TER General Board

Dear Abby: Concerning Pot and Pussy
Dope-ona-Rope 5084 reads

I have a delicate question regarding one of my ATF’s who is also UTR.  We spend many enjoyable hours together; sex and company.  I am always happy when I leave her and look forward to seeing her again.  Lately though, the last two times I have seen her, I have been taken aback when I DATY.  In the past, she was always sweet and fresh tasting.  These last couple of times though, the DATY tasted strongly of pot.  

My questions are: Can excessive pot smoking somehow transmute into the secretions of her vagina to taste like pot?  In the past she only smoked a weed now and then, lately she has been smoking the pot from a water pipe.  Can that be the difference?

Depending on your replies, how then do I breach the topic with her?

Thanks for your help.

p.s. I have used an alias for this message in case she reads this and makes a connection.

If her pussy smells like pot, light it up, dude!  MA

You have not gone into detail about the smell.

Pot breath: that should be easy to figure out. That would be the end of that for me, 'cause I would feel like I was making out with her previous client.

Pot smoke: Worthy of Columbo. Pussy has a life and pot habit of it's own? Uses her snatch as an ashtray?

Actual pot smell, as in sticking your nose in a baggie of Humbolt: How bad can this be? She sits on her stash like a mother hen? Perfect vaginal hydroponic growing conditions? Skunkweed might be harsh.

Why on earth do men waste time consulting other men instead of going to the source? BTW, do you get a buzz after eating?

Cho-Clit-Luva2530 reads

a provider I saw has a BIG appetite for cannibus. I've pretty much concluded that I need to stay AWAY from ladies with a drug problem.  Added risk of the lady bringing something unpleasant into the transaction, since drug-use tends to lower inhibitions and increase the risk of doing unsafe things with others over a period of time.

I considered DATY and came close but the reefer smell was down there too, even after a shower.

Oh well, I guess you are what you eat/smoke.

And in this particular case, I didn't become a pussy.

CRS13052 reads

Wow,I see the brainwashing AKA the war on drugs must really be working when people still consider pot the gateway drug to hell,haha to funny!!!

My ATF, who has a well deserved reputation as an outstanding fellator with many clients, states that she can detect evidence of drug intake by the taste of the semen. I'm currently in negotiations with the NBA and NFL to offer her services in their drug testing programs. I don't anticipate any significant resistance on the part of the athletes, but I'm having difficulty convincing management of the cost/benefit advantages of my proffered test plan. The  major sticking point seems to be that management fears that the player unions will demand excessive testing frequency.

That's why I no longer date smokers.  

There have been lots of threads in the past about guy's semen picking up tastes too, so it should come as no surprise that a woman's pussy does also.  

The bottom line is, you are what you eat- at least for 24-48 hours.

Ick ick ick!
You think nicotine has a taste? Smoke has a taste.
Please think about what you said. I hate smokers, too, but it's not the girl you're tasting!!!  Yeee-uck!

I know what I'm tasting, and it's not the previous customer, as you were so quick to assume.  

About 99% of my sexual experiences have been with non-providers.  Having been sexually active for about 35 years, I've accumulated a pretty large data base of experiences.  

The bottom line remains you CAN taste smokers, at least if you're a non-smoker and still have a sense of taste.

HollysHobby2996 reads

and a) you won't care, b) the intensity of pleasure will be heightened, c) you'll have the munchies and d) you won't care :)  
If you want serious :You should "broach" the subject with her directly.

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