TER General Board

Impact of Flu Vaccine Shortage on Provider Business?
Damian1 148 Reviews 2843 reads

I was just wondering if any provider has considered the possibilty of an impact to her business in the coming months because of the flu vaccine shortage.  I would predict that more people (both providers and hobbyists) would catch the flu this season since they will not be vaccinated.  Any thoughts?

Aunt JaMima4446 reads

I've gotten very sick 2 times, by just getting the flu shot. Before getting the shots, I was very healthy. People who have health problems, I think should go out and get the shot. I think the flu shot is very overated. With enough medicines on the shelf, should be the trick for the average person out there. Just my thoughts..

ElleWoods2949 reads

those of you healthy people should not even try get the vaccine it is selfish and futile,  f you get the shot I hope you end up sick with another strain, srves you right.   Allow the elderly & infants to get theirs first!  Some states are fining health care providers who give it to non high risk people.

Why is everyone freaking?   Most don't even get a flu shot normally, this is just crazy!  It's like the beanie babies or cabbage patch kids, tickle me elmo etc years ago, less supply more demand-for no reason other than hysteria, can we say morons?

Why would a healthy person get one knowing there is a shortage, pretty crappy if you ask me.  Btw I am in the high risk group, nothing big but I qualify, minor health issues,  but I have not tried to get one yet,  the elderly are far more at risk than I-I will just be more cautious and if I feel symptoms I will crawl in to my doc for (oral flu) anti viral meds should I become ill.

Why some are going nutso I don't grasp this, for years THERE WERE NO VACCINES for the flu. but y'all will have risky sex, talk about massive contradictions-which is more harmful flu or sex with multi partners and BBJTCNQNS and BBFS DFK etc some of you have lost your minds or priorities.  The flu vs herpes, non specific stds', ven. warts or HIV?  

Get a grip already!

Uncle JaMima2442 reads

I used to get a bad bout with the flu every year.  Then I started flu shots and stopped getting it.  I never got sick from the shots. ymmv.

The indicator for getting (trying) flu shots is that you usually get a bad case of the flu, or have known health problems.

This year, it's different.  People can't just "run out and get the flu shot" even if they want to.  It needs to be reserved for those that seriously need it.  That doesn't include me.  If I get the flu it is not life threatening, but to answer the original question, yes - it would definitely cut down on my hobbying.

I might look into the alternate flu mist product.

Dick Cheney2612 reads

but they have to do outcall to the bunker

Aunt JaMima2078 reads

Free pancakes for everyone! I just need to make sure that my brother Uncle JaMima is ready to flap those pancakes with me in the kitchen ;) Put that Apron on, Uncle Jamima! lol

Kimi_Lixx1809 reads

Assuming everyone doesn't catch the flu on the same day and remain sick for the exact same amount of days, there might be a slight dip in a providers scheduling opportunities, but I doubt anything really drastic. If the provider catches the flu she's going to lose more for the time she's out.

I've never had a flu shot. I catch cold/flu a couple times every winter and it's never been much of a problem. A week of sniffles and headaches and lousy feeling. I stop working when I feel it coming on, to try to avoid being "Typhoid Mary", although I know by the time I feel it I've already been incubating a couple days and have probably passed it on to a couple people.

What really bothers me is gentlemen who go visiting when they know they are coming down with something. Please, don't do this!!

I know some providers will french kiss and other won't kiss at all.  Is getting colds and flu part of the issue? or is it more because kissing is perceived to be more intimate (reserved for actual boyfriends or significant others).

I work in a job that makes me especially vulnerable to the flu.  Three hundred and fifty people come in and out of that office every day, and there's no assigned work positions or terminals, we must use whichever one is open.  

Last November I came down with a vicious flu.  It was miserable, and afterward my boss responded by putting me on warning due to attendence.  

I swore this year that I would get the damn shot as soon as possible, not realize that my government would f*ck it up.  

I don't know if it will hurt provider business, but I hope that's not the least of our problems.

Nothing seems to touch me when I follow that regimen well.  Some say that vitamin C does not work as believed, for some reason it works wonders for me.  I have remained well with people with flu hacking all around me.

I'd say my chance of coming down with flu in a given year is roughly 50 percent.

extent (not too little and not too much).  I think that the combination is the key for me.  I also learned from a friend several years ago that I needed to cover up mildly after exercising in cooler weather to allow my body to cool slowly. So I now wear a cap and sometimes a light shell or pullover after exercising during the fall, winter and spring.

How did your "government" f**k it up?
Your "government" doesn't produce vaccine - and if it did, it would cost 5 times more.
Rather, you should focus your hatred on lawyers who sue for any issue possible regarding vaccine, and other things. There is not enough money in it for an American company to make this stuff.
FYI - the British government closed down that facility because the stuff was contaminated1 - Would you want to be shot up with that?

That's conservative political correctness for ya.    

No, I won't focus my hatred on lawyers, which are the last line of defense consumers have: from the government or from businesses.  I'm not going to be persuaded to cut my own throat.

My government gets my complete blame here, and I don't buy your attempts to shift it to lawyers-- period.  It's congress that makes the laws for the lawyers.  Let them figure it out, or lose their elections. Oops, they hardly ever do, don't they!  Ever wonder why?  
Would't have something to do with their trying to shift blame to lawyers, would it?  


-- Modified on 10/24/2004 12:36:41 PM

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