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Janet and Justin ... againconfused_smile
EWADS 7 Reviews 5032 reads

I was driving home today, when I heard a story on National Public Radio about the apology issued by the chairman of CBS and the Comissioner of the NFL for the "tasteless" half-time show during the Superbowl. The apology was issued before the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet. The committee is considering H.R. 3717, the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2004. As sick as I am of this story, the supreme irony of it hit me. This half-time show was juxtaposed with one the most violent sports in popular American culture, which leads me to the question: Why is a little sex in prime-time scandalous whereas a lot of violence is not?

megapig3270 reads

Funny how that is ....

Same with pornography versus murder

It's illegal to murder someone, but not illegal to write about it.

It's legal to HAVE sex, but not legal to write about it.

It SHOULD be legal to murder Justin (Aremyfifteenminutesupyet?) Timberlake, any/all of the Backstreet Boys, Menudo, Boyz2men or any of the whney-assed manufactured girl groups, Rappers that call themselves musicians, fat girls that wear size 24 stretch pants in yellow, anyone who answers a cell phone in a movie theatre, anyone connected in any way with the movie "Gigli", anyone who actualy gives a rat's ASS about Janet Jackson, people who download copyrighted music, people who Blog, anyone who drives a 1963 VW bus in the fast lane on PCH at 22mph, people who think Andy Kaufman was a genius, anyone who thinks Robin Williams isn't, Natalie Manes, Bill Maher, people who think Elvis is still alive, Ed Asner ... and anyone who works at the California DMV.

But ... it's not.

Raoul Duke4086 reads

Repeat the mantra....

He's just a comedian. He's just a comedian.....

At least he's not Dennis Miller, the biggest flopper since Vlade Divac.

megapig2799 reads

I tried that mantra with Jimmy Carter ....

but we still had intrest rates in the high teens while he stood there smiling like his lithium drip was set to high.

Bill Maher3700 reads

kill them all and let Megapig sort them out

And I STARTED to buy Dixie Chicks records when she spoke out against the war.  I also consider Sean Penn to be a Patriot.

megapig2592 reads

"We just want y'all to know that we're ashamed the President is from Texas, too"

Yep.  Said on foreign soil on the eve of war.

Not like she went to Washington in her capacity as a priavte citizen to protest or anything.    Not like she missed a hair appointment (or even better a meal) to go to Baghdad to be a human shield or anything.   And ... patriot that she is ... when pressured by her record label that her words didn't play too well with the Nascar Crowd, she backed off faster than a hobbiest ringing the door bell of an ugly provider.  Yep ... them is sure acts of a patriot.

Sean Penn, male poster boy for "when needy people marry", goes and takes Saddam's guided tour then comes back speaking with authority that all is well in Iraq.   Was sick the day they toured the mass graves, sick the day they toured the [admittedly infant] nuclear weapons labs .... yeah .. he sure is a patriot!  Not like he uses his own money to run for Congress and try to CHANGE thing or anything .... just talking out loud makes one a patriot.

Because everyone knows that the right wing of this country is vindictive and intolerant of dissent.

She and Penn both knew full well that they were making huge commercial sacrifices to do what they knew to be right.  She did NOT back down.  She still makes the same anti-Bush comments any opportunity that she gets.

Yes, I am very proud to be citizens of the same country that Manes and Penn are.  And I'll add Jane Fonda to the list, even if she does get a bit ditzy.

I would also be EMBARRASSED that I come from a country that elected Bush President, except we never DID actually elect him.

megapig2263 reads

It wasn't "WE are doing things I don't like"  or even "HE is doing things I think are wrong."   It wasn't "I love my country but I hate what we're about to do!"

When did INSULTING the President become "speaking out against the war"?  

And, technically, you can't insult someone like Bush, because calling him a chickenshit would actually be a compliment to Bush, and an insult to Poultry feces.

RLTW4403 reads


What's with all the personal insults against President Bush? The vitriolic hate for him that you present in your posts only serves to undermine your arguments. President Bush has been forced make extremely difficult choices regarding our country's future. Wether you agree with them or not, it takes alot of courage to make tough choices and stand by them.

Idiots, intellectual midgets, and cowards stoop to personal insults. Try debating with reason and facts, if you can.


It can't be helped, as this twerp has gotten a free pass through life, and acts like it's expected.  Which would be one thing if he were simply a private citizen rich boy.  But now, he is making life and death decisions for the entire nation that he simply lacks the qualifications and capacity to make.  And frankly, it terrifies me, and it ought to terrify anyone with a brain in this country.

stud, this is posted as a reply to you, but it's really my reply to the whole discussion.  Thanks for starting this tack.

That's not mine, it's from one of America's most famous and respected authors.  Hint, think beyond your own generation.

As for those phantom Iraqi WMD, I'm only surprised they haven't found a good place to plant them yet.  Either it's harder than I thought or they're waiting until closer to the election.

Finally, DID ANYONE BESIDES ME WATCH THE F@#&*$%# GAME?  It was one of the best Super Bowls ever and it's been lost in this triva.

megapig2574 reads

This is great!

Now you've set it up so that assuming the weapons ARE found, they were planted!    And that would be based on what, your clairvoyance?

What you're saying is that you don't like the guy, so there's nothing he can do that would suit you.  Everything bad that happens has to be connected somehow to his actions, and anything GOOD that happens has to be directly connected to people of the opposition ... or else it HAS to be Divine Providence.

Just say that you hate the guy because you like to hate people that don't agree with you - at least then you can hold the high ground on clear thinking.

goodgeorge3242 reads

You are absolutely correct. Some Republicans in Congress are engaged in a McCarthy-like waste of time attack on Viacom and should themselves be censured.

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