TER General Board

"Most of you bore us out of our mind! lol". ha! I am laughing at you AND with you!
beach6216 8 Reviews 2006 reads
1 / 42

Ok...I get that we're a technology society. Hell I can't go 5 minutes without putting my phone down. I hate it. But when I'm on a date I do not look at my phone unless she's in the bathroom or something. I'm about to stop seeing my atf because she spends the last half of our time looking at her freaking phone and crap. If I'm paying for time, I want every minute of that time focused on ME.  I saw another provider yesterday who made 3 phone calls while we were together for 3 hours.  

Am I being unreasonable? Thoughts?

TectorGorch 17 Reviews 672 reads
2 / 42
ragnar27 902 reads
3 / 42

I don't get why any of you guys here allow the hookers to pull that type of shit on you.

I assume you paid her even though she didn't earn it.  

I hope that GaGambler has some rope left for you too.

hbyist+truth=;( 718 reads
5 / 42

I live by this...I treat you how I would ant to be treated and I hate the phone interruptions. There is nothing that important, well the exception is kids but for the rest of us, stay focused on your client until the time is up.

wwayne 45 Reviews 678 reads
6 / 42

The exact same thing happened to me yesterday. One of my ATF, for whom I have given a great review and pay big bucks, rushed the fun part, wrapped it up in 30 minutes and then spoke to people on three different phones. She then had the nerve to ask me to buy more time ... off the clock, so her assistant did not get a cut. Hell, I did not even get my full hour.

On top of all that, the performance was not as good as her prior dates. I think her high price and good reviews have gone to her head. She not longer seems to be working to please her customers. I think I will start referring to her as Radio Shack. This was probably our last meeting and she will eventually go our of business.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 608 reads
7 / 42
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 809 reads
8 / 42
Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 650 reads
9 / 42

I have 2 phones: one for work and one for personal use.   Now, once in a while I forget to turn off my work phone when a gentleman caller arrives (if we're hot & heavy from the moment he walks in the door, I might forget such mundane things) but usually I remember to do so.  Even if I forget and it can be heard buzzing: I ignore it.  

Normally, my personal phone is turned off even before a client arrives.  
There have, however, been very rare occasions when I had to be reachable on my personal phone; in those instances I left it on and hoped that it wouldn't ring lol.   Luckily, it never did.  :-)

For any provider to spend time on the phone during a date, for anything other than a personal emergency, is completely unprofessional.   And you have every right to expect better.  


Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 539 reads
10 / 42

I do not look at my phone when I am enjoying a gentleman. It is on silent too

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 631 reads
11 / 42

-- Modified on 9/12/2015 10:17:31 PM

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 676 reads
12 / 42

If she doesn't change her ways then.... Yeah she prolly took u for granted. Move on to greener pastures.

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 718 reads
13 / 42

ever considered that she may be sending you a message?

Don't "probably" make that the last meeting...

Wow...  I would've walked out (or pointed her the door) the moment she picked up her cell...

eva.keene See my TER Reviews 729 reads
14 / 42

I don't think you're being unreasonable at all. I consider it rude in ANY environment, unless it's an emergency. I also understand that not everyone thinks the same way though, and I bet (or would like to hope?) that if you expressed your desire to have quality, uninterrupted time together with her (read: no cell phone), she'd rectify the situation.

Posted By: beach6216
Ok...I get that we're a technology society. Hell I can't go 5 minutes without putting my phone down. I hate it. But when I'm on a date I do not look at my phone unless she's in the bathroom or something. I'm about to stop seeing my atf because she spends the last half of our time looking at her freaking phone and crap. If I'm paying for time, I want every minute of that time focused on ME.  I saw another provider yesterday who made 3 phone calls while we were together for 3 hours.  
 Am I being unreasonable? Thoughts?

TheGovernor 117 Reviews 689 reads
15 / 42

Kind of crap that happens with BP girls who are not on P411, Date-check, and have little exposure here at TER.

lordchesterfield 2 Reviews 530 reads
16 / 42

Had a massage girl who kept her phone on the table between my legs. Only saw her once.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 798 reads
17 / 42

That during our date I wait to escape to my phone when he's in the bathroom. Like I have been thinking about other people while he's here.

It took a while to get to that point, but I was confronted back in the day by a boyfriend who said "throw it behind you and forget about it."

Also, in sales, its well known that the second you check a text, you've lost the sale. It makes the person in front of you think you don't think they're good enough for your full undevided attention.

Obviously on a weekend date or overnight I will do a quick check when I'm on the John for the picky guys who hate auto reply - nah. LOL. Only urgent time sensitive stuff, or family emergencies, which rarely happens with me. The rate structure and process in scheduling limits my emails to a very small amount of inquiries. Makes life less stressful and less of a chance for having to check often - or even think about it.

(My rates automatically create "low volume not by choice" and it's great. )

The whole "I need to text my friends the second I get your dick out of my.mouth" is bullshit. Too high a price for that kind of service.

Plus, I want to enjoy the date too. :-)

-- Modified on 9/12/2015 10:25:25 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 660 reads
18 / 42

Obviously when I'm out to eat with a friend on tour working I need to understand she's here for work - I'm not paying her, and that's understood obviously.  

But with friends its even rude

ilarasantos See my TER Reviews 563 reads
19 / 42

Was she also filing her nails? Horrible but funny.

ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 575 reads
20 / 42

...I mean granted, we all have lives outside of this little sphere of ours, but you're right. You are paying for privacy, discretion, and most of all, time. When I am seeing a gentleman I silence my phone and put it somewhere out of sight. It just doesn't make sense that a lady would be looking at her phone for an extended period of time. As I picture it, it looks extremely awkward and also very frustrating.  

I would imagine since she is your atf that you've seen each other on more than a few occasions. Perhaps she feels that you two are comfortable enough with each other that she doesn't need to be as formal with you?  

One the other end of things, I don't mind if a gentleman checks his phone a few times during our time together, as they all tend to be very busy people in the first place.  

And so no, I don't think you are being entirely unreasonable. I'd say either voice your concerns, assuming that you'd like to keep the relationship going, or take your business elsewhere.

JackDunphy 598 reads
22 / 42

She is his ATF because she demanded that she be so.

I heard the OP didn't have a rebuttal to her declaration.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 543 reads
23 / 42
Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 635 reads
24 / 42

During play time, these things get shut off.

PussyLipGloss 541 reads
25 / 42

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 5:23:15 AM

2236707 3 Reviews 673 reads
26 / 42
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 587 reads
27 / 42

i remember a provider who made a half hour phone call during a hour session. The typical, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you next time, BS followed. I stopped seeing her and found there are pleanty of providers who are more professional.

poor-little-rich-girl 604 reads
29 / 42

Most of you bore us out of our mind! lol

Communicate it to her that you do not like it. If she values you as a customer she will stop.


ottolbrock 715 reads
30 / 42

My thought are: if you schedule a 1 hour date, her phone should be off. It makes me mad if she uses it. You get past 3 hours and I think she should be able to glance at it occasionally. She might have a friend who is checking on her safety, family, day job messages etc. As long as it is occasional and limited I am willing to accept it on my paid time on extended dates. If she is obsessed with it I am going to say something. I am going to be doing the same. Kind of a lets refresh, use the bathroom, fart and use our phones break. Lol.  
I guess I am the minority in those who find it acceptable on long sessions. Courtney, you can use it between one of my 6 organisms. I will need a couple breather in between. Lol.

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 589 reads
31 / 42

read more than a few reviews here about a provider constantly checking her phone during an appt.
It is unprofessional and not fair to the guy who has paid for a certain amount of time to be absorbed with the phone.Or going on and on about personal issues during an appt save that for civie friends and family.
I always have my phone off and put away whoever is calling,texting,or emailing can wait until I am available.
I don't think the OP is being unreasonable but I would suggest speaking to your ATF regarding the phone issue.If it continues to be an issue move on.

hbyist+truth=;( 770 reads
32 / 42

Or at the very least talk to her about this.  

On a performance note, I perform the same for everyone and do my best. If a john wants more  performance because he feels he is a regular, well not going to happen. I give my best and that is it from day 1.  

So are you expecting more and more out of her?  Just a thought. If her performance had dropped from previous times then, say something or just leave...easier to just find a new one.

hbyist+truth=;( 452 reads
33 / 42

If there is any OTC time, I will check my phone/emails. It is then my time and I can realistically do what I need to considering he is not paying a dime.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 593 reads
34 / 42

Some things should not have to be told to any adult and at $300/+ an hour that list is short.

Posted By: poor-little-rich-girl
Most of you bore us out of our mind! lol  
 Communicate it to her that you do not like it. If she values you as a customer she will stop.  

wwayne 45 Reviews 673 reads
35 / 42

To answer your question, no, I do not expect more. I have some menu items I enjoy and she gave them to me perfectly, until last week.  

It is hard to find an ATF, which is why I was thinking the same thing as you, Talk to her first, and then move on. I NEVER repeat a bad experience. But, I know she is capable. Since I have a way of contacting her directly, I will do so and be honest with my complaint. If she can convince me it was a "one off," great. My guess, is she will not change.  

She started slow in the business and I saw her based upon a mutual provider friend reference. She eventually got great reviews, has become popular, and I think it has gone to her head. Some of her recent reviews even mention her asking for more $$$ during the session for items that have always been on the basic menu.  

I am fairly certain the conversation will not go well and last week will have been our last meeting. Oh well, I have a couple more ATFs ... I suppose multiple ATFs is a oxymoron. oh well

skarphedin 619 reads
36 / 42

Mostly at you if I am being honest, but with you at least somewhat. So there is that.

hbyist+truth=;( 744 reads
37 / 42

Well talk to her but I think you're right when you say she might not change and maybe her new found popularity has gone to her head in a not so good way.  

I am curious as to why she now won't give those regular menu items...that might be a good place start with the questions?  

Who knows if you will get a satisfactory answer....bottom line, you want certain things, and if she is not prepared to give you what she did previously, if I were you, I would go on my merry little way and find that in another woman

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 664 reads
38 / 42

I sleep 8 hours a night, and never wake up every 2 hours to check my phone. I take 3 hour naps and don't wake up hourly to check my phone.

It's an excuse.  

I think people can tell when it's an excuse, or when something legitimately needs to be checked.

But on a 6 hour, again, I may check it while freshening up for round 7. :D LOL

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 553 reads
39 / 42

No reason for no one to be looking at their phone every 5 min.Especially on business date.RUDE

bigguy30 689 reads
41 / 42

Posted By: beach6216
Ok...I get that we're a technology society. Hell I can't go 5 minutes without putting my phone down. I hate it. But when I'm on a date I do not look at my phone unless she's in the bathroom or something. I'm about to stop seeing my atf because she spends the last half of our time looking at her freaking phone and crap. If I'm paying for time, I want every minute of that time focused on ME.  I saw another provider yesterday who made 3 phone calls while we were together for 3 hours.  
 Am I being unreasonable? Thoughts?

hollydavis See my TER Reviews 518 reads
42 / 42

I find that to be rude for either party. I try not to look at mine unless I go to the restroom (or they do) and can take a peek. I usually don't have anything so pressing that I need to be on my phone the whole time. After all I am there to have fun too!!!

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