TER General Board

Next time
CallofBooty 2787 reads
1 / 40

I would like both ladies and hobbyists thoughts on this topic as I'm sure some may have done this or experienced it at some point. I have a problem with a client who has begun to take advantage of my kindness by thinking it's okay to stay over time every time. Yes I have had a great time with the client over the months and I let him stay over time for 2 extra hours a few times for free. But as the months have passed, he feels entitled to this extra time. It has now gone from the 2 hours to asking for 10 hours. I now feel my kindness is being taken advantage of. All at my 2 hour minimum rate. The man even gets mad at me for scheduling other clients on the same day I'm supposed to see him when he expects free time and gets mad if I cut the appointment to the length of time all my clients are expected to leave. This is supposed to be a business transaction not a charity hour for himself to put it brutally honest. He has also tried asking for a new way to pay my rate, which would turn into paying whatever he felt like as if he was a sugar daddy. I'm not okay with that so I said no. Recently he told me he would leave during the appointment since I was not okay seeing him for an overnight appointment at this 2 hour rate. He told me my actions are over the top and he would go see another provider. His lack of disrespect, manipulative tactics, and not compensating me for these huge lengths of my time piss me off. Is this a good client gone bad or am I missing something in the communication process? I'm all for talking things out but I'm not sure if this is one of those situations where I can fix it?

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 1097 reads
2 / 40

to stop seeing him. I would tell him we had some great moments but it's time to move on to greener pastures. No need for the aggravation in my opinion. I am pretty sure we have all been there. It's best to cut ties sooner rather than later

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 1036 reads
3 / 40

I would leave this guy alone.If he is getting mad at you over YOUR time and not paying you for the extra time it sounds like a guy who thinks you are his sugar baby not an escort.
If a provider chooses to let a gent stay over without paying then she is being very generous to do so.
That does not mean to take advantage of the situation.
He clearly does not respect your time.
If you have had to tell him more than once that he has overstayed his time and he has not paid you anything extra to compensate for the additional time.Time to move on.
And he should not be getting mad at you regarding your other clients that is not his business.

How can he expect to see you on a 10hr date but pay you your 2hr rate?That does not make a bit of sense.
As long as you entertain this guy he is going to feel entitled to free time and getting upset about things that are not his business.Let him see other providers.I could not be bothered that is way too much

Arovet 62 Reviews 809 reads
4 / 40

Drop him immediately, you don't need that kind of aggravation. I feel sorry for the woman who gets involved with this guy IRL, sounds like an entitled, egomaniacal, misogynistic bottle-fed douchenozzle.

GaGambler 1227 reads
5 / 40

You are partially at fault here. You train people how you expect to be treated, and in this case you "trained" this client to think his actions were acceptable until finally he started asking (demanding) "too much", even by your low standards.

Ask yourself this question, have you given this guy the impression that there is more to your "relationship" than a simply hooker/john arrangement? It certainly sounds like he got that idea from somewhere.

I see one of two things have caused this problem for you, either he thinks you are his GF/SB, and that you aren't really seeing him for the money. OR it proves you just can't be nice to some people. Most likely a little of both, and equally as likely the culpability is also shared.

As for what to do now, unfortunately it sounds like you have already let this go too far to ever get it back on track. Your only real hope is to at least "try" to give him a dose of reality and let him know that any ideas he has about you two being in a "real" relationship is in his mind only, and that you are a working girl who not only has to make a living, but who can't make a living if she spends unlimited time with one client, and then as forcefully as necessary remind him that is what he is, a "client"  

Most likely if it has gotten as bad as you describe, he won't take it well and you will have to cut him loose, but just remember in the future what kind of signals you want to send off. There is a huge difference between rewarding a good client with "extra time" and seeing a guy for huge chunks of time because "you like him" Yes, it is his fault for taking a mile after you offered only an inch, but it sounds like you weren't terribly clear in letting him know where the line is, and that my dear is on you.

cocktail-party 1019 reads
6 / 40

There's no fixing this. He's going to keep pushing and he's probably done it before and will do it to the next lady who gives him an inch.  

We typically advise the guys to move on if he's dealing with a PITA provider. Same goes for you. Plenty o' fish in the sea; don't waste any time on the jerks.

followme 1022 reads
7 / 40

Make an exception for fatboy?

Thank you
2015 = 28

Oldtimemonger 847 reads
8 / 40

That's what I mean In the Other thread. OTC time=Lines Got Blurred

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 892 reads
10 / 40

a "man" again and how he reiterates he likes ggs only) lol.  

-- Modified on 8/23/2015 12:32:07 PM

-- Modified on 8/23/2015 12:55:49 PM

CallofBooty 1106 reads
11 / 40

You're right, I probably have trained this guy to treat me this way, unknowingly. I guess I wasn't aware of the signals I was giving this guy. I've never thought of myself as a gf/sb since I was only okay with the extra time every now and then, if I'm enjoying myself during those particular appointments. When you give someone an inch they'll take a mile in this hobby haha.

The steady income was nice but the level of disrespect has reached its limit. He just recently requested an overnight appointment and that's too much for me to go through for free so it looks like I should not meet with the client anymore.  
Posted By: GaGambler
You are partially at fault here. You train people how you expect to be treated, and in this case you "trained" this client to think his actions were acceptable until finally he started asking (demanding) "too much", even by your low standards.  
 Ask yourself this question, have you given this guy the impression that there is more to your "relationship" than a simply hooker/john arrangement? It certainly sounds like he got that idea from somewhere.  
 I see one of two things have caused this problem for you, either he thinks you are his GF/SB, and that you aren't really seeing him for the money. OR it proves you just can't be nice to some people. Most likely a little of both, and equally as likely the culpability is also shared.  
 As for what to do now, unfortunately it sounds like you have already let this go too far to ever get it back on track. Your only real hope is to at least "try" to give him a dose of reality and let him know that any ideas he has about you two being in a "real" relationship is in his mind only, and that you are a working girl who not only has to make a living, but who can't make a living if she spends unlimited time with one client, and then as forcefully as necessary remind him that is what he is, a "client"  
 Most likely if it has gotten as bad as you describe, he won't take it well and you will have to cut him loose, but just remember in the future what kind of signals you want to send off. There is a huge difference between rewarding a good client with "extra time" and seeing a guy for huge chunks of time because "you like him" Yes, it is his fault for taking a mile after you offered only an inch, but it sounds like you weren't terribly clear in letting him know where the line is, and that my dear is on you.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1006 reads
12 / 40

I suggest reading up on the subject, thusly:

bobs.sugar.baby 941 reads
13 / 40

There are plenty more men out there. If he's not even buying you gifts or anything, you have to move on because he can't handle it. It would be different if you gladly enjoyed it, and it was mutual, but that's not what it sounds like in your op. Don't be mean about it, just be conveniently unavailable. And he's there when you need the funds or during slow seasons.

It sounds to me like it's gone too far for you, and probably too far for him. There's no clarity. Doesn't sound like you're going to get back to the way things used to be, and he just isn't going to understand. If you try to make him understand you will be wasting your breath.

GaGambler 658 reads
14 / 40
Corythehuman 12 Reviews 809 reads
15 / 40

For once everyone agrees on this board . Should be a sign to say goodbye to the guy.

bobs.sugar.baby 795 reads
16 / 40

We teach people how to treat us. I remember someone going out of their way to offer up clients to me. I felt weird about it, but they kept insisting. I noticed they then started to get upset at me about it. Over time, if someone offered me something, I said, "no thank you, I will do my own work." The initial intention was good on their part, but I didn't want to be blamed later on for the favor they strongly offered. I remember thinking, hey, you offered and I said no, but you insisted. I didn't ask for it. But instead, I decided to leave it alone and simply work on a non business friendship, which was what I wanted in the first place. It works better when you either keep it business, or keep it personal. It is strongly encouraged everywhere, and rarely works out for good.

And to the OP, it is OK to see your part in this, and take ownership for where you may have given the wrong impression. It will save you annoyance in the future.

L.Guapo 653 reads
17 / 40

Don't explain, don't complain.  Just stop taking his calls and emails.  You were foolish to let it get this far.  I hope he has no personal information of yours.

Provider4U 736 reads
18 / 40

Geez, girl, how do you pay your bills?
Even just two hours of free time is A LOT!!

I would absolutely push him away, but as nicely as possible. So he doesn't start posting false things about you online and try to ruin your reputation.

If needed, come up with excuses why you don't have that much time anymore.

Why would you even want to "fix it" after this guy takes such advantage of you? Are you in a city where business is really slow?

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 698 reads
19 / 40

most of us when we talk about OTC we usually refer to 10, 20 heck even 30 min but 2 hours.. thats just plain abuse.

Dr. joe 32 Reviews 655 reads
20 / 40

Tell him you know he booked two hours but you also know he will be available for a few hours after and you have two gay clients that will be bye who have paid you to have him give them each a BBJ as you have promised knowing he would be hanging around on your time

CallofBooty 655 reads
21 / 40

It's been a slow two months with unexpected bills for me (which has done me no favors), and constant touring is a PITA for me with my responsibilities at the moment so I've sucked it up and tolerated his BS until now. I guess the income from him is no longer worth it.

L.Guapo 581 reads
22 / 40

Pathetic.  This one has nothing to do with some simple OTC time in the room or at dinner.  And no connection with what I or others I know do.  Are you a lawyer in Philadelphia?

harborview 10 Reviews 1006 reads
23 / 40

but this guy is a moocher...  dump him...

expertiamator 740 reads
24 / 40

Posted By: CallofBooty
I would like both ladies and hobbyists thoughts on this topic as I'm sure some may have done this or experienced it at some point. I have a problem with a client who has begun to take advantage of my kindness by thinking it's okay to stay over time every time. Yes I have had a great time with the client over the months and I let him stay over time for 2 extra hours a few times for free. But as the months have passed, he feels entitled to this extra time. It has now gone from the 2 hours to asking for 10 hours. I now feel my kindness is being taken advantage of. All at my 2 hour minimum rate. The man even gets mad at me for scheduling other clients on the same day I'm supposed to see him when he expects free time and gets mad if I cut the appointment to the length of time all my clients are expected to leave. This is supposed to be a business transaction not a charity hour for himself to put it brutally honest. He has also tried asking for a new way to pay my rate, which would turn into paying whatever he felt like as if he was a sugar daddy. I'm not okay with that so I said no. Recently he told me he would leave during the appointment since I was not okay seeing him for an overnight appointment at this 2 hour rate. He told me my actions are over the top and he would go see another provider. His lack of disrespect, manipulative tactics, and not compensating me for these huge lengths of my time piss me off. Is this a good client gone bad or am I missing something in the communication process? I'm all for talking things out but I'm not sure if this is one of those situations where I can fix it?

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 906 reads
25 / 40

Now I don't disagree that by wanting/expecting a 10 hour date when he paid for 2 is greedy and unfair.  But this quoted passage from your op makes me feel there is a little more at work here than just a jump from 2 hours of mutually agreed upon fun to a 10 hour ultimatum.

Posted By: CallofBooty
Yes I have had a great time with the client over the months and I let him stay over time for 2 extra hours a few times for free.  
My view of OTC time may be different from most, but my view is that it is not an extension of the original contract so to speak, but a whole new arrangement.  Neither party is being generous with their time.  If we had a bargain for 2 hours, we did our 2 hours, and we both agree we want more, there are no favors involved.  Now we are just two people who like each other's company.  I don't want to sound immodest but outside our deal I feel that my time is as valuable as yours.  If we want to do dinner, great.  If we want to go to a ballgame, great.  But if we're going, it's because we both want to do it.  I won't call this part of our time spent together a date - but I would like someone to explain to me how it's not lol.

And it sounds like you did have some great times with him, and I would say that any OTC time was as much for your enjoyment as for his.  But I agree with you that this can never be an expectation.   If it stops being fun for one of you, the other does not have the right to demand OTC time (and this can run both ways as I have had providers do outcalls and stay WAY beyond our agreed time - I'm sure others have too - but I enjoy the time she stays over as much as I assume she does.  That's why we do it.  But I never feel I'm being generous, or doing her a favor as you suggest - it's just two people wanting to be together and she is free to leave any time she wants).  

So, I would say that if you want to try to preserve whatever possibility there may be for good times you may have with him in the future, talking to him would not be a horrible idea. He may think you were having the same great time as you were when you gladly spent the extra two hours with him.  If you tell him it can't always be that way, he may feel really bad and be more respectful.  Or he may be really selfish and feel entitled.  There is no way to know unless you talk like mature adults.  But if there is enough to potentially enjoy together in the future, a conversation never hurts.  But if I was a betting man, I'd say if he left midsession he has moved on from you at this point absent that conversation.  

All in all, it depends on what you want out of it.  But if he was good enough to go all that way with for many months, if you had a good time together, and if you think he is capable of respecting you if he understands what you spell out to him, then maybe one little chat is warranted.

russbbj 89 Reviews 715 reads
26 / 40

It sounds like this client has well overstepped his bounds and thus is not a good client. If I were you when he said "my actions are over the top and he would go see another provider", this would have been a good opportunity for you to say "that might be a good idea, as this doesn't seem to be working for either of us". You may want to tell him that he shouldn't confuse your kindness as stupidity.

I understand that I am donating for her time. I am the clockwatcher, I have had a few ladies that hung around for a short time after our time was up, but it was hang out time without additional action.

Conversely, if she said she would arrive at 6:30 for a two hour appointment and she doesn't show up at my door until 7:00 then my expectation is that she will stay until 9:00. If I'm late, I completely understand that my lateness cuts into my time. If she's late, either she should stay for the agreed upon time or refund me accordingly.

This really is a simple arrangement.

CallofBooty 709 reads
27 / 40

I completely agree that I should've let him go when he mentioned seeing another provider. His entitlement has gone overboard and I'm done. I've always appreciated it when people did nice/generous things for me even in this industry and remembered their thoughtfulness in that moment. I didn't realize that being nice/generous in this business a few times to a client would lead to being taken advantage of on the regular. You learn new things every day haha.

mojojo 1 Reviews 1287 reads
28 / 40

For the regular, run of the mill session, there's never any issues. But every once in awhile, you make a stellar connection, and the OTC lines blur. In my situation I've been asked by many different ladies, anything and everything OTC. Two ladies even wanted to start OTC relationships. When OTC happens, it's a very flattering experience, and can even be a bit addictive. I have to be honest here. When it happens, those ladies go directly to the top of my list. Call it bang for your buck or whatever, what normal gentleman wouldn't want to spend extra time with a beautiful woman? However, I must offer this disclaimer. In the event it does happen, it's one hundred per cent up to the lady. It's never based on my wishes, desires, nor any expectations. Sometimes my great connections say they have another session shortly, and it's off I go. Sometimes that very same lady will invite me to lunch, and hang for an hour or four. If nothing is said at all, her body language will tell me when it's time to go.  

You really must have had a great connection with this gentleman to let him stay an extra 2 hours a few times. It sounds like he's not experienced enough in the hobby to move away from the addictive side of OTC. I'm not sure if communication is the right answer at this time. It might be time to just let him go see those other ladies, and figure out for himself what a wonderful thing he had going with you. In a year or so, if he sincerely apologizes, and guarantees to behave himself OTC wise, you might reconsider. Best wishes!

CallofBooty 753 reads
29 / 40

I've had a great time with him as a client. Nothing more. The man is far beyond my years and I do have a special guy in my life whom I met in school. Definitely not "that" type of situation.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 743 reads
30 / 40

don't put up with his demands. He's turned into a worst nightmare kind of client. Let him go see whoever his lil heart desires. He thinks you NEEDS him. Nothing will send him the correct message more than  radio silence.

Steph xoxo

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 756 reads
31 / 40

Well, with that age difference it sounds like it could be a power play on the part of your client.  I now join the chorus: move on.

Posted By: CallofBooty
I've had a great time with him as a client. Nothing more. The man is far beyond my years and I do have a special guy in my life whom I met in school. Definitely not "that" type of situation.

stucaboy 860 reads
32 / 40

You are correct as always.  This "problem" will only get worst.  He thinks it's a relationship but we know better.

Posted By: TS Sasha
to stop seeing him. I would tell him we had some great moments but it's time to move on to greener pastures. No need for the aggravation in my opinion. I am pretty sure we have all been there. It's best to cut ties sooner rather than later.  

VOO-doo 807 reads
33 / 40

It doesn't sound like it's worth doing so, anyway.  

There are tons of clients like that. Based upon my experiences, you have two choices: fend him off, as you've been doing, or send him packing. It's not about making him see things your way, because he just won't. You can't make a guy who thinks he can pay for 2 hours and get 10, pay for 10. He'll never do it. You also can't make him leave after 2 hours. He might do that, but he'll give you hell.  

It's not just about time...it's about respect. For your time, your business...and YOURSELF. He doesn't have that respect.

I'd just be 'busy'. Figure out what early vibes might have alerted you to his manipulative tendencies, and avoid people like him like the plague...they are a sap on your time, money, and especially, your energy.

Some clients are happy to be clients. If they want a dinner date, that's what they book. They don't want to finagle a GF or fuck buddy...or, even a regular buddy. They're looking for an escort, and they are all too happy to pay for what services they need. Good clients (AKA nice, considerate people) want to make sure that you (the service provider they have HIRED) are well-taken care of, fairly paid, and happy.

ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 818 reads
34 / 40

Stop seeing this "gentleman".

Like you said, this is disrespectful, manipulative, and just not good business if I am being honest. Granted, it's good to have "regulars", but at what cost to you? Too much in this case. I'm normally very laid back about most things but this borders on extortion. I understand that you have had a great time with him, but no one is worth being taken advantage of. Simple as that.  

However, if you really do want to try and fix things, but up front about the situation. Where both money and feelings are involved, I'd imagine not many of us can afford to beat around the bush. If he doesn't like it, then he will have to look elsewhere.  

I do hope things work out for the best though!

MojoRizon 642 reads
35 / 40

Why can't you just say "Hey just so you know, I have somewhere to be after this appt"...and then duck out, start getting dressed etc...

Gambler is right...you enabled this dude by giving him extra time now and then.  You need to draw the line somewhere.  

Personally I'd just dump this dude and move on.

goofball42 1 Reviews 847 reads
36 / 40

There's been a lot of good advice. However, maybe it am an be explained like this to him:

Sometimes, you get to do things at work that are actually interesting and fun, or you work with someone you enjoy.  You might even out in a few extra hours because of it. If your employer then started expecting you to out in A LOT more overtime for free, or just paid you for two hours when you worked 8, that wouldn't fly for very long, would it?

This is the same way. It doesn't mean you don't enjoy your time with him, but this is the way you make a living. If he can't understand that, then I'd cut him loose

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 757 reads
37 / 40

You are the only one who can fix it.  

There is always people who will take advantage of someone's good nature.  

Stop seeing him for while then you can set the terms correct, if you decide to see him again.

Remember idiots are abound in this world.

danteposh See my TER Reviews 838 reads
38 / 40

The sense of entitlement, the lack of respect and the fact that he would even mention going to someone else as leverage should tell you to just let him go!  Don't take his calls, answer his emails..  Just drop him!!

Posted By: CallofBooty
I would like both ladies and hobbyists thoughts on this topic as I'm sure some may have done this or experienced it at some point. I have a problem with a client who has begun to take advantage of my kindness by thinking it's okay to stay over time every time. Yes I have had a great time with the client over the months and I let him stay over time for 2 extra hours a few times for free. But as the months have passed, he feels entitled to this extra time. It has now gone from the 2 hours to asking for 10 hours. I now feel my kindness is being taken advantage of. All at my 2 hour minimum rate. The man even gets mad at me for scheduling other clients on the same day I'm supposed to see him when he expects free time and gets mad if I cut the appointment to the length of time all my clients are expected to leave. This is supposed to be a business transaction not a charity hour for himself to put it brutally honest. He has also tried asking for a new way to pay my rate, which would turn into paying whatever he felt like as if he was a sugar daddy. I'm not okay with that so I said no. Recently he told me he would leave during the appointment since I was not okay seeing him for an overnight appointment at this 2 hour rate. He told me my actions are over the top and he would go see another provider. His lack of disrespect, manipulative tactics, and not compensating me for these huge lengths of my time piss me off. Is this a good client gone bad or am I missing something in the communication process? I'm all for talking things out but I'm not sure if this is one of those situations where I can fix it?

bigguy30 731 reads
39 / 40

It's very simple here.
If a hobbyist or provider do not show the other person respect on the date.
Just move on and don't see or talk to them anymore!

Posted By: CallofBooty
I would like both ladies and hobbyists thoughts on this topic as I'm sure some may have done this or experienced it at some point. I have a problem with a client who has begun to take advantage of my kindness by thinking it's okay to stay over time every time. Yes I have had a great time with the client over the months and I let him stay over time for 2 extra hours a few times for free. But as the months have passed, he feels entitled to this extra time. It has now gone from the 2 hours to asking for 10 hours. I now feel my kindness is being taken advantage of. All at my 2 hour minimum rate. The man even gets mad at me for scheduling other clients on the same day I'm supposed to see him when he expects free time and gets mad if I cut the appointment to the length of time all my clients are expected to leave. This is supposed to be a business transaction not a charity hour for himself to put it brutally honest. He has also tried asking for a new way to pay my rate, which would turn into paying whatever he felt like as if he was a sugar daddy. I'm not okay with that so I said no. Recently he told me he would leave during the appointment since I was not okay seeing him for an overnight appointment at this 2 hour rate. He told me my actions are over the top and he would go see another provider. His lack of disrespect, manipulative tactics, and not compensating me for these huge lengths of my time piss me off. Is this a good client gone bad or am I missing something in the communication process? I'm all for talking things out but I'm not sure if this is one of those situations where I can fix it?

harborview 10 Reviews 748 reads
40 / 40

between some extra time after the play is done...  one gal i'd pick up lunch for us before i left...  another we would chat for a while after we are done playing...  we talk about RW.  But if her phone rings, it's no longer my time & she takes the call.  I have even needed to leave in a hurry.  It's still coupled with a P4P.

An OTC relationship there is no appointment & no envolupe...

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