TER General Board

Love may be too strong a word...
OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 303 reads

You are correct, we like to see reviews. Since we hobbyists do not know one another, the reviews serve as your references to us.

One small factoid: I no longer bother reading the "juicy details". If the first part does not tell me what I need ("good enough to repeat") I move on.

I'm currently researching the online escort industry in another country that supports is sex workers so much that the country's official government website has tips on successfully marketing and booking a date!  They've gone well beyond the USA limits of tips on successfully getting into college and extend their support to a once frowned upon lifestyle. Equal Rights indeed.

My thoughts were that there was no way I'd figure out how to determine the legitimacy of various websites or providers I found online. I faced 3 barriers 1) all of the google results were in another language, 2) they use different terminology and 3) it was legal - even on the street - so online wouldn't really play as strong of a role in the biz.  

Luckily I managed to knock those first 2 barriers down and there opened the golden gates to all of the information I need. Much more than I expected!

As I began to dissect what I'd found and held the bill to the light to see if its real, I couldn't help but notice that despite the hobby in that country not only being legal, but supported, a proud man made sure to announce that a lady was receiving his 100th review. He received many cheers for this accomplishment and men from other countries said they'd be sure to refer to him when looking for a girl when they traveled to the area.  

That said, its just one more example that reviews to some hobbyists holds true value. It goes beyond making sure the lady is legit and won't get you locked up or hit over the head with a bottle or ruin your life.  It means something more to *some* gents.  

I have to be honest - until I had to start from scratch all over again with research to tease my brain, I'd lost appreciation for that type of hobbyist that is now restored.

Anywho, just thought that someone out there might find this interesting. Am I sharing something that we didn't already know? Nope! Nevertheless, its interesting and I thank you all for making what I do for a living universal no matter what the laws and restrictions are, lol. I'm sure that men searching for intimacy globally appreciate it even more.  

Maybe its time for some sort've Global Directory of elite hobbyists that work together to point men in the right direction no matter where they are from. Maybe I should just shut up. I'm rambling because I'm tired. Good Night :)

You are correct, we like to see reviews. Since we hobbyists do not know one another, the reviews serve as your references to us.

One small factoid: I no longer bother reading the "juicy details". If the first part does not tell me what I need ("good enough to repeat") I move on.

I want to apply for citizenship there.

Restaurants being legal and readily available to suit every budget and taste hasn't stopped people from writing reviews on Yelp.

That's been done to death.
As to why some guys love to review and like to achieve big numbers, it's not just about free VIP.  I think they become more like notches on a belt or a self-dsignated way to think you're among some sort of elite group of whoremongers.  Or for credibility on the boards.
There was one guy here for years (since arrested and can't be named) who had over 1,000 reviews. To me, that smacks of being obsessive. I always wondered how he had enough time to do anything besides eat, sleep, fuck and write reviews. But lots of guys have more than 100.  Others don't want their board handle associated with any reviews for a variety of reasons. They either don't review at all or review under an alias. Despite my nearly 60, I kind of sympathize with them and might do it that way if I was just starting out.

Hi  Inicky *waves* :)

The notches on the belt are exactly what I was talking about, lol. I used to think it was all about the ego, but for the first time in a long time I thought of someone who was proud of their notches (credibility) as, well, a hero. When you're diving into completely unknown territory and searching for something that you know exists, but have no clue what is reliable....someone like that is usually your first step to getting your hands dirty.  

I tell you what, the guys that only had 1 review were the biggest teases in the world. I'd find a girl, I'd sense that she was real, but needed confirmation. Then find a million different websites with only one review by one guy -_-. Their review world isn't as luxurious and organized as ours. Yet it is developing and the "master review" site did boast of being around for 5 months and had a banner celebrating how many visits they had to date. Keep in mind this country is still using angelfire-ish style websites. The cookie cutter web design that we get tired of seeing here is ELITE there.  

My goals were to find a provider to follow and eventually network with if possible. Of course, I wanted her to be real, in the online world that is our #1 concern before we even send our first hello. It was the men who reviewed heavier than average and me understanding the culture of online escorts that got me to the real info that I needed.

I completely remember Mr. "1000+ reviews who got arrested." That was crazy to me even before the arrest. And I really hope this doesn't turn into a thread on the pros and cons of TER. Stuff like that is why I'd stopped posting for a few years. Nothing like a convo getting off topic!

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