TER General Board

Michelle, you've got to learn to not lay it on quite so thick when you're BSing the guys. Luv ya,
GLisHJ 3686 reads

though - very entertaining lady!

You would think women would be more romantic than men, for some reason, but I have felt/discovered that, in my experiences, and opinion, men are much more romantic than women!

I think they are more creative in this area than we are and maybe that's because they are the ones to 'sweep us off our feet'.


Turkana3518 reads

Men are more vulnerable, sensitive, self-centered, easily hurt.  Possibly more creative.

Good example:  ever notice that when married couples split up, the man almost inevitably has another woman already lined up or gets one right away, while the woman goes it alone?  Men, in general, will not go into the void alone.  Women will.

Any other questions?

Men are just wonderful period. Don't get me wrong, I love and make love to women, but I could never have the same feelings I have for a woman the way I do for a man. I have found the men from TER to be some of the best lovers I have had in my life. They know what they are doing, and know how to please a woman and themselves. They are able to open up to me emotionally in a way that makes me feel priviliged to know them. I can say I am a better person because of the people I have met here. I have become comfortable celebrating my sexual power as a woman, and I enjoy being fufilled. Its its own unique community here at TER, and I am proud to be a part of it. BTW: I swear, you New York gentlemen that I have met, are so amazingly erotic, sweet, sexy, respectful and genuine it just does my heart so good to be here. Thank you for sharing time with me. Ladies, come visit and keep the boys company. They are awesome. Hear hear for the XY chromosome!

God, I would hate to be on a sales team with you and have a big perk like a weeklong all expenses paid trip to the South Pacific going to the rep who did the highest volume...I would give up right then and there. :P

Carrie of London3495 reads

I don't believe you can generalise on this one.  

When I've been in love I've sent boyfriends presents and flowers etc.  Men are really surprised by that as they seem to be used to being one doing the sending rather than receiving.   I know how much I love to receive a delivery of flowers so I love to try to make a man who is special to me feel the same.  

I send flowers to friends, I send flowers to lovers, it's a wonderful way to express affection.

survey said!3295 reads

I asked several men, and I believe this is almost universally true.
ALL of them said they were not interested in receiving flowers.
What they really want from a woman (besides sex) is naked pictures.

I still consider these (we) men romantic, but I'm just giving it to you straight - flowers just don't do it. (:

I have been given flowers by almost all of my "long term" (more than a month) girlfriends in my life, and that is close to ten.  I have loved getting them, and have loved the discomfort it seemed to cause the men I worked with (I worked for twelve years in a very blue collar company), like the fact that I loved flowers meant I was gay and wanted to hit on their pathetic, narrow minded selves.  However, there have been a few men who have told me that they loved it, just like there have been a few women who have hated getting flowers or thought it was an environmental irresponsibility.

I know several men who are straight and who love flowers, and they not so coincidentally are in touch with the earth and nurturing in their relationships.  It just so happens that they aren't afraid of their feminine side.

I love getting flowers. It is just so damn nice, and I can't stop smiling when a lady sends them to me. I am such a sucker for stuff like that.

I have been told by almost every woman I have dated that I am more romantic than they were.  I have also had several guy frineds that were much more the "mooner" (spare me, fellas) in the relationship.  However, I have known a lot of guys who are more "traditional" and who seemingly have the opposite dynamic...until the breakup.  At that point, they become Stanley Kowalski ("STELLA!"). :P

I think it all depends of how you define romance.  Some define it by emotional vulnerability, some by sentimentality, some (like me) by the value we place on affection, communication, and the entire manner we share with the person we love.

I hate to agree...


Before my late wife died I was
always doing fun sexy stuff to/with/for her.
Plus lots of purely romantic things.

While she was alive I had no need for you ladies.
She was a terrific wife/lover/best friend.
She was definately my ATF/GFE/PSE...

Now I'm happy being in the hobby.

And the ladies that I see are terrific.

Love to all you ladies.

I think some of it is conditioning. I think women are generally conditioned to have an expectation of romance, while men are conditioned to provide the "props" of romance, e.g., flowers, small gifts, candlelight dinners, etc.

As an example, in over twenty years of marriage, my wife has never bought a piece of lingerie for herself, but she happily accepts anything I provide.

It takes two to be romantic because it's a stimulus-response thing. That may be why the hobby will never die.

Hi, Sedona.  Hi, everyone.  I'm back.

I just HAD to chime in on this one.  I've found that, in general, women are more influenced by romantic behavior than are men, but it seems to be the men who generate most of the activity.  

I guess it goes back to our mating dynamic; several men competing for the woman's favor.  The need to impress women is deep in our genes.  Even in other animals, like many species of birds and primates, the male often brings gifts of attractive objects to the target of their affection.  The bower bird males go so far as to each build a complex mating shelter for the female's inspection and (hopefully) approval.

It's no wonder that men work so hard at coming up with ideas to win over the hearts of the women they desire.  Even once a permanent bond has formed, it's usually the man who sends flowers for no reason or (in the case of guys who are REALLY in tune) give their wife a day off from the drudgery of the kids and the house.

I enjoy being a romantic.

Mr. Romance himself is back!

our friend LoW here can teach the guys a thing or two about spoiling providers rotten  (chocolate-coated strawberries and champagne, etc etc etc)


Until I became involved in this hobby, I always used to think that women were more romantic.  But I'm finding more and more that I really LOVE the glasses of wine, candles, soft wet kisses, and overall atmosphere that romance is supposed to bring.

Some of the terrific women that I've seen are a little surprised that I dig the foreplay and build-up more than the actual act of lovemaking itself, especially for someone in their 20's.  I was even told once that it's "very unusual" for a guy my age to have this as a preference.  Oh well....

Excellent question Sedona.

vannessa3263 reads

Men are forever romantic while women get over it and don't look back. (For the most part)
Well men tend to hide their feelings or mask them.
Women talk about it and get over it.

Once a woman had shown herself to be genuinely interested in me, I had this special evening I loved to do for her.  I'd have her over to my home, and prepare her dinner, usually shrimp linguine in cream sauce, with stuffed mushroom appetisers, and wine.  I'd preheat me pool really warm and take her into it, with just the dim mood lighting on, the stars overhead, and I'd swing her around almost weightless, with her arms around my neck.  I actually had a CD I made with songs that set the mood I was after.  

Those were some really great times.  I didn't do it to get laid.  I did it because I loved it.  I don't see escorts just for sex.  I do it because I love women.  The e-mails, the excitement, the anticipation, the sharing.  I love the dance.  Who's more romantic?  Men or women?  Women are.


"Suave!  You are one suave fucker, you know that Ben?!"

You had me going there, JL...the story was great, and then the ending was unique.  Bravo.

Hi, Sedona. I'm not sure that I agree with you [which means I am probably wrong]. I think the very often we [I] do "romantic" things for many reasons, not many of which are strictly altruistic. I think that often it is because we think that being romantic [Actually, I'm not sure I know what this means] is what you [women] expect and will be favorably impressed by. But, sometime it is for the fun, and well as the effect, of it. Also, we [I] want to show that we are not the sterotypical insensitive male boor, so we do something "romantic". On the other hand, I would guess that women are more appreciative of romantic/romance gestures. Now that i have finished thiis response, i think I should just have agreed with Cary and moved on. Hope you are doing well.

And better looking.

And they smell better, too.

I’m not sure what romantic means but I’d argue that men are the weaker sex, in the face of a woman.  Sure we’re tough in business, in war, in beating our chests but really that’s all just a show to impress women.  Send flowers or get into a fight what’s the difference if a woman will show us her attention.   I don’t think it’s that we’re more creative or romantic, the ONLY way we can have sex (spread our genes if you want to get to basics) is to attract a woman.  And we’ll do whatever it takes to attract a woman, we’ll even spend money, yes sorry it’s true.  Here it goes, I’m going to let the big boy secret out – we’re putty in your hands.  We act tough but we’ll do whatever you want.   At least I know I will but please NEVER tell the guys at work…

Anyway I ramble.  Does anyone here read Blogs???  I found a great one recently from a twenty-something named Laural living in Seattle..  Look to the bottom of this page for the “Top 10 turn-ons for women” post – she is wise beyond her years…

And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.
--William Shakespeare

And when love not speaketh,no voices from the gods makes heaven kind of like watching paint dry.

I like Willy's words a whole lot better. LUV SPEAKS!


HornyGuyYeah3576 reads

underlying agenda, which is to spread their genes.  

There is nothing either good or bad about this, it just is what it is.

Women were given the "power" to put a man in a state of bliss
Men seek to find or retain that blissfull feeling. Women react favorably to romance. Is it any wonder men strive to be romantic?

-- Modified on 3/20/2004 10:30:48 AM

PeterPickle5081 reads

Lets face it there are tons of things guys do with providers that they won't pursue in a traditional relationship. Many men will be more open to all around romance and affection in a risk free environment with a provider. By risk free I mean it's a controlled environment free of strings, long term committment, relationship cat/mouse games, etc..

Many boundaries men put up in their every day life can be ignored when your with a provider.  

Ci Ci2839 reads

because I do not believe you can generalize on this subject. I think there are some men that are much more romantic than women and vice-versus with women.


I would imagine, as with most things, the only real answer is “it depends”.

First, there are clearly romantics of both sexes.  But I believe they are romantic in different ways.  Most the time, I think men do more overt things that can be seen as “romantic”.  We buy the flowers, get the gifts, go out of the way to pick out restaurants or tickets that we think the Lady would like.

But I also think that women have themselves in a “romantic” frame of mind more often.  They see actions as “romantic” more frequently than men see those same actions that way.

Additionally, I think it is often the women who encourage the men to do romantic things.  Because we think she wants us to do something romantic, and we if want to please her we do what we think she wants.

So, men probably do more romantic things, but which side are truly the instigators?  Personally, I probably need to spend a bit more time paying very close attention to women’s activities under a variety of circumstances...

[Such as taking a beautiful woman to dinner, and spending time wandering an empty parking lot with her.  But what kind of foolish evening would that be!  ;) ]

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