TER General Board

MAYBE one.... :)angry_smile
ToniLove See my TER Reviews 545 reads

But on those days I masturbate :D
Seriously,  I will get a migraine without some cock or orgasm if it's more than a day.  
Hugs and kisses

If you can masturbate I can go forever without bothering to include someone else.

-- Modified on 7/10/2015 2:48:57 PM

until you can't take it any more and the sight of one of us trolls gets you excited.

with will power and other things to occupy time, I can go indefinitely. I choose to take care of myself a couple of times a day .

And there are no exacts but let's get fucking real please. Men and women bodies are made different by nature for natural purposes. Not all men are horn dogs and not all women are duds or whatever you want to call not having nature knock on your door desiring sex immensely. But for the most part there is a difference and its a natural understandable difference.

Like WTF is going on around this place.

GaGambler488 reads

I can EASILY go two solid days in a row without sex, if of course I am busy and something else is occupying my attention. Both Gemma and TL can't even last half as long as me. SLUTS!!! lol

... considered the best tv episode ever by many.   All I know is it's pretty damn funny and sort of on point

-- Modified on 7/10/2015 6:31:47 PM

whoever wins gets a freebie from London.

Posted By: Joe Christmas
... considered the best tv episode ever by many.   All I know is it's pretty damn funny and sort of on point

-- Modified on 7/10/2015 6:31:47 PM

... but married people will have a distinct advantage

-- Modified on 7/10/2015 8:19:19 PM

Senator.Blutarsky496 reads

If you mean being intimate with another... I can usually last a week if I have to, but if you mean how many days without taking matters into my own hand, then it is only a day or two max. Luckily, that doesn't happen very often.

tell you what,  look up any porn site and watch. it would look just like that.

Senator.Blutarsky585 reads

...of sexual relations. Which is not what most of America believes. I'm with you that oral sex counts.

.....that means that it's SEX. Just another form/version of it.

(Despite what Bill would have us believe) :D

i thought all you Neanderthals were extinct?

you dont have to give a fuck how about just answering the question?  

Posted By: lopaw
-- Modified on 7/10/2015 11:02:37 PM

...ok - So here's my answer to your most riveting question - 3 days tops before I need someones' lips on MY lips.

Let your confusion and befuddlement about that statement begin

Some men think "sex" means a penis has to be involved....clearly from your standpoint not the case and the only way I can orgasm other than manually is oral sex. So dick in vag...I can go forever without that, it does nothing.

Senator.Blutarsky478 reads

...and they usually need a hug around it by a vagina ...and a shot of Jack. But there are a few of us who enjoy using other parts of our bodies to pleasure our partner. :-)

A good tongue is nirvana. And make it a good vodka and I could be a very happy camper.

Senator.Blutarsky511 reads

...and I can catch flies with my tongue. :-)

-- Modified on 7/11/2015 11:09:51 AM

better not ask you a more difficult question or your head might explode.


Posted By: lopaw
...ok - So here's my answer to your most riveting question - 3 days tops before I need someones' lips on MY lips.  
 Let your confusion and befuddlement about that statement begin.  
-- Modified on 7/11/2015 9:09:27 PM

Alyssa Jones aka Joey Lauren Adams explains this oh so perfectly...

Hate to break it to you but for many women a dick need not be in the room...same goes for a penis.  

An excerpt "The Top 10 Female Climax Myths That Men Still Believe"

 Intercourse Should Always Lead to Orgasm

Intercourse alone usually does not lead to orgasm. Only 30 percent of women reach orgasm from intercourse alone. The rest need added clitoral stimulation to achieve pleasure.

If I am having sex for my pleasure, I do not have intercourse at all.

About five years ago a provider who knew I was interested in tantra sex recommended a person whom she once heard speak at a tantra conference.  I contacted the person but she told me that she had decided to give up tantra and instead did life counseling, consisting of a Zen based interactive therapy, or in more layman terms;  unlicensed psychotherapy.

Having once spend about ten years in similar therapy,  finding the this practitioner especially interesting, and since her rate was only $100 for a two hour session, I figured what the heck and made an appointment.  I found her to be extremely alluring and helpful, and she seemed to find me an intriguing client as when we parted she gave me quite an affectionate and long lasting hug that was distinctly sexual, at least my cock thought so.

A few weeks later we made another date and at the end of the session, the hug turned into a 20 minute make-out session during which our hands explored each other both supra and sub vestments leading to a series of non-ejaculatory orgasms on both our parts and culminating in a very satisfying dry-hump ejaculation which she eagerly assisted with.  It was without a doubt one of the most memorable sexual events I can ever recall.

So, was that sex?  I guess so, but opinions will differ.

Unfortunately, the lass had wanderlust and was soon off to environs girding the globe.  S. Africa was her home last I heard.  We did a few Skype sessions to keep our relationship up, but it was not the same.  We had, in addition to a real good mental rapport, real chemistry, and that just doesn't translate through the internet as yet.  Quel dommage

"can" involves external factors, like lack of money - so what?

"want" involves pure will power and is more interesting, in my opinion...

put the cock lock on. How long would it take for you to look elsewhere.

GaGambler492 reads

I would start looking that very minute, with her right in front of me if need be.

I can not imagine a sexless relationship, Maybe when I get a little (a lot) older perhaps, but right now? NO FUCKING WAY!!!

Justin_Beaver466 reads

As long as I'm still getting my dick sucked. That's all gravy then.

GaGambler443 reads

but then again I don't have sex daily with partners that I am not attracted to, I can see how a steady diet of that might just change my mind.

Unless I rent it like you guys, the effort and the  bullshit to get it WITHOUT the "call me" and the "when can I see you again" and the looks when you say " thank you but now leave" is just way too much hard work and even then the guarantee of good sex is never there...for this woman lousy sex is way worse than masturbating.

GaGambler421 reads

I have to say it sounds as if you are every bit as unhappy about your sex life as some of the johns here that I call pathetic.

Maybe you should consider "renting it", you know what they say about gooses and ganders, right? lol

No bullshit, I am there when I want it. Know exactly what I need. If I want another party to come to the party, that is when it gets annoying. And I HATE bad sex.

I understand where you're coming from but the older Ive gotten, I just can't hang with the lousy sex. And the woman's looks will not make that better. Not in the least bit. Proven enough times for me to know about myself. Lol. Lousy sex makes me like a child. I be like...um, really woman?!!! Wtf is this? Lmao. So serious. Smh. I rather have No sex than lousy sex at this point in my life! Maybe that will change when I'm older. Who knows.

-- Modified on 7/11/2015 6:15:32 AM

And people think masturbating is boring, well if they approach it that way like a chore. I tell you, it can be awesome, all that edging and you know how good it will be. With the right visual stimulation, I think it is amazing.

I have to take life breaks in between.

Yeah because you usually have to jackoff after the lousy sex.

But on those days I masturbate :D
Seriously,  I will get a migraine without some cock or orgasm if it's more than a day.  
Hugs and kisses

GaGambler483 reads

Well not 30 days in a row of course, but that was about my total for the year. lol

Hi slut, good answer.  

I can actually go two days without sex and not be bothered too much, but if I go as long as three days, I start getting REALLY fucking grumpy. I can only imagine what a foul mood I would be in if I ever had to go a week, so I suppose you are a bigger slut than me after all. Congratulations, that's tough to do. lol

Why are we all talking about doing without? ? Fuck this! Lol isn't this a fuckboard?  :D
Hugs and kisses
The slut :)

Lol!!! Are you a manslut too?  :D
Gotta love the mansluts ;)
Hugs and kisses (and sex please!)

Unfortunately. Shoot. What am I saying. Fg fortunately!!! I love you women. Differences and all. So much beauty and sexy around. Tigers and Tigresses! What's wrong with that. Love the appetites! Lol ;)

In any case, I'm sure it's no worse than quitting smoking.

Quitting smoking is easy.  I've known people who have done it scores of times

Thank gawd for things that vibrate!!!!

I went for 4 years without sex when my wife died. Then I hired a lovely escort, who is still a friend, to end  my abstinence.

Shit, I just rubbed one out reading this thread and proly do it again before I am done.

but the guy who likes tattoos and the guy who likes spinners seem to have different tastes. I like petite girls, and don't mind tattoos(I'd rather not see them, and prefer artsy over gangster, and I don't give two shits about the artsy ones because I'm not into that seen) but I don't think they add to my experience.

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