TER General Board

My Personal Experience
enjoyinglife2 28 Reviews 2626 reads

On a date and the agency called stating that the hotel got suspicous of the driver in the parking lot, called the cops, and he got arrested.  Agency stated that they (LE) were now looking for her and waiting at the bottom of the elevators.

Yep, they get busted.

I'm considering entering the industry as a driver.  I was talking to a provider/friend of mine and she says that some of the young girls who work for agencies (and some up and coming inependent providers as well) are always in need of a guy who will take them to their outcall/incall locations and pick them up afterwards for a small fee.

I think it would be a great way to make some extra income, but I am concerned about L.E.!  In my city, there are occasional raids and busts of providers.

I was wondering: if a girl gets busted by L.E., do they seek out and arrest the guy who drove her to the location?  Does anyone know of any incidents where drivers have been held accountable or made out to be an accomplice?  If drivers ARE held accountable, is there a way I can get around this and protect myself?

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

CaliRules4581 reads

must first disclaim that I have no personal experience with the actual tactics of the police... but in terms of the law, if you knew when driving the girl that she intends to provide service in violation of the law, you would be guilty of conspiracy to commit the underlying crime, or as an accessory...

of course, this doesn't mean that LE would bust you or that the DA would actually pursue and prosecute you.

...So I guess it wouldn't work to pretend and say to L.E., "What?  She did WHAT?  I had no idea she was doing that!?!?  I thought I was giving her a ride to a prayer service!!!   I'm glad you all told me this-----I will never give her a ride anywhere again!!!"  I guess they won't let me go (even after giving this Oscar winning performance).

ElleWoods4111 reads

Absolutely they do and quite often.  They will have the parking lot or home staked out and YES you wil get nailed for pimnpering/pandering.  Even if the charge does not stick and pray to the Lord you have NO record, and no firearms nor dope alcohol on you.  And if you personally collect the fee, well that makes it worse.

You could be facing felonies by the way, simply by driving her.
Cops & clients do _not_ like women with drivers.  It isn't cool

The only way to protect yourself is to not do it.

Thanks for explaining that to me and I will take what you say into consideration.  I guess the reality is that the quick and easy ways to make money always have a risk/price to pay attached.

Vanessa-Sue2462 reads

You could face felony charges. Not worth it for some extra pocket money.


Vanessa Sue

On a date and the agency called stating that the hotel got suspicous of the driver in the parking lot, called the cops, and he got arrested.  Agency stated that they (LE) were now looking for her and waiting at the bottom of the elevators.

Yep, they get busted.

It's a felony and they do proscute. One of the first questions they ask the provider is how did get here?

Best bet is to check the laws in your own state/city.

As for loopholes... you need to ask a lawyer about that.

The frigg'n worthless, hypocriticle protectors of our civilian American society aka LE will arrest and put the heat on anyone they can in an effort to pander to the Bible thumping morons who continually trade their civil rights for a more morally "pure" America.
  I have drivin for a year for a very prominent LA provider and although the pay may not be worth the risk I celebrate in saying "F#ck You" to LE at the completion of each driving assignment.

  Rebelously yours


-- Modified on 11/18/2004 8:06:34 PM

-- Modified on 11/18/2004 9:33:58 PM

Dani-Banani4011 reads

....they have so many laws they can get you with if they cant make P&P stick-- they have living off the wages of a prostitute (thats if you are recieving any money from her without actually "pimping her"), there is harboring a prostitute (which I think is stupid, it basically means you are in trouble if you are within 10 feet of a known and established prostitute, but you arent soliciting to her), and some onther one I cant remember-- but if I do I will edit the post and put it up...

I dont know where you are, but I would not recommend it... especially if you are in any of the major prostitution traffic cities like LA, LV, Seattle, Chicago, NY, Houston--and so on...


SweetTina3046 reads

I didn't know they were to strict in Nevada about this. Thanks for the info.

Years ago, a friend of mine was a driver on the side for an agency. He took a lady to a call at a hotel, that turned out to be LE. He was in his car when they came out and arrested him also for taking her to the call. He left his car there (it wasn't impounded) & he went to jail. The next morning, his friend took him to pick up his car & years later he went to court & the charges were dropped. So, yes it can happen, although it's probably rare.

:) Sara

Your new venture does not sound like a good idea, I cant tell you how many article I've read in the paper where L. E has arrested an independent after observing a suspicious look guys sitting out in front of the hotel or house.  

of the appt. and go see a movie, get coffee, etc. and return to pick her up, than park and wait and arouse suspicion.

I've also heard (?) that crossing state lines is a felony so that is pretty scary for our traveling ladies, too, I would think. Arrested is bad enough, but a felony will ruin your life..

One way to reduce the chances of getting busted is to not wait around. rather, have the lady call you when ready to leave. Have seen this done, especially for a house call.

get your guard card and you'll be fine. Well except for the fact that the TER guys will rip you to shreads for being a driver because they HATE drivers and think they are all pimps and theives at least in LA.

Danielle Dubois2826 reads

....at least not out here they dont.

LE is known to take you on the highest charge of anything suspicious they think you may be doing....

gee maybe I should go back to LA if they are that lapse there... its to intense out here!


Please excuse my ignorance for not knowing, but what's a "guard card"?

I don't know what world you live in.  Apparently it's not the real world!

I don't know what a "Guard Card" is, but I know that if you knowinly drive a provider to a client, you are aiding and abetting a crime.  If you drive her across a state line (I live in the DC area, so this happens all the time) then it becomes a felony and involves interstate aid of racketeering, a real nasty crime with serious jail time.

The "gee officer I didn't know what she was doing" plea won't work very well either.

ayla2746 reads

I do believe that there is a well established legal precedent exempting licensed commercial drivers (i.e. taxi drivers, chauffeurs) from being prosecuted in relation to a crime committed by a client/customer. Imagine if cab drivers could be put in jail for unknowingly taking some guy to buy his crack? That would be an extreme injustice.

(and yes of course I know there would be exceptions to this... a cab driver who knowing takes a hit man to kill people IS partially responsible)

On the flip side of that, of course, you can argue that even if the cab driver DOES know exactly what's going on, he will still probably take the fare. You would be amazed how much of a cabbies income comes from prostitutes/escorts and people looking for drugs.

My boyfriend is a cab driver and most of his regular customers (people who will actually call him specifically rather than just calling for a cab) are escorts. I'm not sure if its because he's a nice guy and they trust him to be there to pick them up on time, or what. Another interesting thing is the number of girls he will give rides to who, completely of their own accord, will tell him that they are NOT escorts... Then proceed to visit 3 gentlemen in one night for exactly 1 hour each. I wonder why they bother? Certainly HE doesn't care... Money in his pocket.

Why do people hate drivers so much? I never knew they did...

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