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wildhorse78 73 Reviews 466 reads

I'm not gonna stop at 100 but to me personally it's like a milestone, it's like graduating from school or something like that

Do any of u guys have a specific # that u would like to reach as it pertains to hooking up with providers? Personally my magical no. Is 100, it's a nice, round no. I'm nowhere near that but I'm going to try really hard to achieve it. What about u fellas?

I kind of have it in my head that I'd like to meet six new providers this year but they are all girls I've been interested in for awhile, I don't carve bedpost notches or anything like that. I just make appointments as the spirit moves me and when I see someone I'd like to meet. To each his own, though, 100 sounds like a fun number to try to get to, I'm sure you'll enjoy the ride!

Never thought about it. I'm attractive to so many different types of women, I need a list server...  I'll keep going as long as its interesting and at least until I try most things out. Many more positions and activities to try. The more times I hobby the more I learn about myself and what really turns me on. Where I live it, outside of a major city, and with my time limitations, there really aren't enough to choose from. I do want to see ladies from all the major countries in the world. (not that I'd pass on smaller countries)  I'm seen less than 20, so I doubt I'll ever get to 100 short of winning the lottery. (would need to play...

At that time, my goal was a home on the outskirts of a small city, a wife and family, and...other things.

But since that didn't work out, I set the number at 23, thinking one for every year I had lived.

But by the time I was 24 I was way over my allotted and figured to stop thinking about it that way.

In recent years, since getting involved in P4P, the number has never seemed relevant. It's like concerning myself with how many cars I'll own over the course of my life. There's no value in counting them or setting goals.  

More and more I realize that most men take great pride in having lots of different women in sequence, less in juggling several during one span of time.

Maybe retroactively observing how many women I'd been with over a set period, say a quarter of a year, would be somehow interesting if not useful. But it still makes me a little sad at times that for all the times I thought I had found the ONE and LAST that things didn't go the way I wanted in my teens and early 20's. So...I hope it never exceeds 300. That would be keeping it within seemingly proper boundaries.

GaGambler715 reads

Why can't that number be 400? or 500? or 5,000 for that matter?

I will agree that I have no more idea how many women I have fucked than I no how many cars I have owned, except to say that I have fucked a much higher number of women than I have owned cars. Although I will concede I have bought a dozen cars in a single day, and even as big a  whoremongering pig that I am, I have never even come close to fucking 12 women in one day. lol

but back to my question, just why does 300 seem to be a "proper" boundary to you, while apparently more than that, does not.

I have fucked 12 women in a day. Well, sort of. My dick started to lose interest after five. But it is amazing how the right person got it going again late in the game.

I don't remember how many women I have fucked in my lifetime either. I used to take pride that at least I remembered the names of all the civvie girls. But there is this one blond I fucked in my car one night. We were at it a really really long time, I think because I was too drunk to cum. She didn't mind. During it she shouted 'Where do you get it from superman?', and eventually she quit because she said she would be too sore. I had to beat off the next morning. Anyway, I can't for the life of me remember her name.

Incidentally, another girl (redhead) that had a completely imaginary (in her mind only) relationship with me later screamed at me about the fact that I fucked the blond woman. She was asking me why why why. I was like: Why not?

The blond called me a couple months later and told me about how she fucked this other guy we knew, and he fucked her so hard that a picture on the wall above the bed fell off and hit her on the head and she had to go to the hospital and get stitches.

Women are crazy. There is no number that is enough to fuck, in my book. But eventually it just gets boring and logistically difficult.

Posted By: GaGambler
Why can't that number be 400? or 500? or 5,000 for that matter?

I will agree that I have no more idea how many women I have fucked than I no how many cars I have owned, except to say that I have fucked a much higher number of women than I have owned cars. Although I will concede I have bought a dozen cars in a single day, and even as big a  whoremongering pig that I am, I have never even come close to fucking 12 women in one day. lol

but back to my question, just why does 300 seem to be a "proper" boundary to you, while apparently more than that, does not.

so I lost my virginity to a Times Square peep booth gal at a grimy old Times Square short stay hotel.  I figured Once I broke the ice I'd be able to "have game" and talk to and meet civvie gals, no problem.  Didn't work out that way.  I was still shy and awkward and didn't really learn how to have a relationship that ended up as a sexual one until I was well into my mid 20's.  But by that time, my "number" had skyrocketed to 40 or 50 providers.  I have since lost count of the number of women I have been with sexually (it must be between 300 and 500 by now). But my civvie, (non bought) sex relationships  (including one night stands) I can still count on one hand.

It's unimportant to me.  

Posted By: wildhorse78
Do any of u guys have a specific # that u would like to reach as it pertains to hooking up with providers? Personally my magical no. Is 100, it's a nice, round no. I'm nowhere near that but I'm going to try really hard to achieve it. What about u fellas?

magicsam701 reads

I have tried setting goals several different times, claiming that I would slow down once I reached them. I realized that it was bullshit that I was telling myself so that I could continue this wonderful obsession. I intend to keep setting goals and lying to myself until I run out of money, good health or get caught! Check out cooper80 on the 60 and Over board who is still at it at 83 -- he's my hero.

it would be to enjoy every moment of every encounter... whether it is enjoying the familiarity and companionship of a woman I've seen several times, or enjoying the excitement of meeting a new lady for the first time. It's all what you make of it. Enjoy as you choose!!

I do enjoy every encounter I just think it's so awesome to bang so many girls during this lifetime

So when you reach your magical 100 mark, will you stop being horny?
(That's a rhetorical question)

GaGambler650 reads

In my humble opinion 100 is a VERY busy month, a slightly below average year, or an almost monkish lifetime number. lol

Not that I keep count, but I've done at least a few hundred civvies in my life. Way back in the late 70's when you could get away with this type of thing, I once did about 50 different sexataries that worked either for me, or at least for my company in a single year. and I was far from the record holder there. lol

It certainly appears that many of you have led some rather sheltered lives IMO.

I'm not gonna stop at 100 but to me personally it's like a milestone, it's like graduating from school or something like that

Not me, I have a few great gals that I like.I'm just not into the scoreboard sort of thing. If you are, go for it and good luck

Posted By: wildhorse78
Do any of u guys have a specific # that u would like to reach as it pertains to hooking up with providers? Personally my magical no. Is 100, it's a nice, round no. I'm nowhere near that but I'm going to try really hard to achieve it. What about u fellas?

I think trying to reach a number goal would make the dates seem mechanical and boring. Kind of like scheduling sex with your wife when your trying to have a baby (the only time I've not liked sex). I just like to have fun and am content with sowing some wild oats for now.

Fun time for me is strictly based on my own availability. Then mine has to match that of any given lady. Plus, I'm very particular in who I see. If the lady isn't available when I am, I might try one or two other atfs, but I'm just a likely to let that day go. So there's no way I could set any hobby goals. Whatever happens during the year happens. The other thing is that I'm passionate about my other hobbies. While they don't take up as much money, they do take up a lot of time.

AZCalvin69599 reads

This shouldn't be like work! Just enjoy the moments as they come and experience all that these wonderful ladies have to offer.

When I was 16 I met a wild early twenties College girl who notched me on her belt as # 269.
 When I left her apartment, being young and overflowing with  confidence, I thought to myself, I can easily top a thousand gals before I'm 21.  
  By the time I was 17 I reached 99, then  I started forgetting names and numbers , realizing before my 18th birthday, it isn't the amount that counts, quality gives me the best  memories.  
  I quit counting.
  I was a late bloomer in the escort scene ready to settle down before I thought of trying out a hooker, though I still had that overflowing confidence in myself.
    By the time I finished intensive  research and picked out my Gem, I was planning to ask her to marry me after our first appointment.
   When that didn't work out like I thought she would, I  quit counting ,  again.   :-D

Posted By: wildhorse78
Do any of u guys have a specific # that u would like to reach as it pertains to hooking up with providers? Personally my magical no. Is 100, it's a nice, round no. I'm nowhere near that but I'm going to try really hard to achieve it. What about u fellas?

GaGambler528 reads

Please enlighten me, I honestly don't remember my second hundred as it was several decades ago. I had probably reached my second hundred before I was old enough to legally go into a bar, and the drinking age back then was 18 in most states. Of course I wasn't even living in the US at age 18.  

Damn, looking back at my life, I had already fucked hookers in a half a dozen countries before turning 18. I suppose that would be almost impossible in todays world.

See... you started earlier than most.  Plus, you're a man who travels the world.  Some of us mere mortals would be hard pressed do do in a decade what you do in a year.  200 is a long way away for me.  

While in the beginning I cast my net sorta wide by my standards, I'm less of a hit and runner now.  I'm much more into repeating with those I really enjoy seeing over and over again. I think I was married so long that my DNA has been reconditioned to prefer the simulated relationship side of this game.  I know, but I can't help it. Worse, I actually really enjoy it, esp with someone I just connected with recently.  

Fewer numbers for me but that's ok.  Though I will say I've found it's easy to be taken for granted with this approach, and when that happens I will move on... so who knows.

Posted By: GaGambler
Please enlighten me, I honestly don't remember my second hundred as it was several decades ago. I had probably reached my second hundred before I was old enough to legally go into a bar, and the drinking age back then was 18 in most states. Of course I wasn't even living in the US at age 18.  

Damn, looking back at my life, I had already fucked hookers in a half a dozen countries before turning 18. I suppose that would be almost impossible in todays world.

GaGambler522 reads

well, seeing random BP skanks, with no reviews and in cheap motels, would probably qualify as a "wrong way" to do this. lol

but my actual point was, as long as it works for you, that's all that is important, and you did answer my question as to why the second hundred would be tougher than the first.

Funny, moving the decimal point over just one, I can kind of relate to your point. My next hundred most likely will only take a few short months, but my next thousand may take a lot longer than my last, partly due to old age, and partly due to also repeating with ladies a lot more often than I once did. So yes, I get your point.

Yes, absolutely. But perhaps like with every mistake we learn from, maybe - just maybe - going to the BP is something we all need to try once.   Which is exactly how many times I tried it.  Wow, talk about everything that can go wrong going wrong.  But it helped me fully appreciate who and what we have here.  As for me being me, I am at peace with that but I have to say when I read about moving the decimal point into the thousands it does sort of make me hope there is reincarnation.  Five or six more go rounds in life will be my only chance to see what that side of paradise looks like lol.    

-- Modified on 1/8/2015 4:33:08 PM

GaGambler745 reads

and I have had some mixed experiences, but I wouldn't recommend it to others.

Come to think of it, I've done a lot of things that I would not recommend to others, some of them quite dumb in hindsight, like going to a whorehouse in Tijuana at the ripe old age of 15 drunk as a fucking skunk on Mescal. Or going to another whorehouse in Cartagena Colombia where "security" was armed with a fucking machine gun. Or going to yet another whorehouse in Quito, Ecuador that charged a whopping 7$ for the hour, including "honorarios de la casa"

Are you starting to see a trend yet? lol Yes, I have done some very, very stupid things, but they are what gives a man the best stories to tell when he gets old. Assuming of course he lives long enough to ever be old. lol

Amen.  This is one key requirement for a good life lived!  And as you say, the other requirement is actually living through it lol.

Posted By: GaGambler
Yes, I have done some very, very stupid things, but they are what gives a man the best stories to tell when he gets old. Assuming of course he lives long enough to ever be old. lol

All input was appreciated, some made me think, others made me laugh, n others made me realize that I need to pick up the pace when it comes to hooking up with providers.

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