TER General Board

Mental instabilityconfused_smile
Lick-It-B-4-U-Stick-It 380 reads

You mean just like the one that got the frank and beans taken off.
Oh! but in her own mind it was just a dream because she thought she was born with a pussy
and tried to convince everyone else that that was the case.

 Just like the rearview mirror  (Things do not always seem as they appear)

bbfs4ever4049 reads

Since most prostitutes are in this world due to circumstances that force them to turn to prostitution, it seems to me that there are levels of crazy in this world.

Do you find that the crazier a prostitute is the more you are intrigued?

JakeFromStateFarm468 reads

I guess I've been lucky, though, because I haven't run across many nut jobs.  I have, on the other hand, stumbled across more than a few mongers who are completely cuckoo.

souls_harbor436 reads

Like civie chicks are sane?

bbfs4ever500 reads

I believe that women who end up as prostitutes have issues that drove them to fuck others that they would never have fucked.

You read here how often the prostitutes claim they wouldn't date the guys who frequent the prostitutes, let alone fuck them without getting paid.

Posted By: souls_harbor
Like civie chicks are sane?

souls_harbor326 reads

25% of women are on medication for mental illness That's scary. It means 75% are running around untreated!

Posted By: bbfs4ever
I believe that women who end up as prostitutes have issues that drove them to fuck others that they would never have fucked.  
 You read here how often the prostitutes claim they wouldn't date the guys who frequent the prostitutes, let alone fuck them without getting paid.  
Posted By: souls_harbor
Like civie chicks are sane?

My family knows what I do, and a family member once told me she would totally go out and do what I do but she doesn't have the balls lol.  I'm actually considered the most "zen" in my family.  I'm one of the few who isn't high strung and anxiety ridden, which begs the question are providers who can work without drugs some of the most sane people or the craziest?  I'd like to think the former as we tend to do well in high pressure situations and don't lose our heads.  I do think some of us are adrenaline junkies though.

WinonaRider602 reads

A little crazy is hot as long as she's not "BBFS"-level crazy.

-- Modified on 6/27/2016 5:55:37 PM

wrps07469 reads

You never know how they will react to things, especially if they are bipolar. I do enjoy the mania phase of bipolar where they want to fuck a lot and sometimes fuck in a car. But the depressive phase no, they look like they have a evil spirit in them and ready to snap at anything.

Do your homework, pass go, and collect $200

You mean just like the one that got the frank and beans taken off.
Oh! but in her own mind it was just a dream because she thought she was born with a pussy
and tried to convince everyone else that that was the case.

 Just like the rearview mirror  (Things do not always seem as they appear)

The sex workers I know tend to be saner than I am. I get that is an incredibly low bar given I am BSC. Fact is I don't think sex workers as a whole are any less sane as a whole then the general population.  

And as I have said, I don't know any as BSC as me. My bucket list included things like "fuck a lady in a snow shelter I built, and use our body heat to stay warm. I done that. When I meat a sex worker crazier than me, I might change my mind. I doubt she exists though.

One thing I will like to point out, while some may be hear because they feel trapped, the ladies I know well are doing this by choice. I really don't want to see anyone who feels trapped. That is not something that would excite me

bigguy30398 reads

Posted By: bbfs4ever
Since most prostitutes are in this world due to circumstances that force them to turn to prostitution, it seems to me that there are levels of crazy in this world.  
 Do you find that the crazier a prostitute is the more you are intrigued?

I'm copying and pasting from the link to get straight to Mozart. In the link, there are more of the most famous composers. This article may not be fully accurate, but there are many writings out there on psycho musicians.

A lot of psychos are considered geniuses. However - in this day and age, intelligence is looked down upon, so being a little nuts is viewed more strongly than the hidden treasure of intelligence.

Sometimes I think people who are really smart are really crazy, because they have to be "out there" enough to not recognize opposition. They just do their shit and go home. LOL


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Scatology And Cat Sounds

Much has been made of Mozart’s apparent obsession with defecation and farting, formally known as “scatology.” In one of his funnier letters, Mozart writes that a stink has entered the room. When his mother suggests that he’s farted, Mozart puts a finger up his rear and then sniffs it to confirm she’s right.  

Less well known, however, is that Mozart liked to imitate a cat. He’d be rehearsing an opera with his singers, when he’d suddenly grow bored and leap over tables and chairs, meowing and turning somersaults. He even wrote a comic song in which a woman responds to her husband’s questions with nothing but meows, until the poor man has no choice but to break down and meow, too. In English, the song is known as “The Cat Duet.”  

Mozart loved wordplay and created nicknames for his friends—Duchess Smackbottom, Countess Makewater, Princess Dunghill, and Prince Potbelly von Pigtail, just to name a few.  

Some experts have concluded that Mozart suffered from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Others think he had Tourette’s Syndrome, a condition sometimes marked by copolalia (the obsessive or uncontrollable use of obscene language). But whatever the cause of Mozart’s strange behavior, on one thing everyone agrees—Mozart was a genius, whose music still rocks our world.

JakeFromStateFarm388 reads

Thank you for one of the more witty and intelligent posts in this vast wasteland.
Will you pull my finger?

-- Modified on 6/27/2016 10:04:01 PM

they would drug the shit out of him because he is not "normal."  We would not have had Einstein either, he was not "normal."   There are a ton of geniuses who were not "normal," whatever the fuck that means.

BTW, I love farts, I think I posted about a fart earlier today but I think people took it the wrong way.  Too bad, it was a great laugh when it happened.

Junior has recovered, found the experience refreshing.  The little fucker wrote a letter complaining, something about overuse and no overtime.  Give me a break!

I've had too many encounters with BSC to be turned on by it...

...you can't afford it and if you can scrape together the money you resent having to pay for it?

I've dated crazy civvie women.  Sex is always better with crazy chicks - they're less inhibited.  But in the end, it's always more drama than it's worth.

I also don't find YOUR mental instability to be a good quality.  Troll.

wrps07424 reads

The pimps go after the women who have mental illness issues so they can control and get them turn tricks for them. We have this now on in the internet age with bp providers.

GaGambler486 reads

I wonder which side of the "debate" on which I am going to find myself?

but I suppose when you are a successful guy like Chicken Little who makes "Hundreds" of dollars in the stock market, I guess it skews your view of the world.

women are not forced into prostitution.  They choose it as a career much the way anyone else chooses a career.  The ones that choose it out of desperation from circumstances do not last, because they hate what they are doing.  The true professionals enjoy what they do and that is why many are in the business for 20+ years.

Onlyalurker460 reads

Psychologically at least. I read a recent study that up to 80% of providers develop PTSD symptoms due to their work. That's in the range of war veterans. Probably 5% rule applies in this business as well.

That study was done buy a group funded by Coka-Cola. Without knowing how sampling was done, reputation of the researcherst and publisher, how the study was conducted, if it was peer funded, and who paid and their agenda a study is useless. Link to a funny link about the problem.  

I am not saying sex work isn't a hard work. Nor am I saying  it isn't phychologically draining at times as it is but there is a whole industry created to milk government funds to study the industry and find issues. Many of these groups have been discredited yet they are funded by special interest and government funds. Never take a news article about a study at face value.


-- Modified on 6/28/2016 12:14:36 AM

-- Modified on 6/28/2016 2:19:24 AM

GaGambler360 reads

How can I make fun of you when you keep posting shit I am forced to agree with?

but yeah, what you said works just fine for me.  

His line about 80% of sex workers going through PTSD is even less believable than your Coca Cola "study"

It's funny, I am occasionally hired to do financial models for different oil projects. My first question is always "what is your desired result?" IOW Do you want me to come up with numbers that support doing the deal, support NOT doing the deal, or do you (gasp) want the actual truth? lol

Figures don't lie, but liars most definitely figure

Anyway I am sure you will find a way to make fun of me even if we agree. I have faith in you.

GaGambler337 reads

and did I detect a small measure of humor in your post??? Please don't tell me there is hope for you yet? lol

Civies are just as nutty as providers.. The only difference is that with a civie, you're going to waste a few months of dating before you begin to notice the red flags. Providers tend to live a slightly faster lifestyle then most civilians and it takes a lot of discipline on our end to maintain routines and structure which help promote tranquility. Some of us are better at it then others. I personally, have dealt with more than a few life altering situations since the beginning of the year...and it's only JUNE! Lol

we all handle changes differently and we try our best to mantain any kind of normalcy. When I first started and worked with an agency, I remember always speeding through errands and meals because I was terrified of not being available in the event I was requested. No one put that pressure on me...it just develops and before you know it, you're riddled with anxiety.  

When you see providers who have been around for a little bit and notice changes in their policies, smaller window of availability, specific requests such as advanced notice/detailed initial emails/no phone calls...  It's NOT because they have GPS and they're being cunts; it's because it's an attempt to stablize our business and lives.  

I mean, I can ultimately only speak for myself... But having a few rules and sticking to them has definitely helped stabilized my day to day activities and has helped me retain a great attitude for my sessions. I'm still bat shit crazy, don't get me wrong...but that glint of fire in my eyes has always been my best quality; Much like other wild providers. I do have not so great days when I feel like I'm losing control in having too much fun.. But on those days I make it a rule not to entertain...a hobbyist should only experience my sparkling highs and never my psychotic lows lo

I've had three or four go bat shit on me, and it's never pleasant. There are a handful of ladies who, by their posts, one can tell are crazy. I avoid those ladies. However, there was this old handle, back in the day, who used to say that the crazy ladies were better lovers. Something about the wildness of their minds translating in between the sheets.  

But hell, being in this hobby makes us all a little crazy. Especially the people who write about it

Posted By: bbfs4ever
Since most prostitutes are in this world due to circumstances that force them to turn to prostitution, it seems to me that there are levels of crazy in this world.  
 Do you find that the crazier a prostitute is the more you are intrigued?

and while I have no formal training in psychology, I've been an avid student of the field, as well as someone who has taken various therapies over the years.

What we call sanity is usually a term for the ability of a person to effect a false front to project an image of normalcy, or in other words, to conform to the norms that a particular society insists upon.

A very good case can be made to reveal this sanity as unhealthy, or in a word:  insane.  Indeed the pressure to maintain the facade is often a cause of people going insane when they break down.

This said, I have enjoyed the company of many women and some are self admittedly insane, or less than sane.  I will admit that their openness is refreshing and even sexually alluring, but not always.  Oft times this quirkiness can go too far and affect my ability to be with them.  There's one gal in particular, no longer in the biz, but whom we all knew well that was like this.  I used to tell her that she was difficult to love, but more difficult to not love.

Then there are the really sane gals who, after knowing them for several years and getting them to lower their shields a bit, reveal an insane side every bit as quirky as the gals who just let it all out.  

I, as well, occasionally shock a gal or two once they get to know me well.  Sometimes I even shock myself

WinonaRider586 reads

Elaine was my favorite, but Sue Ellen was always hot.

-- Modified on 6/28/2016 6:37:38 AM

the craziest had to be Kramer's mom, Babs:

You diagnose other people as crazy?  When your brain is racked with syphilis from barebacking?  Now THAT's a special kind of crazy (or stupid).

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