TER General Board

NO WAY!!!!!!
FIDCUOF 186 reads

I have that kind of disposiable income and I would NEVER spend 20k for a weekend with a lady.  I would spend 20k for surfing trip or special kind of vacation, but NOT with a lady.  No disrespect to any of the women out there...but NO women is worth 20k for a weeked.  Even they have the GOLDEN pussy....NO pussy with worth that.  Lets face it....we pay for quick (one to two hours) sex and/or fucking, love making.  W don't pay to have some women tell us about thier life story.  If you guys pays for that...well, I don't know what to say.  I guess you are crazy or on a whole different wave length than me.  I pay for women to leave me alone after sex.  I just dont want a women to fall in love with me and call me, text me, or email me every three mintues telling me they love me and miss me.  I dont and will NEVER need that.  I want to hear if your a guy and you disagree with me

Ladies and gentlemen, help me out here. Many escort's web sites quote rates of like $2,500 for a 12-hour overnight, $5k for a 24-hour day, and $8 to $10k for a full weekend - I even saw one recently that stated a $20k weekend (48 hours). Really, does this happen? Ladies, do you really charge that stated price? Guys, do you pay it? I'm really not a cheapskate, I'm a pretty generous gifter, but really, what should I reasonably expect to pay for an overnighter, or especially a weekend, especially when I take a lady on a travel getaway 2-day weekend? No insult intended to anyone, just trying to get just the facts.

(duhh)302 reads

$20,000 for a weekend is no big deal to an unattached, multi-millionaire.

$1,000 for a weekend is outrageous to the manager of KFC.

There are all sorts of men, from minimum wage workers to billionaires, who hobby.

So, yes, guys actually pay it.


HobbyCity313 reads

multi million dollar pay checks and money is no object for them.

To answer your question. Yes, the stated rate is the going rate and expect to pay close to that. Once all incidentals are included, you will pay more.

The fact that you are taking here out on a getaway is irrelevant. This is a treat for you, not her as she can do it on at her own time on her own time. To accompany you at your convenience, she has to make sacrifices in her personal life. Never forget that this is a business for her and you are soliciting a service. The provider is neither your wife nor your girlfriend for her to appreciate that you are taking her out.

If money is an issue, you can go wherever you desire for your getaway alone and look for providers once you arrive. This is usually the safer and better bet. It is much cheaper and you can see multiple ladies for shorter durations. You won't have to worry about disagreements and conflicts with a provider that accompanies you which could ruin a trip and leave you the loser.

AnotherPerspective316 reads

If someone makes 500 K per year a 20K week end to suit his fancy ,would not hurt his budget.

If he makes 5 mil a year he could afford her every week end , and  still have plenty of pocket change and gas money.

It's all relative. Don't worry about what the Jones's are doing, or you won't have time for your own fun .

There are providers for almost every budget.

Figure what your budget  is and search TER for the best results.

From another perspective , if you won the lottery would you be asking the same question ?

JustCantGetEnough228 reads

Some of the best experiences I've had were ladies at $2k to $5k a weekend.

Rest were just way too overpriced, abusing their inflated and sometimes self-written or ill-gotten reviews,
and simply not worth the ridiculous high price.  

I feel that there are plenty of quality girls to choose from without having to pay up my ass and getting ripped off.

ridiculous rates. I've seen the responses from the OP. Many people mentioned that the providers can charge that much because there is a market for it. For example, it is geared toward affluent clients that are millionaires. However, they fail to realize that charging that much, even for a millionaire does not subconsciously settle well for them.

Sure, some will do it. However, even millionaires take things into consideration. It's one thing to splurge, and it's another thing to splurge without justification. How can a man justify spending that much for a women for only two days, even if he was a millionaire.

20K can buy a new car, 2 new cars, a down payment on a house, investment options, and many more available options for 20K. I just hate it when people think because someone is a millionaire or very affluent, that they spend it recklessly.

You gotta think about it, they didn't become rich because they made stupid decisions. It doesn't take much to be a millionaire BTW, all you need is a house that is worth at least 500K, a couple of luxury cars, good investments, and a good income to be a millionaire. Anyone can be a millionaire these days. And, I can tell you personally (not that I am rich BTW, I'm flat out broke), I could never justify spending 20K even if I was a millionaire.

If I was a billionaire, that might change the odds a bit. Still, there is always that feeling on the back of my mind that I just wasted 20K for sex, which is a bit unsettling. I agree with you JustCantGetEnough, I have had some of the best experiences spending 2K on a weekend. Funny thing is, now, I really can't justify spending more than 5 bills an hour because some of my best experiences have been with providers that charge 3 bills an hour.

AnotherPerspective201 reads

You are one of  few who can delve into Mr Jones the millionaire and his  subconscious mind, with such authority.

 What seems  reckless to some,  is often  mundane for others .  

 20 K for home down payment , 2 new cars , and investments ?????
 I'm not rich either, though I could pay you well to do my shopping  at your prices .

From another perspective , is  the guy  dining  at Citronelle three times a week,
 have his own  justification for not eating at McDonalds ?

  Both will quench his hunger .
 His perception , not mine , tells him what he most  enjoys.
 When I was young and  pussy was free with only a request , I turned down many
who asked me , if I thought they were too  easy.

The subconscious mind is much deeper than most of us realize.
One mans regret is often another man pleasure .

 I wouldn't be caught driving half the cars Leno owns if he gave them to me ,
 doesn't mean  he can't see the beauty and value in them .

Posted By: McDonald000
ridiculous rates. I've seen the responses from the OP. Many people mentioned that the providers can charge that much because there is a market for it. For example, it is geared toward affluent clients that are millionaires. However, they fail to realize that charging that much, even for a millionaire does not subconsciously settle well for them.

Sure, some will do it. However, even millionaires take things into consideration. It's one thing to splurge, and it's another thing to splurge without justification. How can a man justify spending that much for a women for only two days, even if he was a millionaire.

20K can buy a new car, 2 new cars, a down payment on a house, investment options, and many more available options for 20K. I just hate it when people think because someone is a millionaire or very affluent, that they spend it recklessly.

You gotta think about it, they didn't become rich because they made stupid decisions. It doesn't take much to be a millionaire BTW, all you need is a house that is worth at least 500K, a couple of luxury cars, good investments, and a good income to be a millionaire. Anyone can be a millionaire these days. And, I can tell you personally (not that I am rich BTW, I'm flat out broke), I could never justify spending 20K even if I was a millionaire.

If I was a billionaire, that might change the odds a bit. Still, there is always that feeling on the back of my mind that I just wasted 20K for sex, which is a bit unsettling. I agree with you JustCantGetEnough, I have had some of the best experiences spending 2K on a weekend. Funny thing is, now, I really can't justify spending more than 5 bills an hour because some of my best experiences have been with providers that charge 3 bills an hour.

JustCantGetEnough142 reads

In my experience, the ones with sky high (1500/hr+) rates weren't any different from girls charging $300/hr in terms of performance. Granted, some may have a more expanded menu but the 500/hr girls I've seen offerred the same menu. We are simply paying for their popularity and name recognition. Sometimes it is purely for fullfilling a fantasy and to satisfy the curiosity of being with that popular star, so to speak.

Personally, I'd rather use the $20k for A down payment for a new car, boat, or plane. Maybe gamble it away on black jack, but I'm not really into gambling. It would buy me a nice vacation with a cute ATF who usually gives me steep discounts for longer dates.

We have to keep in mind that the girls charging $20k or more are prolly the same girls who used to charge $220 when they started out on back page or an agency.

Some girls can charge pretty much whatever they want and more power to them.  I guess it is easier to find a knock out babe in those price ranges as I haven't experienced a bait and switch or shit like that, but with enough homework we can find an equally good looking & great performing girl who is either starting out in the business or a chooses to keep her rates down to earth.

as I have seen many who charge an insane amount and have not that great or no reviews at all. Ever wonder the real reason why so many higher end girls have a "no review" policy? I love the "It's for discretion purposes" theory, but then she shows her face and works out of her own home lol. Real discreet.

Bottom line...we charge what we can, and there is really no other reason. It's not because of looks, skills, or education because a woman at any rate can have all of those things. It is simply because the woman asking a high price can get away with it.

20k is a bargain..check all your top 10 providers and their rates..check the rates on high profile porn stars..you will be amazed at what they are asking..you will be even more surprised when you realize they get it..i was with a porn star last month who charged 2k an hour..i just had to her ask her what she charged for an overnight..she said 12k and didnt blink an eye..at that point i didnt even want to know what she charged for a weekend..do the math..it is way up there..i saw her because she was on my bucket list.it was worth it to me..there are those out there than can afford those rates..these women are usually booked solid..most of us on this board could never afford that kind of weekend..the gentlemen who can afford these women i am sure do not visit this board for our stimulating discussions..they probably dont even know we exist..

Why be surprised?

You can buy a suit for $10 or $10,000

You can buy a car for $1,000 or $10,000,000

You can buy a house for $10,000 or $100,000,000.

Why should the hobby be any different?

I totally agree. Its all about what YOU value... money or looking like money... LOL

Some of the poorest looking people I know are the wealthiest people I know and I mean they are F'ing RICH! They won't give you shit if you needed it... Wonder how much he would pay for sex??? Cost analysis would tell him to do it himself...its cheaper

Its about ego, my opinion, and how much you value the experience. If you can't enjoy a $$ because you think you deserve better, then you will pay $$$ or $$$$$$ to get what you think you deserve... Oh, if you fall in love with a $$$$ because she is hott and you can only afford $$ your screwed...seek therapy its cheaper :)

Harder you work for your money, "generally" the more you value spending it and what YOU get for it...

Each his own and more power to him... and her ladies, and to her!

Determine the quality of the provider, as your example suggest (the higher priced suit, car, or house is typically tied to higher quality).  I've had mind blowing experiences with $150/hr. chicks as good or better as the higher priced ones, and, of course, Vise Versa.

3. And this is generally directed rather than directed specifically at your post, because I think we agree on this- -

Nobody has the right to judge what she has decided to charge- you're either willing to pay it or not, but don't say she's not "worth it" unless you have paid it and found her wanting.

MSHSEX136 reads

As with many things in life, the only reason $20K pussy exists is because there is a market it for it. If you want to blame someone, blame the clients who make it so.

Posted By: western404
Ladies and gentlemen, help me out here. Many escort's web sites quote rates of like $2,500 for a 12-hour overnight, $5k for a 24-hour day, and $8 to $10k for a full weekend - I even saw one recently that stated a $20k weekend (48 hours). Really, does this happen? Ladies, do you really charge that stated price? Guys, do you pay it? I'm really not a cheapskate, I'm a pretty generous gifter, but really, what should I reasonably expect to pay for an overnighter, or especially a weekend, especially when I take a lady on a travel getaway 2-day weekend? No insult intended to anyone, just trying to get just the facts.

There are those that raise an eye brow at $2,000 and there are those that don't bat an eye lash at $20,000.  There is a difference between a $20k+ weekend and a $2k weekend, but that difference is not often found in the bedroom.   If all you are looking for is a lay, then it's absurd to pay $20k.  If you are looking for a fulsome experience then $20k can make sense.

FIDCUOF187 reads

I have that kind of disposiable income and I would NEVER spend 20k for a weekend with a lady.  I would spend 20k for surfing trip or special kind of vacation, but NOT with a lady.  No disrespect to any of the women out there...but NO women is worth 20k for a weeked.  Even they have the GOLDEN pussy....NO pussy with worth that.  Lets face it....we pay for quick (one to two hours) sex and/or fucking, love making.  W don't pay to have some women tell us about thier life story.  If you guys pays for that...well, I don't know what to say.  I guess you are crazy or on a whole different wave length than me.  I pay for women to leave me alone after sex.  I just dont want a women to fall in love with me and call me, text me, or email me every three mintues telling me they love me and miss me.  I dont and will NEVER need that.  I want to hear if your a guy and you disagree with me

After looking at your reviews babe, you have in fact paid over 600 an HOUR for a few agency girls so I don't see the problem here. 600x12=....well you do the fkin math lol.

you say it that makes a difference. Trust me...I am more than happy to NOT call, text, or even think about the guys I see after the fact. If I did not like being paid to go away, I would be on match.com not TER.

robcole123123 reads

I think you are trying a bit too hard to let people know how much money you think you have.  You sound a bit insecure about your money.  Most people with above average incomes don't feel the need to try and convince the world of their financial worth.

I would guess that most women would require much more than $20,000 to spend the weekend with you.  Your misogyny(look it up!) is showing.

a Provider's chosen price beyond what you are willing to pay, you should decide how much YOU would charge to:

1. put an ad on the internet offering yourself;

2. Book a Hotel Room;

3. Receive responses to the ad, trying to screen out the love-sick, psychos, cops, and love-sick psycho cops;

4. Answer the knock at the door, opening it to someone you don't know, and who could very well assault, rape, rob, or bust you; and then

5. make yourself even more vulnerable by bending over and taking it in the ass.

you also need to factor in the cost of putting up with asshats like some of the posters around here.

I don't think you could pay me enough to be with someone so full of himself and so judgemental about superficial things.

say it again...the sex is the easiest part of this job! It's talking to some of these guys that make the rate so damn high. I would prefer going back to how things were years ago when the guy just came in, dropped his pants, we got him off, and he left happy with one pop and no bs! Not as much money, but less freaking stress for damn sure!

What you just said, sounds good to me. ( a nice french kiss, on the way in and the way out ) is all i need to call it GFE.
( 1 hour session, that is )

I would do an entire month for 20 k no problemo lol. I have 2 mortgages combined that don't even cost me 8k, a luxury automobile that was paid in full, few credit cards, and utilities, plus a child in private school soon, and incall rentals. I could easily live on 6k a month and I have waterfront. People stupid enough to "rent" an apt. in NYC or LA for like 10k a month and it's not even 2000 sq. ft. need to charge a lot of money to keep up with all that, but something so small for that price would kill me.

I guess that's the basis of this thread though...what do we value. For some the upper east side in Manhattan is prime real estate and they will pay an insane amount to live in something the size of a closet just to say they live there lol. Me? Hell no! A beach house or lakefront will always get my money over a ritzy area full of pretense, but that's just me. I will pay for what I value and I guess it is no different with providers.

I paid 3500 for a 5000 sq. ft. home in the best area of New Orleans and am now paying 1000 less for waterfront, so it depends where you live and what you spend your money on. I have never and will never pay a car note, and anyone who does not outright own their home should not either. That's just basic common sense. Many people with money are not where they are because they are necessarily successful in business, but they mastered economics, savings, and smart investments.

because it really depends on the individual and his needs that will determine what I will charge. A guy who is activity oriented meaning he demands x amount of sex with an acrobatic monkey mentality will pay more than a guy who wants a relaxing, go with the flow type overnight where we play, have dinner, come back and relax, play some more before bedtime, actually sleep, then wake up with more play and breakfast. Literally the latter will pay HALF of what I would charge other guys who just want a machine.

Add to that overnights are very intrusive and personal...actually sleeping with someone is more intimate than letting a guy cim to me, so many of us charge more for that reason alone. You really have to put a lot of trust in a person if you are able to actually get sleep, and that's not something many of us to on a regular basis.

do an overnight.

Any ladies have pointers on how to begin? Besides the obvious of knowing your date and seeing her previous to the overnight to help ensure compatability.

of what you guys want to do besides fk. You're not going to do 12 hours of that, so make sure it is someone who will not bore you to tears or vice versa..that's when the roofies start flying ha ha. Just treat it as a real date or overnight with a gf where you don't literally have a damn check list...go with the flow, but do have plans of where you want to go to dinner, play, etc. Also, I would never do an overnight in a hotel room...EVER! It would be at a private incall or at the very least a condo that is fully furnished. I can't stand being locked up in a room even a suite, for that long with nowhere to go and it must have 2 bathrooms for obvious reasons lol.

If you snore or fart in your sleep, just let her know ahead of time so she can have a course of action ha ha ha!

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