TER General Board

Men that contact me for SEX with NO CONDOM!!!!!!!!!
JustJamie 3826 reads
1 / 15

I can not believe some of the emails I am getting
One started out great, true gentleman, than once we discussed the rate for the date and time etc......
He sends me an email stating that he had his test results and wanted to f"orgo the condoms"
He later assured me that he is clean bla bla bla....

AND the fact that I do not know him, nor he me.

Any thoughts on this.
Very mad at the mere thought of a gentleman asking for this.

bobb3950 8 Reviews 2606 reads
2 / 15

JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!

Just my opinion...

cutehunkie 70 Reviews 3282 reads
3 / 15

He should not even have mentioned sex, since you don't know him.

fat, lazy and stupid 3310 reads
4 / 15

I am interested in why you put those words in your post....What difference would it have made if you knew him for three years?

No one in their right mind plays without protection....female condom may have been a solution for this guy.

Fat Lazy and Stupid

xenopus 25 Reviews 3080 reads
5 / 15

Let him know that you prefer to see gentlemen!  (with an IQ above 10)

wayneo1211 1 Reviews 2980 reads
6 / 15
JustJamie 3895 reads
7 / 15

My "words" were written like that as to state that this man has no chance with me nor would he have a chance with seeing a NEW provider.
He stated he does this all the time with providers etc etc
Which I think is BS

I meant contacting ME, and I have never heard of him or had a session with him, gives him NO chance in seeing me or even granting him a proper reply or ANY reply through email or phone.


Keep it wrapped!!

salivate 3 Reviews 3281 reads
8 / 15


Tell him to save his money and screw himself...with or without a condom.

elegantGFEelise 2575 reads
9 / 15

Then I pulled out the female condom because I realized with his penis size, he probably never had a comfortable ride in a male condom, Trojan XL or not...  He really liked the female condom and thanked me so much that I forgive the scenario and go back for date #2.

Second date, he tries again and even  straight up ASKS for Bareback!!

FREAKEN HELL NO WAY!! NOT FOR ANYTHING YOU CAN FIND ON THIS EARTH!!!  Bring me a dozen tests it won't change ANYTHING I DON'T play the BAREBACK GAME!! Not even with my last SO for SIX MONTHS and Two clean TESTS!!

Did you all think I don't know human beans aren't monogamous and you could have done a Street Walking Crackhead Hype on the way over to my place?

What the?

I'm there thinking what if he tries to overpower me and the memories of self defense school and how to disengage his eyeballs from his head  while pulling his testicles out of his scrotum with my toes occurs.... You know, Just playing the scenario through in case he doesn't take "no" for an answer.

My mind is always working overtime~~(Call it Castastrophic Thinking or paranoia, it works well for me!)

Stupid Man!

Does he REALLY think I'm going back for date #3?

LOL If a guy even mentions any type of sex in an email with me prior to a first date, I won't meet him.  It's just not gentlemanly! Everything an astute guy needs to know about going on a date with me is in my dating advertisement.  If they can't get it from there, if I need to explain, I already know that's not going to be a good date.  

WHEW I feel better now!


Jockeypants 22 Reviews 1582 reads
10 / 15

I took her to mean that if you know someone, a more brazen question wouldn't be as out of line (ie: do you rim?)
I, naturally, agree with everyone that asking to do FS with no condom is bad news.
 Is it possible that he meant BB on the BJ?
(Folks write emails like postcards, creating an unhealthy shorthand...so maybe there was confusion...I'm just living in vain hope that this fellow wants to be safe.)

zinaval 7 Reviews 5304 reads
11 / 15

Just send him a link to an HIV education website, and tell him how sexy it is to waste away for years while you're dependent on drugs that cost the GDP of about the 20 poorest country's combined.  

Also tell him you'd like to live with the added thrill of knowing you passed this fate on to someone else.


ozzy335 8 Reviews 2676 reads
12 / 15

is just not got it on the ball so to speak. Where as he may be a first time or a 10th time....do you really want this type of man for your client?  He is just not thinking things through.

I'm new to all this and have just had my first time experience wiht a provider. She was really wonderful and did all she could to put me at ease.  I asked her about female condom use and she did not seem to know. This sounds like it offers more protection in general. What is your opinion of the matter? I guess some of the west coast providers swear by them. Sex without protection is just not an option at anytime....period.

Best wishes

JustJamie 1988 reads
13 / 15

Thanks to all
He still keeps emailing me now have him on block
He seems to think it is OKAY if you offer 3 times the amount
Obviously he is out to lunch

ps.....moderator...were you away on the weekend, taken forever for any new posts to get up here???????

meganriley See my TER Reviews 3319 reads
14 / 15
ozzy335 8 Reviews 2736 reads
15 / 15

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