TER General Board

My daughters are young...I would hope that they have other venues to explore first like university
MILFCARESSA See my TER Reviews 391 reads

and etc, but at some point if it is really what they want to do, I would hope that I have the maturity to help them.  I have offered mentorship to other young ladies coming up in the biz so I would hope that I could do that for them too.  First thing I do with yunger providers is ask them to find goals to reach for...their own, not mine so that there is a focus.  Second thing, I look at is their safety- whether they need an assistant side by side with them or whether they have what it takes to do it solo.  A young soul is not always grounded enough to be ok in this world on their own- so many danger zones to predict.  I was young once and did not see those in advance to coming...the momma in me gets so scared and protective.  Sigh

If you found out your daughter got herself into escorting,would you support her or would you be upset at her?Why or why not?

Support her, Teach her, Help her, Love her. 100%

If she was already established and happy I would support her choices.  My reason for stopping her entry before she entered the industry would probably be the same as any parent, concern for her well being, her health and concern about her leading a life in an industry that is illegal and uncertain for income and safety from day to day.
Not all mongers are nice guys, (like me), not all of them are disease free, not all if them treat ladies right.  Also, not all providers are independents making big bucks.  Not all providers make it to the top, there is a learning curve that unless she is really lucky or jas the right contacts, she can get herself in real trouble.  

This is not a negative thread only.  For if guided properly by a friend I am sure there are a lot of providers who have been very happy with their choices.  But can you honestly say that this life is good for any/all young girls?  I think not.  A successful provider is smart enough to use her income to get an education or training for a "day" job which she can either transistion to, or supplement her provider income.  I wish everyone success.  Age, disease and accidents can destroy a providing career a lot faster than a civvie one.  As a father of boys I am glad I dont have to really worry about this question so much, but tell me its a "safe" profession and I'd have to disagree.  As a father I would always want my kids to be safe and happy.  
Again, if she presented it as a fait accomplie and she was healthy and happy and well adjusted, what could I say, except I loved her.

-- Modified on 5/19/2016 9:19:27 AM

I can honestly say I'd hope she found something else despite my utmost respect, admiration and infatuation with several amazing providers. Dare I say most, except for the infatuation element ...  

In the end, I'd support her and love her unconditionally  
For the record, I have a son. So what do I know

How would you react upon learning they were a male escort?

Another question: how would you react upon learning they were a hobbyist?

My expectation is that having been part of this world myself, I would not have a problem with it, but I don't have kids so I can't really say

Same answer.

Likewise same answer if they were going to do or be anything outside the "norm", male, female, hetero, gay, whatever.  I will always love my kids and support them, but to make their life easier and safer I would always counsel towards the norm.  If they buck me and go their own way, I will fight to get them to stay in an easier course, but I would never stop loving my kids.  If my boys end up as gigolos, or male strippers, that will be their choice, I won't like it, I'll counsel against it, but cest la vie right?

Would it be better(for your daughter) to be  
                                   a Civilian lady  
                                             married to a Hobbyist?

If she isn't pleasing him then its her fault.  If he just wants to sleep around no matter how much he gets at home, its his.  None of my beeswax.  I will always side w blood when it comes to comforting a broken heart.

YairMarx526 reads

Opps, wrong board ...,

-- Modified on 5/19/2016 7:44:24 AM

Just kidding!  
I'd be more concerned about her well being and safety more than anything else. Too many crazy folks out yonder. Prolly discourage her for selfish reasons. But her safety would be my biggest concern.  
For my sons, go for it!! Hit all the pussy you can, while you can!!  
Yes it's a double standard! That's just the way it is


Posted By: LondonBay
If you found out your daughter got herself into escorting,would you support her or would you be upset at her?Why or why not?

HOsBuzters410 reads

Posted By: NaomiGrey
.... What?... Did someone make the "Friends & Family Discount" joke already?? ... damn

-- Modified on 5/19/2016 2:18:13 PM

Posted By: Dallas_texan
Just kidding!  
 I'd be more concerned about her well being and safety more than anything else. Too many crazy folks out yonder. Prolly discourage her for selfish reasons. But her safety would be my biggest concern.  
 For my sons, go for it!! Hit all the pussy you can, while you can!!  
 Yes it's a double standard! That's just the way it is  
Posted By: LondonBay
If you found out your daughter got herself into escorting,would you support her or would you be upset at her?Why or why not?

Posted By: LondonBay
If you found out your daughter got herself into escorting,would you support her or would you be upset at her?Why or why not?

my kids are my kids no matter what.

I WOULD want to make sure that they had something else to fall back on and that they were being as safe and intelligent about what they were doing as possible

She knows about TER, P411, and all the details of how this all works.  If she chose to do this, I would have 2 requests of her:
1) Have a "legitimate" job, and use escorting as a backup job.  You'll have college money, you'll learn how to run a business, etc.

2) Find a successful local provider to coach you.

I'm no hypocrite.  I'm not religious anymore.

I don't always mention religion when I type.  In fact, if you looked at my posting history, you would see that I usually don't.  I occasionally bring it up for the simple reason that I'm as vehemently anti-religion as I am pro-hobby.  Also, it should be noted that many times, I talk about religion, rather than typing about it.

BTW Naomi, you're sexy as hell, and I enjoy your contributions to the boards.

We've joked about him escorting. He's good-looking and openly bi (at least to me), so he might have a market. All the same, I wouldn't endorse him doing it because I don't think he's emotionally stable or tough enough. (I wouldn't want him in the military for the same reason.) He'd quickly become a BSC escort.

I admire the (outward?) emotional resiliency of the women I've met in this profession. You women must be pretty tough to be so tender in this biz. Like anything else, I guess we don't see the ones who don't make it.

Hell no!
And it's not because I'd be judgemental.  
I'm not a hypocrite.  
But being a provider changes the rest of your life, not just your current one.  
And just as I'd advise any young person not to do anything permanent in their youth...this includes tats...the same would be true of being a provider early on  
Partly because we can use terms like hobbyist and provider but that's not how the majority of the world perceives us

I would absolutely be the one doing her booking. There would be no room for error or shenanigans.  As for my son's   boys will be boy's. Traveling with the military there's no way for me to know anyway. I just hope that they were listening through the years. Given the path they've chosen I am going to assume that they did.  😊

That was the deal they made prior to her getting into the business.

I've met them both, in fact, and it seems to work out very well.

No ones going to try harder to keep her safe than mom!

I have considered teaching my mom how to screen and book. I know she'd be super vigilant because I'm her baby. But, she types very slowly, so im afraid it would take up too much of her time.

Posted By: mrfisher
That was the deal they made prior to her getting into the business.  
 I've met them both, in fact, and it seems to work out very well.

Dear Ms. Keevey,  
Just wondering if now she would know what you were feeling and who did you decide to disclose this too? This is a question that both you and her would share because of the fear of the reaction that both of you would have initially. Also she would be wondering about any future reprisals from the family like being cut out of wills and certain entitlements that would go to other siblings as well.  Although this is not real life, I am sure that in secret life of a call girl Cheri Lunghi had this thought when she put Belle in charge of her daughter and her daughter learned eventually what she was doing.  However, she was not prepared for the fallout when she did learn that.  

Posted By: Erin Keevy
I would absolutely be the one doing her booking. There would be no room for error or shenanigans.  As for my son's   boys will be boy's. Traveling with the military there's no way for me to know anyway. I just hope that they were listening through the years. Given the path they've chosen I am going to assume that they did.  😊

I don't have a daughter   but if I did.... I just have two sons  PRAISE JESUS lol

I wholeheartedly agree with it:

"This is such an odd question but since it’s one sex workers hear all the time, it should be addressed.
I don’t speak for everyone (obviously) but to me, this logic really betrays the thinking of the person asking it - that is, they view their children, especially their daughters, as property rather than people. In truth, it doesn’t matter what I think about the choices my kids make once they’re adults (I have two school-aged daughters). I’m their mother and I’ll always care and want what’s best for them, but I also want them to make decisions based on what they want rather than what I want.  
My kids are both under 10 so we’re a long way off from talking about jobs, but if my girls told me they wanted to start working in (or were already working in) the sex industries, my primary concern would be about their safety. There are different risks depending on what you’re doing but what’s central to all of them is stigma and discrimination, and this is what puts us in so much danger if and when things go wrong. If my kids, as adults, decided to get into cam modelling, I’d want them to be able to do it and be able to shop around and host their content with a company that gives them a fair cut of their earnings. If they decided to work as strippers, I’d want them to be able to choose their hours, wear what they like, and not have to worry about the club imposing fines. Ditto if they decided to work in a brothel. And if they were ever abused or outed by a client, I’d want them to be able to seek out help without having to worry that they’ll be outed and therefore unemployable outside the sex industries. Most of all, I’d want to know that they don’t have to worry about being targets for male violence and police violence, which is the reality sex workers are living with right now; rapists and murderers target us (especially the most marginalized of us) because they think no one will care if we live or die, and instead of helping us, cops are extorting, blackmailing and raping us.  
As parents, we prepare our kids for the world, try to point them in the right direction, and support their choices. Obviously, there are some things that would really horrify me, such as if they decided to become police officers or enter the military. I wouldn’t agree with these choices, but I’d still love my daughters.  
Sex work is tough, regardless of what kind it is, and to be honest, I’d want my kids doing an easy job that they enjoyed and paid them lots of money. But in the real world, I can’t wave a magic wand and give them everything they want any more than I can dictate their lives. All I can do as a mother is support them and do whatever I can to make the world a better place for them, and that includes decriminalizing and destigmatizing the sex industries. Even if my kids never encounter them at all, someone else’s will and I want everyone to be safe. Surely we can all agree on that? "

Have a heart attack just thinking about the risks that can be taken  

Posted By: LondonBay
If you found out your daughter got herself into escorting,would you support her or would you be upset at her?Why or why not?

She works in retail right now, and has an art school degree, Yeesish is right.

The important thing, as pointed out in so many posts, is to love her and respect her wishes, as well look out for her safety.  You don't own your kids, so it's really their choice.

This question gets asked a lot, and it kind of odd that you never hear someone ask:  What if your son became a hobbyist?

What's up with that

Posted By: LondonBay
If you found out your daughter got herself into escorting,would you support her or would you be upset at her?Why or why not?
I'd absolutely support her but I'd also feel hurt/upset that she didn't come & talk to me first.    I'd only be frustrated or angry if she were doing things in an unsafe manner.  Most mothers worry incessantly about their children, and I'm not different in that.

Of course, my mother/daughter dynamic isn't exactly "normal" so please don't go by me.  ;-)

I am a part of this TER community and I love all women here ,  
we have fun and I bring in the cash . I have no problem with  
this and I do not view any providers in any demining way and I don't judge .  
But when it comes to my little girl having sex , even with her first boyfriend,  
I know this day will come someday , I can tell you I will not like it.  
Moving further down the line,  me seeing her name and picture  
on TER lets say , would really crush me cause she is my little innocent princess.  

Yes , I would be crushed !

There are some things in life that we better off not knowing ,especially when it involves our kids.
I will assume that most of us here on TER don't tell everyone we know what we do .
I would never dare to tell my mom or my pa that I am addicted to hookers and that I love it.
Its my private hobby , I only told few of my guy friends, that's it.  

Other that that I am a loving husband and loving father to both of my kids.
Rest is a Taboo

Note: all persons referred to in this post and subject line are unrelated and over the age of 18.

JakeFromStateFarm473 reads

1)  I may be over 18 but my maturity level is that of a 12-year-old.  On a good day.
2)  She will be calling me "daddy."

-- Modified on 5/19/2016 6:21:21 PM

Will you tell her that she has a clitoris and it's only use is for PLEASURE?

You do realize, don't you, that all cute babies and kids grow up to be adults...who FUCK.  Are you also horrified if your kids eat, sleep, drink, or take showers?  Do you want them deprived of their needs, and living lives of misery?  Jesus h christ, I have a daughter who's going to be 18 in 3 months.  She has friends who became pregnant as teens, and a mother who only had one ovary AND was on birth control, and still got pregnant.  I'm pretty confident she has the info she needs to make good sexual choices, and that's the only part that I have any right to worry about.

Cause that would mean my vasectomy did not work

I'd be disappointed, but not for the reasons you  might think.

I'd hate to think that I've worked in this field to support her, get her all her extra activities, get her all her ACT/SAT etc. prep classes, get her into college, and get her tuition paid.... just for her to decide this was the life for her.

If she WERE to choose this path-- I'd help her.  But... I'd be a bit heartbroken.

and etc, but at some point if it is really what they want to do, I would hope that I have the maturity to help them.  I have offered mentorship to other young ladies coming up in the biz so I would hope that I could do that for them too.  First thing I do with yunger providers is ask them to find goals to reach for...their own, not mine so that there is a focus.  Second thing, I look at is their safety- whether they need an assistant side by side with them or whether they have what it takes to do it solo.  A young soul is not always grounded enough to be ok in this world on their own- so many danger zones to predict.  I was young once and did not see those in advance to coming...the momma in me gets so scared and protective.  Sigh

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