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Nothing that will come off!!
I Love Escorts 4737 reads

Makeup that comes off on me or the smell perfume is something that really makes my WIFE mad!!

Doctor Strangelove5644 reads

I like the natural everyday look on a woman. I can get the lady to dress down. But as hard as I try, I cannot get one provider not to wear makeup. Even my ATF adamantly refuses to go without. Geez.

...and I almost did a post on it too! How natural do you like you ladies to be? I mean I am sure that you dont want to have to call the maid service to switch the pillow cases out because you have a face print or two on them from doing it doggy style... but also, to be scure, sometimes we cant get over at least throwing on some eyeliner and lipgloss (at least I know I cant!)... is there a happy medium, for those that do like makeup; and how much is too much? Pornstar looks (as far as makeup goes) can be very heavy laden with the stuff, is that a turnoff in person maybe? Im curious...

any thoughts on that?


My feeling on this subject is ....moderation. I think that some providers feel that they are preparing for a date, and they want to look their best. On the other hand putting on makeup with a putty knife is a complete turn off for me. I love a women that puts on just enough make up to enhance her beauty, and not try to hide behind a layer of makeup. IMHO

Too many women think that makeup enhances their beauty. I differ, it damages the skin. I would prefer seeing ladies go to salons for a facial every couple of weeks. I ask you to take a long hard look at a woman that has used makeup all of her life and tell me whether she has an appealing look.

sexxygirrl4143 reads

It's not previous makeup use that damages skin--it's the tanning and/or smoking over the years that causes the damage. Then many ladies feel they must use heavy makeup to cover up their bad skin.

I know a plastic surgeon who refuses to do face-lifts on ladies who smoke. He feels he's wasting his time (and their money) because in a few years time their continued smoking will erase his hard work.

Smoking and tanning...really really bad for faces.

In fact, if anything all that steam, massaging and fiddling with the epidermis just busts a few capillaries.

Though I guess, it does fatten the wallet of the 'beautician' so that's something.

Doctor Strangelove3445 reads

No makeup or deordorant, and if she doesn't want to shave, fine by me. I don't care if she doesn't have eyebrows. Straight out of the shower, au natural. That's what I want.

Dani, you would look marvelous, please don't be insecure.

-- Modified on 4/21/2005 12:48:59 PM

...really? thats crazy... cool, but crazy...


The minimalist approach works well for me, except ... I have this fantasy about a woman with bright red lipstick giving me a BBBJ.  Not happened yet.

...apparently you havent seen my pictures or reviews yet! Thats Im notorious for... my red lipstick, and my BBBJs....

call me when you get to Vegas...


BIGGGGGGGGGG turn off for me Dani.

I like to see what it is I'm getting into (no pun).

If a woman is sexy, she does NOT need the make up. At best, all that stuff do not taste good anyway.....know what I mean?

You a fox anyway babe, you just don't need paint all over the place.....stop into Dallas anytime, and I will prove it to ya..........

That's the reason they won't see you without make-up.   I had once had a duo with a very well reviewed provider, the specific instructions of the client were that we were in schoolgirl outfits (see below) with no make-up on.

We both put on the outfits, I didn't wear make-up and she wore lots.  She wasn't doing it because she lacked consideration for the client but because she was so insecure about her own looks (and, frankly, I then worried about be totally naturaly compared to somebody made up!).

I can only think that if you can persaude your ATF to do this if you convince her that you find her attractive and 100% believe you still will if you see her without.

But be gentle with her, I'm sure she's not resisting your request just to be difficult.

Doctor Strangelove3623 reads

But I have tried several times over the past year, but no luck. I've stopped asking, don't want to pressure her. It's sad to see beautiful women feeling insecure about themselves. She gets 9's across the board. It's the "Playboy" thing that society hold up as the standard for female beauty. Too bad.

Oh My.   I may have to explore a schoolgirl fantasy sometime.  I have to figure out a way to get to London sometime soon. ;-)

That's surprising, most of the Ladies I see do not use any or just a little makeup. I sure don't want any on me or my clothes (from that greeting kiss or hug).

...Marry her. You'll never see make-up again.

...to the punchline, Lex!

Personally, "too much" makeup is not attractive (think Tammy Faye Baker), but that's never been a problem in my experience.

In fact, I'm a fan of well-applied eyeliner and lipstick, even if slightly more is used than is normal for everyday wear. I think it's sexy. But just be careful not to go overboard--see Baker reverence above :)

It would take a CSI team to find any trace of the eyeliner my wife maintains she applied.

...still at the dock. I'm not married, not looking to be. But I know a thing or two! :)

Doctor Strangelove5822 reads

just invite people over. She will also find time to clean the house.

I wear eyeliner and colorstay lipstick w/ heavier eyeshadow at night. I don't own foundation, powder or blush. The airbrushed look doesn't look natural at 18 and as you get older, it accentuates wrinkles.  Moisturiser is the best thing a girl can wear on her face

I remember back in hs a friend of mine refused to open door of her house till she had her face on (average time to apply 1 hr) I never could understand that concept. more like god what a waste of time better used in other pursuets. An other waste of time for that matter is that insatiable urge many girls would have to lay out in the sun to get the perfect tan. give me 5 minutes max and i am going nuts with bordom, hot and ready to go do something much more interesting (preferably in the shade) smoking is something I never got into either.
Now that I am older, I am frankly glad I had these screwy notions when I was young as I feel my skin is one of my best features.
now to my current makeup habits (not much change throughout the yrs) I will wear a little bit of light foundation that I mix in with my oil of olay just enough to even out skin tones, some eye liner mascara and lipstick is normaly the max.
my preference is shown on my site where one will see that I prefer au natural. (if one were to look at site and both photo galleries one will find only 2 instances in all pics where I had any makeup on at all
I have on my pre screening form a place for special requests, love when I see that a gent does not wish makeup

...they are wearing makeup at the beginning of a session but none at the end.

My all-time favorite makeup:

However, heavy makeup is a real turn off, not least because it looks extremely uncomfortable.

as opposed to makeup applied with a trowel!



After seeing a few photos of Playmates sans make-up it's obvious that they have it heavily applied (to their faces). I for one am generally delighted with the result.

It appears they don't have much make-up on, but that seems not to be the case at all.

Lindsay Love3948 reads

I often go without makeup on a daily basis.  I very rarely go without when working but would if a client asked me too.  I actually think I'm pretty cute without it, and look really bad with tons on.

I Love Escorts4738 reads

Makeup that comes off on me or the smell perfume is something that really makes my WIFE mad!!

Musical Joke2935 reads

If the amount of makeup is more than the lightest hand to accentuate the eyes or lips, I tend to assume that the woman is wearing a mask.

It could be insecurity about her appearance.  It could be her wanting to create separate personas, one personal and the other professional.  It could be a mask that allows the provider to perceive herself as a different person when the makeup is off.

I generally assume that providers wear a cosmetic mask in order to create a symbolic level of privacy.  Either that or symbolically creating a separate professional persona.  (If I were to put on clown makeup I would be seen as a clown, but only when the makeup is on.)  I perceive heavy makeup to be no different from the Middle Eastern custom of wearing a veil; its function as a mask is identical.

In Middle Eastern antiquity, temple prostutition sometimes occurred while a woman was wearing a veil.  I generally assume that providers wear a mask nowadays in order to create a form of anonymity, even if it is only personally symbolic.

I think makeup usually acts as a social barrier, and is used with precisely that intention in mind.

Any thoughts?

GLisHJ3133 reads

they are working than when they are not.  They go through more effort to look different than a civvie would for a date.

So you might have something there.

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