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Not Necessarily True
daninthedesert 5 Reviews 1389 reads

I'm sure it varies person to person, but you do not need ED as defined by doctors to benefit. I'm 55 and Viagra makes me 20 again - I can do multiple pops until the girl gets tired (havent been able to do that for 15 yrs) and can stay hard after a pop (the last time I did that before Viagra was my mid-20s).  Without Viagra now I can still get it up but only cum once, forget a 2nd for a few hrs.  I guarantee you this is not psychological, it is very physical.  I think ED starts in our 20s and is a very gradual loss in performance, at least for me.  If Viagra had been invented and I could have used it in my 30s, my wife would have had a lot more Os. FYI, a great side effect is climax control.

sicnarf3275 reads

Hobbiests who make plans to see a provider - maybe even the provider of their dreams.  They get to the place with little or no hitches and then....
The little guy just does not buy the fantasy...  

Maybe it is:
She is a little older that you thought she would be....
Maybe a little heavier...
Maybe not as sweet as you would like...
Has rules - not excessive but maybe CBJ instead of BBBJ...
or any of a hundred of other minor reasons - OR MAYBE NO REASON that you can identify at all!

but it ain't happenin'!  Period, nada, finito!!

But the girl trys, lord does she try - everything, from standing on her head to completing a stock portfolio analysis and next years tax return... Asian complete with squirting and catching it! but it ain't happinin'

You go home, sit at the good ole keyboard and think... and your fingers begin to type letters, that spell out a kinda negative review with low numbers associated with the review - you know the 4, 5, 6's even though the girl was up for it all, and gave it her all and anyone else doing this would have earned at least an 8!

I have now read several reviews of this type, and instead of rating how the girl performed - all I can think about is - that rating number - must have been for HIS performance - cause it sounds like the lady did her part!  So, guys, buds, what gives... we all have our moments, is that any reason to blame it on a lady who - from your own account- really did do her part!

I had communicated with the lady for a couple of months and looked forward to seeing her. The anticipation was unreal and became larger after we had several routine phone conversations. When we met I simply could not get excited about her. I had envisioned her as a physical type that she was not. She was a great looking and intelligent lady, just not my type. I went home afterward, and read past reviews of her to figure out what I missed. I chose not to write a review, she tried hard to get me going but it was not to be. I had no right to blame her for my hard time at all, she did not write the reviews that caused me to long for her.

-- Modified on 7/20/2005 7:30:06 PM

CalculatedRiskTaker1897 reads




or, for the naturalist, Yohimbe.

I can't imagine why any man seeing providers does not utilize these wonders.  It takes care of this element and always gives you a good performance.

ode3543 reads

Not necessarily. You have to be aroused for those drugs to work.
If you have some mental problem with the situation, if the woman's not turning you on, they won't work.

CalculatedRiskTaker2902 reads

If you are in the situation the guy described, and the woman is not turning you on at all (because you don't need to be turned on much with those pills for them to work), then you shouldn't be blaming yourself, anyway, and should just move on to the next one.

horny242708 reads

Yes, I've seen reviews where the reviewers were so frustrated at their inability to perform that they took it out on the providers on the reviews. Since they're not fake reviews, the girls have to live with them. When I do my reseach, I just disregard them. I feel bad for the provider in a review in which she spent two hours trying to help him yet she's got a 6 for appearance (she averages 8) and a 5 for performance (she averages 8.5).

Performance anxiety is not ED.  The drugs you mention are all for ED.  Hence, they don't provide any pharmocological or physiologic benefits.  You may get psychological benefits from them, and if so, great, but I get off more knowing I didn't throw money away.

CalculatedRiskTaker2227 reads

I don't suffer from ED, but I have anxiety when I see a provider sometimes, and this takes care of that because I want to fuck her, but it is just that my mind is preoccupied.  Unless you are so psyched out you can't stand, the pills should get you hard if you want to fuck her at all, and again, if you don't, you should leave anyway.

I'm sure it varies person to person, but you do not need ED as defined by doctors to benefit. I'm 55 and Viagra makes me 20 again - I can do multiple pops until the girl gets tired (havent been able to do that for 15 yrs) and can stay hard after a pop (the last time I did that before Viagra was my mid-20s).  Without Viagra now I can still get it up but only cum once, forget a 2nd for a few hrs.  I guarantee you this is not psychological, it is very physical.  I think ED starts in our 20s and is a very gradual loss in performance, at least for me.  If Viagra had been invented and I could have used it in my 30s, my wife would have had a lot more Os. FYI, a great side effect is climax control.

Sometimes it is the attitude of the provider. You really want to try sometime new and they say no. You loose total interest. That is why it is important to find things up front. Providers should put no fetish on their sites, etc.

Other times it is doing to much. Having an overnighter and seeing another provider the next day. Your system says enough is enough. You have to get your rest and recovery.

I was crazy back in June. I saw 3 providers (2 hour appointments each) on 3 different days back to back. By the time the 3rd day came around I only had 4 hours of sleep. I was surprised that I was able to get 2 pops with the 3rd provider. She was really attractive and that is what did it.

Something that I have tried out recently on 2 different providers is cuffs and ball gags with holes in them. That will stimulate the hell out of you when you hear that muffled moaning noise. In both cases after I took the ball gag off the provider, the providers mentioned that their pussies got soaking wet, lol. You will also cum very quickly. Seems like pleasure bondage is a way to get focus, lol.

"...to completing a stock portfolio analysis and next years tax return..."

While playing with herself? Oh, you tease! :)

(who has a thing for women in business attire and glasses)

Pumping Irony3053 reads

and sometimes it just isn't there. No it's not right to kill her in a review if she really tried but nothing wrong with saying "hey we just didn't connect"

If CBJ is offered instead of BBBJ, I'm out of there. If her pictures arent a fair representation of her that's another story also. He should put that in a review.

If everything was as advertised and she did her best its not her fault you didnt click. Might be good to just not write the review.

I tell it how it happened, both good and bad from both sides.  It's imperative (in my opinion) to give an accurate account of the festivities.  I've had instances where the hydraulics didn't want to cooperate; most of the time, it wasn't the fault of the lady, and I make sure that point is made.  If things didn't go well because of my own difficulties during the session, I take responsibility, as it should be.  And my ratings reflect it.

...the blue pill.

Little Lex has never let me down since I got him the blue pill.

It has never let me down, but I get a decreased sensitivity from using it and between that and the cover, it takes me forever to pop the cork.  One time I never did, despite heroic efforts from the lady and no lack of desire or attraction.  I never thought I would complain about lasting too long, but it can be a problem too.  Hell I wore out me and the lady both.

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