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Not as exciting as it use to be
BenzGuy64 32 Reviews 3723 reads

I have been hobbing for over eight year. Since the beginning of this year im just not enjoying it as much as i once did. My question is "does the excitement wear off"  Maybe the lack of excitement stems from 2 of my favorite providers retiring or just realizing how difficult it can be to find somebody new.

Anyway i find myself in a situation where I'm unhappy no matter what i do ( hobbing or not hobbing)

When you are born with a physical disability it can be extremly difficult to find a SO, and therefor eight years ago i found this hobby. I just hope it will be fun again..

Lonely in Chicago

i hear they have remodeled Notre Dame so you can go back to the bell tower

junior4571764 reads

If you are talking to me I really don't know what I did or said to offend you or the original poster.

The thread is about someone who has a physical disability that seems to be affecting his quality of life. I originally wanted to post something encouraging but I have never walked in those shoes so I couldn't think of anything appropriate to say.

When I checked this thread later Jeorge818 posts his message about going back to Notre Dam a reference to the Hunchback of Notre Dam (Quasimodo) making fun of the original posters physical disability. This struck me the wrong way to make fun of someone who seems to be a bit down especially if life threw him a curve ball and he is physically disabled.

So my response is now as it was when I read Jeorge's post What The F@#K?? I do not see any humor in making fun or sarcastic references to someone who has a physical disability. If that makes me an ass then I will wear that label proudly.

I hope that clears this up.

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 2:27:59 PM

I think that she was addressing the original poster. Don't worry about it.

-- Modified on 6/29/2005 9:26:58 AM

WebTerrorist4769 reads

All posts that are replies to another post appear below, and set in from the post they are replies to.
All of the that are replies to a particular post will appear aligned but arranged based on the time they were posted.

So, your post to "Jeorge818"  is below his post, but also set in from his post indicating that you were replying to his post and not the original post in the thread. Miss Sola's post though below yours is not set in from your post, but set in from "Jeorge818's" post, and in alignment with your post.  This indicates that she to was replying to his post, and not yours, her post is only below your's because she made her post at a later time than you made yours.

To see the hierarchy of posts to help figure who replies are to you may also look at the the little symbol next to the post, in this case both your and miss Sola's posts have a small outline of a diamond next to them showing you were both responding to the same post.  Though this only works as far as a black square, at that point in the threading of replies all have that symbol.

Hope this helps clear things up as to whom replies are posted for.

junior4572895 reads

I thought it was rather ironic that one of the few times I'm trying to be nice and not flame someone that I would get chastised for it.

Thanks again for the explanation.

8 Years of hobbying and still havent found an atf provider ?

Geeshe you need to move to upstate ny ;)

One thing I have found out in life, is you always have to make yourself happy before anyone else can :(

Good luck to you and be happy

LQQking4You2289 reads

I think the expression you are trying to use is "sheesh" not "geeshe" Or then again.

Doctor Gonzo2688 reads

I feel for you regarding the physical disability thing bro, I've got a hidden one that is shortening my lifespan.
As one who has fought his own demons and deeply depressed periods, I do believe I understand where you are coming from. Its certainly not easy to hear, and even tougher to break out of it.
Ciara hit it on the money. You gots to find your way to your happy place. Here's a heartfelt suggestion for you. Start your next morning by doing something simple that puts a smile on your face. For me, believe it or not, I read the funny papers first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee, while listening to some of my favorite music.
What can you do to start your day and put you in a better place?

Life is short my friend, Don't Postpone Joy.

I've seen many gents with physical disabilities. If you can get excited about making an appt. with a hot MILF then I'll do my best to put a smile on your face again. I think I'll be back in September.

Naughtily yours,

"I'm unhappy no matter what i do"

Definitely sounds like depression.  Have you seen a psychiatrist?  They are not quacks as Tom Cruise would have you believe.  Exercise and friends/social support of some kind are helpful too.  Stay hopeful, remember that you can and will feel better again.

I'm sorry that you're feeling down. :( I'm in Chicago-please email me, okay? Even if I'm not our "cup of tea", I'd like to try to help you if I can (off the public board).

My email address is [email protected].

I hope to hear from you, hun. Please take care of yourself.


Either for an SO (yes difficult, not impossible!) and/or for a new favorite lady.  In the meantime,  you might work on separating your happiness from the interactions with others... while one can feed the other and the other can feed the one, they are not one and the same nor should they be!

I also agree with RXS's advice to find a professional to help you if you feel depressed.  Sometimes the simple act of processing can help, sometimes there is a chemical imbalance at play...

Peace and love to you!

-- Modified on 6/27/2005 10:11:57 PM

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