TER General Board

curious***1 3377 reads
1 / 46

I have a situation which occurred and I need to know if I was the one in the wrong.

I had planned to meet a provider and had made plans weeks in advance.   It was clearly defined previous to our encounter  that we would meet at the hotel bar for a quick drink.  ( I had asked if this drink time was on the clock and was told if it is one quick drink it would be off clock)  It was also well defined that our encounter would be for an hour only.  So here is my problem.

1.  During our drink the bar messed up her drink and we had to wait about 15 min for the new drink.
2.  When we got to the room the encounter was VERY passionate and we really got lost into each other.   It was one of those instant chemistry things that was incredible.  After multiple O's for her and a mutual O for both of us we collapsed in each others arms and pillow talked for a little while

3.  I got up to use the bathroom and she looked at the clock and started to complain that I tricked her and abused her time.   It was now two hours past when we initially met in the bar.   She  blamed me for not looking at the clock and telling her that the hour was up.    

4.  I apologized and gave her all the remaining cash I had which was about a ben from her 2 hour rate.

So here is my question?

 If the details are CLEARLY outlined in emails prior to meeting, and if was neither one of our faults for the drink mix-up, and the provider has been reviewed on here as NOT a clock watcher.

Did I do something wrong for not informing her that we were over the initial hour time.  Truth be told we spend about 90 min in the room?

Interested in provider and client thoughts

Gebas 1173 reads
2 / 46

like you could make it happen that a hooker would get multiple O's bahahahaha

the face that you truly think she did had it makes to come up with two conclusions

a) you an idiot
b) she should be working in Hollywood  
ow, they both are one and the same, ow well sucks to be you bahahahaha

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1072 reads
3 / 46

The first mistake is even trying to squeeze a drink in before a one-hour session.

The second issue I have--I won't call this a "mistake" per se--is trying to arrange the drink rendezvous as OTC. Guys on this board talk of doing such, and brag of the OTC they haggle for, but think about it. If you'd never seen her before, her agreeing to a quick drink is no testiment to your charm, just allowing you to lower your inhibitions before the session. Why should that be on her time?

Okay, so she agreed to the drink, but things went wrong. If it had been on your time, this could have been a small adventure and you could've gotten to know each other while waiting on the bartender. As it happened, you got nervous about not getting your money's worth on top of weaseling a half hour of OTC with someone you've just met. She probably thought you were cheap.

The third thing is that you really grooved on each other, but sort of assumed that you could go a little over. She was maybe just trying to hurry you up and getting you off so she could move on.

Giving her what you could was a good gesture, but since it was a benji short, on top of everything that had gone before, it probably didn't sit well with her.

In the future decide before you arrange a rendezvous if the lady is someone you want to have a quick hour in bed with, or a date feeling. There are a few women I decide on the very first date that I want to get to know better, and I book two or three hours. Three hours on the first date are rare for me, and I suspect for most men. So women usually dress well and allow for a little extra time at the end just to be safe. And having a drink with a beautiful woman definitely gives me a better feeling/memory/whatever than it excites her.

Next time don't try so hard to get as much as you can for giving as little as possible. And if you see you're going over, mention it. If she jumps out of bed, that's the deal. If she says, "That's okay! Don't stop!" think how good you'll feel.
Posted By: curious***1
I have a situation which occurred and I need to know if I was the one in the wrong.  
 I had planned to meet a provider and had made plans weeks in advance.   It was clearly defined previous to our encounter  that we would meet at the hotel bar for a quick drink.  ( I had asked if this drink time was on the clock and was told if it is one quick drink it would be off clock)  It was also well defined that our encounter would be for an hour only.  So here is my problem.  
 1.  During our drink the bar messed up her drink and we had to wait about 15 min for the new drink.  
 2.  When we got to the room the encounter was VERY passionate and we really got lost into each other.   It was one of those instant chemistry things that was incredible.  After multiple O's for her and a mutual O for both of us we collapsed in each others arms and pillow talked for a little while  
 3.  I got up to use the bathroom and she looked at the clock and started to complain that I tricked her and abused her time.   It was now two hours past when we initially met in the bar.   She  blamed me for not looking at the clock and telling her that the hour was up.    
 4.  I apologized and gave her all the remaining cash I had which was about a ben from her 2 hour rate.  
 So here is my question?  
  If the details are CLEARLY outlined in emails prior to meeting, and if was neither one of our faults for the drink mix-up, and the provider has been reviewed on here as NOT a clock watcher.  
 Did I do something wrong for not informing her that we were over the initial hour time.  Truth be told we spend about 90 min in the room?  
 Interested in provider and client thoughts.  

morecoffee 1054 reads
4 / 46

since the OTC was agreed upon, you did fine.  

She could have looked at the time too. It will be easier to say if she was compensated right if you mention her one hour and two hour rate.

-- Modified on 7/30/2014 5:57:27 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1316 reads
5 / 46

While I don't think she should have complained, that reveals a lot.  If she'd had as great a time as you thought, she probably wouldn't have.
And while she bears some responsibility for losing track of time, so do you.  Personally, I am very aware of the time no matter how much fun I'm having and always let the gal know when I'm concerned with time constraints.  That way there's never a misunderstanding.

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 1107 reads
7 / 46

If your story is true, it certainly shows how fragile and shallow the "chemistry" some people claim to have with a provider truly is. It certainly appears economics trumped any chemistry she was feeling. Good lesson for all those who wannabe white knights who actually believe these are love encounters.

Second, why would you give her any additional money? How in the world did you trick her? This is her business, you're just a customer. She's responsible for watching the clock, not you. Hopefully, she takes the extra money you gave her and buys a fucking watch.  

Just my 2 cents.

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1114 reads
8 / 46

You weren't too sure about how you two would click intially, so you wanted to meet her before your date and spent the cash.

You threw in extra variables that ate up your time, because you cannot control a restaurant/ bar and the drink mix up.  

You took too much time getting her off and delayed you getting off. Did you pay to see her "O" multiple times or to get your shit off? IDK what the goal was for you.

Then, you actually gave a care and wanted to snuggle and pillow talk with all the feel good endorphins running through your bones. Why not hop in the car and blast some music as you drive home and replay the encounter before you walk through the door looking guilty. Works for me. LOL!

She can't tell time, but she yelled and made it your fault, you forked over more cash, and shorted her the extra. It was probably her fault but now you look bad since you didn't have the extra for the hour you were over.  

Sounds like she won, you need to get a grip and play the game more. Gets better with expereince I hope. And carry more cash and stop being so cheap.  

Or don't see her again, find someone a little nicer and softer for your experiences since you want a lot for a little. Obviously you are missing the point this is a business, not a friendship. Good time was had and it must end, when the hour is up.  

Good luck. Women are addictive! ;)

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 957 reads
9 / 46

Some providers are BSC and he could have had some damaging backlash for not compensating the extra time. Things to consider when meeting with some ladies. Her reviews say "not a clock watcher" but go 15 mins or half hour over and see what happens. Dare you! xoxo

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 873 reads
10 / 46

at least you got your nuts off before she went nuts..

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 812 reads
11 / 46

As you described the situation.  Of course there's her side of the story as well. And as far as the incredible chemistry, you might reconsider. As others have mentioned, just move on.  

Posted By: curious***1
I have a situation which occurred and I need to know if I was the one in the wrong.  
 I had planned to meet a provider and had made plans weeks in advance.   It was clearly defined previous to our encounter  that we would meet at the hotel bar for a quick drink.  ( I had asked if this drink time was on the clock and was told if it is one quick drink it would be off clock)  It was also well defined that our encounter would be for an hour only.  So here is my problem.  
 1.  During our drink the bar messed up her drink and we had to wait about 15 min for the new drink.  
 2.  When we got to the room the encounter was VERY passionate and we really got lost into each other.   It was one of those instant chemistry things that was incredible.  After multiple O's for her and a mutual O for both of us we collapsed in each others arms and pillow talked for a little while  
 3.  I got up to use the bathroom and she looked at the clock and started to complain that I tricked her and abused her time.   It was now two hours past when we initially met in the bar.   She  blamed me for not looking at the clock and telling her that the hour was up.    
 4.  I apologized and gave her all the remaining cash I had which was about a ben from her 2 hour rate.  
 So here is my question?  
  If the details are CLEARLY outlined in emails prior to meeting, and if was neither one of our faults for the drink mix-up, and the provider has been reviewed on here as NOT a clock watcher.  
 Did I do something wrong for not informing her that we were over the initial hour time.  Truth be told we spend about 90 min in the room?  
 Interested in provider and client thoughts.  

mongo19621954 22 Reviews 656 reads
13 / 46

Assuming the case is as you have stated - which is a HUGE assumption -  

If you had walked out without giving her the cash - as a matter of business, I think you would have been justified.   A deal's a deal and she's responsible for time management.  In other words, you were trying to take advantage of her good nature - and she let you.  She's an adult, though, and is responsible for her business decisions.  If I were buying a  piece of property from her - I would have walked away without a second look.

But we aren't buying property here.  From our point of view (NOT THE PROVIDERS) - this ain't business, this is entertainment.  Treating it like a deal that you need to get every last cent out of and pushing the negotiation like a real estate developer with six kids, a wife, two mistresses and an overdue note is really not a good idea.  Make a good deal - not a great one - and let it go at that without really pushing it.  If you can't live with the good deal - move on to the next provider and try again.

You have basically worked it out where seeing her again is probably not a good idea even if she was willing.  If you had ponied up the two hours to begin with - you might have had a future hot date on a few hours notice and some really good memories and something to look forward to.  Now all you have is a slightly sour recollection of some good sex.   On the positive - you saved a C- note.  My opinion - not a good deal.





Posted By: curious***1
I have a situation which occurred and I need to know if I was the one in the wrong.  
 I had planned to meet a provider and had made plans weeks in advance.   It was clearly defined previous to our encounter  that we would meet at the hotel bar for a quick drink.  ( I had asked if this drink time was on the clock and was told if it is one quick drink it would be off clock)  It was also well defined that our encounter would be for an hour only.  So here is my problem.  
 1.  During our drink the bar messed up her drink and we had to wait about 15 min for the new drink.  
 2.  When we got to the room the encounter was VERY passionate and we really got lost into each other.   It was one of those instant chemistry things that was incredible.  After multiple O's for her and a mutual O for both of us we collapsed in each others arms and pillow talked for a little while  
 3.  I got up to use the bathroom and she looked at the clock and started to complain that I tricked her and abused her time.   It was now two hours past when we initially met in the bar.   She  blamed me for not looking at the clock and telling her that the hour was up.    
 4.  I apologized and gave her all the remaining cash I had which was about a ben from her 2 hour rate.  
 So here is my question?  
  If the details are CLEARLY outlined in emails prior to meeting, and if was neither one of our faults for the drink mix-up, and the provider has been reviewed on here as NOT a clock watcher.  
 Did I do something wrong for not informing her that we were over the initial hour time.  Truth be told we spend about 90 min in the room?  
 Interested in provider and client thoughts.  

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 973 reads
15 / 46

Bottom line, there is his side, her side and the truth. We can't draw a true conclusion here, but we can speculate based on prior knowledge.  

He could have flashed his cash paying for the drinks and she could have managed to purposely go past the hour to get the extra cash from him.  

He could have made more of an effort to get off, or he could have taken a long time to where he needed to go, which means he should have booked longer than an hour if he takes a while to pop. Once she got him BCD and realized the issue, it's not her fault he wasn't getting off quicker, but he should have been truthful for his "issues."  

She could have been starved for attention and really liked him or needed that break. But if that were the case, she would not have blown up about her neglect of watching the time and demanded him to make it right and pay for her "time."

The decision to go over invovles both parties, but it should be negotiated as such. Can't say I have never gone over and messed up; whether I have been compensated or not, but when I have, it lets me know I need a break from it all to get a grip on what's really going on. He lost his grip on what was going on, messed up so he probably can't go back to see her again, and is out of extra cash he didn't intend to spend. She's not on here posting about it so it was probably what she wanted anyways.

hbyist+truth=;( 1052 reads
16 / 46

Yeah she is not a clock watcher (the RIGHT definition is a hooker who watches the clock constantly during the PAID for time hoping it goes by quick or that she can rush you out quicker). You pay for an hour, you get an hour. That is not clock watching. If a hooker gives you 10 to 15 over, be grateful and don't abuse.  

In this case, the 15 minute drink snafu was not the reason there was a two hour over situation. I must add that she is as responsible for the overage as you are. Both people need to manage the clock/time. Mostly the lady IMHO. So she need not have bitched you out as much.  

I am in control of the clock and if I want to dilly dally with a client I can. If I want his ass out on the dot, I can do that too.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 638 reads
17 / 46

Saying you "tricked" her is BS. I'm glad you paid her extra for her time. It shows you're not a prick, but I wouldn't see her again. My 2 cents.

Posted By: curious***1
I have a situation which occurred and I need to know if I was the one in the wrong.  
 I had planned to meet a provider and had made plans weeks in advance.   It was clearly defined previous to our encounter  that we would meet at the hotel bar for a quick drink.  ( I had asked if this drink time was on the clock and was told if it is one quick drink it would be off clock)  It was also well defined that our encounter would be for an hour only.  So here is my problem.  
 1.  During our drink the bar messed up her drink and we had to wait about 15 min for the new drink.  
 2.  When we got to the room the encounter was VERY passionate and we really got lost into each other.   It was one of those instant chemistry things that was incredible.  After multiple O's for her and a mutual O for both of us we collapsed in each others arms and pillow talked for a little while  
 3.  I got up to use the bathroom and she looked at the clock and started to complain that I tricked her and abused her time.   It was now two hours past when we initially met in the bar.   She  blamed me for not looking at the clock and telling her that the hour was up.    
 4.  I apologized and gave her all the remaining cash I had which was about a ben from her 2 hour rate.  
 So here is my question?  
  If the details are CLEARLY outlined in emails prior to meeting, and if was neither one of our faults for the drink mix-up, and the provider has been reviewed on here as NOT a clock watcher.  
 Did I do something wrong for not informing her that we were over the initial hour time.  Truth be told we spend about 90 min in the room?  
 Interested in provider and client thoughts.  

skarphedin 872 reads
18 / 46

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Yeah she is not a clock watcher (the RIGHT definition is a hooker who watches the clock constantly during the PAID for time hoping it goes by quick or that she can rush you out quicker). You pay for an hour, you get an hour. That is not clock watching. If a hooker gives you 10 to 15 over, be grateful and don't abuse.  
 In this case, the 15 minute drink snafu was not the reason there was a two hour over situation. I must add that she is as responsible for the overage as you are. Both people need to manage the clock/time. Mostly the lady IMHO. So she need not have bitched you out as much.  
 I am in control of the clock and if I want to dilly dally with a client I can. If I want his ass out on the dot, I can do that too.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 994 reads
20 / 46

because I enjoy the freedom to have a drink, chat or whatever along with plenty of time for the naughty fun. It's too much to expect from a one hour date.

I think you pushed the boundaries too far by trying to up your one hour with a drink OTC, and then allowing things to go over BCD as well. You were trying to stretch your time with her out... and you focus on her NOT being a clock watcher as justification. From what you wrote, it sounds like you knew you were going over time - and should have mentioned it.

Don't get me wrong here... I think she has some responsibility for agreeing to a drink OTC and allowing herself to lose track of time, just as you may have done. Hell, we all do it at times. Just learn from it, and realize that you need to book more time based upon your preferences, needs and style.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 756 reads
21 / 46

that led to this situation.....

a gentleman would accept responsibility  

a provider with class would accept responsibility

but I would insist on taking responsibility - if you had that kind of chemistry,  assuming
the veracity of your account completely,   you would not want to mess this up for future

and take a lesson - don't ask for anything OTC -  

I've had a lot of providers suggest staying on or asking if I was doing anything and
suggesting that company for dinner or etc would be nice -

but this is at their initiative, and *after* play.....

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1219 reads
22 / 46

OTC flows from a great get together and chemistry, it isn't something to negotiate in advance.

VOO-doo 1151 reads
23 / 46

I'm sure you would not have objected to her leaving at the agreed-upon time, if she had begun making 'getting-ready-to-leave' type noises as the physical part wrapped up.... Drink snafu aside (and she did agree to meet you for a free drink), it is HER responsibility to watch the time and pace the session so that she's finished when she needs to be.  

If drinks/food/travel take a little longer than expected, I wouldn't personally count that as part of the date and expect extra money.... I would think that most providers are the same. An exception would be if she's extremely high-volume...high-volume providers have a schedule to maintain...but if that was the case, all she had to do was explain that, although the delay w/drinks was unfortunate, she needed to be out by XX o'clock.  

With that said, though...if you know you want to meet for a drink beforehand AND have a full 60 min private time...book 90 min. Because I can understand her feeling put upon if you promised that it would be a quick little thing (BTW, in my experience, it's NEVER a quick little thing). Respect for her time is an important courtesy.

But, IMO she was out of line here. If you'd done it purposely, then I'd understand her feelings...like, if you purposely dragged out the drink time, then took over 60 min for the sex, then wanted to hold her/chat, and every time she went to leave, you tried to restrain her or engage in a new subject of conversation ('Oh, wait a minute, I just remembered I wanted to ask you...can you please tell me a little more about...'), with the intention of making her stay.... I've been the victim of exactly that kind of thing in the past, and it's one reason I don't do 1 hour dates anymore. But, you said that you just weren't aware of it the time going by

plainjohn 26 Reviews 1361 reads
24 / 46

She should have set her clock timer cell phone for 60 mins once she got comfortable.   Sometimes,  people do get carried away, time is money,  if you enjoyed your time and had a few more Jacksons, kick it down to her.  Just my opinion and experience.

Blowing Chunks 892 reads
25 / 46

) Blaming others for going over time -  strike one  
2) speaking with a forked tongue about the otc drink  -  strike two
3) I'd pay her just to put a pacifier in her bitching mouth but that's pretty much...  strike three.  

She's out.  Repeat would be highly unlikely unless she offered a very steep  discount or something.  

Having that said,  I rarely ever get OTC time from someone I just met. It happens but it's rare.  If she did I would try to make sure there's no misunderstanding about the time.  I'd maybe remind her that even quick drinks at the bar typically last over 30 minutes and never 15 minutes. But do grown ups need to be reminded of this??

hbyist+truth=;( 1192 reads
26 / 46
Dr Who revived 1250 reads
27 / 46

You know that there are plenty of people who will try and stretch time.  

If some dude wants only an hour...how tough is it to be aware?  If SHE (or you) has trouble with that element in HookerLand...perhaps buy a clock (heck...most gals have the soundtrack set for the time  LOL).

And if she was OK with having that drink...that's on her as well.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And she should have kept track.

hbyist+truth=;( 890 reads
28 / 46

And I concur, she needed to be more watchful. I can't remember ever having some john over stay unless I sanctioned it. How hard is it to get up, get dressed and say, thanks for the fun, I have somewhere to be and hand him a towel or his clothes?

Dr Who revived 1143 reads
29 / 46

One of my marketing tools is to offer a "free one hour consult".  I learned a long time ago that if the potential client has an interest in more...they'll pay my rates for more time.

If I see that it is likely going nowhere...at the end of the hour I'm on to the next victim.

Not hard to do...but some tend to allow themselves to be taken advantage.  That's on them however.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And I concur, she needed to be more watchful. I can't remember ever having some john over stay unless I sanctioned it. How hard is it to get up, get dressed and say, thanks for the fun, I have somewhere to be and hand him a towel or his clothes?

MaliaMason 759 reads
31 / 46

I always find it interesting when something like this happens and get everyone's feedback (both women and men). Me personally, I do not feel comfortable meeting for OTC drink prior because I am being compensated for my time, not whatever chemistry there is. If there is chemistry, then you know what? That is F***ING FANTASTIC!!! You meet OTC you are always going to run into the risk of a delay (whether the place is busy, there's a screw up, traffic, etc, etc). I try not to be a clock watcher and if I see time is going over sometimes I say something, sometimes I don't (doesn't mean I cut the date right then and there but I just make both parties aware so there are no surprises).  The fact that you compensated her something for going over is good gesture in my opinion. Yes maybe it wasn't the full amount but then again you weren't anticipating the possibility in going over. Maybe take this as a lesson to bring extra to another rendezvous you have with a provider should you go over and another lesson that OTC meetings don't get you anything except trouble. I have a client that takes me out to eat but he compensates me for my time no matter what because he knows that it is valuable.

GaGambler 925 reads
32 / 46

Nobody cheated anybody out of anything and it's her bad for letting the appointment go that far over, and then doubling down on stupid, going BSC on the guy, accusing him of "cheating" her and ruining any chance of a repeat engagement.

Yes, it would have been "nice" of him to keep track of the time, but I have to confess "IF" this happened the way he said it did, and "I" were accused of trying to put one over on her for a mistake that was mutual. I would bounce her ass out of the room, without  a single red cent for the "overtime" OTOH, if she had simply said "OMG we ran an hour over, I can't believe that happened" in that case I most likely would have offered extra compensation, and if I didn't have it on me and I was as pleased as the OP claims he was up to that point, I would have promised to make it up to her on our next date.

I do find the whole story rather amusing though, RY nailed it when he pointed out how fast all that "chemistry" went be the wayside once she felt she had given more than she was paid for. Personally I wouldn't give the mercenary bitch a second thought, but that's just me. I don't react well to BSC.

Once again, I say this stipulating that the OP's version of what happened is the gospel. Does anyone here REALLY believe that's the case?

GaGambler 1106 reads
33 / 46

According to hundreds, if not thousands of posts here, some certainly do.

It's amazing what supposed "grown ups" need to be reminded of.

As for repeating with said hooker, assuming once again that his version of what happened is the absolute truth, I wouldn't dream of rebooking with her. I reward "good behavior" and people going above and beyond what is expected of them. People who whine, and carp and complain about every little thing don't get anything extra from me. Claiming I tricked her is not the way to get me to open my wallet. It has the exact opposite effect on me.

I am not the type of person who tips every server or bartender 15%, regardless of the quality of service.  I almost always tip 25% for good service and quite often I tip 50-100%  if someone goes above and beyond what's expected of them. BUT I am also the type that will stiff a server in a heartbeat if he/she is rude, lazy or otherwise incompetent and unapologetic about it. Just the way I roll I guess. lol

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 995 reads
34 / 46

I mean yeah, it was cheap of you to ask (you really should have booked 90 minutes or two hours if you wanted to share a drink with her and still have a full hour BCD), but she didn't do herself any favors with that. It would have been nice of you to mention the time to her, but it's not your responsibility.  

One thing I think should be clarified, however: she's still not a clockwatcher (I assume, since she obviously wasn't checking the clock every two minutes or saying shit like "7 minutes left!"). That doesn't mean she has to give you a bunch of extra free time to avoid being labeled one. In fact, she should probably adopt some clockwatcher habits to some degree so she doesn't find herself in that position again.

hbyist+truth=;( 822 reads
35 / 46

I swear between you and MK and CPA when he is a good boy (LOL) and a couple of others who get it, it makes me smile.

I am the same with johns, be respectful and clean and etc and you get extras. I reward decency and such but penalize a rude mofo who has entitlement stamped on his forehead with just doing what I need to and getting him the hell out on time and never booking him again.  

And let's not forget the hookers who forget to wash, let's say grown  people, why do grown people need to be told basic hygiene and manners?

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 793 reads
36 / 46

It was really both of your faults for different reasons. While yes, it happens more than most talk about, if she truly reacted the way she did, that wasn't the way to handle it. And well you shouldn't 'assume' just because her reviews states she's not a 'clock watcher' you had that right to 'accept' the chance to possibly use (or abuse) more of her time. 90 minutes or 90 hours in the room is clearly not the issue here.  

Which is why I will never understand the whole 'hourly' thing. How in the hell do you meet someone for just 60 minutes including a drink at a bar...that gets a big HUH????? There is no way in hell I could ever meet for that short amount time and never have. In the first hour, you're just getting to know one another which is the best part of foreplay before the intimacy really begins. Which is why I'll always say, save up and book at least a multi-hour session with a wonderful lady of your choice vs 3 or 4 different hourly girls at the same pricepoint. I would guarantee the rewards would be greater and your money much better spent. Perhaps a better 'investment' in the long run. I say try it once for a month and see how it goes. If not, go back to the hourly thing minus the drinks. Just whatever you do, don't ever assume anything here.

-- Modified on 7/30/2014 3:12:13 PM

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 658 reads
37 / 46

If she was nice (and dumb, IMO) enough to agree to OTC time at the beginning of a short date, I highly doubt that she would be the type to accuse him of "tricking" her into extra time.  

You know what I think probably happened? I'll bet he pulled one of those "let's plan on an hour for now, but I may decide to extend depending upon how well we get along" things that some guys do, and she probably assumed at the 1hr mark that he had decided to book the extra time (I made that assumption once. Never again). When he got up to use the bathroom, I'll bet she took that moment to count the envelope contents and saw only enough to cover her 1hr rate. After confronting him, he was probably all "well you didn't say anything so I just assumed you were having so much fun that you decided to hang out a little longer." An argument likely ensued, during which she accused him of using the "possible extension" thing to get two hours for the price of one, while he insisted that that wasn't his intention because he didn't even have the cash to cover her two hour rate anyway and and and...

That's exactly why I don't do those "soft bookings" anymore. I don't want to have to be awkward after an hour and be all "soooo are we done here or did you decide to book another hour?" When guys ask me for a "possible" extension now, I just tell them that if they aren't 100% confident that they want the longer date, then just book the shorter one. Most of the time, after the hour or whatever is up, they'll be the ones to ask if we can extend. As long as I don't have anything going on afterwards, I'll oblige. That method saves everyone a lot of uncomfortable shit.  

So yeah, in the OP's case, I'm guessing that he probably did try to eke some extra time from her while only paying for an hour (my guess is that he asked for an OTC drink to gague how easy it would be to take advantage of her...if she agreed to the drink, she's probably less likely to make a fuss about going over time), but she allowed herself to be taken advantage of by not being more assertive about the whole thing. Like I said, I've been guilty of that as well, but I chalked those instances up to lessons learned.  

TL;DR - my guess is that he was being cheap, and she was being a pussy.  
Posted By: GaGambler
Nobody cheated anybody out of anything and it's her bad for letting the appointment go that far over, and then doubling down on stupid, going BSC on the guy, accusing him of "cheating" her and ruining any chance of a repeat engagement.

Yes, it would have been "nice" of him to keep track of the time, but I have to confess "IF" this happened the way he said it did, and "I" were accused of trying to put one over on her for a mistake that was mutual. I would bounce her ass out of the room, without  a single red cent for the "overtime" OTOH, if she had simply said "OMG we ran an hour over, I can't believe that happened" in that case I most likely would have offered extra compensation, and if I didn't have it on me and I was as pleased as the OP claims he was up to that point, I would have promised to make it up to her on our next date.  

I do find the whole story rather amusing though, RY nailed it when he pointed out how fast all that "chemistry" went be the wayside once she felt she had given more than she was paid for. Personally I wouldn't give the mercenary bitch a second thought, but that's just me. I don't react well to BSC.

Once again, I say this stipulating that the OP's version of what happened is the gospel. Does anyone here REALLY believe that's the case? [/quote

GaGambler 1025 reads
38 / 46

If you were to ask 100 people at large how big a percentage of adults don't practice basis hygiene, you would probably get a number of what, maybe 5%?  I bet if you asked 100 hookers you would get a dramatically different number. lol

and yes, "offering" makes you feel great and appreciated. when someone weasels it out of you, you just feel like a sucker. In your case a very mad sucker, wearing boots just made for kicking a fool in the nuts. lol

-- Modified on 7/30/2014 1:33:14 PM

GaGambler 1254 reads
39 / 46

There is a huge difference between being aware of how much time has elapsed and giving a guy the bums rush halfway through a session.

If the lady I am with doesn't mention it, at about the 50 minute mark or so of a one hour appointment, I will make some type of comment about the time getting close and act accordingly. If she says "don't worry about the GD clock, fuck me harder" I will willingly comply, OTOH if she says "Yes, I guess your time is about up" I will act accordingly.

Once again, this really isn't rocket science here.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 866 reads
40 / 46

just sayin.....

but I don't know why you hide -   I would say the stuff you do straight up on my "real" alias and not worry about it....  

however if you are a provider I could see the point....

harborview 10 Reviews 1043 reads
41 / 46

It is her business & gal I know are excellant time managers.  In some cases, they use play lists & a fav used to have a small clock to the side of the bed.  (After a while, I realized it was always in the room we played in!)  Some peek at the clock...  others just have good sense of time (I suppose).  

The drink mixup was OTC...  does not count.  She could have kept it or gone without...  it was in her control.  
The date ran nearly a half hour over (as I read it).  It was a shared responsibility to keep track of time & you both failed to do so.  It might be a scam to upsell more time...  If this happens often.  I think you were a gentleman to give her all you had in an attempt to make it right.  
As I see it, you did everything right.

curious***1 918 reads
42 / 46

Here is a bit more information:

1  I am not a newbie, I now how this works.   We both do some acting and use each other for mutual gain.   However that evening was the most sensual event I had experienced with a provider.

2.  I am staying at a hotel which elevator security, so we had to meet in the lobby anyways.   Our conversations discussed meeting and that meeting for a drink would be preferred.  I specifically asked if the drink was part of the time and was told it wasn't

89Springer 1042 reads
44 / 46

The time I went to a brothel in Nevada, I was taken by surprise by the price. I could afford just one hour.

Sometimes it takes me forever to cum, and that was one of those times. As the time got closer to an hour, one of the providers kept reminding me. "Five minutes," she'd say. Then, "three minutes."  I came just under the wire.  

That was weird.

Tippe 41 Reviews 805 reads
45 / 46

Women tend to be crazy. I just started laughing out loud at that post, reminded of the hot vs crazy chart on women.

cocktail-party 900 reads
46 / 46

They would have chimed in on the intercom if she hadn't.

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