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sdottaylor 19 Reviews 515 reads

A. Not into incest

B. Out of my price range

C. Probably would not do a double with 2 women I've never met. Need to have met one, if not both of them

nobody3053429 reads

Ok I found an ad for twins that play together.

My question is this would you pay 2000 for one hour doubles with gorgeous identical twins.

I personally would not because mostly they are out of my price range.  

Your thoughts

JakeFromStateFarm1038 reads

they are definitely hot but I believe they do not interact with each other, only with you.  If I could fuck one of them while she ate her sister's pussy -- and if I had 2 Grand -- hell, yeah, I'd do that.
Better read the reviews.

nobody305884 reads

Yep that who I am talking about.

But I would not spend 2 grand for one hour no matter what.

I can have up to ten hours with my regular girl who is really fun to be with for that price. I would rather do that then spend it on one session with them.

They do appear to be identical but, given enough to poke around, I'm pretty sure I can at least a small difference. Or die trying.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
they are definitely hot but I believe they do not interact with each other, only with you.  If I could fuck one of them while she ate her sister's pussy -- and if I had 2 Grand -- hell, yeah, I'd do that.  
 Better read the reviews.

Correcting my own unreadable post:

They do appear to be identical but, given enough TIME to poke around, I'm pretty sure I can FIND at least a small difference. Or die trying.  

Posted By: impposter
They do appear to be identical but, given enough to poke around, I'm pretty sure I can at least a small difference. Or die trying.  
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
they are definitely hot but I believe they do not interact with each other, only with you.  If I could fuck one of them while she ate her sister's pussy -- and if I had 2 Grand -- hell, yeah, I'd do that.  
  Better read the reviews.

A. Not into incest

B. Out of my price range

C. Probably would not do a double with 2 women I've never met. Need to have met one, if not both of them

But lots of others can afford it and have no problem paying that.  
They advertised they were coming here and I wanted to set up a gofundme account. :)

skepticalpatron485 reads

I gave them a brief thought last year when their price was a little more reasonable.  But with their current price there is no way.  I'm not paying any lady $1000/hr, let alone a pair $2000/hr.

...much in demand to justify raising their rates that much in such a short time.  I was considering seeing them, but Jake is correct - reading the reviews shows they don't interact.  Twins or not, when I do a double, I want the women to play with each other.

I would personally love to meet them just to pick their brains. Imo it's repulsive but I am still curious. I am very open minded but I do not ever want to share a partner with my sister. I've had people mention it and it grinds my gears.

GaGambler627 reads

I know a lot of brothers who love tag teaming women, why not two hot twins? Actually I remember a pair of "brothas" who were not only "brothers" but identical twins that I met in Medellin several years back who seemed to have almost every session together, sometimes one chica, sometimes two, and I seem to remember one night where the two of them did something like six different chicas in their own private orgy. I also remember them almost constantly having smiles on their faces. lol

Would I pay two grand for the pleasure? hell fucking no, but it looks like there are plenty of guys that disagree, so I hope they cash in big.

Familial sex is gross but whatever floats your boat  

Posted By: GaGambler
I know a lot of brothers who love tag teaming women, why not two hot twins? Actually I remember a pair of "brothas" who were not only "brothers" but identical twins that I met in Medellin several years back who seemed to have almost every session together, sometimes one chica, sometimes two, and I seem to remember one night where the two of them did something like six different chicas in their own private orgy. I also remember them almost constantly having smiles on their faces. lol  
 Would I pay two grand for the pleasure? hell fucking no, but it looks like there are plenty of guys that disagree, so I hope they cash in big.

GaGambler620 reads

I could see interaction between two sisters being more than a bit incestuous, but that's not what they offer.

I can only imagine how repulsed you are by the handful of mother/daughter duos that are out there. lmao

As I said, it's hardly my boat, but I can see how "doing" identical twins would be a bucket list item for a lot of guys, and it appears the twins in question are getting bucket list rates. Good for them, but you can count me out.

One last thing, unlike most guys here, I don't give a rats ass how much, if at all two women interact with each other when having a threesome with me, I am a selfish prick. It's all about me, if they can do that, I won't even notice if they aren't touching each other. I do realize I am the exception here, most guys love a "lesbian show"

Identical twin men...our ultimate fantasy!!!

GaGambler546 reads

I think you are probably around the same age, so you'd have two good looking identical black guys, with two identical stunning blondes, that would be one for the ages. and in northern Colombia there is no shortage of native born blacks or blondes. You would fit right in. lol

and for the record, I find NOTHING repulsive about either one of you:)

In my post above, I boasted that I could find a difference if given enough time to poke around.  

How about it? Give me an hour of poking around and drilling for details and if I CAN'T find a difference, it's $double; if I CAN find a difference, $nothing.

Do we have a bet?

-- Modified on 6/4/2016 1:39:48 PM

GaGambler505 reads

but in this case I have to agree with you.

Posted By: nobody305
Ok I found an ad for twins that play together.  
 My question is this would you pay 2000 for one hour doubles with gorgeous identical twins.  
 I personally would not because mostly they are out of my price range.  
 Your thoughts

Its a little pricey for me but I'd pay just  to watch them with some some one else.

to not want to do this. Their reviews are outstanding ... the fee is ateep and would be the only thing that keeps them off my bucket list.

there is no sibling intercourse here.  and they are of legal age.  if they want to do it, and you got the dough, why not have a session with them?  i understand they are very charming ladies

and after reading a few reviews, I'd guess 80-90% of the guys would join them if the money wasn't an issue.

GaGambler427 reads

These two hotties come up to any guy on this board and offer a NSA threesome for free. Do you REALLY think 10-20% of the guys here would reject them?

I would say the money is an issue for just about ALL the guys who say they aren't interested.

Personally I am among the first to admit I'd jump at the chance to bed the two of them if the opportunity presented itself if money weren't involved and even at two grand if I were at a blackjack table and they sidled up to me and whispered into my ear that for the price of a hand or two of blackjack I could have the both of them, even my cheap ass would probably forget all about cards for an hour or so. but would I sit down at my computer and book an appointment for two thousand dollars an hour? Not fucking likely, but I don't knock them for pricing themselves at that rate.

but back to your point, I think that more like 99.999999999% of straight guys would join them if it weren't for the money, and I bet that even some gay guys and more than a few straight women might consider it as well. lol

even more wordy than me. WTF ... 🙄

You'd fuck a snake if someone held its head if it had a picture of the twins hanging around its neck...  

me too ... lol

Posted By: GaGambler
These two hotties come up to any guy on this board and offer a NSA threesome for free. Do you REALLY think 10-20% of the guys here would reject them?  
 I would say the money is an issue for just about ALL the guys who say they aren't interested.  
 Personally I am among the first to admit I'd jump at the chance to bed the two of them if the opportunity presented itself if money weren't involved and even at two grand if I were at a blackjack table and they sidled up to me and whispered into my ear that for the price of a hand or two of blackjack I could have the both of them, even my cheap ass would probably forget all about cards for an hour or so. but would I sit down at my computer and book an appointment for two thousand dollars an hour? Not fucking likely, but I don't knock them for pricing themselves at that rate.  
 but back to your point, I think that more like 99.999999999% of straight guys would join them if it weren't for the money, and I bet that even some gay guys and more than a few straight women might consider it as well. lol

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