TER General Board

NBL got sued enough, and they now don't show up in google searches. E
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 600 reads


shynt2346 reads

How much and what type of information do providers post/have access to in their background checks?

I'm curious as to how much anonymity as guy can maintain in this hobby?  I was recently told that providers assist each other by reviewing guys they see, but that the information is only visible to verified providers.

This makes me wonder about a few things:
1.  When and what do providers post about guys?
2.  Has anyone ever heard of this information leaking out?

shynt836 reads

But, what about women who require ID?  What if they post something about that person - even if positive?

have such onerous requirements than those do. Plenty of fish out there if you are like me, who lives close to large metropolitan area..

Also, here's tip for you..

Just because she says she does X-Y-Z for screening, doesn't mean she really does for every single guy. It only means she says that she does.

No one can force you to show an ID. Move on.

No one is going to post anything about you unless you are a danger. We don't "review" guys in the same way that we're reviewed.  

Posted By: shynt
But, what about women who require ID?  What if they post something about that person - even if positive?  

shynt754 reads

Thanks.  So, other than the obvious of hurting/stiffing/refusing to respect limitations could result in creating a trail/posting by provider?

You won't do it, or other sane providers won't do it.. I have had girls put me on NBL because they didn't like my post, which was not even directed at them.  They also put me on BL because of my review of them was exactly generous in terms of me singing their praises. Just imagine if they had my real name and real phone # or even worse, work info.  

You won't do it. I agree, but plenty of them who would do it in a heartbeat.

GaGambler615 reads

and I am sure I am far from the only one here.

If you doubt me, just check out the Newbie and Chicago boards and ask Nicoleta if she would see me at any price. lmao

AFICIONADO13663 reads

If you posted under an alias how would they find out this information?

GaGambler646 reads

plus it would give the BSC ho's the false idea that I give a fuck.

Truth be told, if a woman puts me on her DNS list because of any of the harmless bullshit I post on these boards, she is way too uptight for me to want to see her in the first place, so I guess they are doing us both a favor.

Besides, when I bitchslap somebody here for being stupid or BSC, I WANT them to know who did it. lol Being blacklisted by a hooker is hardly something that keeps me up at night. Hookers that I see are the ones that keep me up at night. lol

"You" won't, but you can't say "we" won't, or "noone is going to post..."
Not all providers are you, or have your ethics, and you can 't speak for all providers.  Many guys have been blacklisted for extremely minor things. Blacklists should be for dangerous guys, (rapists, stalkers, thieves, violent abusers,) and LE, but many guys have been blacklisted for not showing up, for something they said, for things posted on forums, and for less than favorable reviews. Being blacklisted under a hobby handle is probably no big deal, but being put on a public blacklist under real names for minor "offenses" is crazy.  
On the newbie board right now there is a post from a provider saying she will blacklist guys for asking her rates

Yeah, some chicks have sheisty ways of conducting business, but I feel like I can speak for the majority more accurately than a hobbyist can.  

Posted By: perfectstorm
"You" won't, but you can't say "we" won't, or "noone is going to post..."  
 Not all providers are you, or have your ethics, and you can 't speak for all providers.  Many guys have been blacklisted for extremely minor things. Blacklists should be for dangerous guys, (rapists, stalkers, thieves, violent abusers,) and LE, but many guys have been blacklisted for not showing up, for something they said, for things posted on forums, and for less than favorable reviews. Being blacklisted under a hobby handle is probably no big deal, but being put on a public blacklist under real names for minor "offenses" is crazy.  
 On the newbie board right now there is a post from a provider saying she will blacklist guys for asking her rates.  

Just one person doing it is good enough to invalidate your statement. And one is one too much.

How about if we say that girls don't need to screen, because NO ONE will abuse them or rape them or murder them or stalk them...because majority of us won't do any of the above..

Looks like I am getting sober.  :D

JackDunphy669 reads

Storm didn't say he spoke for "everyone" so that is faulty logic Tobi. It was you that spoke in absolutes not him.

And your statement that you "can speak for the majority of girls more accurately than a hobbyist" is dubious at best.

More than a newbie hobbyist? Maybe. More than a hobbyist with 20 years experience? Maybe not.  

You keep speaking in absolutes and it is hurting your point.

GaGambler786 reads

When you find yourself in a hole, YOU stop digging. lol

Wise move, as you already figured out, speaking in absolutes is a great way to find yourself in a hole. Speaking while drinking copius amounts of "Absolute" will accomplish the same thing .lol

JackDunphy710 reads

She can go toe to toe with asshole posters like me and yet she backs down if she made a simple mistake. Props for that Tobi. Big time.

GaGambler757 reads

Especially if you PUI.

Not digging in your heels when it's obvious that you fucked up makes it hard for any reasonable person to hold your original mistake against you. Doubling down on stupid is quite another matter, and we have hundreds of cases of that here on the board. Let's see, the names BSCTaylor, Turdboy and Nicoleta are just a few that pop immediately to mind. lol

Posted By: JackDunphy
She can go toe to toe with asshole posters like me and yet she backs down if she made a simple mistake. Props for that Tobi. Big time.

Forgive me, PS. I was PUI a little. Everything I said was meant in terms of generalities, not absolutes. My bad

I just always call out people when they use absolutes. (Does't matter if they are friend or foe, drunk or sober.) :)
I like the way you used "cuntier." lol

It's not rational for a provider to post dangerous things about a client unless there is something in it for her that outweighs the harm it would do her. And unless the woman is using sex work as a front for some scheme such as blackmail of scandal smearing, which, IMO, wouldn't pay very well for any length of time, it is okay to use "no one" to mean "no rational person" and/or "no one whose apparent goal is indeed the true goal."

If I say there ought to be a small fence in at the edge of a cliff so that no sightseers won't accidentally fall, it doesn't imply that a small fence would be sufficient to prevent a suicide from jumping. A suicide is not a sightseer (although he might pretend to be one in order to gain access to the cliff), and jumping is not the same thing as falling. So the statement that the small fence would protect sightseers from falling is a sensible statement (whether or not it is in all cases true is a discussion of degree not kind [maybe it should be a taller fence]), so such statements are sensible and honest expressions irregardless of any mistake in judgment or calculation that further evidence might reveal.

Posted By: WickedBrut
It's not rational for a provider to post dangerous things about a client unless there is something in it for her that outweighs the harm it would do her. And unless the woman is using sex work as a front for some scheme such as blackmail of scandal smearing, which, IMO, wouldn't pay very well for any length of time, it is okay to use "no one" to mean "no rational person" and/or "no one whose apparent goal is indeed the true goal."  
 If I say there ought to be a small fence in at the edge of a cliff so that no sightseers won't accidentally fall, it doesn't imply that a small fence would be sufficient to prevent a suicide from jumping. A suicide is not a sightseer (although he might pretend to be one in order to gain access to the cliff), and jumping is not the same thing as falling. So the statement that the small fence would protect sightseers from falling is a sensible statement (whether or not it is in all cases true is a discussion of degree not kind [maybe it should be a taller fence]), so such statements are sensible and honest expressions irregardless of any mistake in judgment or calculation that further evidence might reveal.

GaGambler750 reads

that's why we call those particular hookers "Bat Shit Crazy" Surely you have seen enough of them on this very board to remove any doubts you might have in that regard.

To use your own analogy, there are dozens of BSC hookers who have committed professional suicide here right before our very eyes. I can' think of one who is doing so right now on both the Newbie Board, and the Chicago Board. Why don't you take a quick look at the posts be made by a BSC hooker by the name of Nicoleta and then get back to me on this, I think she should remove any lingering doubts you might have on the subject. Another name that comes to mind is BSC Taylor, no fence in the world is going to keep some one that nuts from pole vaulting into the abyss. lol

As a lady who screens super diligently (my homegirl Molly Daniels calls me the "screening Nazi"), I take serious issue with chicks misusing guys' info because it makes my job that much harder. The far-reaching effect is that it turns simple screening into an exercise in pulling teeth because now a lot of guys think that giving us their names is going to turn into some massive blackmailing debacle. It sucks ass.


Posted By: Tobi Telford
Yeah, some chicks have sheisty ways of conducting business, but I feel like I can speak for the majority more accurately than a hobbyist can.  
Posted By: perfectstorm
"You" won't, but you can't say "we" won't, or "noone is going to post..."  
  Not all providers are you, or have your ethics, and you can 't speak for all providers.  Many guys have been blacklisted for extremely minor things. Blacklists should be for dangerous guys, (rapists, stalkers, thieves, violent abusers,) and LE, but many guys have been blacklisted for not showing up, for something they said, for things posted on forums, and for less than favorable reviews. Being blacklisted under a hobby handle is probably no big deal, but being put on a public blacklist under real names for minor "offenses" is crazy.    
  On the newbie board right now there is a post from a provider saying she will blacklist guys for asking her rates.  

to file a libel lawsuit against the website owners.

DamienScott624 reads

I've seen hundreds of women. Still awaiting my first ID check  

Posted By: shynt
But, what about women who require ID?  What if they post something about that person - even if positive?  
-- Modified on 10/11/2014 8:29:39 PM

DamienScott545 reads

Posted By: shynt
How much and what type of information do providers post/have access to in their background checks?  
 I'm curious as to how much anonymity as guy can maintain in this hobby?  I was recently told that providers assist each other by reviewing guys they see, but that the information is only visible to verified providers.  
 This makes me wonder about a few things:  
 1.  When and what do providers post about guys?  
 2.  Has anyone ever heard of this information leaking out?

Does a woman who does an outcall to someone's home share the address when used as a reference for a woman with an incall?

 Do women I repeat with gradually collect more information and then share it?

Even stuff that wouldn't normally be that private, like past employers or such, might be problematic.

Sometimes I have this (paranoid?) vision of providers sitting down at their computer after a session and typing in notes on clients. Likes Champagne and red wines but not Chardonnay. Allergic to peanuts. Gives good tongue. Good at moving furniture. Drives a BMW. Collects stamps. Put all that together and a creative mind could cause some mischief.

We do not review the gentleman in the way that you guys do...since we don't  really care about the "dirty talk", the car that you drive, your license plate, your private life, if you married or single, or the details that you share with us in private... we just not "roll that way". Most of the hobbiest are married (Most of us or at least I do prefer those because appts are during the day and super discreet)  

Unless you are a danger, flake, someone that we will not see ever again for other reasons you should not worry. If you are a decent guy, respectful to the lady boundaries, on top of your dues, show up to your appointment ... honestly; that's what we care about.  

I have read many reviews where the gentleman's are actually the ones posting very personal information like the real job for the ladies, the location, position in their jobs, the tattoos that the lady have (easier to find out who's the lady on the pictures) and much more private details that SHOULD HAVE KEEPT PRIVATE.  
SO this makes me thing.... who's the indiscreet and the ones that are leaking the information?






Posted By: shynt
How much and what type of information do providers post/have access to in their background checks?  
 I'm curious as to how much anonymity as guy can maintain in this hobby?  I was recently told that providers assist each other by reviewing guys they see, but that the information is only visible to verified providers.  
 This makes me wonder about a few things:  
 1.  When and what do providers post about guys?  
 2.  Has anyone ever heard of this information leaking out?

its easier to know the alias of a client since we already know them... in my case you don't have to worry, the secret stays with me :)

From my viewpoint, I've given full personal info to probably 40-50 gals over the last ten years, and never had a bit of trouble.

It's not to say that such a thing couldn't still happen, and nothing is risk free, but I find it better to see a well reviewed gal who is insistent about her safety then a gal who doesn't care that much.

I think the odds and overall quality are better.

Good point!!

Posted By: mrfisher
From my viewpoint, I've given full personal info to probably 40-50 gals over the last ten years, and never had a bit of trouble.

It's not to say that such a thing couldn't still happen, and nothing is risk free, but I find it better to see a well reviewed gal who is insistent about her safety then a gal who doesn't care that much.

I think the odds and overall quality are better.

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