TER General Board

My feelings about reviews
hotgirl77 4870 reads

It is still hard for me to understand why when a guy cannot perform because he is nervous, Why he has to bash the provider, Does he know when he is one out of fifty with a bad attitude, It kinda makes him look stupid?
 If I am wrong  Please,  Let me know.

ljokayle2626 reads

well if he is 1 out of 50 why are you so worried about him bashing you?

Darling, it's never our fault.
We are all super studs, so when a session is not great it can't possibly be our fault.
We have to blame someone and bitch and complain that she just wasn't good enough.

but there is a very strong prevailing attitude like this out there.

Just my opinion...

Exactly. Why worry? One not so good review out of so many? its chalked up to someone just having a bad day.

Sometimes if men dont click with a provider, they will write on the negative side. Someone isnt for everyone.

Dont sweat the small stuff. Not everyone gentlemen is going to like you unfortunately. :(

sicnarf5532 reads

I am an older guy and quite frankly worry about equipment failure - Commented on that to one provider and her comment was "you?"  So, guess for the most part I am ok, but I have had equipment failure - That is not a pleasant experience - and I have reviewed the event... but if you read my reviews you will not see the EF cited...  mainly because the performance of the provider was 1) up to par, and 2) should have been sufficient to get the equipment working - just was not... Who knows why - I don't.  But I don't sweat it!  and would not put it into a review because it had nothing to do with her performance - IF it had, I would have commented on it...

But as a guy, I have noticed that trend as well... 1 in 50?  don't worry about that !  what is that like 5 pages on TER!  That is above he average!

BILL183563666 reads

maybe they get angry at the provider for not making them into super studs. Then again maybe for what ever the reason you didn't get it done for him this particular day. (providers can have bad days also) 1 in 50 isnt bad :D

hotgirl771773 reads

It just upsets me when I do my best  and I get bashed for it...  I hate a black mark on my record..

ErynSunshine2162 reads

Hotgirl.... as someone in this business who has been around for years once told me, ANY publicity is good publicity. As long as your phone is ringing, don't take it personal honey it seems your other reviews show how wonderful you are. Peace and hugs Eryn

hotgirl771913 reads

I just gets to me a bit...

It just happened to me- read the review if you like.  I felt worse for her (almost) because she kept saying she did all she could and was worried.  I would just let it go.

coolchilad1271 reads

Some providers that I know are so afraid of bad reviews that they have changed their service policy. "Oh, if I didn't do what he's asking for, he would write a bad review of me".... Don't step in this cr*p. It is not healthy..

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