TER General Board

Of course I know women in general get jealous, but
GaGambler 2151 reads
1 / 129

I can't remember a thread in recent history that asked this.

We all know it happens, and as I said it wasnt' even MY question. I borrowed it from a thread on the Atlanta board where a VERY highly reviewed provider asked this  very same question. I thought it deserved a broader audience so I posted it here.

If you have no thoughts on the actual question, fine, but you have a habit of skimming and not reading so it's no wonder you didn't get what the actual question was.

GaGambler 3079 reads
2 / 129

How does a woman feel, knowing that the guy about to knock on her door is expecting someone ten years younger and twenty pounds lighter? Does she feel any shame that she has let herself go and needs to lie to get a guy to call her? or does she just get so jaded to the process that she just doesn't give a fuck anymore?

I am not a woman, and obviously not a provider, but I can't imagine what goes through a woman's mind, knowing that she has deliberately lied to a man to get him in the door, and has no idea how is going to react when faced with the truth about her. Personally, I would feel shame, fear, embarrassment, all rolled up into one, but WTF do I know. I would really be interested in hearing from the ladies on this.

BTW credit to the question should really go to Khori and Morgan Marie of Atlanta, I borrowed this from the Atlanta board as I thought it was a great question.

hbyist+truth=;( 1821 reads
3 / 129

Posted By: GaGambler
How does a woman feel, knowing that the guy about to knock on her door is expecting someone ten years younger and twenty pounds lighter? Does she feel any shame that she has let herself go and needs to lie to get a guy to call her? or does she just get so jaded to the process that she just doesn't give a fuck anymore?  
 I am not a woman, and obviously not a provider, but I can't imagine what goes through a woman's mind, knowing that she has deliberately lied to a man to get him in the door, and has no idea how is going to react when faced with the truth about her. Personally, I would feel shame, fear, embarrassment, all rolled up into one, but WTF do I know. I would really be interested in hearing from the ladies on this.  
 BTW credit to the question should really go to Khori and Morgan Marie of Atlanta, I borrowed this from the Atlanta board as I thought it was a great question.
I have no idea either how the ladies can do this and not be afraid if the guy turns on them for fraud. I just wouldn't do it.

GaGambler 2153 reads
4 / 129

If everyman were to suddenly grow a spine and stop tacitly approving of this practice by not turning around and walking right out the door, these B&S women would be out of business overnight, but we all know that is not going to happen.

I've lost track of how many reviews start out with "she was not the hottie in the picture, but I was already there so........"

I hate to agree with you that "it really must not matter that much" but I would think that the truly hot women whose REAL pictures have to compete with the photo shopped ones would be the ones the most upset about this as they are the ones with the most to lose.

DC. 51 Reviews 2084 reads
5 / 129

To shave 10 years and 20 pounds, they're not relying on repeat business anyway (or they are hoping performance brings 'em back).  The money outweighs whatever shame.

Besides, when they post the pic in the ad, they know what they are doing, so by the time the guy shows up, they're probably over the shame they should have felt when they were using photoshop to begin with

GaGambler 1574 reads
6 / 129

and I am with you, I won't hesitate for a second in turning right around and leaving without saying a single word except for maybe something along the lines of "no fucking way!!!" lol

ZoePiers See my TER Reviews 1990 reads
7 / 129

A few pounds 5at most is normal.  

Photo shoots are tiring and time consuming and depending on the photographer they can be very expensive. I think those shading (20pounds) don't really care about how they present themselves and the effect it would have on a guy, I assume most guys will stay after they get through the door and for that reason the lady doesn't feel guilty or the need for change. If people walked away she probably would get new photos done.

my 2 cents
Posted By: GaGambler
How does a woman feel, knowing that the guy about to knock on her door is expecting someone ten years younger and twenty pounds lighter? Does she feel any shame that she has let herself go and needs to lie to get a guy to call her? or does she just get so jaded to the process that she just doesn't give a fuck anymore?  
 I am not a woman, and obviously not a provider, but I can't imagine what goes through a woman's mind, knowing that she has deliberately lied to a man to get him in the door, and has no idea how is going to react when faced with the truth about her. Personally, I would feel shame, fear, embarrassment, all rolled up into one, but WTF do I know. I would really be interested in hearing from the ladies on this.  
 BTW credit to the question should really go to Khori and Morgan Marie of Atlanta, I borrowed this from the Atlanta board as I thought it was a great question.

0603450onThe 2078 reads
8 / 129

I shared my thoughts on this same topic probably a few days ago.

Cosette 2252 reads
9 / 129

If the goal is to get you to purchase, the short term is the thing that matters the most.

You may also justify it by saying others are doing it to relieve some of the shame.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 2074 reads
10 / 129

perspective on it.

From my own experience, I've only met 1 provider who used fake pics - and she told me that upfront, explaining that the pics were close but not exact, and that she didn't want me to be surprised. I wasn't she was hot, it was a good time. I haven't seen a lady who overshopped her pics, although I have seen a couple who used obviously OLD pics.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1963 reads
12 / 129

But I used to hear about girls getting walked out on at the agency I used to work for, and there were several times I didn't recognize women in person who showed their face, so I understand what you mean. But who is it that lets them keep getting away with it?

The thing is, there are enough women out there that make me go "....really?", that it really makes me wonder. The more I see of the Photo board, and the more I hear that the "well reviewed" women in my area don't actually look a thing like their pictures, the more I realize it really must not matter that much. They're still busy, and no one bothers to say "That's literally not her face" in the reviews. It's honestly not terribly hard to lose a beer gut, so why is it never mentioned? I've seen some of these women. I know they're not a 10 no matter what your fantasy is.

But then, this is all coming from a girl who got nicer hotels at $250 than others do at $400, so my standards have always been a little different....

DC. 51 Reviews 2140 reads
13 / 129
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1709 reads
14 / 129

I don't understand how anyone could possibly think that word wouldn't get out that their photos are edited to that extreme.  

Personally, I don't want anyone to be surprised when they first see me. I have my tattoos edited out, but I put disclaimers about it all over my ads/website (almost to the point of redundancy). The last thing I want is for a client to be like "wtf, this bitch is WAY more colorful than I expected!"

MasterZen 33 Reviews 2064 reads
16 / 129

Yeah, it happens A LOT. You are doing things right, and will benefit for it.

HooktardGold 2193 reads
17 / 129

I've seen many providers who post say 4 or 5 pics to start off that make them look smaller or taller than they really are and then BAM... they add pics that show their entire body and there is no way in hell they weigh what they claim to weigh, so the reviews they bitched about were in fact true all along. I am talking some that look like a totally different girl, it was that bad. Adding 3 inches to your height is also the same thing as taking off lbs... you still look bigger than your photos suggest when you do that. Heels don't make your gut any smaller lol.  

False advertising is false advertising. To answer your question... I would much prefer a guy think I am a 7 going in and grant me a 9 after seeing me vs. the other way around. If I had reviews saying "She is bigger than her pics suggest" I would feel like a complete idiot. She did not lie about her weight (maybe) but she used photos that hid how fat she really was. If you can't see a few FULL BODY shots from the front, back, and side, something is up. Girls who take photos that only show parts, are a dead giveaway.  


-- Modified on 3/27/2014 11:25:28 AM

MasterZen 33 Reviews 2092 reads
18 / 129

just do a search for "Are photos real: NO".  

I think that the pumped up reviews and the ones where the obvious is not called out, are situations where the provider and client negotiate the reviews (some quid pro quo?) or the client is too fearful of repercussions to do so.

Blowing Chunks 1959 reads
19 / 129

A few pounds here and there I'll probably stay. I've walked out maybe less than 5 times over the years so it's not something I like doing. I prefer to see someone like the photos,  stick around,  and have a good time. Also depends on what her price is and how horny I am at that time.

If she's charging 400-800 and she's not gorgeous like her photos,   I'm back in up backing up backing up,  cuz my daddy taught me good. I'm backing the hell out of there.

I refuse to fall for bs.  



-- Modified on 3/27/2014 11:25:56 AM

Blowing Chunks 1963 reads
20 / 129

Seems to me one needs more than a spine to fight the repercussions when the girl decides to make up stories after guy walks out.  

I walk right on out and I've had an agency girl take revenge on me by making up stories, lies,  trying to make me look really bad in order to save her own face,   accusing me of doing nasty things to her that I never did.

Some girls are just fucking crazy but what can we expect from a bat shit crazy girl using photos from 20 years ago trying to scam people.  

Fortunately, vast majority believed my words and they just looked like a dumb fool with a very bad rep. That pimp agency no longer exists now,  busted for a long long list of charges,  including abusing women,  gun point,  etc, etc.   Good fucking riddance.  :D

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 11:39:27 AM

Back_In_Black 2329 reads
21 / 129

Review afterwards not realizing that its their fault ...taking pictures to feel sexy is one thing pretending to be someone else is another ...and many fat women would be better off exercising rather than calling Aldo caused the fat is still there ...its ridiculous ..

Posted By: GaGambler
How does a woman feel, knowing that the guy about to knock on her door is expecting someone ten years younger and twenty pounds lighter? Does she feel any shame that she has let herself go and needs to lie to get a guy to call her? or does she just get so jaded to the process that she just doesn't give a fuck anymore?  
 I am not a woman, and obviously not a provider, but I can't imagine what goes through a woman's mind, knowing that she has deliberately lied to a man to get him in the door, and has no idea how is going to react when faced with the truth about her. Personally, I would feel shame, fear, embarrassment, all rolled up into one, but WTF do I know. I would really be interested in hearing from the ladies on this.  
 BTW credit to the question should really go to Khori and Morgan Marie of Atlanta, I borrowed this from the Atlanta board as I thought it was a great question.

Back_In_Black 1894 reads
22 / 129

They run away from it !  

Posted By: GaGambler
I can't remember a thread in recent history that asked this.

We all know it happens, and as I said it wasnt' even MY question. I borrowed it from a thread on the Atlanta board where a VERY highly reviewed provider asked this  very same question. I thought it deserved a broader audience so I posted it here.

If you have no thoughts on the actual question, fine, but you have a habit of skimming and not reading so it's no wonder you didn't get what the actual question was.

Blowing Chunks 1892 reads
23 / 129
Pimpathy 1656 reads
24 / 129

I don't expect any business owner to actually care what (I the customer) actually thinks about their business. Even this business... Fuck you pay me, is what I hear most hourly employees say when OnTC.

*Disclaimer* I do not support visual deception.

VOO-doo 1952 reads
25 / 129

I'm taller than average, but photos don't show that at all. It's all about context/comparison... I appear as more statuesque in person, but that's not always apparent in photos (unless I stand next to someone short, lol). Likewise, I've met some woman in person, who were very petite, who I'd pictured as being much taller than they actually were. I think we kind of tend to assume average height from photos.  

With an agency...I'd get that GULP as a guy opened the door and looked upward toward my face. I still occasionally get those surprised stares, like 'wow, you're tall'. And I really am VERY clear about that fact on my site/ads (if the guy reads). I've even used the words 'tall' and 'statuesque' in taglines.  
Posted By: HooktardGold
I've seen many providers who post say 4 or 5 pics to start off that make them look smaller or taller than they really are and then BAM... they add pics that show their entire body and there is no way in hell they weigh what they claim to weigh, so the reviews they bitched about were in fact true all along. I am talking some that look like a totally different girl, it was that bad. Adding 3 inches to your height is also the same thing as taking off lbs... you still look bigger than your photos suggest when you do that. Heels don't make your gut any smaller lol.  
 False advertising is false advertising. To answer your question... I would much prefer a guy think I am a 7 going in and grant me a 9 after seeing me vs. the other way around. If I had reviews saying "She is bigger than her pics suggest" I would feel like a complete idiot. She did not lie about her weight (maybe) but she used photos that hid how fat she really was. If you can't see a few FULL BODY shots from the front, back, and side, something is up. Girls who take photos that only show parts, are a dead giveaway.  

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 11:25:28 AM
-- Modified on 3/27/2014 8:54:36 AM

Pimpathy 1573 reads
26 / 129

When I view your photos, the touched images are what draw me in. Then I get a little disappointed when I'm reminded of your body art. I'm not sure why? I like tats. Even though you are honest, and upfront from the begging, I feel somewhat deceived as your photos, contradict your honest words.

cashorcredit 2031 reads
27 / 129

Providers or agencies that use fake Photoshopped pics know most guys are like me, we are going to pay them and somehow figure out how to get through the session.  

I wish there was some way to spot Photoshopping, but luckily a lot of gents have been tipping me off  of the ATL offenders trying to trick us.

By the way I like woman of all shapes and sizes, I just don't like someone trying to deceive or trick me  
Posted By: GaGambler
How does a woman feel, knowing that the guy about to knock on her door is expecting someone ten years younger and twenty pounds lighter? Does she feel any shame that she has let herself go and needs to lie to get a guy to call her? or does she just get so jaded to the process that she just doesn't give a fuck anymore?  
 I am not a woman, and obviously not a provider, but I can't imagine what goes through a woman's mind, knowing that she has deliberately lied to a man to get him in the door, and has no idea how is going to react when faced with the truth about her. Personally, I would feel shame, fear, embarrassment, all rolled up into one, but WTF do I know. I would really be interested in hearing from the ladies on this.  
 BTW credit to the question should really go to Khori and Morgan Marie of Atlanta, I borrowed this from the Atlanta board as I thought it was a great question.
-- Modified on 3/27/2014 3:57:16 AM

Cosette 1754 reads
28 / 129

"Hiding shape" as you say, that can be achieved by twisting, the very first professional shoot I had proved this, they are not the most "natural" pictures if you leave it to the photographer to just tell you what to do. For those women who do that, there's nothing wrong with putting your best self forward, lighting, makeup, what have you.

Photoshopping, however, that's another story.

But I do agree with your statement, I'd much rather lower expectations rather than lure in someone in to disappointment.

Pimpathy 2007 reads
29 / 129

Didn't some "innocent" woman feel some heat, for that agencies poor business practices.


Who are you supposed to be - - - The hobby's vigilante?  

"Fortunately, vast majority believed my words and they just looked like a dumb fool with a very bad rep. That pimp agency no longer exists now,  busted for a long long list of charges,  including abusing women,  gun point,  etc, etc.   Good fucking riddance.  :D -- "

Did you kill that pimp? http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/exis

0603450onThe 2044 reads
30 / 129

airbrushing vs using real photos and the pros and cons to it. Don't blame it on my skimming LOL while I admit I do at times, I still read the OP question and then go from there. This is a semblance to something already discussed and recently on this board. I can find it if you'd like but I don't have the time. Perhaps you were out to lunch that day with a tica consuming heavy alcohol. Don't know LOL. I believe CPA was in on the convo though and a few other regulars here.  

Btw, I dedicated a photo to you personally on the Photo Board. If you can get what the tee says ;)

A true selfie shot, nothing airbrushed about it. What you see is what you get. Should be posted soon.  


-- Modified on 3/27/2014 9:24:01 AM

Pimpathy 469 reads
31 / 129

No customer cares what a provider wished she looked like. Only what she currently looks like.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 1959 reads
32 / 129

I never went to a M&G to meet mongers.  But in LA where donations seem always be climbing, nothing like seeing someone in person, before you stuff an envelop.  

Posted By: GaGambler
How does a woman feel, knowing that the guy about to knock on her door is expecting someone ten years younger and twenty pounds lighter? Does she feel any shame that she has let herself go and needs to lie to get a guy to call her? or does she just get so jaded to the process that she just doesn't give a fuck anymore?  
 I am not a woman, and obviously not a provider, but I can't imagine what goes through a woman's mind, knowing that she has deliberately lied to a man to get him in the door, and has no idea how is going to react when faced with the truth about her. Personally, I would feel shame, fear, embarrassment, all rolled up into one, but WTF do I know. I would really be interested in hearing from the ladies on this.  
 BTW credit to the question should really go to Khori and Morgan Marie of Atlanta, I borrowed this from the Atlanta board as I thought it was a great question.

TiffanyDelight See my TER Reviews 2142 reads
33 / 129

And it's been around as long as this business, and that's a mighty long time.

By definition, it has changed a lot since the advent of the internet and namely, TER, but it still exists.

What you have to assume is if you end up at that door, whomever is behind it, be they 20 lbs heavier & 10 years older, is not new to the game.  They are prepared for the fight and you're better off just running in the other direction!

If, on the otherhand, they simply let a little extra photoshop change them into a beautiful new image of themselves, be it off by 90 percent!...they will get some quick feedback that'll either help them change their ways or move on.

Etiher way, this is not a hobby for the faint of heart.  Learning quickly how to survive on either side, is a continuing battle for finding the sweet spot...and spending time there;-

0603450onThe 1883 reads
34 / 129

We all have what we have, it's how we market the goods that works for each individual woman here that matters and no reason to get jealous. That word has no play at least in my eyes. The truth will come back to haunt your ass the minute you open the door. Proof is in the pudding right there.

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 9:34:27 AM

Blowing Chunks 1466 reads
35 / 129

It's difficult or next to impossible to photoshop a video unless one hires some expensive Hollywood service.  I found that I usually get the same girl in the videos as long as it's within a few years of production.  

I can't imagine you as someone having a Fear of rejection though.  You look so confident.  


-- Modified on 3/27/2014 12:32:49 PM

0603450onThe 1699 reads
36 / 129

to give the 'stats' of us to go with the photos if we choose to not duplicate and furnish those stats on our own websites. Photos depicting us are one thing while real stats, if guys can visualize that, are something else. As long as both are true, nothing else matters. I appear very tall and I am barely 5'2 on a good day but I have legs that go on forever and with heels, 'appear' to go on even further. But still, I'm just a lil peanut and will look like a peanut standing up against a gentleman who is 6'2 with my heels on.  


-- Modified on 3/27/2014 9:36:55 AM

Blowing Chunks 1907 reads
37 / 129
HooktardGold 2317 reads
38 / 129

I can see bending, posing, etc. but that's now what I am talking about. I am flat out talking about only taking photos in parts... i.e. an ass, legs, boobs, etc. and never showing a full body shot from at least neck to toes. Putting a pillow over your gut is also hiding it. Providers often do that so guys can't come back and say they did not look like their pics, because all she has to say is "Well, I never stood up in my photos so you could not tell."  

Any image you put out is your responsibility and if you're hiding fat ass legs, arms, a gut etc. by only showing tits and ass, it's just as bad as photoshopping out those same areas to look smaller. You are still trying to deceive the buyer by only using photos that make you look smaller than you are.  

Yes, height can be misleading in photos, but I am talking about lying about it point blank. I look much taller than I am in photos too, but I listed my real height on my Bios.

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 12:38:06 PM

Pimpathy 2175 reads
39 / 129

What were you a victim of, deception?  

The reason I responded to your post, was to question your use of the word "exist".

Someone could interpret your use of the word "exist" as bravado.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1972 reads
40 / 129

I charge $400 an hour, and I am still upset by the stories I hear and the things I see with my own two eyes from other girls even in this price bracket and beyond.  

I AM upset that I go all out with a nice hotel, candles and music, and other girls charge the same as I do, and stay at a $70 per night hotel without even a bottle of water to offer, and wear the same thing every time. Even when I charged $250 with an agency, I put in more effort than that.

I AM upset that there are girls out there who actively discuss wasting time and doing as little work as possible before appointments, who charge the same as I do and more. They don't even hide what they're doing that well. I know I'm not the one getting a beej, but sometimes all I can do is sit back and wonder if I really could get away with $700 for trying to get two pops in an hour.  

I AM upset that there are girls out there who think that telling a guy he can spend the night will make up for greeting him in pajamas and falling asleep in an hour. Or that there are girls out there charging $500/hr saying "He doesn't deserve for me to put on makeup". Really? You guys can't tell she's a bitch?? And people come back for this kind of "service"!?

I AM upset that I actually go out of my way to look like I do every single day in photos, while other girls clearly don't care about adding an entire ass onto their pictures, and that gets eaten up. Literally adding an entire ass y'all. All you have to do is pay attention.

I AM upset that I hear about girls pushing for good reviews, but nothing but a 10/10 is the result. Why in the world would "If it's not a 10/10, don't bother" even mean anything to you? If you go to a restaurant and get a bad meal, does the chef come out to you and say "If you're not going to lie, don't bother to write a review"? And are you going to listen to him? This is worse than misleading pictures. Everyone has eyes, your words are the only thing people can go off of in reviews. Some of us actually do try to live up to them, not just bully people into writing about what they wished had happened.

I AM upset that a guy will blow $500 on a girl with shitty reviews because she's hot, skip a month visiting me, and then have the gall to complain about it AFTER I had already warned him. It's not even a jealousy thing, if he'd had fun I would've been happy for him. But don't tell me you knowingly wasted your money on a competitor. Good competition is fun and a little hot sometimes, but having competition for no reason other than stupidity is incredibly frustrating.

Those of us who take this seriously, and truly try to provide a good honest experience, are the most upset. Every penny that goes to some lazy girl with no interest besides convincing you she's a little more than tolerating you for five minutes less than you're supposed to be there pisses us off. But we aren't the ones who can do anything about it, and the ones who can are not.  

So many complain that girls aren't professional and don't treat this like a business, well. They are just doing what they've been shown works. Sometimes, I can't seem to put my finger on what you guys really do value. Is it the way she handles herself on the internet, with all the hot pics and good reviews and insta-email responses? Or is it the person who actually makes you *feel* like it was worth it?

Just been thinking about this very thing for the last few days...

Pimpathy 1799 reads
41 / 129
GaGambler 2050 reads
43 / 129

besides exposing yourself as the morally bankrupt person you truly are, you made me look good by comparison in the eyes of BCG.

BTW you give pigs a bad name, as BCG the name change has done nothing to change the revulsion that most of us feel just seeing your name on a post. You can change your name a thousand times, but unless you change your attitude you'll still be a pariah around here.

VOO-doo 1967 reads
44 / 129

P411, Eros, my site. Along with the 'tall' tagline. Some guys just don't read any of that. Or, they see my pics and don't think I 'look' tall. Again, because to see height in a photo, it needs to be comparative...I'd need to stand next to the equivalent of Shawn Johnson. Then they'd be like, "Ohhhh, she's really tall!"

It works the same way for very short women.

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 9:52:16 AM

TiffanyDelight See my TER Reviews 1807 reads
45 / 129

Are you referring to

a) the motion of my hips  
b) the devotion to my work
c) something else entirely?  lo

GaGambler 1838 reads
46 / 129

Didn't you see where I plainly said this wasn't about the photo shopping itself, but about the mindset of the women that do it???

Sheesh, and you wonder why people call you BSC

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 2278 reads
47 / 129

Reminds me of when my G-ma use to see a burger on tv and then go to the drive thru and ask for the burger on the commercial... Of course, the burger in the bag had a smashed bun and wilted lettuce! LOL!

Wondering when you guys will make up your mind. When I first started in 2011, and I was reading TER, a girl isn't credible or worth seeing if she doesn't post professional pics. Then it was recent professional pics, at least 2 times a year, which can be pretty expensive! Especially if you are only doing this part time. Now, 2014, it's no pro pics, post a selfie. Isn't there always a level of buyer beware with this hobby, whether it be in her looks, performance, or personality, location, or whatever that can or can't be controlled?

If a lady markets herself to get the business she wants, what's the problem?  

It wasn't until I had professional pics done, that I saw how much an image can be changed. I asked for my pics NOT to be altered or photoshopped, and when I got them back, and they still were, those are the ones I don't use. Frankly, I did not want to mislead anyone to what I looked like and if anything, I'd preferred my pics to look worse, to get the type of guys that genuinely want to see me. If I look better than my pics then great, if you looked at my pics, and still don't like, well I can't do much about that.  

For guys that complain about photoshopped pics and the way a lady markets herself, the best insurance you have would be to take the time and check out your local M&G to see what these ladies look like. A chick with 9 looks in a pic can easily be a 6 in real life and vice versa. Other than that, don't hate the player, hate the game! LOL!

GhostWriteroftheDamned 2275 reads
48 / 129

I have neither problem nor compunction in 'walking away'. I loath false advertising of any sort, and I will not allow myself too fall easy or willing victim of it

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1895 reads
49 / 129
0603450onThe 2095 reads
50 / 129

most cases, but it's not our fault if they don't take the time to read what we write including viewing the stats. They are provided there for a reason LOL. I don't think P411 set up their profile page as it is currently designed if they didn't think it was important for impending clients to view our info as it states.  

So guys...easy solution...just read or even 'skim' even if just a lil bit!! LOL

GaGambler 1964 reads
51 / 129

sometimes his posts look like he is just stringing random words together, other times it's more like he is just randomly hitting keys on his keyboard, hoping against hope that something intelligent will result.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 2006 reads
52 / 129

Well when you start posting half naked photos of yourself that include marks that could identify you to your parents, friends, and brothers, then we can talk.  

In the meantime, remember that you are exactly the type of guy I try to avoid. I don't fuck perverts or rapist sympathizers (yeah, the name change didn't help. We still know which pig you are).  
Posted By: Pimpathy
When I view your photos, the touched images are what draw me in. Then I get a little disappointed when I'm reminded of your body art. I'm not sure why? I like tats. Even though you are honest, and upfront from the begging, I feel somewhat deceived as your photos, contradict your honest words.

Pimpathy 1687 reads
53 / 129
Pimpathy 2113 reads
54 / 129

My eyes tell me this... My mind tells my that

Pimpathy 1936 reads
55 / 129
Blowing Chunks 2020 reads
56 / 129
Pimpathy 2219 reads
57 / 129

No matter how BSC that opinion is.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1905 reads
58 / 129

It's hilarious to me that he keeps coming back, though. You know you're a twat when the mongers AND the feminists all collectively hate you.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 2017 reads
59 / 129

Never in a million years did I think I'd end up liking GaG, but Vern changed all of that.  

The funny thing is, he still doesn't get it, and he outed his new name himself like the genius that he is. So not only is he a cowardly, morally bankrupt maggot, but a stupid maggot as well. And people think Rod is the slow one?! Please.  
Posted By: GaGambler
besides exposing yourself as the morally bankrupt person you truly are, you made me look good by comparison in the eyes of BCG.

BTW you give pigs a bad name, as BCG the name change has done nothing to change the revulsion that most of us feel just seeing your name on a post. You can change your name a thousand times, but unless you change your attitude you'll still be a pariah around here.

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 1902 reads
60 / 129

But you have to realize, some peeps are photogenic & some are not.. Photographs are deceiving even if it has been Photoshopped or not.  You need to have some kind of realization that the person you are visiting isn't going to look EXACTLY like the pic.  



bonordonor 1866 reads
61 / 129
Blowing Chunks 1970 reads
62 / 129

Unlike this big vern guy who's constantly trying to troll.  Actually he's not trolling,  he means what he says which is the freaky part.  This is all assuming any of his random words come out to be coherent.  Sometimes it does get put together to form a sentence that sounds a bit coherent, by sheer dumb luck. lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 2120 reads
63 / 129

There may well be "no reason for women to get jealous," but they certainly do and it's a big reason for some of the BSC behavior.  Surely you're not suggesting women don't get jealous?
(and don't you dare say, "Please don't call me Shirley."

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 2:42:00 PM

Dr Who revived 1782 reads
64 / 129
GaGambler 1982 reads
65 / 129

and I will withhold comment as to not appear "mean" Sorry.

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 1948 reads
66 / 129

I don't have photoshop'd pics!

This has been a subject on many boards- (comments wise.)

I even tried to post a thread about it, wasn't allowed. No idea why, unless they thought I was attempting a threAD, which I was NOT.

I personally, am at a 2 way street on the subject.
I understand the want for "the best image" however, I NEVER want to be accused of "false advertising."

On another site, one review of me, the guy had commented that I was CHUBBY, yes it pissed me off, because I am marked as BABY FAT on my profile, yes I am thick, I wear a size 9 (155lbs) , I am 5 foot tall, 36D bra. Maybe someone would assume I am taller if they didn't look at my profile (on p411) HOWEVER I took some new selfies that show my whole frame, JUST SO that would NEVER happen again.

I would feel ASHAMED if someone blasted me for false representation. Then again, I WANT repeat business. I want a good reputation. I like positive reviews....
Sounds like the ladies in question, could honestly give a s*** less

case321 31 Reviews 1877 reads
67 / 129

But I just got say damn that was hot!!!!  Spot on with you're observations, a lot of guys will put up with some BS just because she's hot or cheap. Screw that kudos to you for sticking to you're guns and putting pride in you're "work". I feel the same way in my line of work sometimes no customer loyality anymore. Had a guy last month let a competitor install a new heating system because he was 600.00 cheaper than me, never mind the fact I was selling a name brand top 3 national brand unit and the other guy was pushing builders grade junk. And of course he forgets how I came out on a Saturday night when it was 10 degrees and got the old crap running and didn't even charge overtime rate like anyone else would. Was a good customer and I took care of him, obviously he didn't return the favor

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2053 reads
69 / 129
SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1714 reads
70 / 129

I do partial face blur and no would never send a face pic to a potential (possibly BS) client. I do not an would not post a full on face pic of myself in this realm. Not something I am willing to put out there, seeing as I live and have lots of family and friends in my area. The internet has no delete button, and if it's out there, it out there for good. Not willing to let my church, my kid's school, my career/ colleagues, or community know what goes on in my private intimate life. I DO try and attend M&G events, everyone there has a similar interest and has been screened, so we are all kinda there under the same secret. Same goes when I attend swing events. If that's too deceptive, and a deal breaker, so be it, but my true identity is kinda my business... Sorry, the guys can go elsewhere! I'm not the one. Darnit! LOL!  

Never had a problem being too ugly to fuck. :

0603450onThe 1925 reads
71 / 129

I certainly am not one of them and never understood that behavior which is why I keep my 'women' friends to a minimum. I'm a 'guys gal' all the way.  

And I have no idea who Shirley is lol

0603450onThe 1632 reads
72 / 129

simply tell the 'essence' of the woman they are meeting from her photos the minute she walks thru the door. And in a heartbeat if those photos were accurate to begin with, no matter what is missing. I've personally never had anyone 'question' that point and they can usually see me coming from a mile a way LOL. My hair and legs personally give me away immediately.  

I think most times it's just fun for most guys to put the 'pieces of the puzzle' together after all that anticipation of the 'meeting' and with whatever was missing... aka the 'face'. Unfortunately in this gig, I will never be able to show mine except for in person, as much as I would love to. I've got nothing to hide in that sense but I do have much to hide in the personal and professional sense, like many other women here, and for that, it will remain a secret except for those who choose to meet me.    


-- Modified on 3/27/2014 12:35:44 PM

0603450onThe 1342 reads
73 / 129

pick me up with one arm with ease practically....and ok, that was HOTT LOL.

GaGambler 2241 reads
74 / 129

I wouldn't read too much into that.

Truth be told, virtually every woman listed her as "baby fat" I would consider at least "chubby" as long as you show up "as advertised" it doesn't matter whether you are skinny, average, baby fat, or outright "heavy" If you show up looking like your pics the guy has zero basis to bitch.

OSP 26 Reviews 1593 reads
76 / 129

The definition of twat is thinking; 1: You think some posters are influencial enough to dictate who/whom should be permited to post. 2: You think your opinion matters.

Get off you fucking high horse

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1515 reads
77 / 129

Hell no. He's just going to have to trust (based on my reviews) that I don't have a fucked up mug.  

People I've known for years recognized me, despite me not showing my face or other identifying marks. To me, thats a pretty good indicator that the photos are an accurate representation (despite how much that sucked).  
Posted By: RobbinYoung
Do you send an unblurred/uncropped face photo of yourself to a hobbyist who has an interest in a rendezvous with you?    
 If not, how does he know if he likes your looks?    
 Also, how does he know you're the person in the photos?

OSP 26 Reviews 2102 reads
78 / 129

Do you know what a blithering idiot is? You're begining to blither.

Blowing Chunks 1523 reads
79 / 129

That's what this site is for.   We don't need to know the reviewer in order to trust what he writes.  

I just look at their review history and if they tend to write honest reviews of ladies we have seem in common or other well reviewed  ladies who have their photos up,  chances of the said provider being as hot as her photos become higher.

Dr Who revived 1652 reads
80 / 129

Since that thread came down due to "advertising Aldo spex"  LOL

These might come in handy however.
Posted By: GaGambler
and I will withhold comment as to not appear "mean" Sorry.

eurotool 7 Reviews 1744 reads
81 / 129

To me, Tobi didn't have as many tats as her disclaimers made me think she would. They look really good on her.

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 4:24:36 PM

GaGambler 2022 reads
82 / 129

but as for being "mean" I try not to call out anybody for their appearance, and I have never done that to you. I have simply called you old, but without commenting on any specific picture to criticize your appearance, to do that IMO would be "mean" and since I have already crossed that line once this week, and profusely apologized for doing so almost immediately after the words had come off of my keyboard, I don't intend on doing it again soon.

This leaves me two options, well actually three. I could 1) ignore your question completely 2) Tell you some lie about how hot I find you. or 3) simply refuse to comment.

I chose number three, it seemed like the lesser of the evils.

0603450onThe 1699 reads
84 / 129

but I thank you if it is nothing but yet another "mean" comment directed towards/about me...as if that's a shock LOL. Only god knows what it could be....one can only imagine what goodness could be at this point.  
Unfortunately, I will have to yet again RETRACT the 'dedication' to you. Even though it was meant to be a joke.

GaGambler 2065 reads
86 / 129

While us guys are losers in this whole photo shopping, bad service/high price, lousy attitude yet high reviews scenario. IMO ladies like you who truly give a shit are the biggest losers in this.

For us guys, this is literally a hobby, even though I hate the term hobbyist, but for you ladies it's your livelihood. I think it's a travesty that deception and manipulation are rewarded at the expense of those who put out a full effort.

and the guys are every bit as guilty for tacitly helping to facilitate this type of behavior as the ROBs that practice it.

Dr Who revived 1843 reads
87 / 129

It was fun..but some gals seemed to take offense to it as well.  I can't imagine why.

Viva Aldo  :D

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1480 reads
88 / 129

And used your real name as your porn name, I am not surprised you ask this, and this is the only response I can dignify it with.

There is a difference between protecting your identity, and actually changing your appearance. Don't play dumber.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1997 reads
89 / 129

Please don't start obsessing over this delusion of yours again, I have never said that anyone should or shouldn't be allowed to post. I don't know where you come up with this shit, but if you want to defend a rapist sympathizer, you go right on ahead. We all know how much you loathe women. No one gives a shit, but knock yourself out, dude.  

Posted By: OSP
The definition of twat is thinking; 1: You think some posters are influencial enough to dictate who/whom should be permited to post. 2: You think your opinion matters.

Get off you fucking high horse

0603450onThe 2024 reads
91 / 129

marbles, perhaps only a few. But with the gents knocking on my door as of late, the marbles should be back in place in no time...thank goodness. And with spring in the air (almost) Life is Good.  

And shhh, I really didn't feel like searching for that shit anyway, feeling a lil surly....LOL. But I know it's there somewhere in cyberland.  

So there Gambler. Eh BIG MEANIE.  


-- Modified on 3/27/2014 2:07:58 PM

xyz23 45 Reviews 1702 reads
93 / 129

...and even in Vegas out of towners can check the board for reviews and find reviewers they trust as over time they find they have seen the same ladies, said the same things and pretty much agree with you in regard to those ladies. You have to cross reference. Takes some research. That makes you trust them on ladies they have seen that you're considering seeing. That doesn't matter where you are. It does take time.

They do trust TER reviews as long as they check them with other sources. All the gripping on the boards about reviews not withstanding they don't all suck ( no pun).

Mongers with time and experience will back channel with you if you also have time and experience. Number of reviews and board posting gives credibility. They may not know you but they will back channel with you in this case.

So read reviews, back channel, and the ladies reputation. Checking out the board of the city could give you a sense of the ladies reputation (she could be well spoken of or not spoken of at all) and there is the RO board as one of the sources to be considered.

xyz23 45 Reviews 1242 reads
94 / 129

...I can say the photos are accurate if her body looks like the photos. Photoshop changes belly, legs, butt, weight, wrinkles, etc.. Blur only keeps face from being recognized.  

Gotta have VIP. Why do you think we tell the newbies to get VIP it's worth it.

missariarocchi See my TER Reviews 1771 reads
95 / 129

Which I'm not stupid enough to do.  

My reviews tell enough about my looks to help one figure out if I'm attractive enough to meet their standards.  

I will not ever send someone a photo of my face. There's too much at stake to let one adamant and self entitled dick waving money at me and it end up biting my ass. No thanks.  

I warn everyone.  I'm a solid 7 on my best day. You're always welcome to ask anyone who met me if I'm a busted looking ratchet.

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 8:55:35 PM

Pimpathy 1970 reads
98 / 129

or a hallucinating. Show me any thread where I professed support for the raping of any human being.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1515 reads
99 / 129

Excuse me, rather than doing porn, you PERFORMED AND ADVERTISED ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES under your real name.

And how many years later, and you're STILL not smart enough to change it?

Whah whah whah listen to my bullshit stories. No. YOU are the one who continues to be an idiot. You can only blame people for so much, and you've told enough bullshit stories on how you "started" that I can't even believe that one.  

There is a huge difference between protecting ones identity by blurring the face, and major photoshop completely changing your body into something it's not at all in order to mislead people. Clearly concealing vs. tricking. It's one thing to know that you don't know what her face looks like because, duh, most people can't exactly be out. It's another to be looking at a photo and expect something completely different than what you're getting because the photo itself was doctored. Taking off 20+ pounds can make someone look like a totally different person all together. You do understand that at that point, it's now a different product in the picture than the one it's supposed to be representing, right? For someone who does so much not to be different from what people are expecting, you seem to have an awful hard time with this concept.  

I'm not talking down to you, just talking to you the way you obviously need to be. Like I said, don't play dumber. We already know

hbyist+truth=;( 1706 reads
100 / 129

Posted By: RobbinYoung
Do you send an unblurred/uncropped face photo of yourself to a hobbyist who has an interest in a rendezvous with you?    
 If not, how does he know if he likes your looks?    
 Also, how does he know you're the person in the photos?
He can still post it somewhere (not sure where but the lady has lost control of the image)

It can be used by cops waving it in front of a hotel clerk etc.  

I see what you are saying but for some who have other careers and family close by, blurring is the way to go. And if a guy is that insistent of a face shot, just choose a lady that already has them up. Or ask politely but don't be surprised if it's a no and get all pissy.

hbyist+truth=;( 1587 reads
101 / 129
Dr Who revived 1579 reads
102 / 129

Good God Robbin...you haven't made $ 3M in your lifetime...that's fucking hilarious  LOL

You made minimum SAG when you did legit films...which is just above minimum wage.  You made next to nothing on those Playboy pics...again near minimum wage.  Both of those are nearly 40 years ago. And over the past 30-40 years of hooking you made enough to eat at least 5 times a week.

And here you are...still hooking and have NO chance of getting social security monies.  And you don't have two nickels to rub together.  It's no wonder you hate this world...it hasn't been kind to you.  But whose fault is that?  Yours...since you made bad choices...own it already!!

And to think that hooking will pay enough over the remainder...better hope that there's still enough johns who like +60 (or 65) y/o women.  And you'll still be here as you approach 70...crying about the same old shit.
Posted By: RobbinYoung
First, I've never done pro porn!    
 I escorted under my legal name, because I was introduced to a pimp agency in Vegas, when I lost 3 million dollars in a Ponzi scheme in 2008, and I had to sell my pussy to survive.  I knew nothing about the world of prostitution, and I was VERY naive.  The a-hole agent plastered my pics on sites all over the USA and used my legal name because of my film & Playboy credits.  As soon as I had enough money to buy food and pay for rent in a sleazy extended-stay motel, I left the agency and joined TER as an indie.  So, I did NOT choose this profession...I was forced into it, to survive.  Do NOT talk down to me...I won't tolerate it!  
 I said I understood the reason some providers need to hide their identities, and I'm not out to judge them.  My point is...there's no difference if a provider does major photoshop, or needs to conceal her face in her pics!  
Posted By: OhCharlie
And used your real name as your porn name, I am not surprised you ask this, and this is the only response I can dignify it with.  
  There is a difference between protecting your identity, and actually changing your appearance. Don't play dumber.

Cosette 1680 reads
103 / 129
2labman 26 Reviews 1258 reads
105 / 129

Word, girl!

Ladies who aren't afraid to express their opinions get me all hot and lusty.  If I could get you, Aria, and BCG together, I'd cash in my retirement fund, order continuous champagne service and have you three f**! me till I pass.  I'd be a happy man and the mortician would never get the smile off my face.

2labman 26 Reviews 1344 reads
106 / 129
2labman 26 Reviews 1448 reads
107 / 129

Post Title - Lingerie tummy covers to hide the gut aren't dishonest, they just aren't showing everything.  The viewer fills in what he thinks is there and is wrong - his bad.  Photoshopping the belly and showing the smaller belly - your bad.

Agree with most of the rest, though HTG.  Especially that full body views front side and rear are important if you a guy just cruising around looking for prospects.  I got badly burned that way one time, but was in so much shock that I let her pull me in the door.  Then her pet snake got loose and it's a long story.

Dr Who revived 1101 reads
108 / 129

That's NOT even a taxable event dear....nice try on the garbage story.

So you want me (or anyone who has some critical thinking skill) to buy that is all you ever made in your life?  Really?  Some dude "gave" you $ 5M and you paid some taxes on the gift?  There are 10 year olds who know that isn't the real story (not your story of course...but that gifts are NOT taxable).

Nope..I'll stick with my prior comment(s).  You haven't made $ 3M cumulatively over the past 40 years.  And you've likely never had more than a couple of hundred at any point in time.

So save your stories for those who love to hear them when smoking 420...they'll laugh along with you...or is it at you?

Just for grins...many of "us" know the story as it's out there.  Seems even I may know some well known entertainment agents  LOL

2labman 26 Reviews 1079 reads
109 / 129

Not everyone considers a provider a piece of meat with a few holes, Robbin.  There are some who like to get to know the woman behind the persona.  Go ahead, call me a mangina, I don't give a crap.  I'd much rather know that woman on the other end, it's the brain that's sexy (and the heart that's tender), the rest is mostly the mechanicals.  You may need a couple regulars who respect you for you, instead of you for being another trophy for the wall.  Unfortunately (?), you are trophy material externally so it's always going to be hunting season.

My regular often opens the door in her bathrobe or a T shirt and jeans.  That's fine with me, because I came to visit her, not a persona.  It's a hell of a lot more fun in between the sheets with a person than an artifice of one.

OTOH, I can't imagine that anyone would not love you for your sexual skills, that's part of the real you.

Related:  I finished a wonderful two hour session with an incredible provider (yes, you with the titanium neck ring) last weekend and at the end she asked if I minded if she re-dressed in her civvie clothes.  I of course said go ahead.  She told me that some guys want the lady to stay "in costume" until they are out the door.  Those guys are f**king fantasies, not women.   WTF.  I'll never understand that.   Jerk off to porn flicks or dolls if you don't want to interact with real women as human beings.

Before you start:  Yes, I'm paying for it.  Yes, I should enjoy myself.  Yes, I care if the lady enjoys herself.  No, I don't give a crap what you think about it.

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 1751 reads
110 / 129

You're looking for an honest answer from a dishonest person?

Good luck.

0603450onThe 1170 reads
111 / 129

cry. If only you could take a few moments to really look in the mirror and 'see' how beautiful you really are despite all the other stuff. If you believe it, others will too. It doesn't matter what anyone else says about or to you as long as you believe in yourself first.  

Please don't be sad.  

T. xoxoxo

Panthera12 955 reads
112 / 129

fall for that line of BS from her.

Blowing Chunks 1023 reads
113 / 129
missariarocchi See my TER Reviews 1591 reads
115 / 129
FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 1229 reads
116 / 129

First off this response was so very eloquently written; If not from a wording aspect, but from the stand-point of clearly communicating. And I could not agree with you more.

It is so hard to point out what other providers are doing wrong without being labeled "a hater" or "a bitch."

As not a year into being a reviewed provider, but a few weeks on board.
I comprehend the many, many, many (did I say many?) posts/threads, comments, critiques, inquiries, responses (along with the Troll stuff, which is merely entertainment) there is a plethora of information for a starting provider, who takes her business halfway seriously, and wants to be considered legitimate, rise through the ranks, get stellar reviews, advance brackets....

If you're going to be a _________, be the best ________ you can be, right?

It pisses me off when I even hear of providers talking about how lame/needy/socially inept Mr. Client is.
Mr. Client is paying your bills, isn't he? You do business with him? Riiiiggghht.

It pisses me off that one of my regulars (or I thought after 4 dates, that's fair right?) He was chatting me up on YIM one day, and sent me a pic of a "sugar baby potential" he intended to see...
She was "hotter"(IMO) yet had this "ratchet" look about her.... I tried to politely warn him to be careful.
Did he listen? Pffffftttt. HELL NO.
Weeks later, he is IM'ing me, to whine about how she "was draining him dry & wanted more" which is why he was too broke to see me also!! (Did he want a hug? I mean SERIOUSLY.)
It made ME mad... She may as well have stolen my money. (Kinda.)
Short end, she ended up nick & diming him,  similarly to up-charges, without him ever getting FS (or so he said.) I sure as hell wasn't going to give him a sympathy-fuck for his manginaness.

(Just had to add MANGINANESS to my spell check!!! lmao!)

Manginaness locally... I am acquainted with a certain BP provider, Jazmin, she told me one day that she pulled a crash & dash (crash & dash being got the enveloped, excused herself to go to the car, & left) on an outcall. $600. And the guy was a REGULAR of hers.... who even knew where she lived!!!  
I was outraged & aghast. How could she? How big are her balls? Is she crazy?
She said the guy called her and they agreed to work it out next session.
I was shocked he didn't come to her house to take the $600 out of her ass (and not in the good way.)
He showed true manginaness.  
If I were a man, I can understand the want/need/desire of this hobby, but I would never stand for a provider to jack me (again, not in the good way.)
This area is full of the BP-girl-misadventure crap.
If I found a fellow provider within 30 miles of me, that was worth their salt, I would love to have a friendly type relationship with them.  Nothing wrong with Co-workers :)
But these otha' hoes.... SMDH....

Here's the saddest part for me personally; I live back-woods, in a whole different cost of living bracket.  
$150/hour IS the EXPENSIVE girl...
However, I would like to think that someday, I will move to a metropolitan area, like Houston, and I will have become educated & practiced (and hopefully reviewed enough!) to have a small amount of success in a larger pond, with larger fishes, and make more.

Every-time Mr. Client wastes money with a bad attitude, poor service provider, a better option is robbed of the income that would be hard earned & more deserved (and probably spent more wisely.)

I am used to being frugal, as a way of life (yes, I do know, sometimes you DO get what you pay for; However, in this thread, we're assuming that Mr. Client IS NOT getting his money's worth.)
I simply can not fathom a lady in the $400/hr bracket doing something as low class and/or being so sloppy... :(  
For $400/hr I would be breaking my neck for Mr. Client and doing everything possible to keep him happy & coming back.

Posted By: OhCharlie
I charge $400 an hour, and I am still upset by the stories I hear and the things I see with my own two eyes from other girls even in this price bracket and beyond.  
 I AM upset that I go all out with a nice hotel, candles and music, and other girls charge the same as I do, and stay at a $70 per night hotel without even a bottle of water to offer, and wear the same thing every time. Even when I charged $250 with an agency, I put in more effort than that.  
 I AM upset that there are girls out there who actively discuss wasting time and doing as little work as possible before appointments, who charge the same as I do and more. They don't even hide what they're doing that well. I know I'm not the one getting a beej, but sometimes all I can do is sit back and wonder if I really could get away with $700 for trying to get two pops in an hour.  
 I AM upset that there are girls out there who think that telling a guy he can spend the night will make up for greeting him in pajamas and falling asleep in an hour. Or that there are girls out there charging $500/hr saying "He doesn't deserve for me to put on makeup". Really? You guys can't tell she's a bitch?? And people come back for this kind of "service"!?  
 I AM upset that I actually go out of my way to look like I do every single day in photos, while other girls clearly don't care about adding an entire ass onto their pictures, and that gets eaten up. Literally adding an entire ass y'all. All you have to do is pay attention.  
 I AM upset that I hear about girls pushing for good reviews, but nothing but a 10/10 is the result. Why in the world would "If it's not a 10/10, don't bother" even mean anything to you? If you go to a restaurant and get a bad meal, does the chef come out to you and say "If you're not going to lie, don't bother to write a review"? And are you going to listen to him? This is worse than misleading pictures. Everyone has eyes, your words are the only thing people can go off of in reviews. Some of us actually do try to live up to them, not just bully people into writing about what they wished had happened.  
 I AM upset that a guy will blow $500 on a girl with shitty reviews because she's hot, skip a month visiting me, and then have the gall to complain about it AFTER I had already warned him. It's not even a jealousy thing, if he'd had fun I would've been happy for him. But don't tell me you knowingly wasted your money on a competitor. Good competition is fun and a little hot sometimes, but having competition for no reason other than stupidity is incredibly frustrating.  
 Those of us who take this seriously, and truly try to provide a good honest experience, are the most upset. Every penny that goes to some lazy girl with no interest besides convincing you she's a little more than tolerating you for five minutes less than you're supposed to be there pisses us off. But we aren't the ones who can do anything about it, and the ones who can are not.  
 So many complain that girls aren't professional and don't treat this like a business, well. They are just doing what they've been shown works. Sometimes, I can't seem to put my finger on what you guys really do value. Is it the way she handles herself on the internet, with all the hot pics and good reviews and insta-email responses? Or is it the person who actually makes you *feel* like it was worth it?  
 Just been thinking about this very thing for the last few days...

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 1582 reads
117 / 129
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1120 reads
119 / 129
GaGambler 1543 reads
120 / 129

Expecting women to bare their souls about photoshopping would be a bit much to expect. Ok, it would be a LOT to expect. lol

Pimpathy 1508 reads
121 / 129

I will help you out here.

Sympathizer: a person who approves of and is willing to support a proposal, action, or group.


Pimpathy 1109 reads
122 / 129
Pimpathy 1102 reads
123 / 129

No one got raped... at least I didn't call you a monkey.

Back_In_Black 1370 reads
124 / 129

And bait n switch has been around for decades ! And again his pics ain't that great ! LOL

Posted By: TaylorSteele
airbrushing vs using real photos and the pros and cons to it. Don't blame it on my skimming LOL while I admit I do at times, I still read the OP question and then go from there. This is a semblance to something already discussed and recently on this board. I can find it if you'd like but I don't have the time. Perhaps you were out to lunch that day with a tica consuming heavy alcohol. Don't know LOL. I believe CPA was in on the convo though and a few other regulars here.  
 Btw, I dedicated a photo to you personally on the Photo Board. If you can get what the tee says ;)  
 A true selfie shot, nothing airbrushed about it. What you see is what you get. Should be posted soon.  

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 9:24:01 AM

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 1328 reads
125 / 129

I post weekly new candid cell pics. if i happen to use back page that day or night for a quick massage appt I post a pic of me right before i post.  
then i specify, "pic taken NOW."
i think the glamour shots look better on your wen page. I did try more frequent gallery updates with cell pics. I think cell pics ruin a nice web page.
 I know for me, if a man does happen to go read my web site...
 Its after he just read my most recent ad FIRST. which i always use either a pic from that week or that day.
if you guys are not happy when they get there you really should say hey you know are you really the lady in those photos? maybe try asking her? if it is that far fetched when you arrive!
 i mean those ladies with straight ten tens, they obviuosly look exactly like thier photos.
 thier photos look like extremely beautiful, so hence the 10 10 they also must be drop dead gorgeous.
 BUT on other  hand if a lady has equally as dazzling pics of her displayed on her site,  
BUT then the looks score is all very low.  
 i suppose that may be a warning the gal has super doctored up pics.
if i didnt like something . i d either go ask for refund or just send it back before i ate it, even better!
 i think using a cell pic thats un edited, every week or better yet that day,.  
i would turn this right around on the hobbyist, and my question to you would be why did you hand her an envelope and go through with it?  
 if your not gonna do anything about it, then i dont wanna hear you complain about it.  
 you know why they do it? because your stupid ass is the kind thatl still pay ! so its apparently a good business practice for them apparently, once you guys stop paying them and then bitchin about it after the fact maybe theyl go outta fuckn business! geesh.
 i seriously am so annoyed with them lately. they are like little boys.waaah, waaah she didnt look like picture and i have no self control and will fuck anything that walks so i gave her my 300 any how cuz i am a child with not an ounce of self control.
 is basically what your saying!
 you think she suck when you arrive?> then tell her she looks nothin like her pics , and she can go suck it. and make a bee line for door,  
 what real man lets a fat ugly bitch take 300 from him? grow some balls.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 1613 reads
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Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 1376 reads
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I can answer why I blur my face and tattoos.. Privacy reasons.

I don't understand why ladies have photos that do not resemble what they look like. Whenever a new girl starts I always suggest to only be who you can be when it comes to this.

If in your real sex life you are kinky, but do not want to be with strangers, do not advertise it.
If you are hyper non stop, just go with it.
Don't show photos from three hair styles nor three dress sizes ago..  

This is what people forget -

There are men who like every type and every personality.

That being said.. If you would like ladies that aren't as skinny as you prefer them to be to post how they really look, maybe you shouldn't bash that they put their photos on the photo board? That's sure to get to any lady when she gets new photos taken.

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 1374 reads
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Posted By: Alyssa Marie
You're looking for an honest answer from a dishonest person?  
 Good luck.

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