TER General Board

No, it's not and you might want to verse yourself on the rules and regs
sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 4038 reads

regarding reviews, etc. so you don't find yourself in trouble with TER staff; as well as allow yourself the good opportunities. (See the menu listing)

Be patient. You'll get your first review. We never forget our 'first'! LOL

I'm still a newbie I guess to the 'biz' as I do not have any reviews. I've met a few people from the boards, but they have not done a review of me. In my experience with customer related fields most people do not review things unless it's bad. Would it be ethical for me to offer some of my time for free in exchange for a review to be posted? To me it seems fair as the person giving the review is giving of their time to do it?? An exchange of time for time, but I wanted your thoughts on this. As to whether it is fair or not? Thank you in advance to all those who reply. ::smile::



SirPrize2724 reads

Tough to enforce, but offering an extra 30 min. if a guy promises to write a review seems ok as long as he is free to write a real review.

The idea was to give the free time on their next appointment with me after they had done the review. It certainly pays to ask a question here. ::smile:: TER and the majority have said it's not okay, so I'll go with that. Thank you so much for your response. ::hugglies::


regarding reviews, etc. so you don't find yourself in trouble with TER staff; as well as allow yourself the good opportunities. (See the menu listing)

Be patient. You'll get your first review. We never forget our 'first'! LOL

Thanks Sedona, I appreciate the response. :)



PS Off to read TER stuff lol

Good advice Sedona.  If she does well, someone will write a review.  It should not take long for that to happen.

Katt....you will be asking for trouble by giving "free time" in exchange for a review. If you would like a hobbyist to give you a review, ask them after your meeting.

Now if you want to donate time because you enjoy the hobbyist,...thats a totally different story.

Thanks MDL for your input as well. hugglies =0)



frankie2003a3078 reads

I've enclosed two separate links that I initiated.  One is from
the General Discussion board, the other is from the LA board.

The threads are long.  For the Cliff Note version, read the
original post and the replys from posters with red handles.




monette2812 reads

I have been working since July and only have two reviews I know how you feel but it is not ethical. My clients say they want to keep me a secret and to themselves because I take a limited number of appoinments and several of them like overnights and when I do overnights I only take that one appointment. I asked them why no reviews and that was the answer I recieved. LOL So maybe the guys who see you want to keep you a secret. I was upset at first but now I think they are as precious as gems.
Hugs and Kisses

Actually, Monette, I have had a couple clients say that very thing. teehee And to be honest I loved them for saying that, but still I could use the review. One of them, has had an extremely busy schedule and not been able to see me very much. ::pouty face:: But he did mention he may do one for me in our last conversation. So hopefully I'll have one soon. ::bouncing up and down with a cheesy grin::



Giving a client a freebie, is rarely, a good idea...just my humble opinion...I know many of you guys will disagree with me. I have one client that has been a regular of mine since I began in the business, and I have given him one freebie, and may do it again from time to time. He's a very loyal and enjoyable client and I do it because I want to...but I would never give a new client a freebie...just sets the wrong precedent and can cause trouble later.
When I began as a new provider I did offer a small discount for a review...but it wasn't on the session reviewed. The offer was, if the client wrote a review, he would receive a $25 discount on the following session. I don't think that's unethical, and I don't think it entices someone to write a nice review of you. If a client doesn't like a provider, no discount will get them to return. If he returns to see her, I think that says that he must have had a decent time. I never asked anyone to write anything that was untrue.
What something like that does do, is get someone to write a review that may not ordinarily bother to do it. I'm lucky to get 1 review for every 15 appointments. A lot of guys have reasons (reasonable or not) for not writing reviews.
It does take patience anyway....I haven't had a review on this site since JUNE!!! Have I been seeing clients? Absolutely. Have they all had a terrible time with me? Not bloody likely. That's just the way things go sometimes.
The majority of the clients I see don't use TER so writing a review on this site wouldn't occur to them.

Gothicman3100 reads

"The majority of the clients I see don't use TER so writing a review on this site wouldn't occur to them."

Thats a good point, but whats the best way to go about that? I would feel uncomfortable asking a client to take time out of their busy schedules to do something that would benefit me. (Part of the reason I was thinking of offering the free time exchange thing)



there are other review sites than TER Gothicman. If someone finds me from one of those sites, I don't see any problem with them posting their review of me on one of those sites. And guess what? I like being able to read my reviews for free. On TER I have to pay to read my own reviews. So although the gents are able to get VIP time for writing reviews, we ladies have no such preminum perk.
I've also had several clients who have tried to post reviews of me here, only to have them rejected time after time. If TER will not accept a tasteful, discreet, polite review, then many will have no choice but to post their reviews elsewhere.
I know that for many TER is the ultimate review site, but it's not perfect, and it isn't for everyone. I'm not slamming anyone here, I do find TER useful for interesting discourse. I do use it, and I do appreciate what it can do for both the gents, and  the ladies. I'm just trying to post a seldom seen perspective, that many of you don't seem to consider. Please don't flame me on this, it's just not useful, and won't change anything I've stated here. Peace. xxx Octavia.

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