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More proof, as if we ever need it, that life's a bitch....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 269 reads

Fortunately, from time to time I've had to cancel on account of an illness, I never yet (knock on wood) not had to cancel an overnight.

I do prepare somewhat, but not quite as extensively as you have there.  That's quite a laudable work out.

NewEnglandGangsta1713 reads

So I was getting ready to meet this gorgeous creature from out of town. I have tried 3 times to book her before but she was elusive. She'd disappear and come back, then disappear again for 2 years. She's back now. This time, I booked a lot of time with her to make sure I get a healthy dose of her on this tour. No way I would wanna miss her this time.  

So I booked a 24 hour appointment. She is also a high energy like myself and willing to accommodate my wishes of getting more bedroom time. Her reviews made me feel that it could be me who might have trouble keeping up with her sexual drive. All the better! I was excited looked forward to having some serious fun all night.  

In order to get ready for this full contact full action night to remember, I worked out all week and trained cardio at least 90 minutes a day. I also got a massage and man scaped as well last evening. Full waxing of my dick pubes and balls. I got some nice R&R at the spa. The massage really helped me relax but there's no happy ending at that place. I wasn't looking for that anyway. I knew I had to be in tip top shape in order to perform. The jacuzzi and sauna were very hot though I needed to cool off in my bare ass. I stayed there until I got tired of it. When I got home, I still felt hot and slept without a shirt on.  

Well, this morning I woke up feeling sick. As I tried to get out of bed, it became clear that I was in no shape to keep the long-awaited appointment with that beautiful girl.  To make matters worse, she won't be visiting for a long while. I can't express how disappointed I am today. I was dying to see her. I've thought about seeing her anyway but then I really don't want to spread this to her either.  

There was no choice but to cancel. She was really cool about it too telling me that she hopes I feel better soon and that we can meet another time. All that time preparing for an epic night but no gold! OH.............. WELL............... It sucks! It really sucks!  Am I the only one here who spends this amount of time in advance to prepare before a 24hour long appointment?  I'm sure there are others.

NewEnglandGangsta311 reads

I needed to be able to perform. She was challenging me and making silly bets actually. :)

GaGambler346 reads

but as for myself, I don't really do much of anything to "prepare" for a paid date, except for the usual washing of my ass before showing up.

But if you ask most of the guys here, they primp, preen, and go through all sorts of shit just to prepare for a one hour session, much less a 24 hour date.

GaGambler313 reads

The other reason of course being, "doesn't everyone wash their stanking ass before leaving the house???" lmao

Honestly I can't imagine leaving the house without having shit, showered and shaved. Do people really run around in public without having done at least the basics in hygiene? Yes, I know the answer, but it's still mind boggling that grown ups need to be told to wash themselves.

Something's wrong there. Maybe a good think you canceled.

Fortunately, from time to time I've had to cancel on account of an illness, I never yet (knock on wood) not had to cancel an overnight.

I do prepare somewhat, but not quite as extensively as you have there.  That's quite a laudable work out.

Keep some really good ones on hand. Touch wood- I never get colds anymore. First sign of a sniffle and I take one of those each morning (20 billion live cultures per capsule- you have to keep them in your fridge) and it's gone- never develops into a cold. If I know I've got something coming up like travel or a long engagement, I take one a day for a week prior to the event.  

Sorry that happened! Maybe you could arrange to have a "conference" in her town sometime?

I'm also impressed that you put a lot of thought into your preparation for your date. :) I don't know if your question pertains to the ladies here, but I know I myself and a lot of my friends have our rituals we do before an engagement. That's why I like plenty of advance notice- I'm thinking about you each day before we meet, ramping up my preparation a few days before, and you're on my mind all day the day of. :)  

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
So I was getting ready to meet this gorgeous creature from out of town. I have tried 3 times to book her before but she was elusive. She'd disappear and come back, then disappear again for 2 years. She's back now. This time, I booked a lot of time with her to make sure I get a healthy dose of her on this tour. No way I would wanna miss her this time.  
 So I booked a 24 hour appointment. She is also a high energy like myself and willing to accommodate my wishes of getting more bedroom time. Her reviews made me feel that it could be me who might have trouble keeping up with her sexual drive. All the better! I was excited looked forward to having some serious fun all night.  
 In order to get ready for this full contact full action night to remember, I worked out all week and trained cardio at least 90 minutes a day. I also got a massage and man scaped as well last evening. Full waxing of my dick pubes and balls. I got some nice R&R at the spa. The massage really helped me relax but there's no happy ending at that place. I wasn't looking for that anyway. I knew I had to be in tip top shape in order to perform. The jacuzzi and sauna were very hot though I needed to cool off in my bare ass. I stayed there until I got tired of it. When I got home, I still felt hot and slept without a shirt on.  
 Well, this morning I woke up feeling sick. As I tried to get out of bed, it became clear that I was in no shape to keep the long-awaited appointment with that beautiful girl.  To make matters worse, she won't be visiting for a long while. I can't express how disappointed I am today. I was dying to see her. I've thought about seeing her anyway but then I really don't want to spread this to her either.  
 There was no choice but to cancel. She was really cool about it too telling me that she hopes I feel better soon and that we can meet another time. All that time preparing for an epic night but no gold! OH.............. WELL............... It sucks! It really sucks!  Am I the only one here who spends this amount of time in advance to prepare before a 24hour long appointment?  I'm sure there are others.

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