TER General Board

Mundane world, enchanted world..everyone is jealous of everyone. Or not. -e-
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 2502 reads
1 / 56

So the group has to hire 2 new Associates and I spent the morning helping to interview a round of candidates about 1/2 female.  And all of them were really good.  They all seemed well informed about the position but more importantly they exhibited an incredible amount of gravitas.

This is the most important aspect of any professional position.  The executive presence that one exhibits as they conduct themselves in the world is probably the most important trait of success.  I mean I don't go into the office talking ebonics (know wad da fuck I mean mothafucka:)

Having met with many Providers I gotta say um some seem lacking in this area.  Oh granted I was there for sex but I have had many conversations with Providers and there does seem to be that lack of gravitas (there's that word again!).  

I would sum it up by saying there is a distinct difference between those that are committed to pursuing success and those that want success by merely half-assing it.  And let's face it Providing aint exactly working in a sausage factory (pun intended but seriously working in a sausage factory is hard work)

And that leads me to wonder are Providers jealous of those women that have entered "the real world" and become successful?  I mean how do you compare yourselves to a female that has earned a JD or MD?  

Just my two cents.  And probably not even worth that!!!


P.S.  Recommend reading for Providers - Seeing Yourself As Others Do: Authentic Executive Presence at Any Stage of Your Career
Written by: Carol Ann Keers, Thomas Edward

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 1224 reads
2 / 56

And those careers just aren't compatible with the other things we need to be doing in our lives right now.  Doing this work doesn't add or remove gravitas (see a thousand previous discussions regarding why price varies so much among girls).

For me, this work replaces being married, not my education or career.  On that, yes, I'm totally jealous of girls who chose better husbands.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1045 reads
3 / 56

Considering the skanks you see it's little wonder you think no hooker has gravitas.  I'll bet you wouldn't know real gravitas if it walked up and bit you on your ass.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1044 reads
4 / 56

Interviewing for what? Next CEO of GE

Dr Who revived 737 reads
5 / 56

You comment that "Many providers are educated, and do have corporate jobs. You cannot become a top rated provider without a certain level of intelligence"........I'm sure that some are and some aren't.  What I am 110% sure of however is that any gal can (and does) become a "top rated provider" with nothing more than high school as her education level.  As well...I doubt many of the current (and full time) gals are working in anything other than this gig.  

Honestly few dudes give a shit about what any gal has as far as sheepskin.  It's the pics, reviews and word of mouth that gets her "to the top" in this game.  As unfair as that may be at times  LOL

As far as a gal being jealous of someone or something...better to spend the time and energy focusing on changing ones course in life than worry about someone else and the path they've chosen.  That goes for everyone in life as well.
Posted By: sexxygurl
I would dignify this word vomit with a long, expanded upon answer, but I don't want to feed the sad little troll.  
 Three main points though:  
 1) You're paying to have a good time with a provider. Why would she be extremely professional and exhibiting "gravitas?" Then we'd be accused of being stand offish and unfriendly. They also might not want to waste their eloquence on someone like you, who apparently makes casual racist comments.  
 2) Many providers are educated, and do have corporate jobs. You cannot become a top rated provider without a certain level of intelligence.  
 3) You are ignorant, and you are right when you say your opinion is not worth two cents. This is a tough business, and we earn our success. I have no idea why we would be jealous of anyone else.

NewEnglandGangsta 785 reads
6 / 56

Does gravitas mean grab dat tits and ass? I can do dat real good

client_number_9 948 reads
7 / 56

Naw dawg gravitas mean dey floss thru da town like a big wheel Crestside playa. Dats playa shit, ya kno?

FTMZacharyPrince See my TER Reviews 653 reads
8 / 56

...you're not spending enough to see providers who express the level of professionalism that you seek.  Ladies who have already made it in the professional world or have chosen providing over the highly-paid jobs we are otherwise qualified for set high rates.  Why? 1) because we can, and 2) because we would never want to work longer and harder hours in this job than we would need to in a civvie job.  We run the show and we set our own schedule and our own pay scale, unlike almost any other job.  Hence we are generally not jealous, especially if we enjoy what we do.

Idk about other ladies, but this is my dream job.  I have a lot of specialized skills and I'm quite amazing at what I do, and I charge accordingly.  I'm 100% my own boss and I get paid to orgasm.  What in the world is there for me to be jealous of??  My sixteen-year-old self would be very proud of me.  :)

Skyfyre 526 reads
9 / 56

That this topic is worth 0.25 cents!

MasterZen 33 Reviews 609 reads
10 / 56

I bet Ridge will put in the good word for us if we PM him. Bring your "gravitas"!

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 712 reads
12 / 56

But at least I know the correct use of jealously versus envy. Jealously is fear of losing that which you already possess – “Amber jealously guarded her clients from other hookers.” Envy is the desire for something you don’t possess – “Amber’s client list was the envy of other hookers.”

Allstar 9 Reviews 743 reads
13 / 56

Political correctness has ruined workplaces more than its helped. I was one of the best on my team when I worked for a marketing company. I was more knowledgeable and understood the capabilites of the product more than anyone I worked with, but promotions were only offered to those who looked and acted a part. It was not based on actual performance and knowledge of the job.

I started my own service and repair business about 5 years ago and I am not business like in the way I conduct myself. I am however, the one who shows up every week, rain or shine, the one who does not cut corners and who customers recommend to their friends and family because Im competent,  I do great work and because I'm dependable. Thats why they hired me.  

Id rather walk the walk than look a part.

JohnyComeAlready 904 reads
14 / 56

I don't think there's a word for what he's experiencing.

Posted By: rrasha88
But at least I know the correct use of jealously versus envy. Jealously is fear of losing that which you already possess – “Amber jealously guarded her clients from other hookers.” Envy is the desire for something you don’t possess – “Amber’s client list was the envy of other hookers.”

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1000 reads
15 / 56
mrfisher 108 Reviews 995 reads
16 / 56

To make it big in the business world you put in 80 hour weeks and lots of heavy lifting.  The pressure can be immense.

These gals with all their gravitas could look upon a gal who can make up to twice what they make and being their own boss with their own set hours with more than a bit of envy, IMHO.

Not to say that I haven't met a few gals in this hobby who do have day jobs that while not Fortune 500 territory, are nonetheless very reputable and even well paying

There are the good, bad, and ugly in every profession, and I'd put the best in the hobby world up against any other profession any day.

hbyist+truth=;( 747 reads
17 / 56

That is how I run this business and my other one. I may not be the best but I know that I am the best I can be and I don't need to kiss ass and that in some small way is still respected.

inicky46 61 Reviews 707 reads
18 / 56
npectum 3 Reviews 795 reads
19 / 56

I can't quite agree. Some of the smartest people on earth don't have anything past a high school degree. Look at people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs etc. Intelligence isn't reflective of one's education only.

People are talented at different things. A girl or guy who can observe a person being in a state of pleasure has intelligence. People who realize when making movies are no longer profitable and escort use intelligence.  

You can't dismiss someone with a high school education as not intelligent.

inicky46 61 Reviews 854 reads
20 / 56

Here's the definition.  Do you really want your hooker to have "a very serious quality or manner?"  Yeah, right.  I want her to be quite solemn while her Loubie-clad feet are crossed behind her head and banging' on the headboard.
But we need to forgive Ridge.  Ignorant people always try to impress others by throwing around big pompous words.  They think it gives them, well, gravitas

JohnyComeAlready 779 reads
21 / 56

I enjoy being able to say what I want when I want.  

However it only takes a microcosm of self control in order to not say anything offensive... so easy a retard can do it.

LoboGris 3 Reviews 881 reads
22 / 56

All hat and no cows...

That would be RT

(for those with insatiable curiosity, there is a management book by that title... doesn't really hit the mark, but not a horrible read)

89Springer 702 reads
23 / 56

The only time I heard the word used was by the media leading up to the 2000 election. And they used it non-stop.

I wouldn't want my provider to have gravitas, though. Sounds like ultra-large cojones.

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 971 reads
24 / 56

Envy and jealousy are not synonymous. Your examples are incorrect uses of the word.

JackDunphy 655 reads
25 / 56

While you are correct that both words have slightly different meanings, you are incorrect to say they are not synonymous. Synonyms, by definition, can have the same OR nearly the same meaning.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 741 reads
26 / 56


Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 772 reads
27 / 56

you best me and I must have you.  

Like Khan Noonien Singhgoing going after James T. Kirk

to put a RT twist on a class sci-fi movie:)

She tasks me. She tasks me, and I shall have her. I'll chase her round the Moons of Nibia and round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flames before I give her up!

Let's hope that you don't get out of the biz before I get back to NYC.

That would show how shall we say it yes here it is ---- a lack of gravitas on your part!!!!

RT Out

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 649 reads
28 / 56

Many people use envy and jealously interchangeably, that I grant you. But that only proves that many people can be wrong.

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 794 reads
29 / 56

and thoughtful posts.

Oh Inicky what am I going to do with you.  

Many of us have always looked to our Jewish brothers as the wise and insightful "older brothers" who would lead us on the path to knowledge and compassion.

Clearly that will not be happening with you.  But hey keep trying.

Do you want me to buy you a copy of the book

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 865 reads
30 / 56
QuinnAdams 959 reads
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I think this is a bit of an incorrect generalization to make, although I can understand where you are coming from.

At the margin, I think career women are more highly educated, more eloquent, and more knowledgable about the world (politics, literature, history, other countries, etc.) than providers; many providers have not gone to college, and an even smaller portion have earned their degree from a 4-year institution.

However, there are absolutely exceptions, and I think the more elite the provider, the more educated she is likely to be. This is true in most cases EXCEPT for providers who have worked in porn or other mediums of adult entertainment; these ladies tend to have high rates because they are often extremely sought-after due to their having been featured in porn films and having built a name for themselves in this arena. After all, many guys would pay exorbitant amounts to say they slept with Sasha Gray -- and not be lying!

In Boston I know (mostly by reputation, as I know very few providers in the area and have only actually met a handful in person) a number of girls who have graduated from good colleges and a few who have advanced graduate degrees. These girls tend to have rates over $400, and about half are priced at $500+ for an hour. And even among those who haven't achieved this level of educational success, there are a number of ladies I have communicated with who are articulate, intelligent, and witty. Further, there are a reasonable number of girls who have had -- or who do have -- real careers and have been successful in the business world only to find that their income working in the "real world" is not nearly as high as it is working as a provider in the escorting industry.

All in all, I think this is not an accurate assumption you are making because you are ignoring a large group of providers who don't fit into the stereotypical portrayal you make in your argument.  

And to say that providers are jealous of non-providers is pretty outlandish to me since I think providers, even those who have not had much formal schooling -- have other fantastic traits that make them enviable in other ways. Providers tend to be fit and beautiful, and therefore, one could make the argument that non-providers might be jealous of them; after all, men do gravitate towards sexy women more so than intelligent women -- and the smartest men look to both, which elite providers possess in abundance

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 958 reads
33 / 56

First thing I clicked on Google was a confirmation of your statement about HS.

I have 'some college'. Maybe I really have a brain

inicky46 61 Reviews 790 reads
34 / 56
inicky46 61 Reviews 850 reads
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The idea of Rasha coupling with you makes me vomit. Unless she were to charge you $2000 for 15 minutes.

inicky46 61 Reviews 959 reads
36 / 56

First of all, CPA is still here, dummy. Everyone knows Who he is but you.
And, as for my book, yes, buy lots of copies.  I'm a whore.  I'll sell it to anyone. Even you.

-- Modified on 10/8/2014 11:42:42 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 820 reads
37 / 56

Something that causes people to gravitate toward you...

So I think my guess was close enough lol

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 550 reads
38 / 56
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 801 reads
39 / 56

or do you get gravitas at the Taco Bell Late Nite drive thru?

NewEnglandGangsta 846 reads
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Dr Who revived 996 reads
42 / 56

Never is a good idea. LOL

And I guess "everybody" didn't make the connection.

I'll take Rrasha for $2,000 Alex!  Dinner is OTC however.
Posted By: inicky46
First of all, CPA is still here, dummy. Everyone knows Who he is but you.  
 And, as for my book, yes, buy lots of copies.  I'm a whore.  I'll sell it to anyone. Even you.

-- Modified on 10/8/2014 11:42:42 PM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 710 reads
43 / 56
JackDunphy 845 reads
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I can't say I blame you but I will need to see Conan's diploma. He certainly didn't get it from Websters or MacMillan's. Lol.

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 780 reads
46 / 56

I can only lead you to the water. If you choose not to drink - so be it.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 956 reads
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Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 966 reads
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...and really able think on their feet (as well as on their back of course), highly adaptable, able to handle all kinds of situations.  Sure, some haven't fit this profile - but most have.  I'd hire some of them to work under me no problem (come to think of it, I guess I've already done that haven't I?  :o)

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 654 reads
49 / 56

The posters have corrected--or at least challenged--the key words gravitas and jealousy. You have also been enlighten to some degree about the ridiculousness of pretending to have gravitas while not knowing what your doing and/or not doing it very well. Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, and even Donald Trump might have a lot to disclose about how to succeed in business, but I don't think you've really added to the study.

So since you use the wrong words, meaningless comparisons, and flawed ideas in your attempt to express your discontent, let me try.

You are wondering if perhaps if the women you see were less bubbly and playful and more sultry and sensual, might you perhaps have a better time, is that it. After considering the question, I don't think you would. You need to be assertively open and a little more courageous to enjoy yourself with a P4P woman. Allow her--or on occasion command her--to take the lead. Save the stress of controlling things yourself for your mundane life. But that doesn't mean just lie back and let her do you off. OMG!! Words fail us both?! Can't be.

Just think about it. Does it ever REALLY matter which side of the counter you're on?

89Springer 1002 reads
50 / 56

Just put it this way: Envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Jealousy is not.

-- Modified on 10/9/2014 7:18:03 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 648 reads
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JackDunphy 747 reads
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She seems to believe words have to have the exact same meaning to be synonymous when they clearly do not.  

Words close in meaning meet the text book definition that she, for whatever reason, will not recognize.

If she isn't going to value Merriam's and MacMillan's expertise on this issue, what's the point of continuing this with her?

JohnyComeAlready 786 reads
54 / 56

Posted By: MatureGFE
I'm coveting just about everything about her.


The term you are looking for is covetous.

Your sentence should read "I Stephanie am covetous of Rasha's beauty, charm, and whit."

Using the word "about" twice in a sentence of six words sounds odd.

ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 846 reads
55 / 56
ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 881 reads
56 / 56

I think just changing one word would make things more pleasant; switch from "jealous" to "admire" (along with the proper grammatical amendments) and we can all smile a little more at this.

Marley B

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