TER General Board

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 220 reads

Of course not.  It has, however, changed my opinion of actors.  :-)

Posted By: Fart.On.Me
I was curious for your opinions, has your involvement in the hobby given you a higher or lower opinion of women in general? or has it changed it in some way?

I was curious for your opinions, has your involvement in the hobby given you a higher or lower opinion of women in general? or has it changed it in some way?

if anything, my experience in the hobby has increased my level of respect and honor for all women. i hope they get that feeling from my encounters with them.

ROGM344 reads

I give a lot of credit to women that do this. It probably takes a lot of (for a lack of a better word)bravery for these women to cater to us guys. But then again women will always need money non hobby women or providers. The thing I find myself doing is when I see a gorgeous looking woman in my daily travels, I ask myself how much would she charge for a session.

GaGambler207 reads

Do you make your estimates in dollars, or in milk and diapers?

I saw my first provider when I was 20 and then not again for a few decades.  I hadn't thought about providers or had a real opinion.  Since I have been involved with the hobby I have thought more and more of providers as independent and skilled professionals.  I don't want to go over board: There are crappy lawyers and crappy doctors, and crappy architects and --of course-- crappy providers. But my experience has been generally with bright talented independent women.  
My opinion of women professionally has been shaped by my experiences: in med school, half our class was female, my specialty is led by physicians of both genders in equal numbers.  
My wife is a very accomplished professional and I have four daughters and one son and the daughters I am proud to say are all independent and accomplished women (except the youngest who is working in a difficult area and whose is too young to have yet received the success I know will be hers. The same is true of my son who is the youngest of the five.)

Druggie that walked the streets looking for their next high. That's what the pop culture stereotypes were back in my youth. Never thought too much about it until later in life. If only the non hobby world could be made to understand that this isn't sleezy work performed by Crack heads.

Of course not.  It has, however, changed my opinion of actors.  :-)

Posted By: Fart.On.Me
I was curious for your opinions, has your involvement in the hobby given you a higher or lower opinion of women in general? or has it changed it in some way?

bigguy30320 reads

They are very smart, sexy and have a good head on their shoulders.
I enjoy mature experience providers and some younger ones, from time to time.
So each of the ladies, I dated all have the same things in common.
It's been a pleasure spending time with all of them!

Posted By: Fart.On.Me
I was curious for your opinions, has your involvement in the hobby given you a higher or lower opinion of women in general? or has it changed it in some way?
-- Modified on 4/11/2016 7:03:18 AM

I have little patience for naive and stupid.  
So for me the best part of seeing providers is they are generally neither.  
That smart ass sense of humor, the edgy demeanor and often a compassionate nature keeps me coming back for more

FatVern249 reads

That this endeavor has lessened my opinion of women in general. Some of the worse people in the world are hookers.

Posted By: Fart.On.Me
I was curious for your opinions, has your involvement in the hobby given you a higher or lower opinion of women in general? or has it changed it in some way?

Before starting out, I was always fascinated by the industry, but I was much more of the opinion that sex work was for the most part "oppressive". Now, I am completely the opposite: never have I met so many wonderful, capable, beautiful and intelligent women as I have during my time as a provider. It takes not only guts, but a significant amount of work, ambition and endurance to be in this industry.

My mother was a religious nut who was ashamed of her body, and thought that a picture of a woman in a bikini was pornography.  In my teen years, Playboy introduced me to women who were not ashamed of their bodies, and had a positive attitude about sex.  Now that I'm in the P4P world, something I've long suspected has been confirmed: the best women are sex-positive feminists.  I love, respect, and even worship a liberated woman.  I feel sorry for those who are trapped in psychosis like my mother was, but I don't have time to waste on them.

In my civvie dating days I felt there were very few "good" women among the many "not so good"  Most of my dating relationships failed.

Hobby land has made it so easy to find the "good" and I simply don't worry about the "not so good"  The ratio is probably the same, but now I don't waist my time with failure anymore.  Enjoy near 100% success because I know what I want, and it is so easy to find simply by reading reviews.

Still married after 30+ years.  20 years of great sex.  The last 12 years of outsourced sex has kept my marriage together.  Don't need to look for another relationship.  Satisfy my "needs" with escorts and go home to sleep with the wife every night.

I've discovered that women are sweet, loving, and adorable creatures when properly motivated.

I hold women in high regard, and I am always a gentlemen. I also realized the dating game is stacked against guys in a serious way. I am still superficial when it comes to looks, but I am not going to put up with a beautiful woman's BS because I know I can get someone as gorgeous or better than her easily. Know when to cash out and walk away from the table. If you are going to spend the money, get something for it. $900 date to get a kiss on the cheek, warm handshake, and a half promise to call you back vs. $900 for two hours with an escort. Which is the better investment?

Too broad a question to change my mind about women, except some women practice their craft and have the skills to work it (as in the escort business), with all different types of people. They’re also confident and don’t let a setback get the best of them; that is, they have a high degree of tolerance. Now when they get good clients they really appreciate them because it reminds them what they do brings pleasure to others and it gives meaning to their lives. For them, they get a nice donation in return to keep them going and perhaps have the means to pursue other interests (?). Yet they also love what they do, as they know it’s in there nature to not only accept it, but to embrace it and they get positive feedback (or confirmation) to the importance of pleasure from their clients.

Of course these women need appreciative and honest men to keep them going in their lifestyle; call them gentlemen. (I trust gentlemen write reviews that make sense and are honest, at least from their point-of-view; thus attracting other gentlemen to seek out the same escorts.) I also like to believe, successful escorts get successful men and visa-versa.

Is there any difference between escorts and civvie woman? No, except the former is most likely to be better at her profession of giving love than the latter.  

With the above said, everyone sees things differently to some extent, but like-minded people may get more enjoyment out of each others’ company. These people know what they want; they have a healthy opinion of themselves and they seek out others that are also similar in thinking. Sometimes, I ask myself, who are my best allies (?); I’ll give credit to the clients (or men, as most of them here are in the majority) because through their reviews they get me to the right kind of escort.

-- Modified on 4/13/2016 9:08:16 AM

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