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Oh Man,,,
MrRio 24 Reviews 2900 reads

sounds to me like YOU keep passing it back to her. One of the dangers of the hobby. You both need to be on antibiotics. you both need to go to the DR.

hope this helps

I am trying to get some female input.  My SO gets yeast infections every two months.  She is the cleanest woman I have ever known.  They keep giving her pills, but I am leary of constant anitbiotics.  She has tried changing undergarments twice a day and even using a hairdryer down there after showers.  Nothing has helped.  Any thoughts or ideas?  
If a horrible topic and not appropriate...I deeply apologize in advance.

though men are less likely to notice their symptoms. For women, here's common factors:

1) Tight jeans
2) Underwear made of anything but 100% cotton
3) Pantyhose
4) Stress
5) Various foods: breads and grains, fermented foods (like olives, too), dried foods that 'mildew' (like raisins)
6) Alcohol such as wine and most definitely BEER
7) Overall health and eating habits

The best book for both genders to read is "The Yeast Connection" which is very enlightening.

I don't recommend she be on antibiotics, but rather the Homeopathic 'Candida' in either tincture or pellet form works best and sometimes only needs one dosage.

Also, have her visit www.wholeapproach.com

-- Modified on 6/11/2004 9:36:23 AM

sounds to me like YOU keep passing it back to her. One of the dangers of the hobby. You both need to be on antibiotics. you both need to go to the DR.

hope this helps

...for yeast infections.  Taking antibiotics is a common CAUSE of them, because they can upset the balance of flora within the vagina.  When you kill off the good bacteria which are normally present in the vagina, it leaves the yeastie beasties which also are normally present in small amounts to flourish, causing an overgrowth and what we call a yeast infection.

-- Modified on 6/12/2004 6:52:55 AM

Vinegar can help. Do you actually think you can gross out the readers of this board? LOL

3ofus4714 reads

Assume it is water and vinegar?
Yeast infections are so easy to get for some of us:  just get a cold and take a few antibiotics and POW!  A drag...but what are you gonna do...sigh.

Changing sexual partners can cause her normal yeast population to fluctuate.  Make sure she gets the annual pap.

Are you using condoms? If yes, that may be a cause. Avoid lubricant with glycerin in them, spermacides, all of that stuff. If no, it might also be a cause, as semen changes the pH of the vagina to levels that can encourage growth of yeast.

Sometimes one can be "too clean" as well. I am assuming her doc has told her to stop with douching if she does, but she may also want to limit using soap in the area. The vagina is self cleasing and sometimes these additional products can cause more harm than good.

As said before, have her limit her sugar intake, and I'm sure she's aware of the benefits of Acidophilus.

Also, a very odd question...does she do much baking/cooking? Female chefs and bakers compain of yeast infection more according to a few studies I have read in the past. Sometimes, all the scrubing in the world can't completely remove stuff under your nails. That goes for you too :)

I have no idea if baking bread can contribute to them or not, but, I see that Fleissman's bread yeast is the strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which they claim is the most common type of yeast used for making bread ( http://www.breadworld.com/sciencehistory/science.asp ).  Vaginal yeast infections are caused by Candida, over 85% of them by Candida albicans ( http://my.webmd.com/hw/womens_conditions/hw61046.asp?lastselectedguid={5FE84E90-BC77-4056-A91C-9531713CA348} ).

So, whether they also use Candida in cooking, I don't know.  I rather hope they don't, because the thought of it is icky to me.

Contact with sweet treat, fruits and the like are difficult to remove completely from the hands. If the hands touch the vagina, it provides sustinance to the yeast present in the vagina, cause it to over flourish! This is also the reason one should limit her sugar intake internally as well : D

LOL, I would sincerely hope not one would mix up the 2 types of yeast! Yucko!

Chief Redbeard3261 reads

The Yeast Connections should be must reading for you and yours.  The antibiodics tend to kill the yeast killing bacteria.  Get off the antibiodics, and while you are at it, drasically cut sugar intake.

Dude... it's also quite likely that you are re-infecting her over and over again. It's also likely that her system is more prone to the infection due to all the things named in an earlier post. Far from me to take a guess that she might also have another partner be they male or female that also passes on the sludge. One can never tell and if I am you and her... I think both of you need to be treated and abstain long enough to determine the likely source. Can you do that for me? Dr. Nutbutter. No charge.

If you're not circumcised she could be getting it from you. Or it could be from the condoms. Since she is taking antibiotics regularly make sure she's aware that when taking antibiotics there's a higher risk of a condom breaking and if she's using contraceptives it might not be as effective.

I wouldn't suggest a hairdryer as yeast grows in warmth.

Every question is a good question, however she really should seek medical help on this one.  

Good luck!  ~CarleeofArizona

"Since she is taking antibiotics regularly make sure she's aware that when taking antibiotices there's a higher risk of a condom breaking..."

What does an antibiotic have to do with a condom breaking?  Are there antibiotics that exit the mucous membrames of the vagina and actively attack latex?

-- Modified on 6/12/2004 4:16:35 PM

antibiotics are very dehydrating (one MUST drink more water while taking antibiotics, for example); therefore drier mucuous membranes, which mean more friction, which break condoms..

..unless she meant something else..

-- Modified on 6/12/2004 4:32:29 PM

OK, I buy that, MAYBE.  Many drugs can do this; antibiotics aren't alone in that regard.  IIRC only a few antibiotics actually have this as a side effect but I'm not expert on drug reactions, and after all everybody reacts a little differently.

Topical application of clotrimazol ointment (brand name Canesten) into the vagina will knock active yeast infections out in one dose.  As a prophylatic measure you can try daily application of Acigel cream to lower the pH of the vaginal secretions.

Most common causes of candida/yeast/thrush/monilia - call it what you want are antibiotics, wearing clothes that provide nice moist warm environment (ie non cotton knickers, pantihose, tight pants), over use of soap.  Yeast loves an alkaline environment, so soap, which is generally alkaline promotes its growth.  Try using a hand shower and washing the area with water only.  Also, it's possible that you have a persistent thrush infection in your mouth and throat and may be reinfecting her during cunnilingus.

You do kind of resemble Emma Samms...The actress in that show(Not sure)Always thought she was adorable...


sooooooooooonot only are you great fun to chat with....drop dead good looking....but your a MD too???? Girl you are all that and a bag of chips! Thanks for the links/info. I always like to learn about female gynocology.

As a medic, can I give you a 'exam' for free as payment for my class time today?????

(I wish I wish I wish)
Your buddy Ozzy

One of the best, if not the best, is Bio-Culture Masterblend made by Bio-Energy Systems. Hard to find, must be kept refrigerated, may lose effectiveness is shipped in hot weather...  There are other Pro-Bios around.... she needs to keep her insides populated with the right bacteria.

Vaginal Yeast Infections -- Topic Overview:  http://my.webmd.com/hw/womens_conditions/hw61046.asp

Vaginal Yeast Infections -- Causes:  http://my.webmd.com/hw/womens_conditions/hw61055.asp

Recurrent Yeast Infections:  http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/d89735737.asp?navbar=hw61046

Chronic Yeast Syndrome:  http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/hw78643.asp?navbar=hw61046

I used to get them often, as I once posted here (ugh!).  For what it's worth, it seems that since I switched my form of birth control from a diaphragm to the NuvaRing, I no longer get them (yay!).  I'm not saying the NuvaRing cured it; I just think the diaphragm might have contributed to the problem.  

In case you're wondering what the NuvaRing is (it's still pretty new), here's their website:  http://www.nuvaring.com/Consumer/index.asp

-- Modified on 6/12/2004 8:32:34 AM

Enuf Allready3866 reads

Your links seem grounded in scientific reproducable information.  These people need that.

There is too much unproven mumbo jumbo going on about treatment of varoius diseases and non-existant diseases.

Humans (mostly in the US with available money) waste billions a year on bogus cures.  Why is there a faction who will believe that some rumor mentioned by a guy they don't know about some acient chinese remedy and not believe scienctifically proven well documented modern medical treatment or diagnosis?

I am fully aware that there are MDs who are unethical, and some who are awful, and even some who are not all that bright.  But on the whole, the research based data on the human condition availabel to modern medicine is state-of-the-art and so far beyond this so called "alternative" crap that it is scary.

Sure some of the herbal stuff may be effective, but how do you know unless you run clinical trials?  What?  Are we to trust word of mouth anicdotal comments from well meaning friends who can only talk of vibes and energy like it is some old hippie undiscovered miracle cure?  Try ginko-biloba...it will increase memory....yeh, well it can also cause brain hemorrhage...but the free spirit in the burkenstocks didn't mention that.

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