TER General Board

Ok, in that case why not come out from behind the curtain?
GaGambler 399 reads

If you are truly proud of who you are and how happy your regs are with you, simply provide us with a link to your website and/or reviews.  

That's one way to shut me up about you creating your own problems, unless of course you are not so proud of the reputation you have built over the last year?

I am not going to flame you just yet, but I am asking you to "put up or shut up" and if you turn out to be a quality provider with great reviews, I will be the first to eat my words.  

The ball is in your court.

Is there anywhere where girls can review/ report experiences with potential clients? Or maybe there should be a spot on TER for this. What I am saying is that if I had a bad experience with a potential client, is there somewhere I could post his number and what happened? Just for other providers to look up and know before they meet? I would do that every time, I would search every number that called me, and would post the 4+ no shows/ people that play games a day. Then going a step further, actually being able to review them if we met. Good or bad.

I have had a lot of good experiences but over half of the new people I meet either dont show up, play games, or make me wish I never met them.

 The amount of men anonymous men a provider deals with is the worst. I mean half of them dont show up, show up 15-20 min late, dont listen to my easy directions so it takes 45+ min to find me, then to get lowballed or deal with a disrespectful guy that makes you repeat no 5 times to bb and other stupid requests and think they can stay as long as they want. I swear to god if I had a dollar for every time I've heard "so close just one more min". Or after scheduling someone they then decide to try to haggle with u after you have given your personal info or ask for pix and when I say what my ad says (I dont send pix) they cancel after all the inquiry.  

I would love to at least be able to type the number in and say "this guy came up to my house without donation, kept walking toward me and trying to touch me saying 'i got u baby, Il get it in my car after' until I firmly said donation or get out and he left to get it from his car... Of course never came back" or " this guy no showed" or "this guy tried to or did lowball me"

 to be able to look up that information before I waste time dealing with them would be great. Also it might make the bad clients more respectful, knowing we at least have some recourse.

It could save a lot of girls from uncomfortable and nerve racking situations. Its scary for a girl to be in that type of a situation with an unpredictable guy.

I guess its impractical to "review" clients because obviously they are coming to you for discretion and dont want that info out. I'm more talking about the bad experiences and being able to avoid some of them

There is a provider only discussion board on TER. You must be a provider with at least 3 reviews and then you request permission for access.

Under "Discussion Boards", then on the far right under "More"

Yes I believe the site is national blacklist. Com

Posted By: uvbnstacked
Is there anywhere where girls can review/ report experiences with potential clients? Or maybe there should be a spot on TER for this. What I am saying is that if I had a bad experience with a potential client, is there somewhere I could post his number and what happened? Just for other providers to look up and know before they meet? I would do that every time, I would search every number that called me, and would post the 4+ no shows/ people that play games a day. Then going a step further, actually being able to review them if we met. Good or bad.  
 I have had a lot of good experiences but over half of the new people I meet either dont show up, play games, or make me wish I never met them.  
  The amount of men anonymous men a provider deals with is the worst. I mean half of them dont show up, show up 15-20 min late, dont listen to my easy directions so it takes 45+ min to find me, then to get lowballed or deal with a disrespectful guy that makes you repeat no 5 times to bb and other stupid requests and think they can stay as long as they want. I swear to god if I had a dollar for every time I've heard "so close just one more min". Or after scheduling someone they then decide to try to haggle with u after you have given your personal info or ask for pix and when I say what my ad says (I dont send pix) they cancel after all the inquiry.  
 I would love to at least be able to type the number in and say "this guy came up to my house without donation, kept walking toward me and trying to touch me saying 'i got u baby, Il get it in my car after' until I firmly said donation or get out and he left to get it from his car... Of course never came back" or " this guy no showed" or "this guy tried to or did lowball me"  
  to be able to look up that information before I waste time dealing with them would be great. Also it might make the bad clients more respectful, knowing we at least have some recourse.  
 It could save a lot of girls from uncomfortable and nerve racking situations. Its scary for a girl to be in that type of a situation with an unpredictable guy.  
 I guess its impractical to "review" clients because obviously they are coming to you for discretion and dont want that info out. I'm more talking about the bad experiences and being able to avoid some of them.  

I thought that site was for dangerous clients, not ones who pissed off the provider because they asked a question she didn't like?

GaGambler552 reads

and full of vengeful hookers just as BSC as the OP.

I can't believe anyone is trying to help this woman ruin attempts to ruin the reputations of guys only guilty of such transgressions as asking too many questions or showing up 20 minutes late. Anyone "helping" this woman should be ashamed of yourself.

Not to mention she is plainly posting under a "yellow envelope" and should be banned for doing so. If she has nothing to hide, why create a brand new account under which to post?

This is the only account I have ever had and I have not linked it to my profile with reviews. I should but mainly because I way more calls and apts than I could ever do... I'm reconsidering now because it seems much better to find good clients. I was always put off because I have heard many times hobbyists are the best at "getting the most out of you for the cheapest price".  

Maybe that's a misconception, and IM sure Il get my ass flamed again for saying that.

I guess its just that, ever since I started a year ago I never had to much of a proble

GaGambler400 reads

If you are truly proud of who you are and how happy your regs are with you, simply provide us with a link to your website and/or reviews.  

That's one way to shut me up about you creating your own problems, unless of course you are not so proud of the reputation you have built over the last year?

I am not going to flame you just yet, but I am asking you to "put up or shut up" and if you turn out to be a quality provider with great reviews, I will be the first to eat my words.  

The ball is in your court.

What are you talking about I completely agreed with what you said, its weird I didnt realize it 8 months ago. If I had a website or utilized P411/TER in the way I should I wouldn't deal with near as much bullshit with new people.

Upon reanalysis I dont even know if I would be considered a provider, in comparison. I do what I do in the most unprofessional way. Not in the way I treat people but in the way I actually "handle" my "business". I'm just a real girl dude, I dont schedule people for times and dont see more than 3-4 people a day. I tell people to just text me when ready and if someone asks if I am available on a certain day, or even a later time In that day, I will honestly say " no idea, Il probably be around that day but no idea what my schedule looks like. If you have a short window of time and are looking for a set apt then a different girl is probably your best option". I have a busy life and just do this when I can.  

I have over 5 pretty decent reviews. Not glowingly great but they are very accurate and I tell them, check my reviews they are pretty spot on.  I have never had problems with getting clients, and usually they are great but my problem that I run into more than most is choosing who is good.. Because I give people chances that I really really shouldn't give in this "hobby"... I cant even bring myself to call it business again.

And this may seem crazy but I ACTUALLY USED TO ASK clients that bring up reviews to not review me for privacy reasons. I say " if you have a bad experience of course warn everyone, but if you think your doing me a favor by posting a review plz dont" I previously looked at it as, I dont need more clients and I dont want to be known for doing this in case someone I know sees it. Now I wouldn't say that because I feel that people who find me here have a much better chance of being successful and going smoothly than not... But I still have never asked anyone for a review. Not once in a year of 3-4 per day.

And like I eluded to in the previous paragraph, of course I am not "proud" of what I do. I dont take pride in being a good hole to put your dick in. That type of thinking could only be sustained in a community like this. I am not ashamed of it either and I love to have fun with people during sessions. It just isn't reputation that I would take "pride" in, unless I was putting up a front and trying to advertise for more clients... And thats exactly why its pointless to link who I am. It benefits me in 0 way. It just gives everyone who is reading this thread and thinks I'm a stupid bitch trying to ruin innocent johns a chance to even more critical or even retaliate. That may be caused by my ignorance and frustration at the time of post, but I can assure you that wasn't my intent. I should have realized that none of you know the sweet girl I am that just felt stupid at the time for being so trusting. I am a nameless new post perceived as wanting to gain leverage and ruin people that piss me off, which is just so far off.

I can guarantee that I have been completely up front and the service I give is a complete reflection of how I am treated. And not one person I have met has left my incall feeling ripped off. I'm not going to say every single person I've seen had an A++ experience, but I do what I say with a great attitude.  

 I do advertise on BP and it has always worked for what I needed it to work for. If you think I need to be a great online ego and beg for reviews to get good clients your wrong. There are far more uninformed people that are great to meet on BP and I actually always direct them to my reviews so there isn't confusion.

So In conclusion, your point is very correct about me. It doesn't invalidate that I should be able to blacklist ppl that deserve it. Just because I dont do this in the ideal way does not give people the right to do some of the things that I would BL them for. My ignorance doesn't make them any more right about their behavior, it just makes me less sympathetic when i bitch and I own that at this point

Posted By: GaGambler
If you are truly proud of who you are and how happy your regs are with you, simply provide us with a link to your website and/or reviews.  
 That's one way to shut me up about you creating your own problems, unless of course you are not so proud of the reputation you have built over the last year?  
 I am not going to flame you just yet, but I am asking you to "put up or shut up" and if you turn out to be a quality provider with great reviews, I will be the first to eat my words.  
 The ball is in your court.

And the site who brags about distorting guys for little things like being late?  You really want to point out a site that very existence makes screening harder because of the abuse there?

That's pretty bad! I know, hobbyists back channel like crazy when we run into a bad provider, but you are looking for a "review" kind of site for providers. It's sounds like you uncovered a need, now all you have to do is put your idea in motion. TER was created by a hobbyist who was tired of getting ripped off by providers "back" in "previous" days who would pull bait and switch and other scams to get as much money from hobbyists as possible. It has been said, if it were not for TER, hobbyists would be robbed blind. Guess that's an expression. Just put your business outside of the US or the Feds will rob you blind.

-- Modified on 11/12/2015 8:01:46 AM

GaGambler610 reads

You sound exactly like the type of hooker who would abuse a BL site, of which there are many.

I am going to give you the same advice as I give to the clueless guys that never seem to be able to get a decent session after dozens of attempts. Look inward for the solutions to your problems, not outwards. Every woman here has occasional problems, but from your own words you seem to have a LOT of them. Maybe someone else here will guide you towards some of the BL sites that do exist, but I would prefer to guide you into a different profession, you don't seem cut out for this one.

I also notice you aren't linking all of your own glowing reviews, I guess it wouldn't surprise anyone here if you don't have any. If over half of your "dates" are problem dates, I think you should do an honest assessment of what YOU are doing to cause these problems instead of looking for ways to gain leverage on your clients. Good thing you are posting as a Yellow Envelope because I would immediately put you on my "must miss" list of providers without knowing anything more about you than your own words.

PLEASE find another line of work, you'll be doing yourself and your clients a huge favor. Better yet, go get married, that way you will only be making one man's life miserable instead of many

I dont see any website as being as centralized as I would consider something like TER.

It is necessary and no I am not looking to abuse the system.

Maybe I was slightly worked up at the time of post, I just feel recently I've been running into bad luck. I have a lot of happy regs that (well at least say) exclusively see me. Also a few (over 5) reviews. All that is beside the point, it truly is necessary. There are a lot of people that play stupid games and deserve to be blacklisted.

GaGambler602 reads

and yes your credibility is completely relevant. If you are going to be pointing accusing fingers at johns you think have done you wrong, capital offenses like showing up 20 minutes late, yes we want to know just who is doing the accusing.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Guys come on here all the time bitching and whining about how unprofessional all you hookers are and we don't give them any better treatment than I am giving you. It usually turns out that the guys who constantly run into problems with the ladies are bringing it on themselves and they get called out for it, even by their fellow johns. I maintain that you are most likely creating your own problems and I for one refuse to help you blame those poor hapless johns unfortunate enough to contact you. If you would like to prove that you are a reputable hooker who needs some help after running into a streak of bad luck, I might reconsider. Why not try posting under your real handle instead of this "yellow envelope" you created for the occasion. Or do you have something to hide?

Yes there are a lot of guys who play stupid games and some of them even deserve to be blacklisted, but there are also a lot of hookers who play even worse games, and I suspect you are one of them.

I would say go to the PO board like someone suggested above.

Everyone dealing with customers runs into problem ones. Sex work is no different. If you are running into tons of bad ones the problem is you. Are you screening? Are you getting references? Checking sites like Verifyhim and other such sites? Are you using tools like Google? Are you checking P411 and Datecheck OK's by contacting the ladies themselves? You said you aren't getting real info. That is on you and in my opinion not wise. Yes on rare occasion screening fails. But it weeds out most of the worse.  

And I'd you are attracting a high percentage of bad clients look at your advertising. Your some how attracting them. It could be number of things. As the owner and sole employee it is your job to figure out what you are doing wrong.

If you can't or won't figure our what you are doing wrong, you need to get out. Looking to out people for being late, makes you a threat, and I hope to never meet you. You say you know of black lists, then use them for the truly dangerous ones that steal, harm or theaten you. Screen like nuts. And figure why jerks are attracted to you. Or get out before you get hurt. Right now you sound like a danger to your clients and you definitely are a danger to yourself.

I hate feeling compelled to write this kind of post. It is bad for my mangina image. As king of the manginas that image is important.

"Keep asking too many questions and stuffs."   quote from their web page ... hmmmmm.

I'm very opinionated, but even I know when I should keep my trap shut in certain posts. Regardless whether she's a good provider or not which I'm not here to judge... She is asking for help and I wanted to help her out. That site is great, but you wouldn't know that cuz you're not a provider. TER would be a site that's more suitable for hobbyists since it gives hobbyists am indepth look of a provider you may be curious about.  

In other words. Not that you're not entitled to post in any thread you want to chime in, but if you can't help her, maybe every post is made is not an Invitation to hear your opinion. Specially if you know nothing about the website I just suggested she looked into 😉️  

I love your posts but sometimes y'all comments are just out of order and unhelpful. She's asking for help. She didn't ask what career she should pursue. 😝️

I agree with TS Sasha, Verifyhim is great you can post his name, email, phone number etc..  and also post what he did to deserve to be blacklisted. I use the site to verify all potentials as well as to alert others of a potential harmful client.  


If so, you'd think they would mention at least the worst offenders who try to get BB and try to avoid paying.

At the very least, you should call back the providers who did give the guys an OK and tell them what your experience was just so that they don't give out any more OKs, at least not without an aviso.

Till then, the PO Board will have to do

That seems unfair to me for a provider to give out second hand info about somthing that someone else said when they in fact had an ok experience with him. The purpose of a referral is to give your experience, not that of another person. Who knows if she is even telling the truth or just trying to ruin him because she's pissed at bad chemistry or a bad review. There are ladies who have a bad review from a client, get it removed so no one sees or knows his side then gives bad info on him with him having no recourse after the review was removed. Yes prolific badness should be reported to everyone by a provider, however, it should then be up to the new woman to make a judgment call, not to then start expressing the experience as if it were her own. That's like giving fake reviews. I'm all for keeping it safe but one should be mindful of keeping it classy as well. No I don't wish that anyone slips through the cracks and harms anyone but harm is a two way street. If he really done something aggregious it should be reported to verification sites by the harmed person, maybe tell another to look at verification sites but never to reiterate someone else's issue.  

Posted By: mrfisher
If so, you'd think they would mention at least the worst offenders who try to get BB and try to avoid paying.  
 At the very least, you should call back the providers who did give the guys an OK and tell them what your experience was just so that they don't give out any more OKs, at least not without an aviso.  
 Till then, the PO Board will have to do.  

Some of the comments gag and mrf and others have made... Maybe before trying to find a way to blacklist the flakes who contact you, maybe you should consider this:

1) where do you advertise? Backpage is a site that will bring a lot of flakes and time waster to you.  
2) do you screen? Lack of screening May and will lead to no shows-late shows-hagglers etc...
3) how do you market yourself? Too low rate, language used, pictures displayed will also influence the type of people who contact you
4) what hours of the day/night you provide? Providing at evening hours will also determine who contact you. People drunk, people who call 4 providers at once to screw with them Etc...
5) what's the demo you provide to? Age matter a lot. I prefer older for a variety of reasons. The younger, the flakier. Now that is not true for every case so don't take me literally. The younger the prospect is; screen more. A flaky young guy will be deterred quickly by your probing questions. Older gentlemen understand the importance of screening and will actively work with you to make the process smoothly.  

These are a few good rules (IMO) to abide to when trying to create a nice base of clients who won't let you down. Keep in mind that these may not always work when traveling since traveling can be stressful and you may feel rushed to screen and u won't have as much time to do proper screening.  

Just my two cents 😘️

Keepin.It.Classy563 reads

Or discussed via private message or email. Just like the guys have a board to discuss how to communicate dangerous providers, (and there are some very snaky providers, and I'm not talking about catty, I mean legit evil,) who can ruin their lives.

Hey, so maybe I don't want my neck snapped, or get arrested from a P411 dude, or don't want someone with a 10 foot long dick who doesn't know how to put it in the right hole. I would love to be able to shit properly the rest of my life. Please tell me.

But there are places to discuss this. I think you are new, so I hope some ladies contact you to help you better understand this stuff so you don't get hurt, and so we don't get hurt by providing this info publicly.

Hey good luck and I'm sure some girls have already reached out to you.

And yes I brought that on myself for bitching about people being late/ random stupid in the same thread as I am asking for a blacklist site. My intention is not to hurt someone that irritated me or no showed. I am interested in using it so nobody else has to see the 3 people that thought they could come up to my house with half donation, or none at all and try to seduce me and get semi aggressive/ pushy over the last 2 weeks. Or the ones that troll and talk completely disrespectful to you because you refuse outrageous services. And actually had a regular try to take his money back after service but I started screaming at him ( he was drinking and I didn't really realize it until halfway thru session)

I combined my legitimate question with a bit of venting about stuff, that I will make clear, does not even close to deserve to be blacklisted. People make mistakes and that is not what I am talking about. I am referring to the flagrantly disrespectful people that no girl should see... And it seems the last few weeks I would have something to contribute. Also to help avoid that in the future.

I have been doing this for about a year and have a good set of clients and I love treating people that respect me with respect.  

Any yes, gg hit the nail on the head about me bringing a lot of this on myself. I should screen better and I am probably not anywhere near assertive enough to stick with this "business". and yes, BP is a cesspool but... It still does not change the fact that a lot of these guys do not deserve to see providers.  

I am not looking leverage either but it would be nice to keep the shamelessly fucked up people that are again, flagrantly disrespectful, a reason not to.. Although I guess if that was the only thing keeping them respectful until we meet then i should be careful what i wish for.

"half of the new people I meet don't show up"

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