TER General Board

Oh, Ms Murphy..!
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1758 reads

Remind me never to fuck you.

Posted By: avairenemurphy
@ridgetucky..  seems like a lot of people here don't really like you ;(  
 I think your posts are pretty fucking funny - you have my kinda humor  
 And I'm stuck between going back to Chicago next week or spending a few days in Cleveland  
 Maybe just maybe your wish will come true & you can give me some of your money ;)  
 I need to net more than 40k this year ya know?  

I just got back from the pool in our complex. I ended up talking to this very pretty, smart and fun young lady by the pool. She's 26. Has a 10 body and an 8 face. She's making $40k/year working her ass off and that got me thinking. What percentage of ladies end of doing this due to the same circumstances.  She even said how most of her friends are in the same boat plus most have college loans to pay off.

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
I just got back from the pool in our complex. I ended up talking to this very pretty, smart and fun young lady by the pool. She's 26. Has a 10 body and an 8 face. She's making $40k/year working her ass off and that got me thinking. What percentage of ladies end of doing this due to the same circumstances.  She even said how most of her friends are in the same boat plus most have college loans to pay off.
Everyone has their own reasons to why they do what they do. If it wasn't for that, then you two perhaps would've never had the pleasure of meeting each other.  

With times being how they are, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of women who turn to this as a way to pay off students loans, out food on the table, and/or support their kids.  

Either way - Who cares. We are here to not tell you our life stories - We are here to give you a good time! :)

Dear BrownSugar:
Maybe you should say" yours is not to wonder why. Yours is to hit this fat ass and say goodbye."  

Posted By: BrownSugarBaby
Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
I just got back from the pool in our complex. I ended up talking to this very pretty, smart and fun young lady by the pool. She's 26. Has a 10 body and an 8 face. She's making $40k/year working her ass off and that got me thinking. What percentage of ladies end of doing this due to the same circumstances.  She even said how most of her friends are in the same boat plus most have college loans to pay off.
 Everyone has their own reasons to why they do what they do. If it wasn't for that, then you two perhaps would've never had the pleasure of meeting each other.  
 With times being how they are, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of women who turn to this as a way to pay off students loans, out food on the table, and/or support their kids.  
 Either way - Who cares. We are here to not tell you our life stories - We are here to give you a good time! :)

And obviously some ladies have to take care of their family (support elderly parents, kids etc).  I was on a similar situation like her, buried in undergraduate student loans and once I graduated, the job I got was not going to cover my living expenses plus allow me to save enough to go to grad school and get my MBA.  Being a provider for almost 4 years has opened many doors that did not exist, I am financially stable, I am able to go to school, get good grades, pursue other interests (I do photography as a hobby) and obviously meet amazing people along the way. Certainly, this life is not for everyone, you have to enjoy interacting with people from different backgrounds, have great disposition, be street smart, have common sense and develop a tough skin should things go against what you've planned.  
Sometimes I ask myself the same question when I see young beautiful girls who also struggle to make it, but because I have been on both sides, I know that you have to have certain personality traits in order to be a provider plus someone willing to show you the ropes.

-- Modified on 4/16/2014 6:34:59 PM

And I've paid my tuition in full by my hobby earning (& I attend prestigious college which isn't cheap) from the last 2 years, no loans, no help from family... No the assistance at all..... I literally have "Worked my Ass Off"..... Thanks to all of the hobbyists whom have passed thru my Doors!!! Now I'm in mode of saving for next year... Then I'm off to conquer the world!!! I will miss hobbying, I will miss the interesting peeps I've encountered, the $$$$$$$, the SEX-kinky (one mostly guys I'm attracted to are very vanillia in the civie world)...... Etc...    But as Paloma stated-there are various reason for each provider!!!   Have a goal & achieve it!!!

you're Asian,  you're the superior race,  so we'll cover all the expenses for you and pay you living expenses as well as money for booz,  err,  books too.  "

got me my degree and debt free.  it's great being the drunk superior race :D   Don't know why but some schools do actually favor minorities.  

if escorting was an option for men and if I was 15 years younger,  I probably would have done it too:

 "D. A.  the vip upscale courtesan,  pleasing every desires of women."    

Quickie 1hr Pounding: $700
Two hour Asian Tryst: $1200
Get Drunk with me: 4hrs dinner date: $2000
Blow Chunks with me 6hrs bar and dinner date: $2500
Let's Pass out Together: $4000 overnight 12 hrs
Hangover Tryst,  24 hrs: $500

Just assuming  LOL

I also think your rates are quite reasonable...do you have a face pic?  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
you're Asian,  you're the superior race,  so we'll cover all the expenses for you and pay you living expenses as well as money for booz,  err,  books too.  "  
 got me my degree and debt free.  it's great being the drunk superior race :D   Don't know why but some schools do actually favor minorities.  
 if escorting was an option for men and if I was 15 years younger,  I probably would have done it too:  
  "D. A.  the vip upscale courtesan,  pleasing every desires of women."    
 Quickie 1hr Pounding: $700  
 Two hour Asian Tryst: $1200  
 Get Drunk with me: 4hrs dinner date: $2000  
 Blow Chunks with me 6hrs bar and dinner date: $2500  
 Let's Pass out Together: $4000 overnight 12 hrs  
 Hangover Tryst,  24 hrs: $5000  

That free prize is a diploma that you can fill out yourself.

I love seeing resumes with "University of Phoenix" as their school.  I would direct the hot ones to TER for future studies.

Even "special" guys like fungus,  jackassdunphy,  pimples,  and tuck can get a degree from podunk university.  Just pay some money and they mill out a degree.  

It's no different from the one from bazooka Joe or jack in the box... LMAO

JackDunphy1654 reads

You really don't know why some schools favor minorities? Really? It's called liberal white guilt.

When did Universities started admitting shit head Asians?

They are dumb as door nails only good at repetitive tasks and stealing others inventions.

where do they grow troubled kids like you?  you already won the dumbest poster of the year trophy,  are you going for next year's trophy too? ask your daddy for a pacifier.  if he doesn't have one,  just suck on his dick for a bit like you usually do. you know you enjoy it.

A hooker will for an obscene amount of money per hour. If a woman can deal, it is quick money, never easy, just take a look at some of the posters on here right now and their attitudes.  

-- Modified on 4/16/2014 3:55:34 PM

-- Modified on 4/16/2014 3:55:57 PM

Yep...there's more than a few who will never get what this world really is all about.

Fortunately most of them just become sad sacks of shit when they realize their ATF really doesn't love them.  We've seen a few posts on these boards from those lovelorn morons...but plenty of real stories out there.

And I didn't even need to go to a M&G to know this shit  LOL

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
A hooker will for an obscene amount of money per hour. If a woman can deal, it is quick money, never easy, just take a look at some of the posters on here right now and their attitudes.  
 -- Modified on 4/16/2014 3:55:34 PM

-- Modified on 4/16/2014 3:55:57 PM

In my case there are plenty of women I could fuck.  I just don't want to.  I'm sick of dating and like the honesty of transactional sex.
So there.

0603450onThe1927 reads

who don't want to fuck and aren't here for the 'sex' (as you put it) they do exist you know (I know a hard concept for most here to believe). Would it be called 'Non-transactional sex' then? They don't like to date either but fucking is not the end tale to what their bottom dollar buys them. So is time spent with a woman only transactional when fucking is involved? I'm confused, could you explain please.

Until then, here's what I surmise...since you don't 'need' to pay for the sex and have a plentitude of fabulous ladies to fuck and apparently cash laying around, I have a great idea. You could always take that disposable income and donate to a worthy cause like Earth Day coming up and help clean up the streets of NY (god knows it needs it) and take a beautiful lady out to dinner (non-transactionally) lol. Idk, does that 'add' up to you Nick? Does to me.

Luv ya.  


which is why I rarely book long hours cuz I only want the bed action.  

If I wanna hang out at a bar with a girl or have dinner,  I got civvy girls. Don't need to pay her to hang out with me,  unless of course she is beyond DDG and I'm compelled to spend more time with her even if I have to pay.  Exceptions exist lol

Whether it is by choice or necessity, guys are paying a women to spend time with them.  Women who otherwise would not be for the most part.

0603450onThe1858 reads

what that level of companionship is to you....is up to each individual here. There are too many 'levels' to even bother to touch here in this world. As long as it's working for that one person...nothing else really matters.

There's a difference between wanting variety without the strings attached versus dealing with drama involved in civvy relationships.  

I don't have the time or the interest in wining dining several dozen civvy girls a year.  Sometimes a man just wants to get laid without the BSC drama or have her bull doze into my place for months on end.  

What makes you think I don't date civvy girls?   There has not been a single whole month I've been single ever since I developed public hair. It's like Samson's hair,  my masculinity must come from my pubes...  which is why I rarely ever trim my pubes. lol

0603450onThe2077 reads

That's a SEVERE red flag my friend.....in more ways than one. And I'm afraid that is the complete opposite of 'masculinity' as well, you are kidding right?  

I highly suggest you just reread what you wrote and inner reflect...whoooaaaa it's ok to be alone ya know. In fact it's downright awesome. The boogeyman ain't gonna come and get ya...promise. I bet you might even enjoy it for more than a month if it's truly been that many years. God I think I would choke myself just stringing people along for the sake of it, my patience level with that crap is negative zero if there is such thing...WTF!!!!!  

People like that (you) bounce off of people for fear of being alone their whole life. I have known a few myself. I simply shake my head and will NEVER EVER EVER understand that concept on any level for as long as I live. Sick thing is, that thought process comes a dime a dozen with a lot of people out there.

I think I was shocked to read this, obviously. Whoooaaa. Again.

-- Modified on 4/17/2014 6:05:00 PM

Who said I'm afraid of being alone? LMAO   I can't help it when a girl wants to date me. By the time I become single, I somehow get into the next one pretty quickly. That's been the story of my life. :)  Granted, a girl chasing me doesn't happen nearly as often as it happened when I was 15 years younger but it happens.  

You seem to think that guys pay to sleep with girls mainly because they can't get civvy girls to sleep with them but here's the thing: Aren't most of your clients married or have a girlfriend???? DUHHHHH

I'm just saying that you won't find any losers in the "ELITE CLUB"....  Only MONGERS. :

She takes a statement, blows if all out of proportion and then renders her judgement in the most snide and condescending, know-it-all way.  Then she wonders why people get pissed at her.  She's completely "tone deaf."

I'm aware of it but really don't get it, so don't look for any explanation from me.
And as for my financial situation, again, Minnie, you are speculating.  That's something you should never do.  Mainly because you're really, really bad at it.  Hence your nickname.

0603450onThe2223 reads

Perhaps I wasn't clear again...must be an off week, is there a full moon? lol

I suppose you didn't state the obvious with 'your funds' issue so, yes, I guess I assumed. Spank me...again. When someone states they can fuck any woman they want without the cash piece, one would naturally assume he has some disposable income around...unless there's some twisted thing to it which is always possible lol.

Ok, so I will now assume out of speculation from your words you are a poor boy instead who happily spends his paycheck by paycheck on the lovely ladies here just for s&g's for no reason. When he really could spend the same 'time' and 'fucking' of a woman free of charge. Or, if that is not the case, then another scenario is if I am to speculate again, you are a splendied, retired ol' chap sittin' on a boat load of cashish who does this for s&g's and nothing more. Afraid of commitment and all that entails. This world is easier plus with your # of reviews...I will assume you like a boatload of 'variety' as well. One woman? boringgggg.  

Either way, it must be one or the other I'm afraid. Isn't it? Am I speculating again? Does that make me a bad girl?


No one is here for 'no' reason at all. We are 'all' here for a reason.

-- Modified on 4/17/2014 12:35:48 PM

But I'm not giving in to your need for information about me.  I prefer you remain in the dark, keep speculating, assuming and getting it wrong.  How else could you remain Minnie Mendoza?  I enjoy keeping you below the Mendoza Line. Have lotsa fun down there, LOL!

You are the one who keeps making ass-umptions about me and asking me to confirm what you claim to suspect.  Just go back and read your post.  I certainly don't wish you needed to do this.  Because it's mildly annoying and I won't play that game.  Just pointing out the obvious.  To everyone but you, my little plum.

-- Modified on 4/17/2014 8:48:16 PM

plenty of civvy women yet we like the honesty of the hobby cuz we are honest people who don't like bullshit.  

which means losers like fungus can't ever be a part of the elite.  lol

What's not to like about that?  For a 26 y/o kid that's pretty damn good money.  Frankly I'd wager she's earning at least as much as 90+% of the hookers (all ages notwithstanding) on TER.  In many cases more.

But that's just a guess  LOL

Oh...did she show your her W-2 so you'd know she isn't lying?   ;)

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
I just got back from the pool in our complex. I ended up talking to this very pretty, smart and fun young lady by the pool. She's 26. Has a 10 body and an 8 face. She's making $40k/year working her ass off and that got me thinking. What percentage of ladies end of doing this due to the same circumstances.  She even said how most of her friends are in the same boat plus most have college loans to pay off.

Back_In_Black1931 reads

didn't see this at first , sorry but your correct wtf is so bad about what she makes ? and if shes in a rural area not chitown nyc or la shes doin damn good .

Posted By: ChgoCPA
What's not to like about that?  For a 26 y/o kid that's pretty damn good money.  Frankly I'd wager she's earning at least as much as 90+% of the hookers (all ages notwithstanding) on TER.  In many cases more.  
 But that's just a guess  LOL  
 Oh...did she show your her W-2 so you'd know she isn't lying?   ;)  
Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
I just got back from the pool in our complex. I ended up talking to this very pretty, smart and fun young lady by the pool. She's 26. Has a 10 body and an 8 face. She's making $40k/year working her ass off and that got me thinking. What percentage of ladies end of doing this due to the same circumstances.  She even said how most of her friends are in the same boat plus most have college loans to pay off.

and still getting started in a career. Education level and field of work plays a role, too. A few years ago, I was hiring new grad engineers at about $50K, and the growth ramp put good performers at $65K or so within about 5-6 years. The real salary growth years are in your 30's and 40's, with 10+ years experience. Patience, hard work and long hours pays off in the long run. And the benefits with a good company are priceless.

-- Modified on 4/17/2014 7:03:41 AM

hotplants1688 reads

Matter of perspective, of course, but being 26 and making 40K a year is not terrible. Lots of people do a whole lot worse, and they're a lot older.  

Taking inflation into account, I was making around 30K a yr when I was 26. I drove a new car, owned my own home, and I saved 10% of every paycheck. And I was living in a city that's in the top 10 of highest cost of living.

I wasn't living extravagantly, and I had to make choices about buying "stuff". But, I lived quite comfortably, and was hardly in a "circumstance". And I highly doubt anyone would have been able to convinced me to go into sex work ONLY for the money.....lol....

Why do ladies provide? Depends on the lady, right?  We all do things for different reasons. Choice of work is just one more of those things

Many many kids in their 20's are doing just fine in that $ 40k range.  And working for a viable entity they are also getting nice benefits in many cases.

Let alone if a 26 y/o kid is at $ 40k today..her (or his) upside is quite nice in that endeavor as far as promotions.  
If a gal bolted here (as a 26 y/o)...and tried to get back in say 10 years...she's starting at entry level all over again.  And being a hooker isn't a long term prospect for most (hopefully).  

As well most rarely make more than $ 40k (as in net income after their expenses)...and that's not figuring that there is no Hooker 401k plan or health benefits....nor vacations paid or sick pay.

If the gals (as those that posted here) are simply stopping by to use this "fast" money to cover school related expenses and move on out...that's a good plan.  I know of a few that have achieved that success here!

Posted By: hotplants
Matter of perspective, of course, but being 26 and making 40K a year is not terrible. Lots of people do a whole lot worse, and they're a lot older.  
 Taking inflation into account, I was making around 30K a yr when I was 26. I drove a new car, owned my own home, and I saved 10% of every paycheck. And I was living in a city that's in the top 10 of highest cost of living.  
 I wasn't living extravagantly, and I had to make choices about buying "stuff". But, I lived quite comfortably, and was hardly in a "circumstance". And I highly doubt anyone would have been able to convinced me to go into sex work ONLY for the money.....lol....  
 Why do ladies provide? Depends on the lady, right?  We all do things for different reasons. Choice of work is just one more of those things.  

hotplants1662 reads

I just doubt that works long-term unless there is more motivation (interest? satisfaction?) than "just the money". Plenty of people chose work that doesn't include benefits or 401K's or pension plans.  

Going into sex work to pay tuition is increasingly common. College tuition is absurd these days. I paid most of my college tuition with bucks I made from a very lucrative (completely legal) ...ehem...'under the table cash only' business...lol. Saved me from a significant amount of debt

JackDunphy1988 reads

The risk vs reward is hideous at 40k for sucking d*ck.  

You don't mention the higher risk of mental/physical abuse/death, mental anguish of being stalked either in person or on the net, risk of being busted (and all the negatives that go along with that), etc.

40k for a scretary? That's not bad. 40k for a hooker? That IS terrible.

hotplants1617 reads

making 40K a yr at a (conventional--legal) J-O-B at 26 is not some terrible thing.  

I agree. Sex work for 40K a year does not seem like a lucrative risk/reward scenario

0603450onThe1704 reads

of course 'he' is really a 'she' and has been leading a secret life here. S/he sure seems pretty convinced s/he's got it all figured out. Jack or Jill?

So she makes $40K from her legit job and another $40K from hooking?  And that's what a lot of gals do.  Escorting is simply a supplement.  Not that bad a picture, right?

hotplants2197 reads

Hey...I'd be all over it for an extra 40K a yr in side income if thought I might get a kick out of it. I could have some fun, make some cash. But for me it would be dick sucking, ass kissing and ego stroking. And I do enough of that with the job I have already....lol

I'd need a LOT bigger carrot than *just* the $. But if it lifts yer skirt, why not

Back_In_Black1875 reads

what she should get 100k cause her ass aint fat if she wasn't hanging out by the pool looking for a sugar daddy maybe she would be making more.  

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
I just got back from the pool in our complex. I ended up talking to this very pretty, smart and fun young lady by the pool. She's 26. Has a 10 body and an 8 face. She's making $40k/year working her ass off and that got me thinking. What percentage of ladies end of doing this due to the same circumstances.  She even said how most of her friends are in the same boat plus most have college loans to pay off.

Back_In_Black1587 reads

hey there an idea . can we do that one day .  

Posted By: TaylorSteele
if you did that to me id smack you unless I get a ten right master zen and if you say im to skinny I will hit you and push you In the water

That a lot of providers are only earning about 40k a year?

I would think that it would be pretty easy to make that at a civvie job and so they wouldn't be okay with the risks associated of being an escort to only make the same amount of money they would make as a secretary somewhere.

I don't think that I would have started doing this if I thought I was only going to be making 40k a year..

JackDunphy1931 reads

There are girls making 20-30K. Look you don't understand b/c your young and hot. But you're the exception. Many of these hookers are broke down, beer bellys, ugly or BSC.

A few girls here may pm you and tell you their reality. It ain't pretty honey.

I beg to disagree.... I've made more then 40k within my first year & still doing very well... But I'm not on crack, have  anyone else to provide for, nor do I shop til I drop... I save, invest, live alone in a busy city in a hip area & try to budget & be very responsible .... I live a very comfortable life & this is my only income the last couple years .... I do have to admit this year income wasn't as fruitful as my first year .... But still I'm in very very comfortable lifestyle...

Do a real analysis on what YOU made last year.

I'd be willing to bet that you likely didn't even net $ 40k.

Or just bloviate some more.

If you need help in figuring out how to get the number...feel free to PM me.

Posted By: avairenemurphy
That a lot of providers are only earning about 40k a year?  
 I would think that it would be pretty easy to make that at a civvie job and so they wouldn't be okay with the risks associated of being an escort to only make the same amount of money they would make as a secretary somewhere.  
 I don't think that I would have started doing this if I thought I was only going to be making 40k a year...  


Wound a little tight tonight huh?
Maybe the CPA's aren't doing all that great in Chicago this year?

I didn't net 40k last year but of course I didn't start escorting until February of this year.  

Bloviate; of course - that's what it's called when someone dare share an opinion contrary to your own.

So you believe that your very small dalliance here is a precursor of how your 2014 year will end up.  Yikes...I just realized that you've already had 15 reviews in 2 months...so you're the typical BP gal that burns out in roughly 6 months.

Or have you been  around much longer with different names (and presumably in other parts of the country as well).  Nope...you're new to this gig and have NO clues as to how to even remotely see what can be made here.  Of course if your intent is to make a quick cash deal and pay off that liability this is a good way to do it.  But if you intend on keeping up this pace...good Lord  LOL

Let me know a year from now how things are going.  I suspect you'll be singing quite a different tune.

As far as how CPA's are doing in ChiTown...some are doing great...others may not.  But I don't do their returns either so I have no real sample size to base this opinion on.  Seeing how other gals in the biz do...that's a very different matter  ;)

Posted By: avairenemurphy
 Wound a little tight tonight huh?  
 Maybe the CPA's aren't doing all that great in Chicago this year?  
 I didn't net 40k last year but of course I didn't start escorting until February of this year.    
 Bloviate; of course - that's what it's called when someone dare share an opinion contrary to your own.

Hmmmm I think I may see this 40k thing but I guess it depends on what you are counting as "business related" expenses.  In a bad month I make around 5k, in a good month I make about 10k.  I figure there is about 6 bad months out of the year, so that would put me around an estimated 80-90k a year.  

I'll high ball it and say I spend 1k on advertising a month, so thats 12,000 a year
Gas from doing outcalls can get expensive, maybe about $250 a week, so thats another 12,000 a year
Miscellaneous expenses like condoms, lube, toys, mints $300 a month so $3600 a year
beauty products, clothes, shoes, lingerie ect, I will highball again and say $2000 a month so $24000 a year

So if I made a total of $85000 a year my estimated net income would be $33400.  The big expense would be appearance related and every provider spends a different amount.  I don't really think I spend $2000 a month, maybe about $700-$800 a month, but then again I don't buy expensive clothes and lingerie and I do my own hair and nails.  I guess it depends on whether or not you think those $900 shoes, blow outs, manicures and pedicures every week, waxing everything, facials, plastic surgery, personal trainer, ect will help out your business. You can make decent money either way, but I suppose if you plan on making it long term then these things would be considered an investment.

However since you are just estimating I would suggest finding a nice person to help you put it in a format so you can really see where things really are.

My post on a gal earning $ 40k at a company is taking into consideration she isn't paying for shoes, clothes, travel food, hotels, primping shit or lingerie.  So her "net" is really $ 40k plus her benefits.

A typical gal here will be closer to how you are analyzing this...mid $ 30k.

Thanks for your analysis.  Now do yourself a favor and find someone to help you make that mid 30 money a real mid 50+ money.  Knowledge is power!

Posted By: breannabreeze
Hmmmm I think I may see this 40k thing but I guess it depends on what you are counting as "business related" expenses.  In a bad month I make around 5k, in a good month I make about 10k.  I figure there is about 6 bad months out of the year, so that would put me around an estimated 80-90k a year.    
 I'll high ball it and say I spend 1k on advertising a month, so thats 12,000 a year  
 Gas from doing outcalls can get expensive, maybe about $250 a week, so thats another 12,000 a year  
 Miscellaneous expenses like condoms, lube, toys, mints $300 a month so $3600 a year  
 beauty products, clothes, shoes, lingerie ect, I will highball again and say $2000 a month so $24000 a year  
 So if I made a total of $85000 a year my estimated net income would be $33400.  The big expense would be appearance related and every provider spends a different amount.  I don't really think I spend $2000 a month, maybe about $700-$800 a month, but then again I don't buy expensive clothes and lingerie and I do my own hair and nails.  I guess it depends on whether or not you think those $900 shoes, blow outs, manicures and pedicures every week, waxing everything, facials, plastic surgery, personal trainer, ect will help out your business. You can make decent money either way, but I suppose if you plan on making it long term then these things would be considered an investment.

Damn, baby you got that look I like.

We gotta get you to Cleveland!!!!

You remind me of this teacher I had and oh the thoughts I had about her (whew)


@ridgetucky..  seems like a lot of people here don't really like you ;(

I think your posts are pretty fucking funny - you have my kinda humor

And I'm stuck between going back to Chicago next week or spending a few days in Cleveland
Maybe just maybe your wish will come true & you can give me some of your money ;)
I need to net more than 40k this year ya know

Dear Avairene:
Just wondering sometimes during slow periods when you are not traveling, would you be inclined to give certain monetary inducements to your regulars to promulgate business?

Posted By: avairenemurphy
@ridgetucky..  seems like a lot of people here don't really like you ;(  
 I think your posts are pretty fucking funny - you have my kinda humor  
 And I'm stuck between going back to Chicago next week or spending a few days in Cleveland  
 Maybe just maybe your wish will come true & you can give me some of your money ;)  
 I need to net more than 40k this year ya know?  

Compared to a recently-departed whiner and Moses Wannabe, The Tuckster doesn't seem half bad.

Remind me never to fuck you.

Posted By: avairenemurphy
@ridgetucky..  seems like a lot of people here don't really like you ;(  
 I think your posts are pretty fucking funny - you have my kinda humor  
 And I'm stuck between going back to Chicago next week or spending a few days in Cleveland  
 Maybe just maybe your wish will come true & you can give me some of your money ;)  
 I need to net more than 40k this year ya know?  

I've known men who become involved with petty crime, for instance, and carry out extreme plots. When it was pointed out that were they to spend the same amount of time at a minimum wage job, they would garner more money, their response was that work is boring.

Posted By: avairenemurphy
That a lot of providers are only earning about 40k a year?  
 I would think that it would be pretty easy to make that at a civvie job and so they wouldn't be okay with the risks associated of being an escort to only make the same amount of money they would make as a secretary somewhere.  
 I don't think that I would have started doing this if I thought I was only going to be making 40k a year...  

a small studio rents for $1500. Do the math. If that's where your job is you are fucked.

hotplants1940 reads

Otherwise, I can't imagine how so many other regular folk manage to live in SOCAL...How can this be possible?...lol...

We all have to make choices

Cosette1653 reads

Then you realize you agreed to pay for your brother's education.

And you live in Manhattan.

And you're pretty ok at the sex thing.

Boy meets girl, girl meets boys.

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