TER General Board

My first thought was... huh?
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 1707 reads
1 / 27

Please answer honestly & thank you for participating!

AdeleTaylor See my TER Reviews 417 reads
2 / 27

Whitelist or not, I personally only give discounts to guys that I have met several times and like.

Ishootcraps 27 Reviews 197 reads
3 / 27

Their are more discounts for P411, than date check, than TER.  And for TER we have to work, I spend allot of time writing a review, I try to get creative and detailed, the ladies seem to really appreciate them, but the best discounts go to P411.  But to be only fair, there were some Christmas discounts for reviewers, but that was only for a month.

Why is that?

TheCoochieMonster 189 reads
4 / 27

Posted By: Ishootcraps
But to be only fair, there were some Christmas discounts for reviewers, but that was only for a month.

Why is that?

swnyc 34 Reviews 261 reads
5 / 27

Don't know that a discount is "deserved" but it is greatly appreciated!

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 382 reads
6 / 27

P411 & Date Check for members there with 5 or more OK's. I've seen some on TER in their ads as well.

It's up to you if you want to give discounts regardless.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 176 reads
7 / 27

no way..he should be grateful to be whitelisted at all..it certainly doesnt merit a discount..

FistFullOfFifties 174 reads
8 / 27

Discounts for those who clean their plates!

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 146 reads
9 / 27

but i certinaly do!

seriously, i think it's up to the individual lady's discretion.  and i personally wouldn't give a blanket discount all the time.

i think it would make more sense to give recurring clients a discount.  

besides, just because other ladies white list a guy doesn't mean he's white list material to you.  chemistry means a lot.

-(.)(.) 136 reads
10 / 27

Especially if they are whitelisted by known respected girls.  A discount is good business practice.

STPhomer 176 Reviews 158 reads
11 / 27

Where did this come from ? Do White List dudes ask for discounts ?  Geesh...I've been missing the boat on this one...lol.   I've never asked a lady to White List me. I have become appreciative of those who have because I found it a real asset when booking with ladies from cities other than DC. It is a great tool for them and pretty sure it helps to create a comfort level for someone meeting me for the firt time.

Usually when I make initial contact with a lady I have never met I make reference to my TER history and suggest my White List Referrals might be the best and easiest way for them to verify me. Obviously if that does not work I will send them contact info for ladies that I know are happy to vouch for me. I have found this to satisfy most screening concerns.

So a discount?  Never occured to me .  If a lady wants to do some kind of discount as a "special" count me in. But frankly I'm not a bargan rack kind of guy.

serpius 197 reads
12 / 27

Hello Madame Patricia,

Discounts are entirely up to the provider.

Some providers give discounts to me for visiting them more than once. Some providers discount their rates if it's beyond the standard one hour.

Discounts based on a 'white list' is a new thing that I have never heard of. It doesn't mean it does not happen. It never happened to me.

So, in a nutshell... discounts in whatever form it takes is all up to the provider.

However... don't forget, us hobbyists loves discounts no matter how or why it's given! :-)


Posted By: Madame Patricia
Please answer honestly & thank you for participating!

Noonie101 19 Reviews 192 reads
13 / 27

Interesting kind of question....

From one guy's perspective....

If I were in your heels (but I actually almost always wear Top-Siders)....

(Plus, much of this has been culled from looking at many vip websites and culling out bits and pieces from who I think are the best of the best in their own marketing prowess)....


- Establish a pricing base based on what I may want (or can command) from someone new and who I had to spend some time "verifying" (varying it by city or town I'm touring to based on the socio-economic differences of each vs a major city).
- Then offer discounts (same discount per site - for illustration, let's say $25 per first hour, etc) for sites such as Date-Check, P411, TER, etc, based on whatever minimum number of verifications I want to achieve to make verification easier for me. Rationale? It's a marketing expense. Or, it's a verification time and effort and risk bonus.
- Result? Those hobbyists frequent to the business get a slight bonus. You gals have a slight reductiion in hourly, but with more comfort on verifications, and less work on verifications. And the more frequent hobbyists look at you with more of a care for you biz, rather than look at you as just intereted in the bottom line.

I tend to also gravitate to gals who tier there hourlys (think again from the Marketing Aspect)....
Something for an hour (Example only: $300 ... Could be $250, $350, or $400 depending on factors like demand, location, beauty, whatever you gals think when you establish your donation requests)..... something for 90 minutes (but less than just multplying the hour rate by 1.5... Let's say $400 using the $300 base above), and the same rationale on a 2 hr (say $500 for 2 Hrs).

My two cents. From a marketing perspective. I spend what I spend regardless. I book number of hours regardless. But I'm influenced by savvy gals... the fun can be enhanced knowing you are with one smart cookie. You can be a great gal whatever you do. You can become an ATF to more if you do a little more than the mainstream.

Nothing meant to offend here.... Many who do nothing different than the majority are fantastic. Just a little bit of marketing thought could possibly impress a few more clients to move you up their fantasy ladder just a bit.

ReaganMoore See my TER Reviews 263 reads
14 / 27

Let me see if we can approach this from a really clear perspective.

Does anyone rely on a "whitelist" for verification and screening? Just YESTERDAY I sent a request for reference to 4 providers. All 4 responded. And I should say right here a big thank you to all of them. However 2 of those providers had "whitelisted" the future client. Three of the four providers supplied great references. The 4th supplied a reference claiming the future client was a nice guy, a little clingy and stalkerish and that he had SHORTED her. SHE WHITELISTED HIM.

So tell me again why the whitelist is SO valuable? I appreciate the "whitelist". I am grateful for it. However its only a tool, just as reviews are tools for the clients. But its still just a tool and does not reduce my time or needs for screening. My screening far exceeds a TER handle and its "whitelist". And it always will.

On another tangent, most of my clients never review. They don't ever want to be seen or mentioned on TER. Cant "whitelist" them and they are far more valuable than a client who only sees me once. Give a P411 Discount, give a Datecheck Discount, Give a white list Discount, soon I will be handing out Groupon discounts or social living discounts.

Smart companions know who and when to discount.

Nuff Said

xyz23 45 Reviews 205 reads
15 / 27

I guess the deserve part threw me.  I'm not sure deserve is the right word. I am inclined to say no not deserve. However, a previous poster brings up an interesting idea. If you the provider have to do less work verifying a client because he is white listed then that may warrant a discount. The argument by some providers on here that the white list is easier to get than a P411 Ok  since P411 verifies the guys could come into play for you. If you believe the white list isn't worth as much as a P411 OK then the white list discount might not be something you would want to do.

Bottom line...it's up to you. If you give discounts do it for your reasons. I know some providers give discounts to TER VIP members. Giving discounts for being white listed makes as much sense as that and maybe more for the reason stated above.

I know if there were a provider I was interested in that offered discounts for being white listed I'd see her and likely often. It wouldn't have to be a large discount either.

scoed 8 Reviews 92 reads
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cdfix 66 Reviews 120 reads
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Instant Verification is why they might grant a discount

Fairly simple to verify

       The Lady has his handle and he has multiple white listings

       The Lady PM’s him on TER asking him to send her an E-mail to the address he has been using
        to communicate with her, verifying it is indeed him. The Lady accepts no excuses for him
        NOT being able to read his PM’s, etc. NONE!

In one simple step, (PM from Lady to Gent, E-mail from Gent to Lady) the Lady has determined:

        1. Other Ladies have vouched for him (That is what White Listing is all about)

         2. He is indeed who he says he is

No headaches, no phone calls, no call backs. Saves time and aggravation.

Might be worth a discount, yes?

knowsfromexperience 144 reads
19 / 27

When I whitelist a guy, it's because he asked me to. I was only too happy to whitelist 90% of the men who have asked me, but there are a few names on my list, I wouldn't recommend 100%. However, unless there is some huge safety issue with the guy, or he doesn't pay, or something...I can't see how it justifies me refusing to do it, and making an enemy in this very small world.

Also, not all ladies have boundaries similar to mine. Some ladies are fine with BBFS and receiving golden showers, or being hit. I am not. For another lady, a guy interested in the said activities could be one of her best clients. He would NOT be a good client for me.

My referral isn't meaningless...the guys I whitelist are fine to see. But, there are a few who were sort of jerks. I would never see them for a discount, and I would not recommend them highly to anybody else.

I always check with the girl who whitelisted a guy, that he is 100% OK. I never take a girl's whitelist referral as a seal of approval, just an indication that he saw her, paid, and didn't do anything outrageous.

Niceguy75 35 Reviews 203 reads
20 / 27

.....But simply being Whitelisted is probably not reason enough to give a discount. I would never expect a discount simply because I have several Whitelist recommendations.

Now don't get me wrong...If a lady wants to offer me a reduced rate as an incentive to see her because she knows my handle and she wants to earn my business or as part of a Loyality Program for being a steady regular I will not turn it down (I am generous....but I am not an Idiot!).
I know Providers that have used both types of discounts as a way of either stimulating or retaining business but those discounts are generally applied on a per person basis.

As far as Whitelisting goes.....And I appreciate all the ladies who have kindly given me a W.L. Reference....But it seems to me that it is a useful tool for screening....If I was a provider it would not be any more deserving of a discount than my Library card.

Just my $0.02 worth.

Posted By: Madame Patricia
Please answer honestly & thank you for participating!
-- Modified on 4/26/2012 11:17:51 PM

TheSkyFell 120 reads
21 / 27


kenescalade02 17 Reviews 106 reads
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Just because a gent is whitelisted doesn't mean he is entitled to a discount.

Whitelisting is a referencing tool for the ladies.
It is suppose to help them in screening gents.

What the whitelisted guys should receive is faster screening and maybe even priority in booking a session.  

Any discount directed to whitelisted gents should just be a token of appreciation from the ladies but never expected.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 234 reads
24 / 27

says is quality. Too many guys on that whitelist are also on the blacklist lol. Once I see a person, then I will offer an incentive to see me again.

Posted By: Madame Patricia
Please answer honestly & thank you for participating!

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 113 reads
25 / 27

Not sure about the hater remark made by a provider, but if you can get more for your services, or you think your worth more, than up your donations.  My donations was not the thread topic.

Great responses, so I appreciate the help.  The reason why I posted this is because I see plenty of providers offering discounts to whitelisted members, and a few felt they deserve a discount.  I prefer to give discounts to my friends whom I know we already have chemistry.  I also, believe it never hurts to ask!


Smile 4 me & happy Friday!

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 104 reads
26 / 27

call any of these ladies to verify how he was? Alrighty then. Let me know the women who do this so I don't bother with them for a reference...thanks.

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