TER General Board

No one needs to see the link to know the body of the post was not written by you. -e-
inicky46 61 Reviews 863 reads


skyjockey462484 reads

I confess that I'm endlessly fascinated by the lives of providers.   In the same way that I love playing the audio commentaries on DVDs,   I pore over any and all escort blogs to get a glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes.   I wonder though,  how much of the material is complete bullshit that's used to increase readership,  and how much is factual.   While I'm sure escorting is no different than any other job in that it has it's good days and bad days.  I'm curious what experiences you all have had with clients that have made you seriously consider getting out of the business.   And for that matter,  what experiences have you had with clients that have made you think,  "Damn I love this job!"

skyjockey461102 reads

Well then it's a good thing this question wasn't directed to you then huh?

I feel reassured when I find my date to be a total gentleman, yes the word may be a cliche and subjective to numerous meanings/interpretations, but chivalry shouldn't die specially in this scenario where is all about the fantasy, first impressions and chemistry. I am blown away by those who open, the door, who are discreet, sincere within the walls and constrains that surround this world and know exactly how to impress and charm a girl. I find that sometimes the envelop may take away all that but it is refreshing to know that there are human beings out there who are still genuine and concerned about the happiness of the other party even when it may be a brief encounter. Great conversation, gentleness during private time as well as legitimate interest on our conversation and interaction are elements that reassure constantly my decision to enter this profession.

Pimpathy900 reads

Almost a century ago, chivalry has become fantasy.

The 19th amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle; victory took decades of agitation and protest. Beginning in the mid-19th century, several generations of woman suffrage supporters lectured, wrote, marched, lobbied, and practiced civil disobedience to achieve what many Americans considered a radical change of the Constitution. Few early supporters lived to see final victory in 1920.

Beginning in the 1800s, women organized, petitioned, and picketed to win the right to vote, but it took them decades to accomplish their purpose. Between 1878, when the amendment was first introduced in Congress, and August 18, 1920, when it was ratified, champions of voting rights for women worked tirelessly, but strategies for achieving their goal varied. Some pursued a strategy of passing suffrage acts in each state—nine western states adopted woman suffrage legislation by 1912. Others challenged male-only voting laws in the courts. Militant suffragists used tactics such as parades, silent vigils, and hunger strikes. Often supporters met fierce resistance. Opponents heckled, jailed, and sometimes physically abused them.

By 1916, almost all of the major suffrage organizations were united behind the goal of a constitutional amendment. When New York adopted woman suffrage in 1917 and President Wilson changed his position to support an amendment in 1918, the political balance began to shift.

On May 21, 1919, the House of Representatives passed the amendment, and 2 weeks later, the Senate followed. When Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment on August 18, 1920, the amendment passed its final hurdle of obtaining the agreement of three-fourths of the states. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby certified the ratification on August 26, 1920, changing the face of the American electorate forever

89Springer1034 reads

Not everywhere. I still open doors, pull the chair out for the woman at a restaurant, sit so she faces the other diners, open her car door, walk on the curb side, and other traditional things.

Then again, I don't date radical feminists, at least that I know of.

Pimpathy994 reads

I'm only nice because I want pussy... Honestly, is there any other reason?

Posted By: 89Springer
Not everywhere. I still open doors, pull the chair out for the woman at a restaurant, sit so she faces the other diners, open her car door, walk on the curb side, and other traditional things.  
 Then again, I don't date radical feminists, at least that I know of.  

89Springer974 reads

Yes. Tradition, and maintaining the definition of a man.  

-- Modified on 3/29/2014 10:01:19 AM

Pimpathy978 reads

... a white knight's ? Seriously, in which tradition do you refer.

Pimpathy728 reads

Where did your forefather's get their tradition?

Probably doesn't have any friends in real life with that kind of attitude. I'd be surprised if he ever dated a civvy girl.

Tradition? Because my father did it? No. Our fathers and forefathers did a lot of things which I prefer to learn from but surely not to emulate. And I personally define "tradition" as the way to make people do things that no longer make any practical sense to continue doing.  

I do all of those things every chance I get for purely selfish reasons because they make me feel good when I do them. What can feel better then to see someone else being happy that you did something? Come on, when you strip it all down we all live for applause. Unappreciated human being usually is a very unhappy human being but appreciated one would always be in good mood. The one who gives always gets more then the one who gets. Because you can never get enough. No matter what you get, in short period of time you'll be bored with it and again feeling unfulfilled.  

It feels right and it makes me feel good when I see her being happy about me opening the door for her or helping her out with her coat. If she is a feminist to the extent that she can't differentiate between being patronized and accepting a patronage, well, poor woman she is. She's either not too smart even if well learned and/or has great inferiority complex about her actual intellectual abilities or her womanhood, and in her quest for big picture can no longer pause to appreciate little things in life. Sad for her

Because we know you can't write this well.  Second, what are you implying? That women's right to vote killed chivalry?  If so, I call bullshit.  And are we to infer that you're against women's right to vote?

GaGambler1156 reads

Can't you simply accept the fact that they are simply women who have sex for a living, and that when it comes right down to it they aren't that much different from a nurse, a secretary, or a woman who owns the restaurant down the street.

Do you have this same fascination for women who are in other lines of work? Or are you simply looking for titillating stories to jack off to?

Actually no,  it has nothing to do with the titillation factor (maybe you're just projecting?)   But you have to admit that this is an occupation that not very many people have first hand knowledge of.  Really no different than someone's curiosity in what goes on behind the scenes in the life of an astronaut,  professional athlete,  or brain surgeon.  And if my curiosity were something out of the ordinary,  then there wouldn't be such a large market for media which explores this area  (such as the books and mentioned a few posts back)

 What I DO find creepy is  how someone like you can spend endless time on this board over hundreds of posts daily in which you seem to take some sort of perverse joy out of ripping other people by convoluting their posts in order to make yourself seem somehow so much above it all and a  cut above the rest.   Sort of a new spin on the white knight syndrome.   I'd suggest maybe finding a new hobby.

Pimpathy911 reads

There are no "behind the scenes". Why can't you detach your "curiosity" from your "live" experiences?

skyjockey461027 reads

LOL what the hell are you talking about?  You're writing is about as illucidating as a first grade homework assignment.   And by the way,  aren't  you the same rapist sympathizer that had all the women on this board avoiding you like a leprotic pederast with bad breath?

Pimpathy835 reads

Although it's not hard to avoid some one, who does not have an active email account.

Posted By: skyjockey46
LOL what the hell are you talking about?  You're writing is about as illucidating as a first grade homework assignment.   And by the way,  aren't  you the same rapist sympathizer that had all the women on this board avoiding you like a leprotic pederast with bad breath?

GaGambler824 reads

There are tens of thousands of people logged onto just this site at any given moment day or night.

and there is no need for me to convolute your post, it along with all the other posts that wonder about the personal lives of sex workers indicate that you and many others seem to think that they are somehow "different" from the rest of us, which they most decidedly ARE NOT.

I don't claim to be a "cut above the rest" but after reading your posts, I am definitely a cut above you.

skyjockey461155 reads

I see.  So you're a member of a website in which its required that  when reviewing encounters with providers it is  required to expound on all the down and dirty intimate details such that they read like a prepubescent middle schooler's first attempt at a submission to Penthouse Forum.  And yet  somehow you equate my interest in what goes on behind the scenes,  from the provider's point of view,  as creepy and a desire for titillation?   I think the convolution here is your misconception of which of us is the kettle and which of us is the pot.    And I've read many of your other posts.   If you're a cut above me,  then I'd consider re-evaluating your criteria.   Unless cut above means you're the most vociferous amongst those in your little sewing circle.

GaGambler1170 reads

Yes, reviews serve a purpose. Your idle, or not so idle curiosity is "creepy"

You have a self described "fascination" about the private lives of hookers, yes that's a little creepy to me. If it's titillating "jack off" material you are looking for, might I suggest you go back to the Penthouse forum you seem to be so fond of.

While I agree his post is somewhat creepy, it is nowhere near as creepy as Duplicitouslust's turgid inquiries, which, when read, force one to imagine him jerking off on his keyboard.

Actually, I know him to be a pig, a drunk, a serial hooker-fucker and a defiler of Third World prostitutes.  And those are his good points! But on this board, some of "the rest" make him look good by comparison.  Then again, what do I know? I'm pretty much a pig myself and was just accused by this Board's biggest BSC of being a sociopath.
Even worse, Udo has called me a "guttersnipe."  I just love that one! LMAO!

Pimpathy1033 reads

You see a lady pay her to tell you her stories. I'm sure they will gladly tell you.

Posted By: skyjockey46
I confess that I'm endlessly fascinated by the lives of providers.   In the same way that I love playing the audio commentaries on DVDs,   I pore over any and all escort blogs to get a glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes.   I wonder though,  how much of the material is complete bullshit that's used to increase readership,  and how much is factual.   While I'm sure escorting is no different than any other job in that it has it's good days and bad days.  I'm curious what experiences you all have had with clients that have made you seriously consider getting out of the business.   And for that matter,  what experiences have you had with clients that have made you think,  "Damn I love this job!"

My bad.  I should have known better than to ask a question on a public open forum directed at the women who participate in this activity about a subject that many people are interested in,  instead of just sitting back and letting  the same handful of pathetic losers like you engage in your nonstop perpetual circle jerk of mindless chatter amongst yourselves which serves no real purpose other than persuading others from avoiding this section of the boards like the plague.   I stand corrected.

cuppajoe967 reads

. . a couple of anthologies that can be easily found.  

and the earlier volume:

Easy, episodic read.  Besides, on Amazon, you can "Look Inside" and check it out.  Unfortunately they skip the pages that has the good bits.  Trust me, I tried.  I ended up ordering the first book I mentioned.  Quick read, which was good, because I realized I did not want that book around the house, hinting at undue interest in that topic for a married man.  

Posted By: skyjockey46
I confess that I'm endlessly fascinated by the lives of providers.   In the same way that I love playing the audio commentaries on DVDs,   I pore over any and all escort blogs to get a glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes.   I wonder though,  how much of the material is complete bullshit that's used to increase readership,  and how much is factual.   While I'm sure escorting is no different than any other job in that it has it's good days and bad days.  I'm curious what experiences you all have had with clients that have made you seriously consider getting out of the business.   And for that matter,  what experiences have you had with clients that have made you think,  "Damn I love this job!"

89Springer929 reads

As I gain more experience in this hobby, I'm realizing that what I'm hearing from providers is a mix of truth, deception with the intent of disguising identity, fantasy stories to impress (and sometimes glamorize an otherwise drab existence), and fabrications that seem to serve no discernible purpose.

Month-long trips to Europe with billionaires, growing up on a ranch in Montana, only been in the biz a year (when reviews show that she's been in for six years, right out of high school), owns a beauty salon, works as a waitress, has been a fashion model in mens magazines, has a boyfriend, has a girlfriend, has no friends, has three 700 series BMW's, drives a VW Beetle, was a virgin until 19, was sexually active at 12...I've heard all of these, and sometimes conflicting stories from the same woman.

What does it matter? It's a fantasy. If I were dating her, it would matter. If she were my wife, hell yeah.  

I knew a guy in high school. He was pretty cool. One September on the first day of classes, I asked what he'd done over the summer. He said he'd gone to Europe, had visited the Louvre, castles on the Rhine, etc.  As I asked more, he finally said he'd made it all up. When I asked why, he said, "it had the same effect on you, didn't it?" He was right.  

And that's the way it is with providers. It's the effect, not the reality.

I got on the board for a while, then went out and had a latte at a 1950's sideshow. There, I contemplated the fascinations I'd had in my youth, and how for a longer time than might be healthy I dreamed of becoming the next Todd Browning. With a dash of Ionesco.

I don't think your fascination with the private lives of fantasy-makers is creepier than the alternative, which amounts to total disinterest.

Unless you're a true solipsist, it usually crosses the mind-- Where does she go when she goes away?

I suspect that many here among us have had rainy evenings when either cooking or going out was unappealing, so they ordered a pizza. When the pizza guy left into the weather, many assumed that he just vanished, no thought at all about him. Unfeeling. But to dwell on imagined adventures, glamour, or misery befalling the pizza guy also is strange.

If you contemplate using such information in creating some artistic pursuit, then just put up with being considered creepy. Artists usually are outcasts. Otherwise...

89Springer752 reads

No, not a Robert DeNiro impression. ;)

Was your post directed to me or to the OP at the start of the thread? I don't have any particular fascination with private lives, but was simply remarking on the conflicting stories that providers have told me.

Pimpathy796 reads

Guys like fiction (BS), and we are paying for a performance.  

... it's kinda expected.


Posted By: 89Springer
As I gain more experience in this hobby, I'm realizing that what I'm hearing from providers is a mix of truth, deception with the intent of disguising identity, fantasy stories to impress (and sometimes glamorize an otherwise drab existence), and fabrications that seem to serve no discernible purpose.  
 Month-long trips to Europe with billionaires, growing up on a ranch in Montana, only been in the biz a year (when reviews show that she's been in for six years, right out of high school), owns a beauty salon, works as a waitress, has been a fashion model in mens magazines, has a boyfriend, has a girlfriend, has no friends, has three 700 series BMW's, drives a VW Beetle, was a virgin until 19, was sexually active at 12...I've heard all of these, and sometimes conflicting stories from the same woman.  
 What does it matter? It's a fantasy. If I were dating her, it would matter. If she were my wife, hell yeah.  
 I knew a guy in high school. He was pretty cool. One September on the first day of classes, I asked what he'd done over the summer. He said he'd gone to Europe, had visited the Louvre, castles on the Rhine, etc.  As I asked more, he finally said he'd made it all up. When I asked why, he said, "it had the same effect on you, didn't it?" He was right.  
 And that's the way it is with providers. It's the effect, not the reality.

An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young....

Zoe Piers

Posted By: skyjockey46
I confess that I'm endlessly fascinated by the lives of providers.   In the same way that I love playing the audio commentaries on DVDs,   I pore over any and all escort blogs to get a glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes.   I wonder though,  how much of the material is complete bullshit that's used to increase readership,  and how much is factual.   While I'm sure escorting is no different than any other job in that it has it's good days and bad days.  I'm curious what experiences you all have had with clients that have made you seriously consider getting out of the business.   And for that matter,  what experiences have you had with clients that have made you think,  "Damn I love this job!"

There lives are not anymore interesting than any other.  I got to know several providers pretty well over the years.  They go to school, are single moms, had assholes for boyfriends or husbands. Some are supporting a drug habit.  All you should care about are providers who love sex.  There are many of them but not as many as I would like.  If you find one treat her very well (expensive gifts) because the grass is not always greener on the other side.

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