TER General Board

Nobody in this community has an SO (eom)
Just_Wonderin 9062 reads
1 / 26

What does it mean if a client whom I know has reviewed many other providers doesn't write a review of our time together?

This has happened several times to me, and I'm just wondering if I should read into it more than I have-like did he have a crappy time, but he's not writing me a bad review because he's being a nice guy? Is he assuming that I don't need a review written of me for whatever reason?

btw, almost all of the reviews I have now are very positive...very few are even YMMV. I would appreciate any insight that anyone can give me. Thanks!


Carrie_of_London See my TER Reviews 2283 reads
2 / 26

He may not review everybody he sees, it takes time to write a review, he could be busy.  There are lots of reasons he may not have reviewed your time together.  Guys sometimes don't write reviews if they think they have nothing new to add to what's already been said.  I'd say, if you know you did your best to ensure he had a good time, just relax and don't worry about the lack of review.

hobbyforme 27 Reviews 2838 reads
3 / 26

If a hobbyist is having a great time, he may not want to share.  The more popular you are, the less time you have for him.  

Speaking from personal experience, I seem to have a review jinks.  Two of my favorites retired within a few weeks after I wrote their reviews.  Another raised her rate through the roof, within a week after my review, and fourth has become so popular she is virtually impossible to schedule an appointment with.  I know that all this is coincidence, but it gives a guy reason to pause and ask whether it worth the free TER membership to post a review of their favorite lady.

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 2450 reads
4 / 26

There might be something wrong that they don't want to talk about in a public forum. There was one provider that I have not written a review because of certain problems. I contacted her about the problems and I noticed in the new reviews that the reviewers point out things that indicate the problem has been fixed.

Fixing the problem might allow me to see her again if I have time on my schedule. It is nice to see that providers will respond to a problem in a nice way.

Checking reality 2373 reads
5 / 26


Anonymous Bald Man 3056 reads
6 / 26

...writer's block. I'm stuck on one in particular now myself.

Perhaps his SO is looking over his shoulder everytime he logs on.

-- Modified on 8/19/2005 7:05:35 AM

Tampa_Jim 128 Reviews 1936 reads
7 / 26

I do not review everyone.  Some ladies are uncomfortable with reviews.  Unless there is some hint of an indication that she is open to review, then with rare exceptions, I don't.  Some ladies have many reviews and I have nothing to add.  Some reviews are composed in my head but I still haven't typed them into these little boxes.  Sometimes the date was so extraordinary that the review sounds sappy.  It is kind of gross to get explicit about time together which was really intimate or intense. Frankly, I dislike the part where you have to rate another human being.

I must say I rarely have a bad date so a lack of review does not indicate that I had "a crappy time."

alunk 15 Reviews 2383 reads
8 / 26
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck 2166 reads
9 / 26

Some men won't write one if they feel they can not write something new about you.And then there is the whole, "someguys do not even realize writing a review is a nice way to say one more thank you"  And that it can help the lady with biz.

I am sure I see and/or have seen many gentlemen who have written reviews on others and not me. But they return.  So I'm guessing they enjoy time with me.  But since I do not ask, (and personally  I know there are ladies who do),  I just go on wondering.

and guessing  (cuz this was a guess)

mboonche123 11 Reviews 4497 reads
10 / 26

I'm not a frequent reviewer. In my case, writing a review is time-consuming, especially so when you take good care to be tasteful because you're asked to by the lady(honey, you know who you are). I know how important the reviews are to some providers. So I take great care writing about them, and our experience, in the reviews.

Usually if I do write a review on someone, it means that she rocked my world and I'd ask to go back to see her again. Even if I didn't, it merely means that I had a good time but perhaps she didn't rock my world. Thanks to TER and the reviews. I can't remember when I had my last bad encounter. It seems that every one of them has been good.

Sometimes I'd still ask to see a lady again even if I've chosen not to review her. I want to see if the saying "it gets better every time" holds true; in my experience, it rarely does. Unless she has had a bad day, if she didn't rock my world the first time, most likely she's not going to the next time. I wouldn't know she has had a bad day unless she's told me so.

The old saying, "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it." Perhaps you might think he's had a great time with you, he might not think so. In that case, be thankful he didn't post any reviews on you. Sometimes, having no review at all is better than having an average review especially if you have averages in the 9s and 10s.

-- Modified on 8/19/2005 6:27:12 AM

-- Modified on 8/19/2005 2:34:49 PM

skisandboots 2041 reads
11 / 26

All of the above posts are very plausible.  It could be that his review was written, but was rejected.  Perhaps his time with you was so outstanding that he couldn't be objective.  Or perhaps he keyed in the wrong website when he wrote it (did that once & it delayed the posting by more than a week).  I suspect a lot of guys won't bother trying to get a rejected review "up to code".  Bottom line:  there are too many reasons, so don't worry about it.

trustno20 3040 reads
12 / 26

If a lady tried real hard but the chemistry just wasn't there and this resulted in not having a great session. I personally don't believe she deserves a poor review if the effort was there. So as a result I generally only review good sessions.

That said, since being a TER member, my hobby results have been near 100%. I no longer see unreviewed or poorly reviewed providers.

When would I give a bad review? If the lady lied about her services or was downright rude or had false photos. Thus far that has happened to me only once in ten years hobbying.

Viper2 52 Reviews 2550 reads
13 / 26

I presume the hobbyists that have not reviewed you you have only seen once.  One could look at it saying you did not Rock their world or that maybe their time was not up to their expectations and they did not wish to write a bad review.

If you are comfortable enough with them and/or have their email phone number and it is ok to contact them. Ask them for future perspective if there could have been anything more you could have done to make thier session better.

This will help you for future session. Keep in mind that you will not always click with every guy.  Typicaly I will review everyone whether it is a good or bad review unless they lady does not want a review period for personal reasons.

BILL18356 2027 reads
14 / 26

and not necessarily your fault, occasionally expectations can be higher than they should be. It could be lack of time, nothing new to add or he may have assumed you didnt need or want a review.

little phil 37 Reviews 2299 reads
15 / 26

It sounds to me like you just have really good taste.

Bizzaro Superdude 3005 reads
16 / 26

When sessions turn very private - Example, if i have seen a provider and our sessions become more intimate (personal - knowing about each other's lives etc.).  I would not feel comfortable sharing that type of experience - because it just is not what I would look for in a review AND where would the line of what to share be drawn - if it is that personal - then the provider should have some say with respect to what goes public.

A second reason is - if it is a repeat - with no major changes - TER will not post.

A third reason is timing - If I do not get to a computer within 60 hr of the event - I do not trust my memory to be accurate...

A fourth reason is difficulty with the session...  for whatever reason - there have been a couple - where - it was not a rip off- it was not a great session, but TER members tend to know of the service... and why post - nothing has changed.

I should add - that I do not review EVERY session.  If there is nothing to be added by my post - sometimes I will not bother...   so,  not all the reasons are negative - some are just - hey everything is OK, don't need to say so...

Then there is the "coffee date" with Bond, Emma Bond - should I post that one -even though it would be platonic - or would it BORE everyone to death?   just a q?! lol

TrashyCat 6 Reviews 1887 reads
17 / 26

I never write a review after seeing a lady only once, usually it after multiple get togethers.  Then I write the review to help the ladies business, I want her to stay in business so I can continue to see her.

After writting a review, if the lady is receiving 3 or 4 reviews from others a month, her business is going well and she doesn't need a review from me.  If her business is slow, I'll write one to try to boost interest in her, selfish of me isn't it?

Lastly, if I see someone and we just don't hit it off, I will not see her again and I will not review her.  Just because she is not my cup of tea doesn't mean that she is a bad provider, it just that I would rather spend my time with someone else.

Anonymous Bald Man 1903 reads
18 / 26

All I got was a "Oh, bugger off you ridiculous wanker."

;) Just kidding.

Bizzaro Superdude 3492 reads
19 / 26

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-- Modified on 8/19/2005 1:55:24 PM

coochmeister 59 Reviews 2125 reads
20 / 26

...is the best possible ad for one of the women, and if I've had a good time (and so far I've NEVER had a bad one), I try to get the review up promptly.  I try to do this especially if the girl is on tour, and will be helped by a local review.

Greatchipunter 2315 reads
21 / 26
random133 117 Reviews 3872 reads
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1.  Provider has already been extensively reviewed and I feel I have nothing substantive to add; 2.  I had a poor session but feel it was not entirely provider's fault.  I must confess I've also (only once or twice) had a very poor session with a provider who clearly set higher expectations with her pics than she delivered but again she was so extensively reviewed that I figured everyone else just didn't seem to care.  In one of those cases I also felt sort of sad for the provider and felt no need to make her feel bad with a poor review.  Cowardly, yes but there it is.

Anonymous Bald Man 2608 reads
23 / 26

...of hiring a different Aussie and paying her extra to let me call her "Emma".

stpenn 1905 reads
25 / 26
stpenn 3484 reads
26 / 26

Maybe your session meant something special to him and he doesn’t want to share the way he feels about you.

-- Modified on 8/19/2005 9:04:40 PM

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