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My $.02 Re:Question for Asian Hobbyists and Providers
Pseudomyke 2 Reviews 3976 reads

There certainly is intra-asian prejudism...it's not limited to just the chinese, japanese or koreans but all asians that grew up, live or spent most of their lives in asia. Alot of the tension among the big three is due to self-perceived inferiority/superiority complexes. I know older generation chinese & koreans still hate the japanese for what happened in WWII (but so do older americans) while the younger generations dislike the japanese because they're all caught up in some really crazy nationalistic (not to be confused with patriotic) pride.

Recently had a session with a Korean provider at an AAMP. She also used to work at am AMP and said business was slow and Chinese and Japanese customers did not like her. She has better luck with American and Korean men. Just out of curiosity, do Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. see other Asian races differently / look down on those races? I know that Chinese don't like Japanese because the Japanese occupied China during WWII.

My business dealings with Asia leads me to the following:

- the Japanese were perfectionists, willing to examine every last excruciating detail. Most of the people I met were surprisingly gentle, but not necessarily in a weak way. They are very conformist oriented, though rebel factions are visible.They see themselves as the civilized society in Asia. Marriages struck me as vehicles for child rearing than true love. Very concerned with saving face. Foreigners are treated with respect, but rarely will one be allowed into an inner circle of Japanese.

- the Chinese are very enteprising, hard working albeit disorganized. I found Tokyo to be immaculate and Hong kong filthy. I think there is mutual respect and huge mistrust between the Chinese and Japanese.

- the Koreans seem to be the angry stepchild of the region. I think the Japanese in particular look down on the Koreans, in part because they seem to copy the Japanese innovations rather than create their own. No doubt there is history which I do not know, but the recent Japanese apology for using Koreans as comfort women during WW2 indicates a long standing superiority complex.

Comments welcome as I would be interested in other more informed views.

this applies mostly to the first generation immigrants and those living in Asia.  In general, second and third generation Asians in this country have adapted to the American culture and do not necessarily fall into the same categories.  Nicely put, otherwise.

Asoans in general seem to be more family oriented.  They respect their elders.  Extremely hard working due to hardships of where they were brought up.  I believe asian women are the most beautiful in the world and the most faithful if you can find the right one.  Just my two cents worth.

.....and it certainly applies to Asian pussy, "it's all good." MA

As far as I know, Japanese are seen and considered as Americans in Asia if you know what I mean.Though Chinese hate Japanese,and Korean hate Japanese,Japanese don't care 'cause they look down other Orientals.This is what I know of.

forget after they leave high school.  For much of the rest of the world, their history, especially if it concerns war/suppression, lives on today.
   The Chinese and Koreans I have spoken with know well what the Japanese did to their ancestors; for the Koreans it goes back to long before WWII.  Talk to an immigrant from the area around what used to be Yugoslavia.....they can probably tell you about wrongs committed against their ethnic group several hundred years ago.
   In this country many wrongs were committed against not only blacks, but the Irish, Poles, Italians and other ethnic groups.  Fortunately, for the most part, that is "water over the dam" and most of that history now is never learned by most Americans, let alone forgotten.
   History seems to teach that, unfortunately, the only way we may find some kind of unity on Earth is to find out that those Unidentified Flying Objects indicate there is a hostile enemy in outer space.  Anyone have another solution to the current ethnic hatred eminating from the Middle East?

There certainly is intra-asian prejudism...it's not limited to just the chinese, japanese or koreans but all asians that grew up, live or spent most of their lives in asia. Alot of the tension among the big three is due to self-perceived inferiority/superiority complexes. I know older generation chinese & koreans still hate the japanese for what happened in WWII (but so do older americans) while the younger generations dislike the japanese because they're all caught up in some really crazy nationalistic (not to be confused with patriotic) pride.

The answer might be simpler than you think.  I don't think hobbiest really give a damn about history or political backgrounds of providers.  Hell, most of my chinese friends enjoy f**king japanese girls just fine.

Basically, asian men look at asian women differently than how american men look at asian women.  Fundamentally, asian men have different taste.  For example, hot asian models/actresses (i.e. Lucy Liu and Audrey Kwok) would never even get one second of air time in asia.  Their looks don't appeal to asian men, but in america, they are considered hot stuff.  

Does this mean asian men have higher standards?  Not necessarily....just different standards.  I notice a lot of american men like the petite, subservient asian woman with slanted eyes.  This is quite a turn-off for most asian men, as models and actresses in asia tend to have euro-asian characteristics, which are considered more desireable there...  

As my chinese friend puts it, "only the less desireable ones end up with american guys cus they are the leftover and no asian guys would ask them out."  This is kinda sad, but it might be true. Being an asian male myself, I have never seen what I consider a "hot" asian girl date or marry an American fellow.  It's interesting seeing a tall handsome caucasian man going out with a troll of a woman... He may find her undoubtly hot, but others may feel differently.  This may be an evolutionary trend...  The perspectives are designed to be different so that all women, asian or not, eventually find someone...

The Japanese look down on the Koreans and Chinese, and all three groups look down on the other southeast asians.  The SE asians are probably like the mexicans in america, ie they do the cheap labor work.

interesting, but the SE asians look down on the rest of asia. Singapore and Malaysia are very advanced countries. They have the smartest kids (highest GMAT/GRE scores in the world), and their society is well maintained.  Bottom line is that asians just don't like each other.

You find it in the latin cultures as well.  Cubans, and Argentinians perceive themselves at the top of the totem pole.  With Columbians, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, and Houndurans at the bottom.  It seems the darker the complexion the farther down the pole you go.

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