn't the only reason I feel the way I do about Arkansas, also the racism and the fact that they are still fighting the Civil War. I tell them every time they call me a Yankee "my family emigrated to this country in 1949, we had nothing to do with that dam war". As a whole these are the most two faced people I've ever met. There's no tolerance. If you don't believe exactly like they do then they all but crucify you.  
 I will not miss anything about this place on the glorious day next month that I look at this backwards ass place in my rear view mirror. I did my time here, and it's felt like jail time. Now I'm out!  

bonordonor601 reads

"Couldn't get her to perform, Sarge. Give me $150 and let me try again! We know she's hookin!"

as customers and as fucks for my pleasure.  

I have fucked a few for my own pleasure that i scoped out and hit on then got them in the bed for a fling, Then i have had several as customers. never had any problems with them or been pinched for sex for fee. knock on wood!  
   had three off duty cops that i know off come for paid appts.  

in my career. Thats only three that told me they were, but i have proberly serviced way more that didnt mention that was there real daY JOB DURING THE SESSION.

  but three that actually let me know that is there day job. but they werent there to arrest they just wanted a good time,

the one clue its a op looking to bust you is they will try n get you to admit to sex for fee.

if its a cop off duty wanting an appt, he just like you, is in same boat, he cant admit to looking for sex for fee.

or now he could be introuble, so long as no one brings up specific sex acts and specific money amounts over phone or in person, I never had any drama with them botherin me,

   I never had any issues but i also avoid people that are mentioning sex for a feww, if they call, i avoid them like the plague, That to me is usually the sign its a detective,

so far My methods have worked as i have never even come close to an arrest for sex for fee. Its not that hard dont do hand to hand transactions and dont admit to sex for fee, actualy you cant even do gfe that is now a term they know of as meanoing sex.  

  arkansas is also the hick ville i live in a hige major city with REAL criminals and REAL crime goin on, ...any one hookin in arkansas is an idiot any ways, they proberly have nothin better to do in that hick town

UrMomsBox770 reads

Do not ask why, but I know most midwest depts DO NOT allow sexual contact of any kind in UC operations.  However, there are still some that allow plenty of sexual act before they make a bust.  See the book "Bully" by Jim Schutze.  It lays out how many Florida agencies used to allow their UC officers to receive oral to bust hookers, so long as the the officer did not finish.  This practice IS still in play in a few agencies out there.  Again, I know this to be true, but cannot say how

every job. A guy that gets the bj then still pinches her is a total jerk, Ypu would think he would let her go, But the key here is if they are there to make a bust they are gonna make sure they get you to say blo job for x amount of dollars.

   and hell if the girl is on crack or heroine or like about to get killed I d say arrest her by any method you must to save the ladies life. and for that reason only, In the long run some people that get arrested are also about to get killed and may have been in grave danger, I hate to say I would ever be PRO arresting, but lets say some lady with scizophrenia, she is off her meds, she has kids at the grandparents, and some pimp got her strung out on crack cocaine and heroine and she doesnt even know where she is,  

we dont even know the entire story maybe they wanted to help get some one off the street that is goin to get killed or kill some one lese if left to thier own methods,. We dont really know what the story is the news lies.

      maybe he got a free bj, but maybe the lady is safe in a prison now where she cant hurt herself or any one else, in that scenerio i d say do what you want just save the ladies lifes.  

most the arrests are under age prostitution and the girls are being pimped, and or it could just be some one being brazen, like 5 clients in a day, which will cause a stir,.

i notice most the arests it is women in danger or being trafficked, You dont hear of sober low volume escorts screening thier guys , getting arrested often, i havent.

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