TER General Board

Mostly amusing BUT
avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 2549 reads

ugly girls need love, too. No cloning!

Name one thing you would banish from the face of the planet; one thing you would make mandatory for everyone; and your selection as your royal male or female love monkey.

You may be as lofty or as shallow with your choices as you wish. I'll go first;

1.Tucker Carlson/combovers (tie!) 2. Everyone must learn at least one other language and live in another country for one year 3. Jon Stewart

-- Modified on 1/6/2006 1:33:08 AM

1)  Starving people & Cockroaches/Mr. Bush (tie)
2)  Same as you said -- Everyone must learn
   to live in a foreign country, learn the
   language and learn to adapt
3)  Darn! You already picked Jon Stewart, so
   I'd have to say Hugh Jackman

1,Pat Robertson. 2,Everyone must try my home grown weed. 3,JESSICA ALBA

1. "Professional" politicians (have a "civilian", term limited  really          
   representitive government).
2. Mandatory military service for all 18 to 20 year olds.
3. Catherine Zeta Jones (or CiaraPhx, either one) Wink.

Just my opinion...

1. People who don't exercise or people who chain smoke
2. People who borrow money for a living..(these same people call me a whore when I turn them down)
3. Religious fanatics....people who tell you who you can marry, when you can drink but run to the rapist/child molestors defense b/c the female wore make-up

and I've already done all that.  You guess what they were/are/is.

gidgettgirl2271 reads

1) I would rule no one operate in their lives with arrogance.
2) Everyone must read the book "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn, AND/OR "Banker To The Poor" by Mohammed Unis, by the age of 18.
3) My love monkey will be Mark S. of Denver.(discretion calls for omission of his last name-he hates to be in the limelight, although he shines when in it!)(And can you tell I'm excited to be flying to see his gorgeous self, and hear his gentle and soothing voice at exactly 1:30pm today?)


P.S. Any other questions or issues?....this could be fun!

Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty (Paperback)
by Muhammad Yunus

Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit  
by Daniel Quinn not My Ishmael

I am buying both out of curiousity but the reviews love Ishmael not My Ishmael

gidgettgirl2548 reads

...and I agree with the reviews-I found "My Ishmael and another of his, "The Story Of B" rather like watching a good movie's sequal!
If you do read "Ishmael", you'll see what I mean when I say you're about the 50th person I've told about the book...then again, maybe others will read it too, after this post, and I will have reached the 100-book referral mark!
I hope you enjoy Banker To The Poor also....pretty astounding what one man can do, and I dream sometimes of going to work for them full time!!

J_Doggy2887 reads

Ok here we go, I would banish unaccountability in our public servants- hold the fuckers responsible for their blunders and they may begin to pay attention to their jobs again.
I would make it mandatory that everybody take parenting classes, no direct offense to anybody here....but some people are dropping the ball with their kids, some are just morons, others simply don't give a shit- that depresses me.
My love monkey would be- well, it's a tie either the girl who played Kate on the Drew Carey show...or Sophie Marceau.
The Dogg

Bizzaro Superdude2146 reads

1) haiku's
2) talk in iambic pentameter.
3) koko - at least she seems nice...?  monkey?  only on I know.

1. Every male besides myself
2. English
3. It would be lottery based - you win, you're the love monkey for an hour (two if you're nice and pretend to actually like me).

Note: Not being a cruel emperor, the banished males would be sent to the moon rather than killed. The moon would then become like an all-male prison planet, so we'd show "Brokeback Mountain" and reruns of "OZ" on all the moon theatres 24/7 to keep them happy.

-- Modified on 1/6/2006 11:26:20 AM

Loth_a_rio2196 reads

1. L'empereur George Arbrisseau
2. L'amour pour tous
3. Sharon Pierre ou la tigresse rouge!

-- Modified on 1/6/2006 6:58:57 PM

1. (In the realm of politics)
(A) Make any and all elected as well as appointed leaders strictly adhear to the U.S. Constitution. In act quick Capital Punishment to anyone working under guise of government/law that usurps or violates any one of our Bill of Rights.

(B) Abolish the income Tax as we know it and institute a 10% flat (no exceptions for the insanely rich) Income Tax across the board.

(C) Remove ALL powers of censorship from the FCC and give them to the masses by their ability to change the f**king channel!

2. (Sociological issues)
(A)Put a quick end to all the restrictions on stem cell research and the like and let medical science progress.

(B) Start cloning armies of Carmen Electras, Jessica Simpsons, Catherine Zeta Jones, Rachel Hunters, Pamela Andersons, Etc so that the male population has a better stocked pond to fish from.

(C) Keep the hobby illegal but do not harass or enforce against it. This will pacify the moralists and preclude government from taxing and regulating the shit out of it while allowing us to practice it unfettered.

(D) Enough with all the inane safety warnings like "keep hands and feet from under lawn mower while operating" If we keep coddling idiots we short circuit natural selection and will end up with a population of imbeciles who would check for gas leaks with a lit match if not otherwise told.

3. Viagra will no longer be by prescription but sold over the counter as is aspirin

-- Modified on 1/6/2006 4:25:13 PM

ugly girls need love, too. No cloning!

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