TER General Board

Anneke See my TER Reviews 7914 reads
1 / 88

I've resumed my summer touring schedule after taking a vacation in June. It seems that it's like pulling teeth to get the gents to send enough information to verify them. I'm sorry, I don't care if you ARE a TER member. I'm not going to give you an appt. without verification. I would understand this type of behavior from the gents who occasionally hobby and aren't aware of TER but NOT from the folks who are here. In case you haven't noticed guys it's getting more dangerous out here. THEY are after us in ALL cities now, even the ones that used to look the other way. You have our reviews. You know we are okay and we are discreet with the information you give us so why are you dragging your feet and making it difficult to set up an appt? I know there are a lot of girls out there who are careless about this and who will see you at a moment's notice without careful screening. Just think about this. Sooner or later they are going to get caught and they will have seen YOU. If I were a hobbyist I would NOT see a gal who was cavalier in the verification process. I'd love some input here. I don't want to make it difficult for you to see me but I do want to be safe.


CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 3455 reads
2 / 88

More and more men are calling from blocked numbers.
More and more men are emailing from hushmail. sneakmail. whatever..

Of course they are the first ones on the boards to say wah wah wah wah wah wah

Like I said in earlier posts. Its a mexican standoff.

Whose going to pull the gun first. It surely isnt providers..

I had one tell me last week... "So and so provider  knows me from Ter, just ask her about Mike.. well im sure shes seen over 80 mikes i n the past MONTH"... not to mention,  if providers arent provider friendly ( which many arent ) we really dont give a rats ass who you know.

Pumping Irony 2168 reads
3 / 88

and I didn't take the time to look at your verification process. I can only tell you from my standpoint if you're asking for a work number its out of the question and I move on.

I appreciate all your concerns but I'm not getting paid to take risk and the reason I can afford to indulge in this hobby is because of the profession I'm in. I'm willing to work with providers to assure them they are safe with me but I need to draw the line somewhere. I would think a fair number of referals from other providers would suffice. Also not "all" providers are discreet, some are extremely careless with privledged information and simply can't be trusted.

Sorry but thats the way it has to be for me and I know thats not the kind of answer to your post you're hoping for. Best wishes and good luck to you

free mustache rides 3964 reads
4 / 88

for many providers that have this as their sole source of income, they might loosen their requirements if their scheduling starts declining. Your thoughts?

mboonche123 11 Reviews 3636 reads
6 / 88

has his or her own reasons for not wanting to provide certain information or requiring it, in the case of the providers, in order to see each other.There's plenty of fish in the ocean for both sides. Why fret over this?

wanderer305 7 Reviews 2569 reads
7 / 88

A lot depends on weather its a buyers or a sellers market or than it may have to do with attitude.  my .02

Pumping Irony 2361 reads
9 / 88

We all have to make choices in life and some of them are tough to make. This is just my opinion only but I feel providers are getting paid to take some risk. As hobbyists we have the choice of where to spend our money and where we feel comfortable spending it. I'll work with providers that will work with me but to seriously believe that all providers can and will handle privledged information discreetly has already proven to be a falsehood.Its the providers perogative whether she wishes to assume the risks associated with the profession or if she wishes to limit her market. Any provider that believes she can dictate screening requirements to all hobbyists is making a serious mistake, we're not going to say a word to you, we're simply going to see someone else.

Vicki Nicole 3125 reads
10 / 88

personally my safety is of utmost importance to me and i will only do what makes me feel COMFORTABLE and SAFE
even if its just the perception of safety

so if my schedule starts to decline, instead of loosening my requirement,
i would raise my rate,
see only 1 or 2 guys a MONTH and get a regular 9-5 job

or marry a sugar daddy

nothing is worth risking what makes you feel safe, and screening makes alot of us FEEL safe

karmacoma 2905 reads
11 / 88

A few less $$ is better than NOT being able to make any $$ if they bet busted!

karmacoma 3149 reads
12 / 88

Visit a streetwalker if you want to stay anonymous.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 3554 reads
13 / 88

Hahahha.. not 80.. I was being silly..

If youd like to take a name poll of men, im sure we can. Although many may not participate in such banter.

How many men have the name Dave, Mike, Joe, Jim, John,Bill ? Every 5 men that call us. Every 5 men that book with us. To tell us. " Hi this is Mike, remember me " ...

Honestly, No, we don't.

Now if we hear.. this is Junior from TER.. Thats when we remember !!! However.. we may still lie and say, NO WE DONT and hang up ;)


CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2957 reads
15 / 88

Your comment is proof of stupidity in the highest form!
Posted by karmacoma, 7/26/2005 7:50:09 AM

Visit a streetwalker if you want to stay anonymous

How true !

Can ya see them screening at the roadside with their t mobile sidekick ? Standing in front of Starbucks with their PDA ? Hookin` outside of the internet cafe  ?  

Now wouldnt that be funny ?

Ciara says:
Yes :)

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 4499 reads
16 / 88

...including, albeit begrudgingly, the size of "Little Lex", after which, oddly, you ceased all communication.

MrSilk 4 Reviews 1732 reads
17 / 88

You make it sound as though your position is the only reasonable one.  When you call a plumber to your home do you make him fill out a verification form?  When they installed your cable did you know anything about the person you voluntarily let into your home?  What your describing is the risk anyone encounters doing busniess with the public. Besides, are you trying to say that violent crimes are only committed by those without jobs or good references???

KateBishop See my TER Reviews 2323 reads
18 / 88

I think that, like others have said, eventually the lack of personal information will result in two things: 1. increased rates and 2. lower volume.  I am personally lower volume and like it that way and am sometimes happy that my screening process allows for "natural elimination" of potential clients.  That doesn't mean that it's not frustrating when someone challenges me.  I like to explain to them that it's up to them whether or not they want to see a careful provider, but know that if she is not careful about her safety and discretion, she certainly won't be careful about yours either.  Not only that, but who knows what else she isn't careful about.  

There are plenty of girls out there that don't ask for personal information.  I am not so sure that I'd want to do business with them.  I do wonder, what do clients think we're going to do with their information?    



-- Modified on 7/26/2005 1:03:02 PM

little phil 37 Reviews 2230 reads
19 / 88

I'd be pretty pissed if the lady I was with was taking calls while I was DATY.  The more dates she has per day, the more calls she's likely to get, and the less time to answer them.  Web-based communication is a practical way around that.  Giving the telephone option for those that don't like the web seems like a logical fix to me.

MrSilk 4 Reviews 3176 reads
20 / 88

What tidbit of information aprovider receives from a survey or questionairre is going to keep her safe from violent crime?  Answer:  ????  The only purpose the info can possibly serve is to provide the provider "recourse" should the John not pay or short her...then she calls the wife, job or rotary!  Assuming a cop wants to do a sting, are you telling me they couldn't make up a fake employer for the provider to verify with.  Come on folks, lets use our collective intelligence.  If someone can provide me with a valid reason (other then "I just want it") for disclosure of personnel information I might be more inclined to buy into the need for it.  I just wonder how many providers would be willing to provide their home address and telephone number if insisted upon by a customer?

little phil 37 Reviews 3838 reads
21 / 88

Mr Silk, you're correct that dirtbags come in all shapes and sizes, but the more I know about you, the less I NORMALLY need to fear about you.  I don't begrudge a lady knowing details about me, as I have nothing to hide.  The cable guy has a badge from the cable company.  They've checked him, and I've seen the badge.  Besides, I'm not putting my dick in his mouth.  I just think that it's different, and the ladies have a say in who they see.

little phil 37 Reviews 3171 reads
22 / 88

I've had ladies tell me that other providers have spoken well of me, and that they didn't need as much info.  These are ladies that often do doubles, and feel comfortable trading info that way.  I've also been to the homes of a few, so they didn't need to give me the address, other than for me to get there.  Another lady handed me the remote to the TV, so I could order a movie on Spanktravision, and asked if I had looked to see her real name while she was in the bathroom.  She was smiling as she asked; I hadn't & told her so.  She said, "you can if you want.  I trust you."  I still didn't, and she told me her real name.

Being "trusted" has it's benefits, if you're looking for more than a quick screw.  IMO, it's a small price if you're working with a responsible lady.

MrSilk 4 Reviews 2423 reads
23 / 88

Friend, let me tell you that you have some of the shakiest people in the world working as cable installers....AND THEY ARE NOT CHECKED OUT.  They are simply independent contractors.  My point is that no piece of information is going to serve as a shield - more likely a sword.

karmacoma 2852 reads
24 / 88

is there ever a chance he is going to have you arrested for looking at your pipes?  These women take all kinds of chances with their safety and freedom.  When you hire the cable company to come to your house, you can bet they have already done a background check on that guy  (That doesn't mean a cable guy will never commit a crime). You are correct, every day working people with references commit crimes (violent or not). But at least it makes it easier to track them down.  

Here is a reason 4479 reads
25 / 88

the police will find you through the work info or home address info you provided me.  My biggest fear is being harmed and if you can't understand the value that my life has than frankly I do not want to meet you.
For every man that is complaining here about not wanting to ease our concerns by providing the appropriate information there are many who do.
We are not home wreckers, stalkers or going to black mail you in the future. We have reviews that speak volumes about our integrity and ability to handle your private information in the manner it should be.

junior457 2359 reads
26 / 88

I have to create an alias to use in real life to seperate myself from my TER handle. Wasn't you that said about Bill....."unlike his board persona...". Then after I lie......and they get me naked I foget about the gold pendant that says Junior.....and oh boy am I in trouble again.

It's not easy being Junior..........

karmacoma 3304 reads
27 / 88
FreedomRider225 2732 reads
28 / 88

In the three years I've been hobbying through the internet and TER specifically I have NEVER found ANY lady overly intrusive in their screening. MrSilk I'm glad to see you're accruing some reviews this will only aid you in securing future liaisons. 'fish taco' although I'm a strong advocate of "aliases" for journalistic license and/or punch; in this case it is merely a blind for you to hide in so you can take puerile shots at the ladies for not giving you a possibly un-earned, elite, pre-screened status.

  Hey I'm not insensitive that some of you gentlemen have sensitive jobs and/or suspicious wives. Imagine yourselves if you would conducting your respective jobs under the cloud of illegality and subsequent negative social stigma. You too would be very careful as to whom you did business with.


little phil 37 Reviews 1731 reads
29 / 88
MrSilk 4 Reviews 4772 reads
32 / 88

You miss my point.  Okay, the police can find them after the fact....but you are still harmed or dead!  My only point is that no amount of information will protect you from someone who losses it or is just plain wacky.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2490 reads
33 / 88

If you arent an escort, do not make up fantasy things and assume how we screen and what we screen for .

You havent a clue how we screen

Its really a big secret so shhhhhhhhhh we arent telling. where we look, how we look.. What we look for to ensure you arent a cop. If the name "ricky ticky tack" doesnt clear and all efforts of our screening dont work. We dont see you. We surely use more than a damn work number or address. You are right.. Work or home phone doesnt tell us much.. It isnt the ONLY way we screen.

I am still screening as soon as someone pulls in my driveway. Many do the same. I am still screening as soon as someone shows up at a hotel. How ? Its our deep dark little secret... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we cant tell you. Ok ok.. we have little elves and gnomes waiting outside in the parking lot.

Leave our business to us :)
We will leave yours, to you.

-- Modified on 7/26/2005 10:22:03 AM

little phil 37 Reviews 4541 reads
34 / 88

It was the first time I was with her, but we'd each had to cancel once before, so there had been a bit of past dialog.  Also, I had seen a friend of hers a couple times, and had some side dialog with her as well.  They had some conversations in which I was the topic.  I've heard excerpts of it from both of them.

All I did was be myself.  She felt comfortable with me, I think, because I shared enough to let her feel that way.  Either that, or I'm just that f***ing wonderful.  Yeah, that must be it.

little phil 37 Reviews 3337 reads
35 / 88

Well, now I'm hurt!

I'm better now; you can let the 911 operator get back to what she was doing.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2956 reads
36 / 88

Little lex doesnt rap around intestines and pull them out from the root.


Vicki Nicole 3415 reads
37 / 88

with the wire tapping and phone taping
i just won't do it anymore
but mostly, it just irritates and agitates me to recieve phoen calls at all hours of the day and night
as well as people asking me foolish and illegal questions on the phone

the reason i prefer my questionnaire is that it ensures me that the person has had time to READ my website and etiquette page

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2441 reads
38 / 88

You mean you still screen ?

And people still see you ?

Who was the person to say our business falls ?

I was looking at your reviews.. Geeee... you arent getting much business are you ?


Vicki Nicole 2772 reads
39 / 88

a person who is ging to commit a violent crime WILL NOT give you the information required to complete screening

OF COURSE this is not true in all cases

but in MY experience
SCREENING drastically reduces the risk to the provider both legally and physically

Vicki Nicole 4315 reads
40 / 88

are you saying because of that, we shouldn't screen at all?

what are you saying exactly?

Here is a reason 4072 reads
41 / 88

No, Mr. Silk I did not miss your point.  You are correct in that no screening method is a 100% guarantee of safety that you are not a nut or a cop, but it makes ME feel safer regardless of whether you agree with my procedure or not, and it is what I insist on.  

Again I'll repeat myself:  I am not in the business of collecting data for the hell of it.  I'm well reviewed, honest and the reasonable men who contact me are mature and smart enough to realize that my sole reason for screening is for my safety and peace of mind. If you are meeting providers you are happy with and they don't screen you than what's your complaint?

One last point that I find rather amusing is that it's always the ones who perceive themselves as having the most to lose if outed who are most hesitant to give any info.  I have met some very high profile gentlemen who are more forthcoming than the average middle management executive.  Maybe it's an ego thing.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2567 reads
42 / 88

Then yes, why yes, screening will show it.

email me miss vicki

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 3433 reads
43 / 88

Anneke -
send those inconsiderate louts to the street where they will have to divulge not a thing.

As to any other man who feels Mr. Silk is in any way a voice of wisdom:

Why do I screen?

No, it will not do any good until after harm may have befallen me.  That said, most gents intending harm will NOT provide info which is verifiable.  As to LE, why make it easy?  If they are going to cause me problems they are certainly going to WORK for it... not simply net me by sitting at a phone and calling number after number.

Just because it is not a guarantee is no reason to NOT.  Look at the interview and reference process with employees - it's no guarantee that you'll get a good one, so should you bother?

The way in which a gent communicates with me (honest, open) is every bit as important as what it is that he tells me.

Though with the internet these days... you'd be suprised how easy it can be to find out everything a lady needs to feel comfortable meeting you.  What was that high school play you were in?  YOU better know as well.

You have reputations and back channel and word of mouth to assure you of our professionalism (and a silly amount MORE!)  What do we have?

We open ourselves up to great risk.  WE have the right to decide what makes us comfortable.  If you don't like it you have the option of simply contacting someone else.

WHAT is the big deal?!?

Pumping Irony 2130 reads
44 / 88

he has some very valid points and from what I've read he isn't trying to force his position on you, he's just stating his opinion.

It may not have occured to you but the hobbyists have rights also and it will be there right to choose who they will see and what terms are acceptable. Mr. Silk has every right just like you to share his opinion on it and don't think for a moment that every hobbyist is sucker enough to buy into the more a girl screens the better she will be. That's just total bullshit and save that for the suckers that will buy into it.

MrSilk 4 Reviews 3464 reads
46 / 88

Clearly, the sign of a fool is to simply label one with a counterpoint a fool.  The idea of providing a complete stranger with personal information is ludicrous to me.  That is my position and I don't force it on anyone else.  The providers I have seen thusfar only required me to show my license upon arrival.  I have no problem with that but I do draw the line with home phone numbers, work numbers, position in the company, etc.  Again, I doubt you are willing to provide Johns with your home address, driver's license number or home phone in order to provide him with a sense of security that he won't be rolled so why should you demand more then you are willing to give?!

Musical Joke 2749 reads
47 / 88

The police are getting better and better at what they do.  Police and providers are locked in a constant arms race, developing better techniques against each other all the time.

Think about it.  How many fake providers are going to demand references, or personal information from you?  Fake providers are not likely to have an easy rapport with the local provider community, even if they do have mountains of fake reviews.  While the police could be clever enough to ask for references, it's not likely.  After all, not asking for information would lure more men into their sting operations!

Part of the reason for screening is power.  To do her best work, a provider must feel comfortable with her client.  When she has more information, she will feel more powerful, have more control over the session, and prevent a potentially abusive situation from happening in the first place.  The best form of self-defense is prevention.  And anything a provider does to tilt the power balance in her favor tends to preempt violence from clients.

Does giving information give a provider leverage over you?  Yes!  That's the point.  Sure, there are providers who don't screen.  And some of them will be fakes.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 3536 reads
48 / 88

No, you're quite right. I/we don't do intestine pulling.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 3432 reads
49 / 88

YOU have plenty of info already to base your decision on.  A lady has NONE unless she asks for it.

A license does no good, I can make one myself!

WebTerrorist 3601 reads
50 / 88

Interesting choice of phrase.

I assume you demand to know what the lady in question looks like, a website address, a cell phone number, email addresses, pictures and other such things.
I also assume you demand to know if the lady in question is a good value for your donation.

So, you give the ladies URLs?
email addresses?
cell phone numbers?
incall location addresses?
you have reviews so she knows if you are a client that is worth the fee or one that requires more effort than the donation is worth?
You show the lady pictures of you so she can see if she wants to see you...or if it isn't worth the fee to see you?

Demanding more that you are willing to give...do like that phrase...
you do know that no matter how important you are or think you are, that the ladies have far more to lose than you?  but even at that you want all the cards?  you want as much information as yopu can get from her reviews and profiles and BC communication....and you want to do no more than flash an ID once you already have knowledge of and access to her?

You want to know all you can for an imformed decision, but you want her to have virtually nothing?  You want your job, your SO, and your lifestyle completely shielded from what could come from your choice to hobby...but you don't even want her to have recourse if you happen to be a psycho that will attack her? because we all know your job, or keeping the wife you cheat on is so much more important than one of these ladies lives or well being.
The security for their very lives is much less important than you being secure in not having a co-worker find out you pay for it...how stupid of these ladies to think they had any right to insure their safety if it put knowing your job title on the line.

Just one thought though...these ladies that will see you with no screening...ever worry about who else they see without screening? ever wonder who might know where she works out of? who might be there to see you come or go? and who if they chose to do anything to you no one would be able to track them because hey...she doesn't know anything about him either other than a glance at an ID once he was there...she's an easy screener...

Demanding more than you are willing to give...I do so like that choice of phrase.

Anneke See my TER Reviews 2906 reads
51 / 88

I'm in a hotel dependent upon a lousy high speed connection. I've been reading this off and on all day. Every time I write a long reply..poof it's gone. So hopefully this short one will go through.

Your comments went pretty much as I expected. So, to those of you who get it and understood where I was coming from...thanks. To those of you who never will, watch yourself out there. You're gonna get in trouble one of these days. Girls, stick to your guns. Our safety is way more important than tons of money.


little phil 37 Reviews 2024 reads
52 / 88

I know that's why I'm getting all those pre-approved credit card apps in the mail.  Please stop using my work phone number to get me more CC's.

little phil 37 Reviews 3711 reads
53 / 88

Webbie, as I've said before...I love your posts.  Sometimes they lose me, but not this one...it's priceless.

I don't want to lose my job, my SO, or any other trapping of my lifestyle.  I take that protection seriously.  At the same time, I respect what this lady is doing for me, in exchange for a few bucks.  It seems to me that's the basic difference between me and some of the others here.  I don't view her as some worthless outcast of society that I get to bone for my pleasure.  Don't get me wrong...I'm not in love with them, but I do consider the ladies I've been with to be a positive in my life.  And if they need to feel safe, then I think they should.

Here is a reason 3147 reads
54 / 88
ma vie 2745 reads
56 / 88

...they won't get a date with you.  They are the biggest losers.

Stay safe ladies.  Stick to your security procedures.  Please, please be careful.

ma vie 2561 reads
57 / 88
little phil 37 Reviews 2177 reads
59 / 88

Ladies, form a line to the left and take turns having your way with me.

VBD 4903 reads
60 / 88

You say "What your describing is the risk anyone encounters doing busniess with the public." Maybe Writing 101 (or did you flunk the spelling bee?) along with Common Sense for Dummies should be in your plans.  Give the ladies a break!  Two consenting adults having a good time is far from doing BUSINESS with the public; it is a whole lot more personal.  Become a bagboy at your local grocery store if you don't want to give a reference.  Oh, they ask for references too.  Dah...

keystonekid 114 Reviews 3028 reads
61 / 88

Her phone and his phone both need to be off.  This is pre-requisite #1.  Nothing like a wringing phone to kill the mood as well as Mr. Happy.  Use modern technology called voicemail.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 2413 reads
62 / 88

Well stated acidom.  Ladies, you are appreciated!

STUMPY 25 Reviews 2765 reads
63 / 88

Sometimes it is a guy that starts the thread complaining about a provider's screening that he believes is too stringent and sometimes it is a lady who complains that guys will not give her the screening information that she requests.  

I think many of us could debate either side of this issue and quite honestly some of the assertions made in this thread on both sides will not stand up to close scrutiny but is there really a major problem here?  

From a provider perspective you should not see anyone who does not provide enough screening information to make you comfortable.  If the information you require for screening causes you to lose a substantial amount of business then you may have some decisions to make.

From a client perspective you should not give out any information that you feel uncomfortable in giving to a provider.  If none of the providers that you wish to see are willing to see you because you will not provide enough screening information then you have some decisions to make.  

This just doesn’t seem like much of a problem.  Everybody can do what he or she needs to do in order to feel comfortable by just adhering to his or her own beliefs.    

aless1944 1 Reviews 2444 reads
64 / 88

Interesting thread ... what really shows up here is simple: Guys who are married, or who are afraid that their frequenting ladies might jeopardize their jobs object to screening.  Clearly they are visiting you ladies on the sly and are terrified that they might be found out.  All the rant about excessive screening is merely a manifestation of that.  I'll use myself as an example -- I'm single, have no one to answer to, and I am self-employed.  A lady can ask me my home phone, e-mail, anything, and I can give it out freely.  I trust all the reliable ladies to be as discreet with the information as I would be with theirs.  So in the end let's not get all huffy about how much information we are asked for and admit that it's about being afraid to be found out.

COOCHIEBOY 131 Reviews 4036 reads
65 / 88

i really do feel for you as a provider to cover your end but
some girls ask for just to much personel info.this was just discussed recently on the l.a. board.i personally will not give
my ter handle,work #,work address,or home #.the only time i slipped i gave my work # and had a very bad experience after
the appointment(read my review of becky).in my own experience
a well seasoned provider can do proper screening with a legit
cell # and a good conversation before the actual act(i.e.mutual
touching,careless brushing before the gift is exchanged).

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 2822 reads
66 / 88

Mr Silk does NOT have valid points, he has a personal vendetta against screening and a total disregard for a ladies safety.

He can express his opinion and in doing so he opens himself up for MY opinion of his opinions. This means I've opened up my opinion of his opinion to your opinion of my opinion... which further means that you've opened up yourself for my opinion of your opinion of my opinion of Mr Silks opionion.  Still with me here?

Go back and read my post:
Screening IN NO WAY indicates performance.
THIS is something we agree on... though you cant understand six simple words?!?

bobb3950 8 Reviews 3083 reads
67 / 88

What a great discussion thread!!!

I'm just sorry I got here late.

Those who know me know I agree fully with screening in any form and will supply any info a lady I wish to see requires.

Those guys who have voiced their comments against providing info just don't get it and never will.

Ladies, just remember their names.
They are the same who are always complaining about what a miserable time they had, or how they didn't "get what they wanted", or "I'm paying so I'm the boss".

Stay away from them, they don't give a damn about you or your safety.

Way to go Anneke, great discussion.

Just my opinion...

Pumping Irony 1962 reads
68 / 88

first of all get a grip. Its not about being right or wrong and no one has any reason for both of you not to keep yourself as comfortable and safe as you wish. Trouble I have is both of you think that any hobbyist that doesnt want to conform to your screening methods is an idiot or if full of shit. Get something straight girls we the hobbyists make the final decsion on who we see and if we don't like the screening we look elsewhere without saying a word.

Do we want to see you hurt or arrested? Of course not but what you're not taking into consideration with your kneejerk reaction to whats going to keep you safe is that many of us hobbyists are not going to trust you or any other provider with information that could possibly cause us discomfort in our professions or home life.

Try being more creative in your screening it would serve you much more purpose than pushing your particular screening process down our throats. We aint buying it

MrSilk 4 Reviews 3356 reads
69 / 88

First, you can pound your head against the wall all you wish...some of us will remain unwilling to give dna samples simply to get laid.  Second, how or why is a providers safety anymore at stake then yours or mine???  You've never heard of a pimp rousing a John?  You snivling a-holes that are unwilling to think rationally or state your true feelings just to avoid pissing off the ladies can kiss the collective assess of those men who cherish their privacy.

MrSilk 4 Reviews 2269 reads
70 / 88

Okay Zippy....now that you've blown smoke up everyone's ass....I better not hear you complain with the "screening" turns to SS numbers, bank account information to insure payment, home phone numbers etc.  You, or anyone else, has FAILED miserably to prove to me that a lady getting this information is going to provide the smallest degree of protection.

little phil 37 Reviews 3141 reads
71 / 88

Or both of us.  We can probably get Nikki Avalon to join in the fun.  Webbie, are ya up for some fun?

little phil 37 Reviews 1449 reads
72 / 88

For the record, that's not my nose up her ass.  But she was comfortable, so that's how I got to do that.  
There are pieces of information that I won't divulge to a lady.  I just differ with you that they aren't entitled to ask.  If I feel uncomfortable, I move on.  No bitching or whining.  And I've never been asked anything outside of normal boundaries (to me).

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 2088 reads
73 / 88

Screening weeds out the undesirables.  Those who do not respect my need for safety.  Those who are playing games and attempting to misinform.  Those such as MrSilk who think asking for his work info is akin to a DNA sample or SS#.

It's always been easiest to screen my high profile clients.  It's the Safeway stockboys who lives at home who makes me pull teeth to get any info.  (That example is NOT an exageration.)


WebTerrorist 2711 reads
74 / 88

Once again I am amazed that while acknowledged that this is a business, people want it to have different rules than other businesses.

I go the mechanic, I don't have his full name, home phone #, cell #, license plate #, address, etc.
I have his business number and business address...that's all...but he has all that stuff of mine.
Why? because I'm the client, he's the business.

Same goes for my dentist, my accountant, repair men, cable installer, lawn maintenance guy, any and all merchants,  they all get information from me that I don't get from them....why?

I'm The Client....They Are The Business.

You do like to go to the ludicrious though, with SS#, bank account info, etc. (oh but just to scare the hell outta ya...if someone knows what they are doing, they can get all that from the one quick flash of your ID you are willing to give, or from your license plate number, any any number of things you don't think you need to worry about...you need to be less afraid of those that are upfront about having your information and more worried about those you think don't have any).

You are of course right though....having someone's name, phone #, or work information wouldn't deter a guy from making an appointment with intent to rob or become violent...people with nefarious intent always give as much information as requested so that would never weed them out, they are the most open and forthright ya know.  *smirk*
From another post of yours-
Quote: "Second, how or why is a providers safety anymore at stake then yours or mine???  You've never heard of a pimp rousing a John? "

Yeah, and occassionally I am sure there are pizza delivery guys that rob the people they deliver to...but that is "man bites dog" situation...yes on a rare occassion a client might get roughed up by a "pimp" but....you're grasping now...and I don't see how that would be less likely to happen with a woman that doesn't screen...you argument for not giving your information doesn't have anything to do with the stretching you're doing now.
Oh and if you don't see how a lady alone with a man is in a touch more precarious position than a man alone with a lady, then you won't ever understand.

Oh, but another kudos to you, Mr Silk, for a one hell of a phrase usage (from another post in this thread)-
Quote: "some of us will remain unwilling to give dna samples simply to get laid"

So you get a whole body lamination thing before ya go?
have all sweat and salivary glands removed?
tear ducts blocked?
sinuses filled in?
Prostate and testicles removed?
blood drained?
and of course you never cum?

No DNA being given for you to get laid.
You really do use the best ironic phrases.

A querry for you though.

How do you reconcile your complete lack of respect or trust for ladies that you desire to, and may, be physically intimate with?

To contact a lady for the services that they provide thinking  that they are going to store and use any information you give them to blackmail, destroy, out, or otherwise damage you.

How can you want to have any kind of intimacy with someone you think so little of?

FreedomRider225 2608 reads
75 / 88

You are now coming off as a self-absorbed, narcissistic, ego-centric malcontent. If you don't like the rules in this game please find another more suited to you. The ladies here are not going to change or endanger themselves to humor yours or anyone's over inflated ego.


P.S. If you think I'm an obsequious sycophant playing up to the ladies; So be it. I'm having no problem what so ever booking with whomever I wish....Go figure!

-- Modified on 7/27/2005 11:20:03 AM

WebTerrorist 1672 reads
76 / 88

I wish that I could believe any of these fine ladies would actually want me as a client, but the sad truth is I am at my best in text, and this is the only place women ever say they love me, or indicate any type of attraction.  

I can't blame them though, when you see the ladies these ladies have been with there is no reason, and no amount of monetary compensation, that they would want to be with an unskilled, inexperienced troll like creature such as myself.

Oh, and Mr Acidom, I kind of won a $300 discount from Miss Nikki Avalon....and since there isn't anyway I'll be able to use it (would have to have an appointment to utilise it), I can see if it is transferable and ask her to apply it to your next visit with her if you would like.

MrSilk 4 Reviews 2291 reads
77 / 88

Maam, I am as high prophile as most in the "hobby."  Second, you still fail to provide concrete evidence that getting a name or telephone number or whatever else you dream up can protect you from physical violence.  Finally, I for one do not play games, misinform or anything else you may suggest but I might suggest that the standard of clientele you may see may be somewhat more "suspect" then some of the more attractive ladies...just my opinion.

Musical Joke 2746 reads
78 / 88

I had had the assumption that a used condom with all that semen in it becomes the provider's property to dispose of as she wishes.  Yet somehow, I doubt that most providers would sell the sperm to fertility clinics.  (Although if she's really only in it for the money, why not?)  Maybe sometime in the future, clients will want to dispose of used condoms so she won't make money by selling his sperm!

I had somehow been under the impression that a man usually gets laid in order to get an opportunity to give a DNA sample to a woman; providers generally prefer that the DNA sample gets stuffed into a small plastic bag.

Oh by the way, the difference between a client and a john is anonymity.  The word "John" exists because lawyers fifty years ago would represent men called "John Doe #1, John Doe #2, John Doe #3..." and try to keep a provider's black book out of the public record during her trial for prostitution.  A client is called a "john" by officialdom because when a provider gets into trouble, it is assumed that a "john" will flee and be nowhere to be found when she needs help.

-- Modified on 7/27/2005 8:30:49 PM

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 1129 reads
79 / 88

"you think that any hobbyist that doesnt want to conform to your screening methods is an idiot or if full of shit. "

Just you and MrSilk.
; )

I have no problem with a man who will simply look elsewhere without saying a word.  I do have a problem with men who will campain for women to bend their safety for a mans convenience.  I also have issue with a man who attacks me without actually reading WHAT I write.

Read my past posts - HOW MANY times have I said this???  "If you don't like it, move along.  Simple."

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 1733 reads
80 / 88

MrSilk says more about himself than we ever could with his posts LOL!

Pumping Irony 3443 reads
81 / 88

while you're at it tell them to post a resume for a new career, they're going to need it

Pumping Irony 2005 reads
82 / 88

aren't going to do anything but yes you to death as they take all the business thats walking away from you

MrSilk 4 Reviews 2476 reads
83 / 88

The "dna" crack was a joke...I appologize if this wasn't readily apparent to you.  As for your question - "intimacy"?  I have this with my wife, kids, parents, close friends etc.  I do not have  intimacy with someone I met with for an hour simply to have sex.  If you cannot or do not understand the difference then I feel badly for you.  Finally, whether I am the client or the service provider, I think to flow of information should be equal.  I don't think you'll find a provider willing to give you the type of information many are requesting so why should you or anyone else thing a John has any such obligation.

MrSilk 4 Reviews 2509 reads
84 / 88

Friend, I have no idea where my ego, or lack thereof, comes into play in this discussion.  This has nothing to do with what level of information I feel comfortable giving to a complete stranger who, like myself, is engaging in an illegal activity.  Nor do I care, nor have I ever purported to care, what information these ladies are asking others for.  My position is that I won't give it and I have not yet had a single problem finding company despite that fact.  It's hilarious that folks posting on this board use alias simply to post but stick their chests out and proclaim total comfort handing out personal data to providers...I don't believe it and tend to think other motives control.  And finally, I don't doubt you are having great success in landing dates...I just hope for your sake that the abundance of information you are so freely handing out doesn't bite you in the ass some day.

little phil 37 Reviews 1709 reads
85 / 88

It's funny that you mention that discount.  She (N.A) and I talked about the "contest" when I saw her.  She asked if I read the LA boards, blah blah.  It was after some knock down political discussion we had while naked.

I'll leave it up to you as to whether you and Nikki work out the deal.  I'll definitely be seeing her again.  Since we are in the same city, let me at least buy you lunch as a repayment.  PM me if you're interested.

leeandash 11 Reviews 4028 reads
86 / 88

I would not only lose my job and my family I would lose my career if I were busted!!

Pumping Irony 2430 reads
87 / 88

I don't understand your confusion. Please take your time to read as I realize your speaking irrationally because your emotions are taking over.

I don't care what screening methods you or any provider wish to use. Make yourself as comfortable and as secure as you possibily can.
I'm only saying that I won't even give you a thought if you're asking for a questionaire over the internet that will include my personal information. Hate to tell you this but there just are far too many quality providers that can find a less intrusive manner of screening. I'm not trying to speak for anyone else, I don't care about anyone else. I hope you stay safe , secure and are very sucessful.

Have a very nice day hon...

Nikki Avalon 3035 reads
88 / 88

So you wouldn't mind spending the first half of the session in a public place being interrogated by a nervous provider who is scrutinizing your every word and ready to bolt at the first sign of any real or imagined threat?

Perhaps you don't realize that what you suggest "needs to come to an end" would put us in very real danger. Legal problems would be the best case scenario when you consider the increased chance and likelihood of being robbed, brutally raped, beaten and/or murdered. Given the fact that these crimes are usually premeditated, who do you think is more likely to fall victim to one of these psychos...the provider who requires personal information or the one who doesn't?

Fish Taco,
I'm sorry to say that I misinterpreted your post as meaning all references too. I stand by what I said, but it's no longer directed towards you.

-- Modified on 7/31/2005 1:07:01 AM

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