TER General Board

Money is good!
AnyOneNormalAnymore 6825 reads
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Resources can be clients or incall locations. I always wonder why providers start off good intentions with sharing of incall. Then later on they fight over the incall. From what I know it is a fight over a provider not paying her share of the bill. With all the money you all make why do these fights happen so much ?

It is the same silliness with clients. Why are providers such idiots about sharing clients ? They have some the crazy rules when it comes to giving references. For goodness sakes just give the reference don't come back and complain why the client is paying another provider more.

sicnarf 1973 reads
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when the arrangements are first made - there is no money.  As the deals progress, there is money.  The more the discrepency between what one provider NETS and what another provider NETS, the greater the likelyhood that there will be a disagreement!

There are exceptions to this general rule, but on the whole, it covers a lot of ground....   theory about business is great, until there is money - then the theory turns to greed....

NYC Indie 1943 reads
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Find that crazy and a disaster waiting to happen.

And always happy to serve as a reference to help clients keep their info more private.

christinas_web See my TER Reviews 2605 reads
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What else can I say... fights are disagreements which is usually lack of communication or just plain immature.

Christina xox

noonehere 2587 reads
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-- Modified on 10/14/2005 1:55:17 AM

BIBLE-MAN 3001 reads
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"Money" only exposes evil that already exists in the human soul.

"Money" is merely a "window" to the heart, allowing us to see what kind of person someone really is!

Often people mis-quote the Bible and say "money is the root of all evil" - when in-fact the Bible actually says "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil" - The cause of the "evil", whatever it may be, is there the whole time just waiting for some "money" through which it can  express it's self!

little phil 37 Reviews 2924 reads
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Is that a cop wearing one of those plastic napkins with a lobster on it?

Heathen Man 4393 reads
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How does it literally translate from Hebrew, Greek and/or Aramaic?  How do you know that the scibe who originally wrote the scripture wasn't mistranslating the adage from Babylonian?

BTW, I don't know how you take the statement "the love of money is the root of all evil" and from there get the meaning that money exposes the evil already in the soul.  Normally, the roots of a plant aren't exposed.  So, how does this metaphor even fit into what you've said?  Maybe if it said money is "the trunk of all evil," or better yet "... just one branch of evil," or "... the flower of all evil" I could then begin to comprehend your interpretation.

Also, how you take "root" as a metaphor and come up with a "window to the heart?"  A root is a window?  I see, just like a toe is a testicle.  Yes, of course, what could be clearer?    

There are worse ways of mis-construing meanings besides just misquoting.  Thank you for illustrating this.  

-- Modified on 10/14/2005 8:28:58 AM

sicnarf 1518 reads
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I'd stick with the jealousy!  cause  baby, you are Great looking!  WOW!  and I for one would never be able to disagree with you as my tounge would be stuck in the drool position and therefore unable to clearly state any position of disagreement.....   or it would be stuck in another place trying to please you!!!!!!!  wow!!!

Bizzaro Superdude 3555 reads
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Dost thou not have knowledge that our good King James' English is the rule of all we survey.... or would ye be preferen'

Whan that aprill with his shoures soote
The droghte of march hath perced to the roote,
And bathed every veyne in swich licour
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
Whan zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
Tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the ram his halve cours yronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye,
That slepen al the nyght with open ye
(so priketh hem nature in hir corages);
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,
To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
And specially from every shires ende
Of engelond to caunterbury they wende,
The hooly blisful martir for to seke,

Member, it's all Englishe! to me!

BIBLE-MAN 2403 reads
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The language the text was originally written in was Greek and it directly translates without the need to guess the author's intended meaning as follows:

"riza gar pantwn twn kakwn estin h filarguria hV tineV oregomenoi apeplanhqhsan apo thV pistewV kai eautouV periepeiran odunaiV pollaiV"

( For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.)

AynRand 2156 reads
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Money is only a tool to help facilitate trade.  We accept it in exchange for what we produce, and expect to exchange it for what somebody else has produced.  It therefore represents our productivity.  If money is evil, then productivity is evil.

If "the love of money" is evil, then so must be the love of productivity.  Those who love money do so because they have earned it.  Those who damn money do so because they have obtained it dishonorably.

Beware the man who tells you that money is evil.

Heathen Man 2441 reads
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I would be more impressed if you studied it in the Greek, but you don't have to impress me.  There are two counterpoints: how many translations are there for the Illiad and the Odyssey?  A lot, right?  That was in classical Greek, not the semi-literate degenerated version of the language the Bible scriptures are written in.  Now, this is second-hand, but I hear tell that the Greek these texts are written in is so bad that people educated in the language recoil.  

And I believe the native tongues of those people were Hebrew and Aramaic, of course.  

I'll just add that the statement is poetry, and terrible things happen when poetry becomes theology.  To me, the statements "... the love of money is the root of all evil," and "money is the    root of all evil," are equally obscure and absurd.  Since you've chosen to bring in your own thought, i.e.  that money only provides the window to the soul, you agree that it's not the "root" of anything then.  So, why would it be important to get it right?  

Now, in my Jerusalem Bible, this statement is actually in quotes and it's footnoted that Timothy is actually quoting a proverb contemporary to his time.  In other words, he got it somewhere else, where it was used in a different context.  

Bizzaro Superdude 2052 reads
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Heathen Man 3153 reads
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BIBLE MAN 1790 reads
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It is neither good or bad. Only an unhealthy "Love" of it is evil.
I agree with you, "money" is in no way to blame for any problems, the "blame" for any negative outcome of any situation where money is present rests fully  on the individual - The money is inocent!

Same as with the statement "Guns don't kill people - People kill people".
That statment is true!  Unless the "will" of a person is for another person to die, the gun won't cause anyone any harm!

Back to my original point - DON'T BLAME THE MONEY FOR THINGS NOT WORKING OUT, the reason some ladies can't "combine resources" is because of the greed or selfishness that was a pre-existing condition of there "heart or soul" BEFORE any money was  earned.

Many people with LOTS of money or with none at all can get along fine with each other and "share" resources! Just not those with an "unhealthy attraction" to it!

Bizzaro Superdude 2935 reads
22 / 22
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