TER General Board

maybe she post $500 becase at 300 guys were ask for 80 specials
jsmath 6468 reads
1 / 107

Who is probably much more of an old friend to me than I am to her. I don't have that many experiences, all when I travel, and sometimes a year or more can come between encounters. I meet somebody whose consideration for an hour is $250 or $300. A year later, I look, and it's $500. Is it rude to ask to pay less? So maybe not the old fee, but something in between?

RosieWilde See my TER Reviews 879 reads
2 / 107

It is always rude to try to negotiate fees. You might be lucky if she's one of the providers who grandfathers the rates of old clients, but otherwise, it's quite offensive.

HotGuyLA 5 Reviews 483 reads
3 / 107

I guess it all depends if she still remembers you and if you had rapport with her before. If she insists on the $500 I would pass. I once or twice was under the illusion that if it cost more it should be much better. Unfortunately that hasn't been the case with some of the providers I have seen. Not saying that I got bad service, but it wasn't any better than a girl I saw who charged $250. It's all about how well you click with the girl. I had a great connection with a provider once who charged me for her 30 min Incall rate, but our sessions routinely lasted 90 min.

Skyfyre 559 reads
4 / 107

Pretty sure a lot of dudes in here would disagree but IMO it's still a business no matter how some people fantasize romantically about it.  

As in any kind of business it is never rude to NICELY and POLITELY negotiate. Afterall it's your money. And cold hard cash is what feeds and houses you not some quaint notion of Capt. Save-a-Hoe

ripmany 9 Reviews 650 reads
5 / 107

There a old saying It does't to ask so first you have to ask.  
If she has any interagy service should be about the same.  
1. Did she seem happy just to service? if yes mover on to sept 2 if no move on
2. Ask. If she says yes. move on to sept 3. if no move on
3. meet up and have a good time in bed. go to sept one.

Posted By: jsmath
Who is probably much more of an old friend to me than I am to her. I don't have that many experiences, all when I travel, and sometimes a year or more can come between encounters. I meet somebody whose consideration for an hour is $250 or $300. A year later, I look, and it's $500. Is it rude to ask to pay less? So maybe not the old fee, but something in between?

Sugar-julia See my TER Reviews 423 reads
6 / 107

Hey heXXX,

I realize it has been a whole year since we go together last October. I had an amazing time with you, and since I'm visiting your area, I wanted to know if you are available (date/city/time/duration).
Also, do you by any chance grandfather old clients in with your previous rate of 250? I notice that your rate is now XXX.

Really want to see you!  


::::with a lovely message like that, all she can do is politely decline:::: I would never be offended by the above. Great question by the way:-)

John_Laroche 524 reads
7 / 107

and just let her know you'll be in town and want to have an appointment. Remind her you met a year ago, etc... (since they all destroy contact info).  

Let her tell you the price went up. If she quotes 500, say thanks but that's out of my league, hope I can use you as a local reference.

Only disadvantage if she does confirm a lower rate is that the odds of her cancelling increase because she could get a full-fare customer (yes, they do that)

EastCoastAshley See my TER Reviews 650 reads
8 / 107

....that's a pretty big jump in donation and as you said you have gone long stretches without seeing her.  It doesn't hurt to bring up your concern, but you may risk losing a provider you have enjoyed a good relationship with in the past.

-- Modified on 9/7/2016 8:58:36 PM

wrps07 350 reads
9 / 107

If she asks why you won't see her, just tell her your out of her price range. I have seen providers raise their prices and bring back down the reasonable levels and apologize for raising the rates. One went from $300 to $350 hour. The other went from $200 to $300 and hour. They both went back to their original prices. One told me she will never do that again.

IHeartLV 10 Reviews 504 reads
10 / 107

Personally, I make it a rule to never even attempt to negotiate with a provider.  I do this for several reasons:

1.  It is insulting to the provider.  She is offering a service for a specific price.  Who am I to ask if she will reduce her rates?

2.  I've always held the opinion that when someone tries to negotiate a reduced rate it would result in the provider a.) not wanting anything to do with the guy or b.) giving her a bad first impression which could result in a less than enthusiastic session.  Either way the hobbyist loses.

3.  I only hobby when I travel so I want the experience to be enjoyable and hassle-free.  Asking a provider about lowering her standard rate would, IMHO, only complicate things.  I hobby because it is relaxing, soothing and fun.  IMHO, negotiating fees isn't exactly fun for either party.

Granted the OP is asking about grandfathering in a previous rate.  If the provider offered me the old rate I'd accept and give her a nice tip.  I just feel its kind of bad form to ask someone to accept less than what they receive from the rest of their customers and personally would never give in to that line of thought.

Anyway, that's my two cents, I'm sure other answers will vary on this.....

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 694 reads
11 / 107

If it were me, I might respond crudely. Ok, I have many times responded crudely lol.

It's just shitty to charge one guy a certain amount, he regularly pays, brings gifts, books dinner dates or more, continually treats me like a princess, and some jackass wants special benefits when he didn't give a fuck about me for the past 3-6-12 months.

When I did fall for it a couple years back, those guys took a lot of time, but in the end every guy so far that I've discounted based on his request has back-stabbed me and slandered my name very harshly.

That's actually the number one reason I don't even respond to those requests anymore. Every fucking time.


Good luck - maybe she thinks you truly love her and want to support her. lol.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 594 reads
13 / 107

Never assume. Always ask. The worst you hear us no. Then move on.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 757 reads
14 / 107

is currently posted. If she is inclined to "grandfather" you in, she will offer some of it back.  I actually had this happen in a similar situation.  Her proposition was that if I became a regular again, she would keep me at last year's rate.  I stayed on for several months.  If she hadn't offered, it probably would have been a one-shot deal.  It has to be completely her idea with no prompting from you.  Otherwise it is offensive, IMO.

If she doesn't offer some kind of compromise, then she has moved on, and so should you.

zgjsmhdgk 53 Reviews 480 reads
15 / 107

To seek a discount when you haven't seen the lady in a year is an ill advised jester IMHO. What could possibly make you so special she would discount you under those circumstances? You certainly don't qualify as a "regular". Lame attempt to save a few bucks is no way to make a lady inclined to see you again. I know others who have tried this and come off looking like penny pinching amateurs. And, while you have not done this here, please don't ever make yourself look immature and petty by dissing her on a public board after she declines to discount you, as has been  done in the past.  

-- Modified on 9/7/2016 11:40:48 PM

-- Modified on 9/7/2016 11:41:55 PM

ripmany 9 Reviews 373 reads
16 / 107

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
If it were me, I might respond crudely. Ok, I have many times responded crudely lol.  
 It's just shitty to charge one guy a certain amount, he regularly pays, brings gifts, books dinner dates or more, continually treats me like a princess, and some jackass wants special benefits when he didn't give a fuck about me for the past 3-6-12 months.  
 When I did fall for it a couple years back, those guys took a lot of time, but in the end every guy so far that I've discounted based on his request has back-stabbed me and slandered my name very harshly.  
 That's actually the number one reason I don't even respond to those requests anymore. Every fucking time.  
 Good luck - maybe she thinks you truly love her and want to support her. lol.

hphp266 425 reads
17 / 107

I understand both sides of this but for me there is a problem with not asking.  

I have visited a lady a few times and had a good time, good, not great. In my area though, good is about all I can expect. I travel out of the area enough to areas with more better choices and hobby there. I would visit with this woman again, just not at her new rate.  

She may be willing or interested in visiting with me at the lower rate but I don't ask so  I won't know. So far, I haven't asked, but it is nagging on me that we are both losing out on a mutually beneficial opportunity.

ripmany 9 Reviews 409 reads
18 / 107

you also could see if she does hh specals. It not like a package a store. just think in febuary gas was a 1.5 not it is 2.3 try to get a deal on gas also.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 629 reads
19 / 107

My little rant last night here is partly fantasy, part balancing act.

When a provider says yes to a grandfathered rate, it doesn't always mean she's desperate. it simply might mean she doesn't know how to say no. So when I'm not sure how to say "no", I say NO loud and clear. lol!

I'm not a dick to everyone, mostly the ones I suspect are trying to take advantage of me. But it does kind of kill the buzz and while life isn't fair, I believe being unfair will come back to haunt me. I literally just got an email from someone who did have a special effect on me way back when who happened to ask. But I'm going to have to respectfully decline.  

If he feels it's not worth it, then he should move on. People have budgets.  

Anyway - I think it's bad karma. I've noticed when I did cut slack to someone because they were "nice" (or really good at buttering me up) business began to slide, or just luck in my everyday life. Not necessarily the act itself, but I think it's was a deceitful energy I was putting into the Universe. Though my intentions were good, I wanted to do the right thing, I learned I don't feel it's the right thing.

I think it's bad karma to trick your faithful benefactors into thinking others are putting in the time, money, and effort to be accommodated first and foremost, and you're ushering in someone who couldn't make the stars align for you - but you've got a bunch of guys at home who are booking at full rate, despite your offers to give them a break.

It's kind of shady and deceitful, and I honestly don't want that bad energy.

-- Modified on 9/8/2016 7:35:40 AM

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 489 reads
20 / 107

Posted By: jsmath
Who is probably much more of an old friend to me than I am to her. I don't have that many experiences, all when I travel, and sometimes a year or more can come between encounters. I meet somebody whose consideration for an hour is $250 or $300. A year later, I look, and it's $500. Is it rude to ask to pay less? So maybe not the old fee, but something in between?

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 595 reads
21 / 107

can make one dry and unenthusiastic. There is a local lady I admire tremendously, who said to me, "I don't grandfather, because I am not as enthusiastic with them anymore when I do." The girl has a standard beyond P4P - it's a personal character issue. She knows what she can be, and wants to be, and won't settle for an environment where she won't thrive. That makes for one hell of a provider.

Not exact words, but I do notice a little pinch in my heart when someone - no matter how nicely - says "You're not worth that to me."

It's totally ok, I get that people have budgets, but it does something to my sexuality. About that karma - there's also strategies to get the best out of life. I tip my hairdresser very well. And she makes sure I get in. One night she stayed two hours late to finish my hair. I didn't want her to, but she insisted! (And I needed the appointment time lol.)

But for her birthday, I slipped her an extra 50 bucks because she mentioned she wanted to go out for her birthday and splurge. There's this back and forth that goes on between people who understand generous meets generous, and the two spoil one another. In fact, I need to make my next hair appointment lol! In return for nice tips, being on time, regularly booking, she has shown me the fountain of youth for my hair. lol!

Oh! The girl is so sweet and thankful that I'm going to splurge and get a smoothing treatment, and some other things she offers that I've always wanted to do. While she's not banging me, this can translate into this scene. Maybe the hair dresser meets a "type of client" she wants to market to in the future that she didn't feel existed. I know guys have done this for me, and the dates get more phenomenal over time. I feel like I can be generous without holding back with someone who is generous back to me.  

Both sexually and financially. Someone does little things for you that they don't have to do, and it makes you want to bless her even more. Even if that means booking more often.

It's a really cool thing to see, but I feel once someone starts nit-picking/penny pinching, it places a distrust or a barrier throughout the rest of the business relationship, and ruins the opportunity to have those 'aha' moments in how to get the best out of both sides. Kills it.

-- Modified on 9/8/2016 8:01:19 AM

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 613 reads
22 / 107

The reasons are different with each girl.

With different Packages-Of-Pleasure to choose from,
she may just take into consideration how "Easy" or "Difficult" you are to be with
  and adjust the fee accordingly.

You will have to get the courage and Ask Love.

JakeFromStateFarm 466 reads
23 / 107

Oh, well, since he's knee deep in admissions for the coming semester at JDU I'll take the unpopular position:
there is nothing wrong with respectfully reaching out to her, reminding her who you are and wondering if you could see her at her old rate, a/k/a grandfathering.  It happens.  If she actually enjoyed being with you and has a hole in her schedule, she might just comply.  Or she might offer a more slightly reduced rate.  Or she might just ignore you.  So what?

GaGambler 740 reads
24 / 107

I find it complete and utter Bullshit, but I don't need to agree with it, or any other woman's reason for her pricing, her discounts, her grandfathering of other clients, or her lack thereof.

If this is the reason that makes you feel good about saying NO, then so be it.  

It's still a crock of shit though. lol

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 399 reads
25 / 107

Juicy, Sweet, Overflowing with Honey,
"She actually enjoyed being with you"

soooooooo,,,,,   Ask

-- Modified on 9/8/2016 1:38:07 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 446 reads
26 / 107

You aren't very spiritual, are you lol.

wrps07 473 reads
27 / 107

One that I saw went from $300 to $400. She would put up a math formula / riddle to figure out her discount rate. She is retired now, it was always fun to do the computations.  Many times the discount rate wouldbe be at $200 an hour.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 524 reads
28 / 107

business decisions on things like spiritual energy, Karma, etc.?  That sounds rather capricious, and not very delishious.  While I agree it is a sound policy to give all customers the same high level of service, as with any business, when it comes to pricing, there is room to show some accommodation to high-volume customers.  If I'm booking three or four hours a week with a regular, they will often quickly realize the potential for the long term and offer some kind of discount.  Personally, I prefer OTC time for dinner, drinks, etc., once or twice a month, rather than a discount, and most are more than pleased with that choice.

quantavore 508 reads
29 / 107

I get the desire to pay less, and perhaps in some way maintain the past, but at the same time prices go up sometimes. The restaurant that I like is popular - they've raised their prices - but I'm not going to ask the manager for a discount "for old times sake." Those shoes I like have gone up in price... I may shop around seeing if I can find a better price, but I'm not going to ask the same vendor for the price I paid last year.  

If you want it, you pay for it. If you can't afford it anymore you go somewhere else.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 667 reads
30 / 107

People who are regularly booking should get those perks if she is offering them. Not guys who book once a year at an old rate.  

Call it spiritual or not, I more sum it up to a personal character issue in and out of the workplace. Is it really karma or spiritual, or is it more the consequences of knowing where you should prioritize what you're giving away and to whom.  

If I am going to prioritize people who are slack in their contributions, and not the people who are generous, my vision is skewed. And there are consequences to that. Especially if a regular client gets word

GaGambler 476 reads
31 / 107

I don't believe in this whole self serving bullshit that to make an "offer" to a hooker is insulting and degrading, but I do believe some guys are more "deserving" for lack of a better word of preferential treatment than others.

Now back to the OP, In his case I would totally agree that to agree to see him at her "old" rates after a single visit over a year ago would be insulting to her regs if it ever got out, and "some" guys are rather indiscrete about some matters, and there is no saying that he might even write a review "bragging" about how he got a "discount" from her, causing her regs to have hard feelings.

Now those are some legitimate, non "spiritual" non "karma" reasons for not grandfathering a guy you only saw once, over a year ago.

See, I knew we'd end up on the same page eventually. lol

wrps07 584 reads
32 / 107

Providers figure things out very quickly.  As soon as looses a sugar daddy her rates will drop or a discount will be offered.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 450 reads
33 / 107

But that's what I was trying to say. Lol.  

You added more to it though - some you can't trust to be discreet about it. And can't keep their mouths shut.  

I do remember when I would say "ok" to certain people, lo and behold - 3 more guys hit me up for discounts. That is another reason I have to know the guy before we work out any benefits for regular patronage. By the way. You can disagree with my logic. I know sometimes I don't know wtf I'm talking about. Lol

GaGambler 643 reads
34 / 107

We almost always end up agreeing at the end, and what fun is that?  

I suppose in person we could have "make up sex", but that's kind of hard to do from different states. lol

GaGambler 574 reads
35 / 107

and quite frankly I fall on your side of the discussion.

BUT where it comes to the OP, a single appointment, made over a year ago does NOT entitle him to even a penny's worth of discount. He can ask, but his chances are VERY VERY slim IMHO.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 464 reads
36 / 107

Idk nothing like banging someone for some negotiation strategy lessons. I sense a role play scenario. Lol

GaGambler 523 reads
37 / 107
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 424 reads
38 / 107

1. your negotiation tactics must make me an extra 50 grand a year with less turnaround
2. Outcall lol
3. I get to be the boss hiring out for this in the fantasy. I'm not a submissive. But I'm hiring you to bring in your expertise. (Submissive role on my part won't happen for at least ten encounters)

-- Modified on 9/8/2016 10:54:20 AM

Strangebrew12 3 Reviews 561 reads
39 / 107

Please tell me you are not going to speak to how all other sex workers would feel about negotiated fees. If you merely look down this thread, you will see a lady who disagrees with you so that puts a hole in your boat. Personally, I dont negotiate but I see no reason why 2 consenting adults can't travel down that path if both choose. And "offensive" too? Maybe to you but I am certain many escorts feel other wise. They have their reasons for accepting lower gifts than they present on their website and who are you to tell them they are engaging in "rude" or "offensive" behavior?

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 533 reads
40 / 107

agreed.  something similar recently happened to me.  

 an atf of mine recently sent a mass email to her customers stating she was raising her rates, no grandfathering allowed, sorry but she was losing money seeing guys at old rates while having to shine on new customers at higher rates. she went on to  

i reurned the email saying i would happily pay her new rate (pricey, but imo she was worth it). so the next time i saw her (at her new rare she told me she was raising her rates yet again (!!)  but if the market approves, and believe me, she could command that even higher price.

however she told me she would grandfather me at the rate i was currently paying. i'm guessing because i had no problem telling her she was worth new rates.

so a little consideration goes a long way.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 533 reads
41 / 107

wtf does that even mean lol 😄

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 437 reads
42 / 107

I hadn't looked at it from the "consenting adults" angle. I still wouldn't haggle a ladies rates as that would make me uncomfortable, but I think I agree with you that it is none of our business what others do, in the bedroom or what anyone pays. You gave me a different perspective.  

Good post!

GaGambler 432 reads
43 / 107

If she doesn't "toe the line" and agree that negotiating is not just in bad taste, but offensive and degrading, she will get thrown out of her local hooker's union.

This is the one industry where it's the buyers who compete to be the "best customers" while the sellers make the buyers jump through hoops before deeming them "worthy" of accepting their money.

I suppose so many married guys have been browbeaten for so many years by women they simply accept anything said by a woman, especially where it comes to getting laid, as truth.

I assure you however this is mainly an American phenomenon, in most other countries it's expected that hookers and johns are going to negotiate and quite the contrary in many Latin American countries NOT negotiating is looked upon as a sign of weakness and leads to lousier service as a man too stupid or too weak to negotiate is looked at as too weak to bother giving her best to.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 589 reads
44 / 107

...+1 ILVBT  is correct, in the hobby we depend on the providers state of mind & feelings toward us as customers to give us the session we want, if a provider feels demeaned by the need to negotiate the price for her services she may not be up to providing the best session after all the providers are only human. Prioritize the value of a good session over the cost or find a lower cost provider.

GaGambler 368 reads
45 / 107

and if your income hasn't increased by fifty grand a year at the end of a year, I will give you a fifty percent rebate on your tuition.

As for outcall, that goes without saying and I suppose it's worth mentioning that outcall to me means TEXAS. I hope you have a good frequent flyer plan.

Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 487 reads
46 / 107

Dear Ms.Ova,
Although you might be hesitant to those who might want to approach a cutie for some bargain basement booty, what would qualify in terms of number of visits for those who would like to be grandfathered in?  Also would you make certain modifications in service for those preferred customers if they did pay the revised rate? Also do you make these types of offers on a case be case basis as well?

GaGambler 433 reads
47 / 107

Does ANYONE ever answer any of your insipid and annoying questions you pose here on such a frequent basis?

and do you think you might be a bit better received if you dropped the dumb fuck persona?

Lastly, have you EVER considered using a paragraph break?

Sex-Aeterna 550 reads
48 / 107

I can't say I'd grant the discount in this case, but if you asked politely, I wouldn't be offended or flip out.  

A kind note that avoids entitlement or guilting her for the rate hike is hardly out of line. I'd call it a long shot, but not rude.  

-- Modified on 9/8/2016 10:21:34 AM

I_run_the_table 548 reads
49 / 107

Negotiating or haggling with me shows that you do not respect and value my time, my body and the effort I put into sexwork.  

It is not at all about the money in a scenario like this. It's a case of a client thinking he's entitled to something to which he isn't entitled at all. You are neither special nor deserving of a discount.  

This is coming from someone who recently raised her rates. There are a few clients who pay my old rate, which is nearly half of my current rate. Why do I continue to see them at my old rate? They are perfect gentlemen. They see me at least once a month. They arrive on time. They are kind. I sincerely enjoy their company as they are a part of my world. BUT and this is a huge BUT, I'd cut these same men off in one second if they ever thought to ask to see me at their old rates. It was suggested by ME and to make it work, it will only ever be suggested by ME.  

You knew the answer before you even asked it here. You simply thought some magical unicorn (more likely desperate ass kissing provider) would tell you that your behavior is not only acceptable, but welcome.

Sugar-julia See my TER Reviews 508 reads
50 / 107

Whatever works for each escort I suppose, but most consultants that charge by the hour agree that tailoring your rates a bit to fit an old  clients needs based on geography, grandfathering, type of session etc is totally necessary.  
  It is completed unrelated and really not a full paying clients interest, as to what you do with older clients, or clients in other cities etc. I dont go into a massage parlor, and feel that it is unfair that some of their clients came in with a 40 dollar groupon for the same massage. I dont stomp my feet when I pay full price for a room at the Hilton, when the customer before me bought the hotel off Priceline. Totally fair, they call that business.

Tech Republic says it best: Reasons for variable rates
The kind of work you do for each client varies, and the price that each of these markets will bear also differs.
Your clients are located in different geographical areas, which affects the supply and demand for your class of services.
You've had some clients for a long time, and you haven't been able to bring up their rates as quickly as new client rates have risen.  Besides, you like to reward long-term clients for their loyalty

ScarlettStClair See my TER Reviews 408 reads
51 / 107

So I don't see why you would here. And if a first time client asks this of me, I will not see him.

Being grandfathered in is a bit different, of course, but this should be offered by her, not asked for by a client.

I_run_the_table 629 reads
52 / 107

for goods and services much unlike in the United States.  

If you are so enthralled by whores in other countries, it seems like the smartest course of action would to only see those whores. And there's a REASON those women negotiate - they live in third world countries, have a very low level of formal education and have very few options outside of sexwork.  

Negotiating with sexworkers is not the norm in first world countries, especially among sexworkers who choose sexwork rather than sexwork as survival.  

I'm not at all surprised that you prefer women who lack choices rather than women who have abundant choices. It's much easier to degrade, abuse and "negotiate" with such women.

Sugar-julia See my TER Reviews 467 reads
53 / 107

Did you even bother to read the content of this persons post? smh

GaGambler 574 reads
54 / 107

Do you honestly believe the US is the ONLY first world country in the world?

Open your eyes woman, there is a whole world out there besides your little corner of it.

I honestly feel sorry for any man who has to deal with you IRL.

Negotiating with sex workers most definitely IS the norm in many first world countries. If you would ever leave that little table of your you seem so proud of, you might have some first hand knowledge to share on the subject.

Life is one giant negotiation, trying to claim otherwise doesn't make it so.

GaGambler 606 reads
55 / 107

I charge rates comparable to the highest end hookers and I negotiate my rates all the time.

Would I prefer to have a "no negotiation" policy? Of course I would, but I live in the real world and in the real world negotiation is part of life. Or at least it is for people who believe a little flexibility in life will get them a LOT further than people who are rigid and unbending.

ripmany 9 Reviews 651 reads
56 / 107
ripmany 9 Reviews 322 reads
57 / 107


ripmany 9 Reviews 383 reads
58 / 107

I get I free many times from my therapist but no kick backs yeat.

JakeFromStateFarm 533 reads
60 / 107

Blacklists are a legitimate way to warn other sex workers about tricks who rob, assault or stalk girls.  They are NOT the correct forum to smear guys who negotiate.  Your asinine approach is just one more reason why black list sites have lost their usefulness.
Good thing you're posting under an alias because you'd lose a HUGE amount of business with your attitude. Perhaps you are in the wrong business.
PS: Just fyi, I do NOT negotiate rates in the US.

GaGambler 400 reads
61 / 107

and while I will defend the right of guys to negotiate with any one they choose, including hookers. I have to confess it's NOT something I will do myself.  

Maybe it's living for a long as I did in Vegas where it seems like EVERYBODY lives on tips, but I LIKE giving a little or even a LOT extra as long as it's appreciated. Once it becomes expected out of me I feel robbed of that good feeling that comes from giving, but up until then I get a very good feeling out of giving more than is expected from me.

That said, it still amazes me that so many guys can be browbeaten into thinking that even asking about negotiating with a hooker makes them a pariah, a misogynist and someone who enjoys degrading women.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 585 reads
62 / 107

A year and a half ago, I wasn't dropping the money I just dropped on a photo shoot, and most definitely didn't spend $300+ per date on hotel, booze and cheese. I was paying $40 to $74 a night and showing up very simply - in a completely different body and style.

I didn't have the selection of lingerie I have and keep. I didn't have the clothing to travel all over the US in different climates year round. I didn't have the body I have now. (I've spent a buttload of money getting my back fixed so I could become more active). I didn't have the hair. I didn't have the sanity of a low volume, low turnover clientele.  

I didn't have the business sense. I didn't have the experience to know my type of sexuality to turn down non-compatible clients.  

I didn't give the same service back then, and I didn't bring anywhere near the same woman I bring to my dates today. I didn't have the facilities I use now, nor the $50 bottles of beverages (which is very popular, as is the cheese).

I didn't have the social skills, the confidence, the money saved to be available with a very nice and discreet hotel if a regular wants to see me tomorrow. (I don't get cheap hotels, or small rooms. I don't like it.)

I also don't think anybody has mentioned here yet, which surprises me, that sometimes rate increases are meant to fire clientele - and you reward the few good ones with the rate.

But once the expenses supersede the profit (i.e. if I still had guys grandfathered at $350/hour with 1 hour's notice, I'd be paying out to do this job.)

After a certain amount of time, you ask for a raise. If someone hasn't been around for you to "bless them" you don't have that six months of grandfathering behind you to say "hey - I'm switching hotel brands, and it's going to cost me more - and I'm upping my expenses to get new tits stapled on."  

About those hotels - priceline vs membership payment. The service is very different. Nowadays I can check in at 11am and check out at 4pm no extra charge, no questions asked. And have it pre-arranged to do so on a regular basis.

You do priceline they're calling you at 11:30am to make sure you will be out by noon. For me, that's a potential extra 2 grand if I decided I wanted to see three in 24 hours - which I have done when I needed to hustle lol!

There is a huge difference in going through the regular venues, as opposed to the discounted venues.  

Nobody likes the lady at Walgreens who brings a book of coupons. It slows down the line. There's a balance. Part of the service of not taking on clients looking for special perks before earning them, or too many special perks, is a clean and precise, tailored approach with less inconvenience.

I_run_the_table 575 reads
63 / 107

You are poor white trash reaching for the stars.  

Most of us here see right through the trailer park facade.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 474 reads
64 / 107

And that is part of learning to discern an honest request that is mutually beneficial, vs someone trying to get one over. I'm talking on both sides here. I don't brow beat my guys because I want them to have a good time. The communication opens up over time after trust is earned on both sides. But that trust, but verify is key.  

I personally have become a much better consumer now that I understand what it's like on the other side. But the deals even hotels use are listed clearly in a book or online for benefits on silver, gold, platinum, and diamond level. So they are offering up front, most likely with client input via reviews and surveys.

They do drop your status if you don't keep your status up the next year, however. If they didn't, people would spend a lot the first year, then coast and use those hotels as a backup while they gain status somewhere else.

I have asked for special status requests before reaching status. Sometimes they accommodate, but they probably see the potential in my reaching that status within a reasonable amount of time.  

Newer businesses might not have that flexibility in the beginning until they establish a strong brand and clientele

-- Modified on 9/8/2016 2:45:05 PM

I_run_the_table 511 reads
65 / 107

Every single business savvy business provider maintains one

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 626 reads
66 / 107

I wouldn't say trailer trash per se, but I have been through the ringer of near poverty. Who says you can't be proud of getting the hell out of that life. No matter what strategy I used to get out of it.

I'm pretty fucking proud of my accomplishments - so sue me. ;)
Posted By: I_run_the_table
You are poor white trash reaching for the stars.  
 Most of us here see right through the trailer park facade.
-- Modified on 9/8/2016 2:59:24 PM

GaGambler 580 reads
67 / 107

You not only brag about yourself, you brag about how you demand your clients treat you, and your very handle you "run the table" shows how you revel in making your clients do as you will them to.

Respect can not be "demanded" you "command" respect. I would say as an outsider that Court has done quite well for herself, a lot better than trash like you will ever achieve.

I am sure the fact that you always seem to be angry while Court seems to be rather at peace with herself has gone unnoticed by you, but it hasn't gone unnoticed by the rest of us. Maybe you should take a page out of Court's book, she seems much happier than you, especially lately

I_run_the_table 433 reads
68 / 107

You're still poor white trash.  

There's a huge difference between being proud and lacking humility.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 622 reads
69 / 107

By the way, trailer trash can clean up pretty well

Posted By: GaGambler
You not only brag about yourself, you brag about how you demand your clients treat you, and your very handle you "run the table" shows how you revel in making your clients do as you will them to.  
 Respect can not be "demanded" you "command" respect. I would say as an outsider that Court has done quite well for herself, a lot better than trash like you will ever achieve.  
 I am sure the fact that you always seem to be angry while Court seems to be rather at peace with herself has gone unnoticed by you, but it hasn't gone unnoticed by the rest of us. Maybe you should take a page out of Court's book, she seems much happier than you, especially lately.  

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 612 reads
70 / 107

However, no need to be concerned, my life is not your responsibility.

Seeking out other providers (which you do often) to knock them is a sign of something deeper.

-- Modified on 9/8/2016 3:31:02 PM

Naughtyfrederica See my TER Reviews 419 reads
71 / 107

I can't speak for other providers, but I for one, enjoy and truly care for my gentlemen friends that honor me with their patronage, so if a former friend were to ask me, and I really enjoyed my time with him in the past, I will most likely be happy to accomodate him.  I do this all the time.  I raised my rates as I have become popular and can demand the rates I ask, but I miss some of those friends that saw me from my previous rates and if they were to inquire, I would be happy to accept them.  For me it's all about connection and having a great time, and if we did in the past, I'm sure we will again.

JakeFromStateFarm 316 reads
72 / 107

It means "Do Not See."  You are, of course, free to do that.  But calling it a "black list" just contributes to the confusion on this issue.

Strangebrew12 3 Reviews 384 reads
73 / 107

It would appear that magic has occurred as several ladies in this very thread are now "unicorns" per your use of the the term. Is it possible they enjoy their lives, are grateful for the consideration of a gentleman and think its fun to deal with the offers?  At the very least, they seem much more suited for this business than yourself as you seem burnt out, jaded and a bit hostile.

Dr Who revived 372 reads
74 / 107

that posting with "absolutes" is rarely taken seriously  LOL

Guess that last brilliant attempt at a legitimate job didn't work out...again.

Good luck on your next effort.  
Posted By: I_run_the_table
Every single business savvy business provider maintains one.  

Dr Who revived 451 reads
75 / 107

I guess you're one of the guys that believes that MSRP is the "only" way to go.

Or are you going to toss in the "illegal transaction" as your reason

Dr Who revived 604 reads
76 / 107

You've whined and whined on these boards over the years about your pathetic lot in life.

I guess your short stint at Olive Garden as a server didn't pan out too well.  I can't imagine why  LOL
Posted By: I_run_the_table
You're still poor white trash.  
 There's a huge difference between being proud and lacking humility.

Sex-Aeterna 608 reads
77 / 107

I'm not sure why you feel the need to throw classist slurs at another provider. Maybe a bit of Tall Poppy Syndrome or perhaps you've read a little too much Harriet Beecher Stowe, but it doesn't really matter because you've actually just handed Courtney the chance to showcase her class and grace with her responses.

GaGambler 487 reads
78 / 107

who also tends to look down his intellectual nose at the rest of us, found it necessary to use a word like "irregardless" Does anyone with a formal education higher than a GED ever find it appropriate to use such a so called word?

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 443 reads
79 / 107

our view is One Side.  You are missing out, by limiting yourself to slaves.  

NEGOTIATING is done by All Powerful businessmen.  
Google " NEGOTIATING" ...  It is a Serious SKILL.  
We Are in a business that can be negotiated.  
Negotiating does not have to be a Bad thing!
It can be a Win / Win for both parties

Dr Who revived 342 reads
80 / 107

Some will discount, others won't  

Especially medical professionals.  Even if YOU have insurance in place...you should ask for price concessions.  I can't recall ANY medical professional not entertaining an offer.  Some quickly lower the service fees...others won't budge.  But asking has never been an issue from my POV.

Shit...I will ask for discounts/deals from anyone..anytime.  Most folks feel intimidated to ask for a discount/deal...so the few of "us" who do are rarely turned down.

Please don't share this information with too many others.  I prefer to have most of "you" continue to be intimidated.
Posted By: ScarlettStClair
So I don't see why you would here. And if a first time client asks this of me, I will not see him.  
 Being grandfathered in is a bit different, of course, but this should be offered by her, not asked for by a client.

JakeFromStateFarm 523 reads
81 / 107

It has only achieved "word" status from continuing to be used.  Conan believes you meant to say "irrespective."

GaGambler 494 reads
82 / 107

Either would have been proper and would have not have proven that he is not only NOT part of the intellectual elite, but most likely is more on par with fg or fg where it comes to his educational backround.

JakeFromStateFarm 618 reads
84 / 107

Although it only qualifies, apparently, because so many ignoramuses have been misusing it for so long.

sexybrietaylor See my TER Reviews 679 reads
85 / 107

Just love to brag about yourself. You seem sweet and genuine. Sorry to see hate thrown at you.

Skyfyre 359 reads
86 / 107
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 617 reads
88 / 107

don't have the balls to let women know what ter handle belongs to thtat attitude!

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 438 reads
89 / 107

court is a (self-made) class act

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 455 reads
90 / 107

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
don't have the balls to let women know what ter handle belongs to thtat attitude!
or men, either!

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 557 reads
91 / 107

The post was meant to speak from a financial perspective, as opposed to saying "Anything you can do, I can do better".  

I'm learning the things people want and expect at higher prices are different. And it costs more. I just don't get why someone would want to hit me up for a very old price at the new brand, when they've done nothing to support or help build that brand.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 349 reads
92 / 107


Thank you!! 💕❤️💞💕❤️💞💕❤️💞💕❤️💞💕

Dr Who revived 511 reads
93 / 107

Not to mention brush up on your reading comprehension.

The I_run_the_table handle is a hooker.

She's been around here for a few years with that handle.  And she's also had a few other handles...none of which are aliases.  Just a regular old BE (that's a brown envelope LOL).

I trust she will use a strap-on for you, if you ask her nicely.
Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
don't have the balls to let women know what ter handle belongs to thtat attitude!

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 309 reads
95 / 107
1256849 23 Reviews 337 reads
96 / 107

If you have not seen her just communicate with her that you want to confirm her consideration or donation.

tell her you don't want a misunderstanding and you want to respect her rules.  One oF my favs has a couple different sites and ads for when she is touring etc. We went about 6 months between visits and I asked her if her rates changed, and if they did it was fine. These girls do run different prices depending on location and personal situation .

I'm my case she confirmed that her rates with me were the same from before.  We did not need to use numbers.  We know one another well enough. I have seen her 20 plus times. She knows I am a regular and she wants me to return. I love her company and her body and tip her often and occasionally a gift (useful gift) to keep the good vibes going.
Posted By: jsmath
Who is probably much more of an old friend to me than I am to her. I don't have that many experiences, all when I travel, and sometimes a year or more can come between encounters. I meet somebody whose consideration for an hour is $250 or $300. A year later, I look, and it's $500. Is it rude to ask to pay less? So maybe not the old fee, but something in between?

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 547 reads
97 / 107
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 433 reads
98 / 107

But what you are spewing certainly is trashy, mean, and pathetic! Stating how you run your biz is one thing, lashing out at her like you have is another matter! Crawl back in your hole.  


MILFCARESSA See my TER Reviews 352 reads
99 / 107

Of course she would like you to offer her posted donation.   However, depending on the circumstances previously plus her personal policies related to old clients, she may be perfectly fine with honoring your original rate OR make it less than current ones.  I do understand that some ladies may be offended- if she is your dear old friend I would think you know to predict her response.  I do grandfather to a degree...but do remember that all businesses increase rates from time to time with inflation etc.   Doctors who improve at their profession and are more sought after increase their charges and even drop accepting insurance standardly.  Actors/actresses get more for movies as their popularity offers the pull of movie viewers to the cinemas.

SamanthaBright See my TER Reviews 476 reads
100 / 107

I agree with Courtney. When I raised my rates I reached out to the few that were my regulars and told them they would stay at old rates. Then a guy I had not seen in a long time asked to see me again and he asked me if he could be grandfathered in. I declined. I think grandfathering is for those who see is consistently. If I gave every previous client the old rates, what would be the point of raising rates?

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
If it were me, I might respond crudely. Ok, I have many times responded crudely lol.  
 It's just shitty to charge one guy a certain amount, he regularly pays, brings gifts, books dinner dates or more, continually treats me like a princess, and some jackass wants special benefits when he didn't give a fuck about me for the past 3-6-12 months.  
 When I did fall for it a couple years back, those guys took a lot of time, but in the end every guy so far that I've discounted based on his request has back-stabbed me and slandered my name very harshly.  
 That's actually the number one reason I don't even respond to those requests anymore. Every fucking time.  
 Good luck - maybe she thinks you truly love her and want to support her. lol.

SamanthaBright See my TER Reviews 308 reads
101 / 107

How do you know 2 guys haven't stepped in to take your place at her new rates? If that happened, how is SHE losing out? I raised my rates and I still get just as many new clients, I'm not losing out.  

Posted By: hphp266
I understand both sides of this but for me there is a problem with not asking.  
 I have visited a lady a few times and had a good time, good, not great. In my area though, good is about all I can expect. I travel out of the area enough to areas with more better choices and hobby there. I would visit with this woman again, just not at her new rate.  
 She may be willing or interested in visiting with me at the lower rate but I don't ask so  I won't know. So far, I haven't asked, but it is nagging on me that we are both losing out on a mutually beneficial opportunity.  

JakeFromStateFarm 490 reads
102 / 107
jsmath 455 reads
103 / 107
JakeFromStateFarm 369 reads
104 / 107

"IMHO?"  When was your opinion ever "Humble?  LMAO!

JakeFromStateFarm 385 reads
105 / 107

using your sure-fire formula for making money on penny stocks? LMAO!

2465305 70 Reviews 455 reads
106 / 107

Doubtful...he still can't talk a lady down to his affordable rate of $40-$50 per hour. But then again if you read his reviews I'd refuse to see him based on the scores he gives.  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
using your sure-fire formula for making money on penny stocks? LMAO!

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