TER General Board

Magic Johnson-Tiger Woods-bonordonor-eom-
bonordonor 1002 reads


I am curious if there is a "dark pool" of talent for the very wealthy.  Or are they cruising TER like the rest of us?  

If I had to guess, I would say that there has to be a hidden network of providers and agencies that cater to these customers.  To access it, you have to be recommended or referred by someone who is already "in the know".  No hourly rates.  Guaranteed std free.  Discretion goes without saying.      

What have you heard or what do you think?

!_!1001 reads

A fat old toothless crack ho who has no teeth? They might not be the prettiest but they sure can give a nice smooth toothless BBBJ.  


There, now you are in!!

to ask about the Underground part of the business in open?  

I guess if you have a few million dollar portfolio and are "well" connected, it will find you. Not sure about STD free, but things are different in that world..so I heard..

OK Now.. people.. Don't PM asking for details.. The only thing I know is TER and a few UTRs.. :

!_!1083 reads

So you can run and tell dat, homeboy.  

Run and tell dat. He's climbin yo windows he's snatching yo people up, trying to rapem so yall need to house yo kids hide yo wife and hide yo husbands cuz they rapin everybody out here.  

The man got away leaving behind evidence. I was attacked by some idiot in the projects.  You don't have to come and confess, we gonna find you, we gonna find you!

Posted By: !_!
So you can run and tell dat, homeboy.  
 Run and tell dat. He's climbin yo windows he's snatching yo people up, trying to rapem so yall need to house yo kids hide yo wife and hide yo husbands cuz they rapin everybody out here.  
 The man got away leaving behind evidence. I was attacked by some idiot in the projects.  You don't have to come and confess, we gonna find you, we gonna find you!

ChiTownHeaux768 reads

I have watched those two videos! My favorite 2 virals of all time or how many times those 2 vids have made me laugh hysterically into tears. I know the whole spiels by heart and randomly go off reciting it. LOLS

Remember when Bush 41 did a photo op at a supermarket. He was gob-struck and amazed at the checkout 'scanner'. He had (for years) a private chef ordering his vittles from the market. Cash is kept only to tip the valet, the porter, masseuse, concierge and other "servants". Their 'Man servant' might cruise the pages of TER; but I doubt it is for his "master's" entertainment.

joecarter1193 reads

for Chrissakes already - do these boards have to have the same envy/hatred of the successful the rest of the losers in this country have? Those on these boards have enough disposable income to buy pussy - the envy of the 99% of the people on this rock who just want enough to eat but they somehow have the gall to put down those a little better off financially.  
Get a grip and focus on pussy all you hypocrits who support this elitist drivel.

Skyfyre1351 reads

Heidi Fleiss.

OK so it's two words sue me!

Yeah Google her name while paying attention to the name Charlie Sheen too.  

So "no" the 1% have better thing to do (such as making money) with their time than hanging out on prostitution web sites

Charlie Sheen might do well for himself, but I don't think I've ever seen his name on Forbes.  

The only people on this form are unemployed, retired, or on SSI.

Skinny_Minnie:-)1434 reads

There are uber wealthy guys here.  Sometimes they want a few hours with an anonymous escort like anyone else.

Then theres another realm that is all about referrals.  The girls don't advertise or have websites.  Some of the girls are celebrities, supermodels, socialites etc.  For example, if an actress hasn't made a movie in a while, but has gotten used to an extremely extravagant lifestyle, she may want an extra $40,000 a month or so for shopping money between gigs.  So you get hooked up with a model who will spend a few nights on a yacht with some billionaire for $20,000 a night.  These guys don't want a random commerically available escort.  They want someone in the same social "circle"

And some use both plus other sources of talent.  

Posted By: MintyFreshness
I am curious if there is a "dark pool" of talent for the very wealthy.  Or are they cruising TER like the rest of us?  
 If I had to guess, I would say that there has to be a hidden network of providers and agencies that cater to these customers.  To access it, you have to be recommended or referred by someone who is already "in the know".  No hourly rates.  Guaranteed std free.  Discretion goes without saying.      
 What have you heard or what do you think?

Zangari909 reads

Posted By: MintyFreshness
I am curious if there is a "dark pool" of talent for the very wealthy.  
 It's not that mysterious.  Elliot Spitzer was independently wealthy before he entered politics; his family's wealth is estimated at half a billion (his father was a real estate tycoon).  Spitzer used an elite escort service called Emperors Club VIP.  

 From Wikipedia: "Emperors Club VIP offered, via their internet website, the services of fifty escorts rated on a scale from three to seven diamonds for appointments in New York, Washington, Miami, London and Paris with fees commensurate with their rating.  Appointments could be made by telephone or online with fees from US $1,000 to US $5,500 per hour, payable by cash, credit card, money order or wire transfer. A top-rated seven-diamond model could cost as much as US $31,000 per day."


-- Modified on 10/23/2014 2:35:39 PM

joecarter861 reads

Not only did he grossly overpay - I can name 10 lovely ladies off the top of my head who ask a fraction of what he paid and provide as mind-blowing and experience as it gets.  He then left a paper-trail (on a government credit card no less) and got found out - you'd think the extra money paid at least for discretion

What a colossally stupid and arrogant asshole - yet another example of the type of dimwit leaders the unwashed masses (baaah, sheep noises) elect.  Little wonder we are in the process of fucking up a great country.

Life is hard, being stupid makes it a lot harder.

Zangari1021 reads

Posted By: joecarter
He then left a paper-trail (on a government credit card no less) and got found out --snip--
 Spitzer did not use a govt credit card for hookers.   He used his own money, sending electronic transfers to a shell company that was a front for his escort service.  His bank reported the suspicious transactions to the Treasury Dept.  

 When Spitzer was the New York AG, he aggressively prosecuted Wall Street firms for fraud, including AIG, Bear Stearns, etc.  Spitzer was prescient about how dangerous these companies were--their outright criminal activity would eventually lead to the 2008 financial crash.  

 Fucking hookers may be a moral failing but it has *nothing* to do with your job.  Any monger on this board should know that.  --z

The tea party may be stupid, but they did ID the community organizer as a clueless empty-suit, profoundly dishonest, inept pussy who is bitch slapped around the globe by KGB agents and baby-boy dictators alike.  Also, his cleaner Holder has had no significant prosecutions of wall-street in 6 years - I guess that they are clean!.  Holder is too busy providing arms to narco-terrorists and ensuring that none of the scandals stick to Barry (Fast and Furious, VA IRS, NSA, Beghazi, Obamacare, explosion of food stamp and welfare recipients, the children crossing the border . . .  I know I missed a bunch).  I keep wondering if he is ever going to run out of things to fuck-up.
Anyone with a brain (and is honest!) knows the core of the recession was red-lining, the gubment forcing "racist" lenders to loan money to abysmally bad credit risks.  2 years before the crash, Bush tried to fix Fannie but was blocked by dems (Barnie Frank) - or is this the part of the story you and your ilk conveniently forget

Zangari708 reads

Posted By: skirthound
the core of the recession was red-lining, the gubment forcing "racist" lenders to loan money to abysmally bad credit risks.  2 years before the crash, Bush tried to fix Fannie but was blocked by dems (Barnie Frank) --snip--
 Note the Fox News Thumbsucker Report above.  Regarding the 2008 Financial Crash: over 70% of the toxic loans/mortgages were held by private banks. I guess Hannity forgot to tell you that. A few years prior to the crash, the Bush Administration deregulated the financial industry, eliminating required liquidity ratios. Then the housing bubble burst, leading to the domino collapse of the banking industry.    Just keep blaming gay Barney Frank & 'gubment' (your term) if it makes you feel better.  And the rest of your post is a typical laundry list of right-wing hillbilly lunacy.  --

classic lib - when facts fail, they either make stuff up or lie.  they then get all snarky and begin to name call (hillbilly, lunacy, Hannity, thumsucker . . .geez, you got a lot in in a short post)   so utterly and sadly predictable.
the more you tell the truth about stuff, the more hysterical and nasty they get.
I would be grumpy too if my core ideology has once again proven to be a failure, as it has been throughout history - and that failure delivered in spectacular fashion by their messiah.  it's ok, he screwed the loser class who voted for him the most - delicious.
so sad

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 9:00:26 PM

Zangari887 reads

Posted By: skirthound
classic lib - when facts fail, they either make stuff up or lie.  
 When a crackpot is presented with actual facts, see the result above.  Your previous post contained zero 'facts'.  It lacked even one coherent paragraph.  It was a mere litany of reactionary paranoia combined with simple-minded idiocy.  

 From the Financial Crisis Commission Report: "We conclude widespread failures in financial regulation and supervision proved devastating to the stability of the nation’s financial markets. The sentries were not at their posts, in no small part due to the widely accepted faith in the self-correcting nature of the markets and the ability of financial institutions to effectively police themselves."  

 Elliot Spitzer knew the above years before the crash.  He was way ahead of the curve & tried to do something about it.  That's called leadership.  --

kazz912 reads

got caught using an agency that was listed online . So if the governor of New York can't penetrate the SUPER SECRET SOCIETY OF UNDERGROUND WHOREMONGERS what hope do the rest of us have :) .
  But honestly like what's already been said on this board there are UTR's you can find by referral . When I lived in LA from time to time certain business associates would offer to refer me to certain UTR's most of them where B and C level actresses or models with some name value . I never took them up on it because they where ridiculously expensive . Your basically paying for bragging rights and ego validation .
  I believe in the law of diminishing returns at a certain point I don't believe the woman Warren Buffet can afford aren't all that better looking are cultured then woman you are I can afford once you reach a certain price point and I certainly don't think there magically better in bed .  
  They maybe better at marketing themselves or your just paying for the cache of knowing you slept with someone you saw on TV .

How would you know?

Posted By: kazz
   got caught using an agency that was listed online . So if the governor of New York can't penetrate the SUPER SECRET SOCIETY OF UNDERGROUND WHOREMONGERS what hope do the rest of us have :) .  
   But honestly like what's already been said on this board there are UTR's you can find by referral . When I lived in LA from time to time certain business associates would offer to refer me to certain UTR's most of them where B and C level actresses or models with some name value . I never took them up on it because they where ridiculously expensive . Your basically paying for bragging rights and ego validation .  
   I believe in the law of diminishing returns at a certain point I don't believe the woman Warren Buffet can afford aren't all that better looking are cultured then woman you are I can afford once you reach a certain price point and I certainly don't think there magically better in bed .  
   They maybe better at marketing themselves or your just paying for the cache of knowing you slept with someone you saw on TV .

kazz1183 reads

It was joke based on the fact he got busted using an online agency like every one else even if it was a high priced one . Maybe if he would've stuck to UTR providers he'd still be in the governor's mansion right now .

Oh. I was just confused seeing as how you'd never taken your friends up on their offer of UTR girls to you. That's all.  

Posted By: kazz
 It was joke based on the fact he got busted using an online agency like every one else even if it was a high priced one . Maybe if he would've stuck to UTR providers he'd still be in the governor's mansion right now .
-- Modified on 10/24/2014 1:38:01 PM

Zangari1011 reads

Posted By: kazz
    Elliot Spitzer ... got caught using an agency that was listed online . So if the governor of New York can't penetrate the SUPER SECRET SOCIETY OF UNDERGROUND WHOREMONGERS what hope do the rest of us have :) When I lived in LA from time to time certain business associates would offer to refer me to certain UTR's most of them where B and C level actresses or models with some name value --snip--
 If you want to fuck the A-list of Hollywood actresses, I've got their numbers.  Oh wait, I lost my little black book.  Nevermind.  --

Skyfyre1113 reads

Bingo. All that extra money really is to pay for better and more expensive lipstick on the pig! LOL.

Not that I'm comparing all ladies to pigs...

They belong to a circle of girlfriends who rotate among those Uber wealthy guys.. Instagram has made them even more popular, they can post pictures and even include their "booking info" on their profile.. Typically you will see them in Dubai or St. Tropez...but in Dubai it may be a bit unsafe for them...There was an article about the Cannes film festival where actresses and socialites charge tons of money to the rich guys going there.. I guess it is just an underground world..

!_!846 reads

I own her and she knows it. The girl simply can't get enough of me. LUL

Then a total eclipse changed everything.

But she just caved in to ad hominem yesterday....so I own her once again  LOL

Posted By: !_!
I own her and she knows it. The girl simply can't get enough of me. LULZ  

!_!832 reads

You had it easy though, the other day she threatened to beat me up. LULZ

Posted By: MintyFreshness
I am curious if there is a "dark pool" of talent for the very wealthy.  Or are they cruising TER like the rest of us?  
 If I had to guess, I would say that there has to be a hidden network of providers and agencies that cater to these customers.  To access it, you have to be recommended or referred by someone who is already "in the know".  No hourly rates.  Guaranteed std free.  Discretion goes without saying.      
 What have you heard or what do you think?

For $250,000 I'll show you the secret handshake.

I paid a woman 200k for a year of her service. I also put her up in a manhattan apt as part of the deal...

What did she do for me?

Well besides be my GF for the year she helped me close a ton of business. I would venture to say she closed close to 8 figures of business for me. She was arm candy and knew how to make my clients and their wives super happy! It was her intelligence and beauty. We used to joke she was on full scholarship!

She finished her ivy league masters and is a board level gal.

She knew other women who had similar deals, but this was the boom time on Wall Street!  

My life is so removed from those days... I would have no idea how to even pull off something like that again!

So to answer your question... she was not on TER and there was a hidden network that you had to be invited to... and in my case make a deal of a lifetime!

Business Deduction:  Whore.......200,000.00

USA and European beauties shipped over for extended stays in oil sheik harems at exorbitant fees.  Something about they had to undergo medicals to show they were squeaky clean and then be used in various degrading ways.

Absolutely and all you will have to do is to hit on the various Twitter and Instagram "models" with you indecent proposal (of course when you get hold of their personal info) There are many super-wealthy people, specially from the Persian Gulf countries who fly these girls to join them on their yachts, whether in So. France, Mediterranean regions or Dubai... The evidence is right there in front of your eyes as there are many catalog models, 2nd tier PB Mansion Bunnies and fitness girls who do not seem to have a steady well-paying job but post pics om their IG account jetsetting around the World and living it high on the hog! Some even have sugardaddies and also play the escort field through the SD/SB connection.

their lobbyists make the payments for them

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